Материалдар / Basic principles of lesson planning

Basic principles of lesson planning

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Being clear on what you want to teach. Being ready to cope with whatever happens. Give your teaching a framework, an overall shape. A reminder for the teacher when they get distracted. It suggests a level of professionalism and real commitment
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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
Basic principles of lesson planning.

1 слайд
Basic principles of lesson planning.

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Basic principles of lesson planning.

Being clear on what you want to teach. Being ready to cope with whatever happens. Give your teaching a framework, an overall sha

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Being clear on what you want to teach. Being ready to cope with whatever happens. Give your teaching a framework, an overall shape. A reminder for the teacher when they get distracted. It suggests a level of professionalism and real commitmentWHY IS LESSON PLANNING IMPORTANT? 1 2 3 4 5

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Being clear on what you want to teach. Being ready to cope with whatever happens. Give your teaching a framework, an overall shape. A reminder for the teacher when they get distracted. It suggests a level of professionalism and real commitmentWHY IS LESSON PLANNING IMPORTANT? 1 2 3 4 5

HOW IS LESSON PLANNING IMPORTANT FOR THE TEACHER AND THE LEARNERS? For the teacher For the learner  They don’t have to thi

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HOW IS LESSON PLANNING IMPORTANT FOR THE TEACHER AND THE LEARNERS? For the teacher For the learner  They don’t have to think on their feet  They don’t lose face in front of their learners.  They are clear on the procedure to follow.  They realize that the teacher cares for their learning  They attend a structured lesson: easier to assimilate  They appreciate their teaching and prepare teacher’s work as a model of well-organized work to imitate.

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HOW IS LESSON PLANNING IMPORTANT FOR THE TEACHER AND THE LEARNERS? For the teacher For the learner  They don’t have to think on their feet  They don’t lose face in front of their learners.  They are clear on the procedure to follow.  They realize that the teacher cares for their learning  They attend a structured lesson: easier to assimilate  They appreciate their teaching and prepare teacher’s work as a model of well-organized work to imitate.

Basic principles of good lesson planning are: coherence, challenge and flexibility. Observe a logical pattern to the lesson:

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Basic principles of good lesson planning are: coherence, challenge and flexibility. Observe a logical pattern to the lesson: there has to be connection between the different activities in the lesson. An activity in a lesson builds on a previous one and prepares for the next. COHERENCE CHALLENGE The new lesson should add to that knowledge without excess. The lesson that does not challenge is a lesson that does not motivate. FLEXIBILITY Two dimensions: a- ability to use a number of different techniques and not be a slave to one methodology — Principled eclecticism. b- ability to change the plan if it shows in appropriacy to the classroom real situation for one reason or the other.

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Basic principles of good lesson planning are: coherence, challenge and flexibility. Observe a logical pattern to the lesson: there has to be connection between the different activities in the lesson. An activity in a lesson builds on a previous one and prepares for the next. COHERENCE CHALLENGE The new lesson should add to that knowledge without excess. The lesson that does not challenge is a lesson that does not motivate. FLEXIBILITY Two dimensions: a- ability to use a number of different techniques and not be a slave to one methodology — Principled eclecticism. b- ability to change the plan if it shows in appropriacy to the classroom real situation for one reason or the other.

 Objectives set out to be achieved.  Prior knowledge of learners.  Materials and didactic auxiliaries to be used.

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 Objectives set out to be achieved.  Prior knowledge of learners.  Materials and didactic auxiliaries to be used.  Tasks and activities to select and stts’grouping patterns.  Interaction modes.  Timing and time managementWHAT DO YOU TAKE INTO ACCOUNT WHEN YOU DESIGN A LESSON PLAN? ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

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 Objectives set out to be achieved.  Prior knowledge of learners.  Materials and didactic auxiliaries to be used.  Tasks and activities to select and stts’grouping patterns.  Interaction modes.  Timing and time managementWHAT DO YOU TAKE INTO ACCOUNT WHEN YOU DESIGN A LESSON PLAN? ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

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