Материалдар / Effective use of interactive methods in professional methods
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Effective use of interactive methods in professional methods

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Effective use of interactive methods in professional education

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Effective use of interactive methods in professional education

 Competence is the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practical, theoretical and practical issues in ev

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   Competence is the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practical, theoretical and practical issues in everyday life. Competence -

 We call learning and education "interactive" if the lesson achieves a high level of interaction between the t

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 We call learning and education "interactive" if the lesson achieves a high level of interaction between the teacher and the student. Interactive word-translated from English means inter- intermediate, several, action-action. Interaction, as a rule, takes place in the form of discussion, talk about the effectiveness of the solution.An interactive method is a method that identifies the interaction of trainee and learners and provides the basis for learning.

• builds self-confidence • improving oratory • it helps to understand the essence of knowledge (that is, sometimes it is not an

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• builds self-confidence • improving oratory • it helps to understand the essence of knowledge (that is, sometimes it is not an absolute reality) • develops critical thinking skills • increased awareness of the right to an opinionThe purpose of learning on an interactive basis is not to know, but to learn

In interactive learning, learners should be prepared to do the following: - joint work; - cognitive, communicati ve, so

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In interactive learning, learners should be prepared to do the following: - joint work; - cognitive, communicati ve, socially active.

Types of work and actions of interactive methods: joint work (pair, group, collective ) work with different sources of in

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Types of work and actions of interactive methods: joint work (pair, group, collective ) work with different sources of information (books, lectures, internet, documents, museums, etc.). role and business games, debates , -related and business games, debates, presentations trainings

 1. General provisions with the teacher (when students answer the question of the teacher));  2. Other students (in pr

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 1. General provisions with the teacher (when students answer the question of the teacher));  2. Other students (in progress Ostalep)  3. Small groups (3-5);  4. With a large group of students (most often in the process of discussion, discussion of any issues, both classroom and classroom);  5. With a group of students and the population (the group conducts a sociological survey);  6. With some types of equipment (for example, with a computer);The interactive methodology covers a wide range of relationships. However, whatever the methodological approach, is the main source of education of their own life practices of students. The following relations are present in the educational process: