Материалдар / Interrelation between living things
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Interrelation between living things

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16 Мамыр 2019
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Competition Predation Mutualism Parasitism Commensalisms hunting benefit lichenSymbiosis prey shrimp predator

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Competition Predation Mutualism Parasitism Commensalisms hunting benefit lichenSymbiosis prey shrimp predator

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Competition Predation Mutualism Parasitism Commensalisms hunting benefit lichenSymbiosis prey shrimp predator

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Competition – is when organisms compete for the same food or resources  reduces fitness of one or both species Trees competi

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Competition – is when organisms compete for the same food or resources  reduces fitness of one or both species Trees competing for sun Mice competing for food

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Competition – is when organisms compete for the same food or resources  reduces fitness of one or both species Trees competing for sun Mice competing for food

Competition – is when organisms compete for the same food or resources  reduces fitness of one or both species American Bis

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Competition – is when organisms compete for the same food or resources  reduces fitness of one or both species American Bison Competing for a female.

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Competition – is when organisms compete for the same food or resources  reduces fitness of one or both species American Bison Competing for a female.

predation – 1 species hunts, kills and eats another species 1 species benefits and other species life is lost. The organism hun

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predation – 1 species hunts, kills and eats another species 1 species benefits and other species life is lost. The organism hunting is called predator, the organism being hunted is called prey Herbivory predation Polar bears

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predation – 1 species hunts, kills and eats another species 1 species benefits and other species life is lost. The organism hunting is called predator, the organism being hunted is called prey Herbivory predation Polar bears

Symbiosis – two species live together  can include parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism

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Symbiosis – two species live together  can include parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism

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Symbiosis – two species live together  can include parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism

Mutualism – two species provide resources or services to each other  enhances fitness of both species Fungus (base) and alg

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Mutualism – two species provide resources or services to each other  enhances fitness of both species Fungus (base) and algae(nutrients) produce lichens. Clownfish and sea anenomebacteria and plant roots: the bacteria changes nitrogen gas into usable nitrogen and the plants roots provide nutrients for t bacteria to survive. Ants aerate and soil which helps with drainage and turning the soil. (cultivating)

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Mutualism – two species provide resources or services to each other  enhances fitness of both species Fungus (base) and algae(nutrients) produce lichens. Clownfish and sea anenomebacteria and plant roots: the bacteria changes nitrogen gas into usable nitrogen and the plants roots provide nutrients for t bacteria to survive. Ants aerate and soil which helps with drainage and turning the soil. (cultivating)

Parasitism – one species feeds on another  enhances fitness of parasite but reduces fitness of host Head louse

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Parasitism – one species feeds on another  enhances fitness of parasite but reduces fitness of host Head louse Tick Corn Blight caused by a fungus.

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Parasitism – one species feeds on another  enhances fitness of parasite but reduces fitness of host Head louse Tick Corn Blight caused by a fungus.

Commensalism – when one organism gets benefit,another Is not affected  enhances fitness of one species; no effect on fitnes

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Commensalism – when one organism gets benefit,another Is not affected  enhances fitness of one species; no effect on fitness of the other species Tree limb provides a base for growth. Ray provides transport

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Commensalism – when one organism gets benefit,another Is not affected  enhances fitness of one species; no effect on fitness of the other species Tree limb provides a base for growth. Ray provides transport

Organizing ecological interactions effect on species 1 effect on species 2 + 0 - + 0 - mutualism predation herbivory pa

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Organizing ecological interactions effect on species 1 effect on species 2 + 0 - + 0 - mutualism predation herbivory parasitism predation herbivory parasitism commensalism commensalism competitioncompetition competition

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Organizing ecological interactions effect on species 1 effect on species 2 + 0 - + 0 - mutualism predation herbivory parasitism predation herbivory parasitism commensalism commensalism competitioncompetition competition