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1 слайд

RULE Think outside the box.

2 слайд
RULE Think outside the box.

How do you spell candy with just two letters?

3 слайд
How do you spell candy with just two letters?

Answer c and y

4 слайд
Answer c and y

How can 5 minus 2 equal 4?

5 слайд
How can 5 minus 2 equal 4?

Answer IV FIVE take away two letters F and E which leaves IV which is 4 in Roman Numerals.

6 слайд
Answer IV FIVE take away two letters F and E which leaves IV which is 4 in Roman Numerals.

10/21/2023 copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.c om 8If the word MOM becomes WOW when you turn it upside down, what do you get wh

7 слайд
10/21/2023 copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.c om 8If the word MOM becomes WOW when you turn it upside down, what do you get when you spell it backwards?

Answer ti When you spell the word “it” backwards it becomes “ti”

8 слайд
Answer ti When you spell the word “it” backwards it becomes “ti”

How many numbers are there on a dice?

9 слайд
How many numbers are there on a dice?

Answer none There are only dots on a dice.

10 слайд
Answer none There are only dots on a dice.

A cat has three kittens: Daisy, Kittie and Gracie. What is the mother's name.

11 слайд
A cat has three kittens: Daisy, Kittie and Gracie. What is the mother's name.

10/21/2023 copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.c om 13Answer What It was a statement not a question.

12 слайд
10/21/2023 copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.c om 13Answer What It was a statement not a question.

What is in the center of Paris that can't be found in Washington or London?

13 слайд
What is in the center of Paris that can't be found in Washington or London?

Answer R The center of paRis is R.

14 слайд
Answer R The center of paRis is R.

What happened on the 31st of June 1945?

15 слайд
What happened on the 31st of June 1945?

Answer Nothing There are only 30 days in June.

16 слайд
Answer Nothing There are only 30 days in June.

If you throw a white hat with a blue ribbon into the Red Sea what does it become?

17 слайд
If you throw a white hat with a blue ribbon into the Red Sea what does it become?

Answer wet!

18 слайд
Answer wet!

How do you spell "hard water" using only 3 letters?

19 слайд
How do you spell "hard water" using only 3 letters?


20 слайд

S E Q U E N C _ What letter is needed to complete the word?

21 слайд
S E Q U E N C _ What letter is needed to complete the word?

Answer F Place an F on the _ to form an E.

22 слайд
Answer F Place an F on the _ to form an E.

10/21/2023 copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.c om 24The chicken or the egg? Which came first?

23 слайд
10/21/2023 copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.c om 24The chicken or the egg? Which came first?

Answer chicken It came first in the question.

24 слайд
Answer chicken It came first in the question.

What can you catch but cannot throw?

25 слайд
What can you catch but cannot throw?

Answer A cold.

26 слайд
Answer A cold.

Which is correct: Six and six IS eleven or six and six ARE eleven?

27 слайд
Which is correct: Six and six IS eleven or six and six ARE eleven?

Answer Neither – Six and Six is twelve.

28 слайд
Answer Neither – Six and Six is twelve.

What does this word mean? CITY

29 слайд
What does this word mean? CITY

Answer capital city

30 слайд
Answer capital city

What is one word in English that is always pronounced incorrectly?

31 слайд
What is one word in English that is always pronounced incorrectly?

Answer incorrectly

32 слайд
Answer incorrectly

A carrot tree grows 1.5 inches every day. How many days will it take to grow 150 inches?

33 слайд
A carrot tree grows 1.5 inches every day. How many days will it take to grow 150 inches?

Answer Carrots don’t grow on trees!

34 слайд
Answer Carrots don’t grow on trees!

What one word contains the most letters?

35 слайд
What one word contains the most letters?


36 слайд

There 10 horses, but only 9 stables. • You can’t make another stable • You can’t put 2 horses in one stable These are the stabl

37 слайд
There 10 horses, but only 9 stables. • You can’t make another stable • You can’t put 2 horses in one stable These are the stables: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

How can you solve this problem?

38 слайд
How can you solve this problem?

Answer [ t ] [ e ] [ n ] [ h ] [ o ] [ r ] [ s ] [ e ] [ s ]

39 слайд
Answer [ t ] [ e ] [ n ] [ h ] [ o ] [ r ] [ s ] [ e ] [ s ]