Материалдар / Интеллектуалды ойын "The wonderland"
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Интеллектуалды ойын "The wonderland"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
To enlarge country studying knowledge and educate the feeling of love towards our motherland.
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
11 Мамыр 2020
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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
«The wonder land »

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«The wonder land »

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«The wonder land »

The aims: • Educational: Enrich students’ general vocabulary. • Developing: To develop attention, imagination, reading,

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The aims: • Educational: Enrich students’ general vocabulary. • Developing: To develop attention, imagination, reading, speaking and pronunciation habit. • Upbringing: To enlarge country studying knowledge and educate the feeling of love towards our motherland .

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The aims: • Educational: Enrich students’ general vocabulary. • Developing: To develop attention, imagination, reading, speaking and pronunciation habit. • Upbringing: To enlarge country studying knowledge and educate the feeling of love towards our motherland .

O u r p r e s id e n t N .A . N a z a r b a y e v s a y s : “ T h a t if w e w a n t to b e a m o n g th e 5 0 h

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O u r p r e s id e n t N .A . N a z a r b a y e v s a y s : “ T h a t if w e w a n t to b e a m o n g th e 5 0 h ig h ly d e v e lo p e d c o u n tr ie s , a ll c itiz e n s s h o u ld s p e a k th r e e la n g u a g e s fr e e ly : K a z a k h , R u s s ia n a n d E n g lis h ” .

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O u r p r e s id e n t N .A . N a z a r b a y e v s a y s : “ T h a t if w e w a n t to b e a m o n g th e 5 0 h ig h ly d e v e lo p e d c o u n tr ie s , a ll c itiz e n s s h o u ld s p e a k th r e e la n g u a g e s fr e e ly : K a z a k h , R u s s ia n a n d E n g lis h ” .

Sectors of the drum: 1 . If numbers are specified, these are scored points; 2. "Arrow" - rotation transit

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Sectors of the drum: 1 . If numbers are specified, these are scored points; 2. "Arrow" - rotation transition to other player; 3 . "Chance" - the help; 4 . * 2 – all points double; 5 . + - the player calls any letter which wants to open; 6 . "prize" - the player either chooses or refuses a prize in a black box.

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Sectors of the drum: 1 . If numbers are specified, these are scored points; 2. "Arrow" - rotation transition to other player; 3 . "Chance" - the help; 4 . * 2 – all points double; 5 . + - the player calls any letter which wants to open; 6 . "prize" - the player either chooses or refuses a prize in a black box.

Super game1 - qualifying round I game 2 qualifying round II game 3 qualifying round III game Final Game with the spectator

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Super game1 - qualifying round I game 2 qualifying round II game 3 qualifying round III game Final Game with the spectators

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Super game1 - qualifying round I game 2 qualifying round II game 3 qualifying round III game Final Game with the spectators

What is our national currency? What are the symbols of the state ? (national flag, emblem and anthem)Молодц ы!(tenge)(in 1

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What is our national currency? What are the symbols of the state ? (national flag, emblem and anthem)Молодц ы!(tenge)(in 1991)1 - qualifying round When was established The Republic of Kazakhstan?

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What is our national currency? What are the symbols of the state ? (national flag, emblem and anthem)Молодц ы!(tenge)(in 1991)1 - qualifying round When was established The Republic of Kazakhstan?

+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350What is the Republic of Kazakhstan in the form of government? I - gam

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+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350What is the Republic of Kazakhstan in the form of government? I - game N T A RU I Y

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+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350What is the Republic of Kazakhstan in the form of government? I - game N T A RU I Y

(N.A. Nazarbayev )2 qualifying round Who is President of Kazakhstan?

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(N.A. Nazarbayev )2 qualifying round Who is President of Kazakhstan?

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(N.A. Nazarbayev )2 qualifying round Who is President of Kazakhstan?

What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan? An eagle

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What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan? An eagle

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What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan? An eagle

What kind of state is KZ? (independent, democratic) Молодцы!

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What kind of state is KZ? (independent, democratic) Молодцы!

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What kind of state is KZ? (independent, democratic) Молодцы!

+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350II game XIX th century the coal was found in around the modern Kara

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+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350II game XIX th century the coal was found in around the modern Karaganda. Who was found it? B A I Z NH A O V

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+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350II game XIX th century the coal was found in around the modern Karaganda. Who was found it? B A I Z NH A O V

When Astana did became the capital of Kazakhstan? (in 1998)3-qualifying round

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When Astana did became the capital of Kazakhstan? (in 1998)3-qualifying round

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When Astana did became the capital of Kazakhstan? (in 1998)3-qualifying round

In what month is Kazakh New year celebrated? (Nauryz)

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In what month is Kazakh New year celebrated? (Nauryz)

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In what month is Kazakh New year celebrated? (Nauryz)

(TURKESTAN) The main religious center in the whole of Kazakhstan was the city: Молодцы!

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(TURKESTAN) The main religious center in the whole of Kazakhstan was the city: Молодцы!

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(TURKESTAN) The main religious center in the whole of Kazakhstan was the city: Молодцы!

+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350III game What is the first capital of Kazakhstan? E N UBRO R G

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+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350III game What is the first capital of Kazakhstan? E N UBRO R G

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+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350III game What is the first capital of Kazakhstan? E N UBRO R G

Game with the audience: It is a monument and observation tower in Astana, Kazakhstan. A tourist attraction popular

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Game with the audience: It is a monument and observation tower in Astana, Kazakhstan. A tourist attraction popular with foreign visitors and native Kazakhs alike, it is emblematic of the city, which became capital of the country in 1997 . TA IB EE R K

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Game with the audience: It is a monument and observation tower in Astana, Kazakhstan. A tourist attraction popular with foreign visitors and native Kazakhs alike, it is emblematic of the city, which became capital of the country in 1997 . TA IB EE R K

+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350Final Composer, poet- publicist of the second half of the XIX th cen

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+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350Final Composer, poet- publicist of the second half of the XIX th century: A Y UAZ MH U S А

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+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350Final Composer, poet- publicist of the second half of the XIX th century: A Y UAZ MH U S А

C A R F L A T C A M E R A R e fr i g e r a to r C O O K E R C O M P U T E RBEGAN STOP m o b ile p

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C A R F L A T C A M E R A R e fr i g e r a to r C O O K E R C O M P U T E RBEGAN STOP m o b ile p h o n e y a c h t

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C A R F L A T C A M E R A R e fr i g e r a to r C O O K E R C O M P U T E RBEGAN STOP m o b ile p h o n e y a c h t

C A R F L A T C A M E R A R e fr i g e r a to r C O O K E R C O M P U T E RBEGAN STOP m o b ile p

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C A R F L A T C A M E R A R e fr i g e r a to r C O O K E R C O M P U T E RBEGAN STOP m o b ile p h o n e y a c h t

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C A R F L A T C A M E R A R e fr i g e r a to r C O O K E R C O M P U T E RBEGAN STOP m o b ile p h o n e y a c h t

+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350The s uper game There are a lot of reserves in Kazakhstan. This reserve

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+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350The s uper game There are a lot of reserves in Kazakhstan. This reserve is very popular in the world. What is the Reserve? U R G A HD ZLK I N

20 слайд

+ 50 х2 100 Ш анс 15 0 200 Приз 2 5 0 300 350The s uper game There are a lot of reserves in Kazakhstan. This reserve is very popular in the world. What is the Reserve? U R G A HD ZLK I N

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Thank you !

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Thank you !

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Thank you !