Аттестацияда (ПББ) келетін
тестке дайындалыңыз!
Ұлттық тестілеу орталығының тақырыптары бойынша жасалған


Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Оқушыларға, ұстаздарға арналған шет тілі пәнінен фразалық етістіктер туралы нақты түсіндірме болып табылады.
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
31 Қазан 2022
0 рет жүктелген
578 ₸ 770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 25% жеңілдік
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады
Материал жариялап тегін
сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!

1 слайд

1 слайд

Presenters Aiman Bayan Zhansaya Asem Merei The theme of the lesson

2 слайд
Presenters Aiman Bayan Zhansaya Asem Merei The theme of the lesson

2 слайд

Presenters Aiman Bayan Zhansaya Asem Merei The theme of the lesson

3 слайд

3 слайд

Each student has to pick a random M&M and should talk something about 30 seconds. The topic depends on the color of M&M.

4 слайд
Each student has to pick a random M&M and should talk something about 30 seconds. The topic depends on the color of M&M. If the student can talk fluent about 30 second he/she can eat M&M, if not then can’t eat. https://sekundomer.net/

4 слайд

Each student has to pick a random M&M and should talk something about 30 seconds. The topic depends on the color of M&M. If the student can talk fluent about 30 second he/she can eat M&M, if not then can’t eat. https://sekundomer.net/


5 слайд

5 слайд


6 слайд

6 слайд

Group Assessment You are granted 5 pears If you make a mistake during the lesson with the group, your contestants will take

7 слайд
Group Assessment You are granted 5 pears If you make a mistake during the lesson with the group, your contestants will take away by one pear.

7 слайд

Group Assessment You are granted 5 pears If you make a mistake during the lesson with the group, your contestants will take away by one pear.

Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment Name: ______________________________ № Tasks High score Average Low Students score

8 слайд
Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment   Name: ______________________________ № Tasks   High  score Average Low Students   score 1 Pre-reading task - Matching 8 5 2   2 While reading task – Filling the gaps   8 5 2    3 Post reading – 3-2-1   3 2 1    4 Random wheel 3 2 1 5 Two truth & one lie 3 2 1     Total   25   17   8     Scores 10-9-8 7-6 5-4  

8 слайд

Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment   Name: ______________________________ № Tasks   High  score Average Low Students   score 1 Pre-reading task - Matching 8 5 2   2 While reading task – Filling the gaps   8 5 2    3 Post reading – 3-2-1   3 2 1    4 Random wheel 3 2 1 5 Two truth & one lie 3 2 1     Total   25   17   8     Scores 10-9-8 7-6 5-4  

9 слайд

9 слайд

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqGD2cVfLv0&t=1s

10 слайд
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqGD2cVfLv0&t=1s

10 слайд

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqGD2cVfLv0&t=1s

Practice - Pre-READING TASK: Descriptor Work in group Match the definitions of the phrasal verbs Follow the example START! ma

11 слайд
Practice - Pre-READING TASK: Descriptor Work in group Match the definitions of the phrasal verbs Follow the example START! make up create,   to  invent calm  down create,  to   invent calm  down create,  to   invent calm  down create,  to   invent FINISH!

11 слайд

Practice - Pre-READING TASK: Descriptor Work in group Match the definitions of the phrasal verbs Follow the example START! make up create,   to  invent calm  down create,  to   invent calm  down create,  to   invent calm  down create,  to   invent FINISH!

Group Assessment You are granted 5 pears If you make a mistake during the lesson with the group, your contestants will take

12 слайд
Group Assessment You are granted 5 pears If you make a mistake during the lesson with the group, your contestants will take away by one pear.

12 слайд

Group Assessment You are granted 5 pears If you make a mistake during the lesson with the group, your contestants will take away by one pear.

Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment Name: ______________________________ № Tasks High score Average Low Students score

13 слайд
Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment   Name: ______________________________ № Tasks   High  score Average Low Students   score 1 Pre-reading task - Matching 8 5 2   2 While reading task – Filling the gaps   8 5 2    3 Post reading – 3-2-1   3 2 1    4 Random wheel 3 2 1 5 Two truth & one lie 3 2 1     Total   25   17   8     Scores 10-9-8 7-6 5-4  

13 слайд

Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment   Name: ______________________________ № Tasks   High  score Average Low Students   score 1 Pre-reading task - Matching 8 5 2   2 While reading task – Filling the gaps   8 5 2    3 Post reading – 3-2-1   3 2 1    4 Random wheel 3 2 1 5 Two truth & one lie 3 2 1     Total   25   17   8     Scores 10-9-8 7-6 5-4  

14 слайд

14 слайд

While-reading task. Descriptor Read and discus the text Complete each sentence with a preposition 1. We will look ___ these pro

15 слайд
While-reading task. Descriptor Read and discus the text Complete each sentence with a preposition 1. We will look ___ these problems. 2. It's a family recipe passed ____ from my great-grandmother. 3. If you don't stand up and demand a change, he'll keep ___ doing it. 4. I don't know who the twenty-first president of the United States was, but it should be very easy to find ____. 5. He was a great storyteller and could make ___ a story on the spot. 6. Calm ____ before you hurt somebody. 7. I realize that he hasn’t come _____any new ideas, but by the same token we haven’t needed any. 8. A cow gets ____when she sees red.

15 слайд

While-reading task. Descriptor Read and discus the text Complete each sentence with a preposition 1. We will look ___ these problems. 2. It's a family recipe passed ____ from my great-grandmother. 3. If you don't stand up and demand a change, he'll keep ___ doing it. 4. I don't know who the twenty-first president of the United States was, but it should be very easy to find ____. 5. He was a great storyteller and could make ___ a story on the spot. 6. Calm ____ before you hurt somebody. 7. I realize that he hasn’t come _____any new ideas, but by the same token we haven’t needed any. 8. A cow gets ____when she sees red.

Group Assessment You are granted 5 pears If you make a mistake during the lesson with the group, your contestants will take

16 слайд
Group Assessment You are granted 5 pears If you make a mistake during the lesson with the group, your contestants will take away by one pear.

16 слайд

Group Assessment You are granted 5 pears If you make a mistake during the lesson with the group, your contestants will take away by one pear.

Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment Name: ______________________________ № Tasks High score Average Low Students score

17 слайд
Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment   Name: ______________________________ № Tasks   High  score Average Low Students   score 1 Pre-reading task - Matching 8 5 2   2 While reading task – Filling the gaps   8 5 2    3 Post reading – 3-2-1   3 2 1    4 Random wheel 3 2 1 5 Two truth & one lie 3 2 1     Total   25   17   8     Scores 10-9-8 7-6 5-4  

17 слайд

Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment   Name: ______________________________ № Tasks   High  score Average Low Students   score 1 Pre-reading task - Matching 8 5 2   2 While reading task – Filling the gaps   8 5 2    3 Post reading – 3-2-1   3 2 1    4 Random wheel 3 2 1 5 Two truth & one lie 3 2 1     Total   25   17   8     Scores 10-9-8 7-6 5-4  

Each group is handed a sheet of paper and they should give the feedback what they understood or remembered fr

18 слайд
Each group is handed a sheet of paper and they should give the feedback what they understood or remembered from the text by writing 3 sentences then summarize this 3 sentences into 2 sentences and finally conclude by 1 word.

18 слайд

Each group is handed a sheet of paper and they should give the feedback what they understood or remembered from the text by writing 3 sentences then summarize this 3 sentences into 2 sentences and finally conclude by 1 word.

Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment Name: ______________________________ № Tasks High score Average Low Students score

19 слайд
Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment   Name: ______________________________ № Tasks   High  score Average Low Students   score 1 Pre-reading task - Matching 8 5 2   2 While reading task – Filling the gaps   8 5 2    3 Post reading – 3-2-1   3 2 1    4 Random wheel 3 2 1 5 Two truth & one lie 3 2 1     Total   25   17   8     Scores 10-9-8 7-6 5-4  

19 слайд

Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment   Name: ______________________________ № Tasks   High  score Average Low Students   score 1 Pre-reading task - Matching 8 5 2   2 While reading task – Filling the gaps   8 5 2    3 Post reading – 3-2-1   3 2 1    4 Random wheel 3 2 1 5 Two truth & one lie 3 2 1     Total   25   17   8     Scores 10-9-8 7-6 5-4  

• https://wordwall.net/resource/35033740/phrasal-verb-8

20 слайд
• https://wordwall.net/resource/35033740/phrasal-verb-8

20 слайд

• https://wordwall.net/resource/35033740/phrasal-verb-8

Two truth and one lie • Eating watermelon is passed down traditionally from generation to generation. • When I was

21 слайд
Two truth and one lie • Eating watermelon  is  passed  down  traditionally   from  generation  to  generation. • When  I was  young,  I always  made  up  rules  at   home. • I  still  keep  on  learning  English.

21 слайд

Two truth and one lie • Eating watermelon  is  passed  down  traditionally   from  generation  to  generation. • When  I was  young,  I always  made  up  rules  at   home. • I  still  keep  on  learning  English.

Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment Name: ______________________________ № Tasks High score Average Low Students score

22 слайд
Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment   Name: ______________________________ № Tasks   High  score Average Low Students   score 1 Pre-reading task - Matching 8 5 2   2 While reading task – Filling the gaps   8 5 2    3 Post reading – 3-2-1   3 2 1    4 Random wheel 3 2 1 5 Two truth & one lie 3 2 1     Total   25   17   8     Scores 10-9-8 7-6 5-4  

22 слайд

Evaluation sheet – Pair assessment   Name: ______________________________ № Tasks   High  score Average Low Students   score 1 Pre-reading task - Matching 8 5 2   2 While reading task – Filling the gaps   8 5 2    3 Post reading – 3-2-1   3 2 1    4 Random wheel 3 2 1 5 Two truth & one lie 3 2 1     Total   25   17   8     Scores 10-9-8 7-6 5-4  

23 слайд

23 слайд

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNSq6w9mP0o

24 слайд
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNSq6w9mP0o

24 слайд

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNSq6w9mP0o