Материалдар / Information about St Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey
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Information about St Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
presentation about St Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey
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Westminster Abbey • Westminster Abbey is a symbol of England tradition at it’s best. The coronation of nearly all English king

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Westminster Abbey • Westminster Abbey is a symbol of England tradition at it’s best. The coronation of nearly all English kings and queens since William the Conqueror has taken place here. Many of them are buried within the Abbey. There are also the graves of famous poets, writers, and statesmen. Here you can see memorials to Newton, Darwin, Dickens, Chaucer and others.

• The Houses of Parliament It was once a royal palace. Now it’s the seat of Government. In 1834 it was destroyed by fire. The

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• The Houses of Parliament It was once a royal palace. Now it’s the seat of Government. In 1834 it was destroyed by fire. The new building was built in 1852. it contains 500 apartments. Among them are the Central Hall, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. When the House is in session а Union Jack flies over the Tower, or Big Ben by night. The people of London can hear the sound of the bell every hour.

• Westminster Abbey Was under construction with breaks with 1245 for 1745, but the shape keeps the Gothic. A traditional pla

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• Westminster Abbey Was under construction with breaks with 1245 for 1745, but the shape keeps the Gothic. A traditional place of crowning of monarchs of Great Britain and burial places of monarchs of England. Along with nearby church Sent- Margaret the abbey is ranked as the World heritage.

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