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Ғылыми жоба "Оқушылар арасында қолданылатын ағылшын кірме сөздері" 7 сынып

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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
SCIENTIFIC PROJECT: « ENGLISH-LANGUAGE LOANWORDS USED BY PUPILS » Done by: Akbota Kenzhebaikyzy 7 th grade Alga secondary sc

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SCIENTIFIC PROJECT: « ENGLISH-LANGUAGE LOANWORDS USED BY PUPILS » Done by: Akbota Kenzhebaikyzy 7 th grade Alga secondary school Makhambet region Leader: Akkurish Kuandykova English teacher

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SCIENTIFIC PROJECT: « ENGLISH-LANGUAGE LOANWORDS USED BY PUPILS » Done by: Akbota Kenzhebaikyzy 7 th grade Alga secondary school Makhambet region Leader: Akkurish Kuandykova English teacher

INTRODUCTION Today, a quarter of the world speaks English, and billions of people read it. New information

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INTRODUCTION   Today, a quarter of the world speaks English, and billions of people read it. New information technologies are presented at international conferences, all reports are in English, and international communication is in English.     Nowadays English is an international language, as we know. English loanwords are one of the ways of the development of language. It is determined that the English language is in great demand among young people.  

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INTRODUCTION   Today, a quarter of the world speaks English, and billions of people read it. New information technologies are presented at international conferences, all reports are in English, and international communication is in English.     Nowadays English is an international language, as we know. English loanwords are one of the ways of the development of language. It is determined that the English language is in great demand among young people.  

LOAN WORD:  Words adopted by speakers of one language from a different language ( the source language).  A loan word is also

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LOAN WORD:  Words adopted by speakers of one language from a different language ( the source language).  A loan word is also called as a “Borrowing”.  “ Loan words” actually neither get “transferred” or are “returned”!

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LOAN WORD:  Words adopted by speakers of one language from a different language ( the source language).  A loan word is also called as a “Borrowing”.  “ Loan words” actually neither get “transferred” or are “returned”!

WHY DO WE HAVE LOAN WORDS?  Cultural contact between two language communities.  Can go in both directions.  Sometimes, more

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WHY DO WE HAVE LOAN WORDS?  Cultural contact between two language communities.  Can go in both directions.  Sometimes, more words go from one side to another (could be due to advantage of power, prestige or wealth).

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WHY DO WE HAVE LOAN WORDS?  Cultural contact between two language communities.  Can go in both directions.  Sometimes, more words go from one side to another (could be due to advantage of power, prestige or wealth).

HOW DOES A LOAN WORD BECOME COMMON?  It starts with adoption of words when speaking the borrowing language.  In time, more s

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HOW DOES A LOAN WORD BECOME COMMON?  It starts with adoption of words when speaking the borrowing language.  In time, more speakers become familiar with them and the new word becomes conventionalized (at this phrase, the new word is called a loan word).  In time, the people in the borrowing community, use it so much that they do not perceive it as a loan word at all.

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HOW DOES A LOAN WORD BECOME COMMON?  It starts with adoption of words when speaking the borrowing language.  In time, more speakers become familiar with them and the new word becomes conventionalized (at this phrase, the new word is called a loan word).  In time, the people in the borrowing community, use it so much that they do not perceive it as a loan word at all.


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DISTRIBUTION OF WORDS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE RELATIONSHIP Politics Internet Sport President, Prime minister, Speaker Bite, disk, chat, flipchart Sportsmen, football, referee, match, goals, fitness

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DISTRIBUTION OF WORDS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE RELATIONSHIP Politics Internet Sport President, Prime minister, Speaker Bite, disk, chat, flipchart Sportsmen, football, referee, match, goals, fitness

Cosmetic terms Techniques Scrub, peeling Computer, mobile, scanner, monitor, laptop

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Cosmetic terms Techniques Scrub, peeling Computer, mobile, scanner, monitor, laptop

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Cosmetic terms Techniques Scrub, peeling Computer, mobile, scanner, monitor, laptop

Cinema, music Economics Soundtrack, blockbuster, terminator, comedy, hit, remix, track, poster Investment, marketin

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Cinema, music Economics Soundtrack, blockbuster, terminator, comedy, hit, remix, track, poster Investment, marketing, dealer, price list, manager

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Cinema, music Economics Soundtrack, blockbuster, terminator, comedy, hit, remix, track, poster Investment, marketing, dealer, price list, manager

SOME EXAMPLES OF ENGLISH LOANWORDS THAT MOSTLY USED AMONG PUPILS Pronunciation Definition English version О’кей Барлығы ойдағыд

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SOME EXAMPLES OF ENGLISH LOANWORDS THAT MOSTLY USED AMONG PUPILS Pronunciation Definition English version О’кей Барлығы ойдағыдай OK пати Сауық кеші P arty хай Сәлем hi кул Керемет cool Вау Тамаша W ow бай Көріскенше byе

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SOME EXAMPLES OF ENGLISH LOANWORDS THAT MOSTLY USED AMONG PUPILS Pronunciation Definition English version О’кей Барлығы ойдағыдай OK пати Сауық кеші P arty хай Сәлем hi кул Керемет cool Вау Тамаша W ow бай Көріскенше byе

MY RECOMMENDATION If we get contact with English learners in order to exchange experiences (live webinars), it will be great o

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MY RECOMMENDATION If we get contact with English learners in order to exchange experiences (live webinars), it will be great opportunity and motivation to learn English. It opens us the door for the future.

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MY RECOMMENDATION If we get contact with English learners in order to exchange experiences (live webinars), it will be great opportunity and motivation to learn English. It opens us the door for the future.

CONCLUSION In conclusion, I would say that each country has its own VALUE of the language. English loanwords don’t harm us,

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CONCLUSION In conclusion, I would say that each country has its own VALUE of the language. English loanwords don’t harm us, on the contrary, the vocabulary increases. Learn all other languages, But respect your own language (Abai Kunanbaiuly)

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CONCLUSION In conclusion, I would say that each country has its own VALUE of the language. English loanwords don’t harm us, on the contrary, the vocabulary increases. Learn all other languages, But respect your own language (Abai Kunanbaiuly)

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