Материалдар / I want to be a doctor
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I want to be a doctor

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
ағылшын тілінен сөздік қорлары дамиды
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
01 Мамыр 2019
0 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
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+39 бонус
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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
The theme: I want to be a doctor. The aims: a) educating: to introduce new words, new sentence and the reading of so

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The theme: I want to be a doctor. The aims: a) educating: to introduce new words, new sentence and the reading of sounds “[u:]”, [u], to enrich pupils vocabulary, to speak about professions. b) developing: to develop pupils reading, writing, understanding, imagination, memory, logical thinking, listening, translation. c ) bringing-up: to bringing-up pupils' interest in learning English, to be attentive, active, clever, friendly, to write neatly and correctly.

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The theme: I want to be a doctor. The aims: a) educating: to introduce new words, new sentence and the reading of sounds “[u:]”, [u], to enrich pupils vocabulary, to speak about professions. b) developing: to develop pupils reading, writing, understanding, imagination, memory, logical thinking, listening, translation. c ) bringing-up: to bringing-up pupils' interest in learning English, to be attentive, active, clever, friendly, to write neatly and correctly.

 The methods: audio, work with cards, presentation.  The types: work at lexics, work at pronunciation, answer-question. 

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 The methods: audio, work with cards, presentation.  The types: work at lexics, work at pronunciation, answer-question.  Inter subject connection: Math, Kazakh, Russian, Art, Music, PE.  The kind: A competition lesson  Visual aids: pictures, cards, books, a ball, CD, a poem, colored stars, the golden rules, interactive board.

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 The methods: audio, work with cards, presentation.  The types: work at lexics, work at pronunciation, answer-question.  Inter subject connection: Math, Kazakh, Russian, Art, Music, PE.  The kind: A competition lesson  Visual aids: pictures, cards, books, a ball, CD, a poem, colored stars, the golden rules, interactive board.

 The plan of the lesson:  1. Organization moment.  2. The golden rules  3. Checking up the home work. Ma

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 The plan of the lesson:  1. Organization moment.  2. The golden rules  3. Checking up the home work. Make up a dialogue.  4.Phonetic drill.  5. Presentation. Vocabulary.  6. . Warm-up. Listen and do some exercises .  7. Working on writting exercises.

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 The plan of the lesson:  1. Organization moment.  2. The golden rules  3. Checking up the home work. Make up a dialogue.  4.Phonetic drill.  5. Presentation. Vocabulary.  6. . Warm-up. Listen and do some exercises .  7. Working on writting exercises.

 8. Let's watch the animation and say the names of professions.  9. Doing crosswords 10. Singing th

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 8. Let's watch the animation and say the names of professions.  9. Doing crosswords 10. Singing the songs. 11. Conclusion. . Make up a dialogue  12. Home work: Ex: 5,6.  13. Evaluation.

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 8. Let's watch the animation and say the names of professions.  9. Doing crosswords 10. Singing the songs. 11. Conclusion. . Make up a dialogue  12. Home work: Ex: 5,6.  13. Evaluation.

 The procedure of the lesson:  1. Organization moment  Good morning dear children. How are you? Sit down.  I am

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 The procedure of the lesson:  1. Organization moment  Good morning dear children. How are you? Sit down.  I am glad to see you.What season is it now? Let's sing the song''Seasons''.  Spring is green Autum is yellow  Summer is bright Winter is white.  Today we’ll have a competiton lesson.  First at all let’s divide into 2 teams.

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 The procedure of the lesson:  1. Organization moment  Good morning dear children. How are you? Sit down.  I am glad to see you.What season is it now? Let's sing the song''Seasons''.  Spring is green Autum is yellow  Summer is bright Winter is white.  Today we’ll have a competiton lesson.  First at all let’s divide into 2 teams.

 At the beginning of the lesson I want to ask your attention to these rules, you should follow them. 

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 At the beginning of the lesson I want to ask your attention to these rules, you should follow them.  2. The golden rules:  - Be active. - Don’t say “ I don’t “.  - Be attentive.  - First think then speak

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 At the beginning of the lesson I want to ask your attention to these rules, you should follow them.  2. The golden rules:  - Be active. - Don’t say “ I don’t “.  - Be attentive.  - First think then speak

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