Материалдар / Fashion in the 1960-1990s
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Fashion in the 1960-1990s

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Fashion in the 1960-1990s

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Fashion in the 1960-1990s

1960’s fashion • 60’s fashion is very characteristic and definable • There were a variety of sub-cultural trends including:

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1960’s fashion • 60’s fashion is very characteristic and definable • There were a variety of sub-cultural trends including: • Hippies • Mod’s (Modern chic) • Biba • 60s fashion center based around London rather than Paris

1970’s fashion • 70’s was a very fun time period for fashion • Colors ran the full spectrum. Jewel tones in fall/winter, past

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1970’s fashion • 70’s was a very fun time period for fashion • Colors ran the full spectrum. Jewel tones in fall/winter, pastels, and white in summer • The main trends : • bell bottom pants • platform shoes • wrap dresses • A-line skirts

1980’s fashion • 80’s fashion tended to be rebellious, colourful, and crazy. People used fashion to express themselves • It

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1980’s fashion • 80’s fashion tended to be rebellious, colourful, and crazy. People used fashion to express themselves • It was largely influenced by popular entertainers, television shows and movies of the time • The main trends: • shoulder pads • mini skirts • balloon skirts • stretch-stirrup pants

1990’s fashion • 90’s fashion was more subtle than 80’s fashion. It borrows fashions from 60’s and 70’s especially including

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1990’s fashion • 90’s fashion was more subtle than 80’s fashion. It borrows fashions from 60’s and 70’s especially including platform, bell-bottoms trend. • Grunge and minimalism were the main trends of the decade • crop tops • wind pants • straight-leg jeans • flared jeans