Материалдар / Extreme adjectives

Extreme adjectives

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English. 9 grade Extreme adjectives Smaiylkyzy Aidana

1 слайд
English. 9 grade Extreme adjectives Smaiylkyzy Aidana

1 слайд

English. 9 grade Extreme adjectives Smaiylkyzy Aidana

In today’s lesson: Revise previous lesson; Know about extreme adjectives; Learn new vocabulary and do some exercises.

2 слайд
In today’s lesson: Revise previous lesson; Know about extreme adjectives; Learn new vocabulary and do some exercises.

2 слайд

In today’s lesson: Revise previous lesson; Know about extreme adjectives; Learn new vocabulary and do some exercises.

Present Perfect + for and since. Decide whether to use « since » or « for » . 1.I have been waiting ____ 4 o'clock. 2.Sue ha

3 слайд
Present Perfect + for and since. Decide whether to use « since » or « for » . 1.I have been waiting ____  4 o'clock. 2.Sue has only been waiting _____  20 minutes. 3.Tim and Tina have been learning English ______  six years. 4.Fred and Maria have been learning French _____ 1998. 5. I haven't been on holiday ____  last July.

3 слайд

Present Perfect + for and since. Decide whether to use « since » or « for » . 1.I have been waiting ____  4 o'clock. 2.Sue has only been waiting _____  20 minutes. 3.Tim and Tina have been learning English ______  six years. 4.Fred and Maria have been learning French _____ 1998. 5. I haven't been on holiday ____  last July.

Let’s check 1.I have been waiting since 4 o'clock. 2.Sue has only been waiting for 20 minutes. 3.Tim and Tina have been le

4 слайд
Let’s check 1.I have been waiting since   4 o'clock. 2.Sue has only been waiting for   20 minutes. 3.Tim and Tina have been learning English for  six years. 4.Fred and Maria have been learning French since  1998. 5. I haven't been on holiday  since  last July. 6. I've known Karen since 1994.

4 слайд

Let’s check 1.I have been waiting since   4 o'clock. 2.Sue has only been waiting for   20 minutes. 3.Tim and Tina have been learning English for  six years. 4.Fred and Maria have been learning French since  1998. 5. I haven't been on holiday  since  last July. 6. I've known Karen since 1994.

What is extreme adjective?

5 слайд
What is extreme adjective?

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What is extreme adjective?

Very angry - furious Very funny - delighted Very happy - hilarious Very bad - awful

6 слайд
Very angry - furious Very funny - delighted Very happy - hilarious Very bad - awful

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Very angry - furious Very funny - delighted Very happy - hilarious Very bad - awful

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7 слайд

Extreme adjectives very – really – absolutely + adjective We can use “absolutely” with a strong or extreme adje

8 слайд
Extreme adjectives very – really – absolutely + adjective We can use “absolutely” with a strong or extreme adjective e.g “absolutely fantastic .” We can only use “very” with a base adjective e.g “very good.” “ very fantastic” or “absolutely good” are wrong. However we can use really with both normal and extreme adjectives.

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Extreme adjectives very – really – absolutely + adjective We can use “absolutely” with a strong or extreme adjective e.g “absolutely fantastic .” We can only use “very” with a base adjective e.g “very good.” “ very fantastic” or “absolutely good” are wrong. However we can use really with both normal and extreme adjectives.

Match normal adjective with an extreme adjective tired big cold hungry furious gigantic dirty boiling fantastic tinyexhaustedol

9 слайд
Match normal adjective with an extreme adjective tired big cold hungry furious gigantic dirty boiling fantastic tinyexhaustedold hilarious hotangrygood small funny filthy ancient freezingstarving

9 слайд

Match normal adjective with an extreme adjective tired big cold hungry furious gigantic dirty boiling fantastic tinyexhaustedold hilarious hotangrygood small funny filthy ancient freezingstarving

Normal adjectives Tired Good Dirty Small Angry Hot Cold Funny Old Big Hungry Extreme adjectives Exhausted Fantastic Filthy Tiny

10 слайд
Normal adjectives Tired Good Dirty Small Angry Hot Cold Funny Old Big Hungry Extreme adjectives Exhausted Fantastic Filthy Tiny Furious Boiling Freezing Hilarious Ancient Gigantic Starving

10 слайд

Normal adjectives Tired Good Dirty Small Angry Hot Cold Funny Old Big Hungry Extreme adjectives Exhausted Fantastic Filthy Tiny Furious Boiling Freezing Hilarious Ancient Gigantic Starving

Mingling cards For example: Were you tired after the exam? Tired? I was exhausted. 1. That chocolate dessert was good, wasn’t

11 слайд
Mingling cards For example: Were you tired after the exam? Tired? I was exhausted. 1. That chocolate dessert was good, wasn’t it? Good? It was _______ 2. Our hotel room sure was dirty? Dirty ? __________ 3. Are the Pyramids in Egypt old? Old? They are ______ 4.Did you think that Eddie Murphy movie was funny? Funny? __________ 5. The feet of that basketball players are big, aren’t they? Big? ________ 6. This piece of pizza is really small, isn’t it? Small ? ______ 7. Was your boss angry about the problems? Angry ? He was ________

11 слайд

Mingling cards For example: Were you tired after the exam? Tired? I was exhausted. 1. That chocolate dessert was good, wasn’t it? Good? It was _______ 2. Our hotel room sure was dirty? Dirty ? __________ 3. Are the Pyramids in Egypt old? Old? They are ______ 4.Did you think that Eddie Murphy movie was funny? Funny? __________ 5. The feet of that basketball players are big, aren’t they? Big? ________ 6. This piece of pizza is really small, isn’t it? Small ? ______ 7. Was your boss angry about the problems? Angry ? He was ________

Let’s check 1. That chocolate dessert was good, wasn’t it? Good? It was fantastic. 2. Our hotel room sure was dirty? Dirty ? It

12 слайд
Let’s check 1. That chocolate dessert was good, wasn’t it? Good? It was fantastic. 2. Our hotel room sure was dirty? Dirty ? It was filthy. 3. Are the Pyramids in Egypt old? Old? They are ancient. 4. Did you think that Eddie Murphy movie was funny? Funny? It was hilarious. 5. The feet of that basketball players are big, aren’t they? Big? They are gigantic. 6. This piece of pizza is really small, isn’t it? Small ? It is tiny. 7. Was your boss angry about the problems? Angry ? He was furious.

12 слайд

Let’s check 1. That chocolate dessert was good, wasn’t it? Good? It was fantastic. 2. Our hotel room sure was dirty? Dirty ? It was filthy. 3. Are the Pyramids in Egypt old? Old? They are ancient. 4. Did you think that Eddie Murphy movie was funny? Funny? It was hilarious. 5. The feet of that basketball players are big, aren’t they? Big? They are gigantic. 6. This piece of pizza is really small, isn’t it? Small ? It is tiny. 7. Was your boss angry about the problems? Angry ? He was furious.

13 слайд

13 слайд

Let’s check together 1.Very hot – absolutely boiling 2.Very crowded – absolutely packed 3.Very big – absolutely huge 4.Very sca

14 слайд
Let’s check together 1.Very hot – absolutely boiling 2.Very crowded – absolutely packed 3.Very big – absolutely huge 4.Very scared – absolutely terrified 5.Very hungry – absolutely starved 6. Very cold – freezing 7.Very bad – Awful 8. Very angry – Furious 9. Very tired – Exhausted 10. Very good – Wonderful

14 слайд

Let’s check together 1.Very hot – absolutely boiling 2.Very crowded – absolutely packed 3.Very big – absolutely huge 4.Very scared – absolutely terrified 5.Very hungry – absolutely starved 6. Very cold – freezing 7.Very bad – Awful 8. Very angry – Furious 9. Very tired – Exhausted 10. Very good – Wonderful

In today’s lesson we: - revised previous lesson; - knew about extreme adjectives; - enlarged vocabulary and did exercises.

15 слайд
In today’s lesson we: - revised previous lesson; - knew about extreme adjectives; - enlarged vocabulary and did exercises.

15 слайд

In today’s lesson we: - revised previous lesson; - knew about extreme adjectives; - enlarged vocabulary and did exercises.

Evaluate your success. ExcellentGood Not bad

16 слайд
Evaluate your success. ExcellentGood Not bad

16 слайд

Evaluate your success. ExcellentGood Not bad

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