Материалдар / Introduction to TOEFL
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Introduction to TOEFL

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Presentation "Introduction to TOEFL"
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Introduction to TOEFL BY ….

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Introduction to TOEFL BY ….

TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Languages TOEFL PBT TOEFL CBT TOEFL IBTAn international exam (standardized test) for t

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TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Languages TOEFL PBT TOEFL CBT TOEFL IBTAn international exam (standardized test) for the level of proficiency in English as a foreign language. Currently, TOEFL is the most universal and widespread format for assessing active and passive language skills (reading. listening, speaking and writing) More than 8,500 educational institutions in 130 countries of the world recognize the objectivity of the results of the TOEFL exam. Many government agencies, international organizations and commercial companies use TOEFL. High scores on the TOEFL test are your "pass" to the English–speaking world. The exam structure is constantly changing, becoming more convenient and interactive every year. Initially there were 3 types:

History of TOEFL  Until the 1960s, American colleges and universities did not have a unified system for assessing knowledge of

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History of TOEFL  Until the 1960s, American colleges and universities did not have a unified system for assessing knowledge of English as a foreign language.  In 1962, experts decided to create and implement a special exam for English language proficiency – Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).  Since 1973, the management of the testing program under the leadership of the TOEFL Council has been carried out by the organization ETS (Educational Testing Service), which owns the copyrights to the exam.

History of TOEFL  Recently, TOEFL IBT has disappeared completely, and TOEFL PBT has remained only in those regions where it i

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History of TOEFL  Recently, TOEFL IBT has disappeared completely, and TOEFL PBT has remained only in those regions where it is impossible to conduct testing via the Internet.  TOEFL IBT has also undergone significant changes. Since August 2019, the exam has become 30 minutes shorter due to a reduction in the number of questions and materials to study in each of its parts.  The developers of the test claim that they have made it more convenient, while maintaining the same quality of assessment of the level of English.


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 Listening Since August 2019, this part includes 3-4 excerpts taken from scientific literature. It is assumed that the level

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 Listening Since August 2019, this part includes 3-4 excerpts taken from scientific literature. It is assumed that the level of English in such articles will correspond to the level necessary for studying at a university. For each passage, 10 questions are offered, to which you need to choose the correct answers from 4 options. This part takes from 54 to 72 minutes, depending on the number of excerpts. Reading Since August 2019, this part includes 3-4 excerpts taken from scientific literature. It is assumed that the level of English in such articles will correspond to the level necessary for studying at a university. For each passage, 10 questions are offered, to which you need to choose the correct answers from 4 options. This part takes from 54 to 72 minutes, depending on the number of excerpts. Speaking TOEFL is the perfect exam for introverts. Here, the oral part of the test does not require communication with the teacher. You just need to speak your answers into the microphone, they will be recorded and analyzed by several members of the commission. The universities to which you send the results will also be able to listen to audio recordings to assess your level of spoken English. There will be 4 tasks in total that need to be completed in 17 minutes.  Writing There will be two written tasks. The first task is aimed at finding out how you collect and process information. It will be necessary to use the data obtained from the read or heard text to form an opinion on a certain issue. You may need to compare several points of view. The second task is an essay. You need to express your opinion on a given topic. Both tasks are given 50 minutes.

Thanks for your attention

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Thanks for your attention