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Holidays and Travel. slide

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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
Holidays and Travel Grade 7

1 слайд
Holidays and Travel Grade 7

1 слайд

Holidays and Travel Grade 7

2 слайд

2 слайд

Retrieved from http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Map Retrieved from http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Map http://welch.jhmi.edu/welchone/l

3 слайд
Retrieved from http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Map Retrieved from http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Map http://welch.jhmi.edu/welchone/latestnews&dsp=single&id=2298

3 слайд

Retrieved from http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Map Retrieved from http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Map http://welch.jhmi.edu/welchone/latestnews&dsp=single&id=2298

•7.C9 express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings •7.R2 understand specific information and details in texts

4 слайд
•7.C9 express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings •7.R2 understand specific information and details in texts •7.S7 use new words to give directions and describe the location •7.UE 14 use prepositions of direction and location

4 слайд

•7.C9 express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings •7.R2 understand specific information and details in texts •7.S7 use new words to give directions and describe the location •7.UE 14 use prepositions of direction and location

Go straight ahead. Don’t stop. Don’t walk. Stop there.

5 слайд
Go straight ahead. Don’t stop. Don’t walk. Stop there.

5 слайд

Go straight ahead. Don’t stop. Don’t walk. Stop there.

1. Go _________________on. 2. ___________past the traffic lights. 3. It's the building next to the library_________ the left

6 слайд
1.  Go  _________________on. 2. ___________past the traffic lights. 3.  It's the building next to the library_________  the left. 4. __________the roundabout turn left. 5.  Then _______ the first left on to Green Street. 6.  Go ________ the traffic lights and take the ________ right on to King's Road. second straight Go take on At past

6 слайд

1.  Go  _________________on. 2. ___________past the traffic lights. 3.  It's the building next to the library_________  the left. 4. __________the roundabout turn left. 5.  Then _______ the first left on to Green Street. 6.  Go ________ the traffic lights and take the ________ right on to King's Road. second straight Go take on At past

1. Go straight on. 2. Go past the traffic lights. 3. It's the building next to the library on the left. 4. At the roundabou

7 слайд
1.  Go  straight on. 2. Go past the traffic lights. 3.  It's the building next to the library on the left. 4. At the roundabout turn left. 5.  Then  take   the first left on to Green Street. 6.  Go  past  the traffic lights and take the  second   right on to King's Road.

7 слайд

1.  Go  straight on. 2. Go past the traffic lights. 3.  It's the building next to the library on the left. 4. At the roundabout turn left. 5.  Then  take   the first left on to Green Street. 6.  Go  past  the traffic lights and take the  second   right on to King's Road.

8 слайд

8 слайд