Материалдар / Healthy Habits 8th form
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Healthy Habits 8th form

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
ашық сабақ
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Demonstrative lesson “ Healthy Habits”

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Demonstrative lesson “ Healthy Habits”

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to Осы сабақта қолжеткізілетін оқу мақсаттары use speaking and

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Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to Осы сабақта қолжеткізілетін оқу мақсаттары use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups; understand supported narratives on a wide range of general and curricular topics begin to link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges; spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics; топ ішінде мәселелерді шығармашылықпен бірлесе отырып шешу үшін айтылым және тыңдалым дағдыларын пайдалану; жалпы және оқу тақырыптарындағы әңгімелерді қолдаумен түсіну жұпта, топта және барлық сыныппен жұмыста басқалардың айтқанын сөйлеммен немесе пайымдаумен біршама икемділікпен түсіндіруге әрекеттену; әртүрлі жалпы таныс және оқу тақырыптарда жиі қолданылатын сөздерді дұрыс жазу;  

Checking home-task Task 1. Play a game “Domino”  Descriptor  A learner reads and translates the sentences correctly  co

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Checking home-task Task 1. Play a game “Domino”  Descriptor  A learner reads and translates the sentences correctly  connects the cards appropriately

Checking home-task Task 1. Play a game “Domino” These vegetables are long and green They are orange vegetables and they grow

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Checking home-task Task 1. Play a game “Domino” These vegetables are long and green They are orange vegetables and they grow under the ground They are very small, round, green vegetables. We often buy them in packets from the freezer at the supermarket. This is the kind of meat from a bird.

Phonetic drill • An apple a day Keeps the doctor away • Eat to live But don’t live to eat • Early to bed and

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Phonetic drill • An apple a day Keeps the doctor away • Eat to live But don’t live to eat • Early to bed and early to rise , Makes a man healthy and wise

Warming Up. Puzzle

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Warming Up. Puzzle

Divide Students into two groups “Healthy” and “Unhealthy” food Get a good night’s sleep 1. Eat too much junk food Have

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Divide Students into two groups “Healthy” and “Unhealthy” food Get a good night’s sleep 1. Eat too much junk food Have a hobby 2. Eat late at night Do a physical activity 3. Surf the internet for too long Drink plenty of water 4. Play video games too often Eat fruit and vegetables 5. Watch too much TV Don’t smoke 6. Smoke Visit a doctor twice a year 7. Eat a lot of sweet

Speaking  Descriptor a learner:  finds healthy and unhealthy habits.  makes right sentences with should/shouldn’t and say th

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Speaking  Descriptor a learner:  finds healthy and unhealthy habits.  makes right sentences with should/shouldn’t and say them

Speaking  What should/shouldn’t we do to have a healthy lifestyle?  Example: We should get a good night’s sleep. 

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Speaking  What should/shouldn’t we do to have a healthy lifestyle?  Example: We should get a good night’s sleep.  We shouldn’t eat too much junk food .

Listening  Descriptor A learner  uses vocabulary words on the topic  answers to the questions  pronounces words and p

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Listening  Descriptor A learner  uses vocabulary words on the topic  answers to the questions  pronounces words and phrases correctly

Listening  Answer the question  1.What does she usually have in the morning?  2.Where does she usually have lunch and dinn

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Listening  Answer the question  1.What does she usually have in the morning?  2.Where does she usually have lunch and dinner?  3.Why doesn’t she often cook?  4.Does she eat or drink anything unhealthy?  5.What is happening to the Japanese diet at the moment?

Speaking. There is an e-mail from Karen. Let’s read his letter and define what he wants

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Speaking. There is an e-mail from Karen. Let’s read his letter and define what he wants

Descriptor A learner -conveys ideas clearly -pronouns the words and phrases correctly; -uses vocabulary words on the topi

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Descriptor A learner -conveys ideas clearly -pronouns the words and phrases correctly; -uses vocabulary words on the topic;

Hi everybody I’m Karen. I’m going to tell you about Rob. He has health problems. And he needs our help. Rob is 13 years old. H

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Hi everybody I’m Karen. I’m going to tell you about Rob. He has health problems. And he needs our help. Rob is 13 years old. He weighs 110 kilos and he is 1.55 m tall. Rob usually has a large bowl of cereal with a few spoons of sugar for breakfast. At school he always buys chocolate at break time and every lunch time he has fried chickens and chips. In the evening Rob usually has more fried food after he often eats a packet of biscuits or a box of chocolates in front of the television. He sometimes goes out for a take-away Chinese meal or pizza before going to bed. Rob never eats any fruit and he rarely eats fresh vegetables. His main exercise is changing the TV channel or opening the fridge door…

Association Rob’s habits

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Association Rob’s habits

Writing. Descriptor A learner • makes meaningful, clear sentences • supports arguments/ main idea with example and/or reason

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Writing. Descriptor A learner • makes meaningful, clear sentences • supports arguments/ main idea with example and/or reasons; • writes grammatically correct sentences;

Writing. Write down about healthy habits you know: Introduction: what healthy habits you know and what the most important are

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Writing. Write down about healthy habits you know: Introduction: what healthy habits you know and what the most important are _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Main part: 1.________________ is good for your_________________ Because _____ _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 2_________________ improves our memory and you feel______________ ___ ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3.__________________ is good for your ___________________ Because _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Conclusion: give your own opinion why healthy habits are important in a human life. ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP Life is busy with school, homework, sports and other activities and you really need to catch up on your sl

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A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP Life is busy with school, homework, sports and other activities and you really need to catch up on your sleep. YOUR BODY NEEDS SLEEP As a teenager, you must get enough sleep – more sleep than an adult. Your body is still growing and your brain is still developing. Experts say that you should get between eight and nine hours of sleep each night. SLEEP HELPS YOU DO BETTER AT SCHOOL When you’re tired you can’t concentrate in your lessons. It’s more difficult to learn. SLEEP KEEPS YOU HEALTHY Without enough sleep, your body gets weak, and it’s easy for you to catch a cold and other illnesses. When you’re tired you often eat food with more sugar in it and that isn’t good for you.   How to get a good night’s sleep: ● You shouldn’t watch TV, surf the Internet or play computer games before you go to bed. To get to sleep, you need to feel relaxed. ● If you’re hungry, have a light snack. You mustn’t eat a big meal before you go to bed – it will keep you awake. ● You shouldn’t drink any drinks with caffeine or sugar in the evening.Method Scanner. Reading

 Reflection.  Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?  I worked ……  (hard, like a bee, like a dragon

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 Reflection.  Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?  I worked ……  (hard, like a bee, like a dragon fly)  because ……