Материалдар / Ашық сабақ Talking about school life 5 сынып
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Ашық сабақ Talking about school life 5 сынып

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1 слайд

about, Talking, life, school

2 слайд
about, Talking, life, school

3 слайд

4 слайд

Hello! My name’s Harry Potter. I’m from London. I’m eleven. I have no parents, but I have two good friends.

5 слайд
Hello! My name’s Harry Potter. I’m from London. I’m eleven. I have no parents, but I have two good friends. We go to Hogwarts School. It’s big and old. We learn magic there. Our school uniform is black. We have three holidays: Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays. I love playing Quidditch with my friends and flying on my broom. People say I’m friendly, kind, funny and brave. But I think I’m a normal boy who loves adventures. A letter from Harry Potter

Checking up answers 1. Where’s he from? – London. 2. How old is he? – 11. 3. How many friends just does he have? – 2. 4. What

6 слайд
Checking up answers 1. Where’s he from? – London. 2. How old is he? – 11. 3. How many friends just does he have? – 2. 4. What school does he go to? – To Hogwarts School. 5. What subject does he learn at school? – Magic. 6. What colour is his uniform? – Black. 7. How many holidays does he have? – 3. 8. What are his hobbies? – Playing Quidditch and flying on the broom. 9. What are his main characteristics? – Friendly, kind, funny and brave.

Good Not bad Bad

7 слайд
Good Not bad Bad

Magic Hat

8 слайд
Magic Hat

We are strong when we are united, we are weak when we are divided

9 слайд
We are strong when we are united, we are weak when we are divided

What things can you see in Harry Potter’s classrooms? a magic hat a magic ball glassesan owl a magic stick a broom a mouse a sp

10 слайд
What things can you see in Harry Potter’s classrooms? a magic hat a magic ball glassesan owl a magic stick a broom a mouse a spider portions a magic book a gown

School subjects Transfiguration Divination Potions Herbology Flying

11 слайд
School subjects Transfiguration Divination Potions Herbology Flying

Is Harry Potter a good student? Are you a good student?

12 слайд
Is Harry Potter a good student? Are you a good student?

Your teacher can open the door, but you enter by yourself !

13 слайд
Your teacher can open the door, but you enter by yourself !

14 слайд

Hogwarts Clubs Chess Club Reading Club Broom Club Rat Race Club Drawing Club1 2 5 4 3

15 слайд
Hogwarts Clubs Chess Club Reading Club Broom Club Rat Race Club Drawing Club1 2 5 4 3

Draco Malfoy Friendly, cruel, non-athletic, curious, rude, loving, responsible, polite, impolite, intelligent, athletic, angr

16 слайд
Draco Malfoy Friendly, cruel, non-athletic, curious, rude, loving, responsible, polite, impolite, intelligent, athletic, angry, unfriendly, good, bad, kind, strong, brave, clever Harry Potter

Say pleasant words to each other friendly strong loving smart athletic intel

17 слайд
Say pleasant words to each other friendly strong loving smart athletic intelligent responsible funny brave kind pretty You are …

A poem from friends How can you smile without I How can you be fine without I How can you wish without I How can you be friend w

18 слайд
A poem from friends How can you smile without I How can you be fine without I How can you wish without I How can you be friend without I I’m very important But this I can never achieve success Without You!

Homework School Album

19 слайд
Homework School Album

Cinquain 1 Title 2 Two adjectives 3 Three verbs 4 Sentence from four words 5 Conclusion (noun) 1 Harry Potter 2 Brave,

20 слайд
Cinquain 1 Title 2 Two adjectives 3 Three verbs 4 Sentence from four words 5 Conclusion (noun) 1 Harry Potter 2 Brave, kind 3 Learn, fly, help 4 Magic can make wonders 5 Magician

questions GREAT BAD BORING SO-SO Did you like the theme of the lesson? Did you enjoy yourselves? Did you work hard? Di

21 слайд
questions GREAT BAD BORING SO-SO Did you like the theme of the lesson? Did you enjoy yourselves? Did you work hard? Did you like to work in groups? Did you get useful information? Do you like English? Reflection

22 слайд