Материалдар / Names of Days and months
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Names of Days and months

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Айлар мен апта күндерінің аттарын дұрыс жазылған және дұрыс айтылған нұсқалары бар.Әр айдың суреттеріөзіндік ерекшелігімен бейнеленген
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29 Сәуір 2019
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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
Standarts: 1.1.2.; 1.1.3.: 2.2.3.; 4.1.2. • Speaking about favourite day using sentences in the Simple Present Simple correc

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Standarts: 1.1.2.; 1.1.3.: 2.2.3.; 4.1.2. • Speaking about favourite day using sentences in the Simple Present Simple correctly; • asking and answering using Slimple Present correctly; • demonstrate speaking skills using months and dates; • Using time prepositions appropriately.

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Standarts: 1.1.2.; 1.1.3.: 2.2.3.; 4.1.2. • Speaking about favourite day using sentences in the Simple Present Simple correctly; • asking and answering using Slimple Present correctly; • demonstrate speaking skills using months and dates; • Using time prepositions appropriately.

}December, January, February,June, July, August }} March, April, MayThere are 4 seasons and 12 m

2 слайд
}December, January, February,June, July, August }} March, April, MayThere are 4 seasons and 12 months in a year. They are: } September, October, November Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn Find the riddle : There is an oak, he has twelve knots, Fifty-two branches, each of seven leaves.

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}December, January, February,June, July, August }} March, April, MayThere are 4 seasons and 12 months in a year. They are: } September, October, November Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn Find the riddle : There is an oak, he has twelve knots, Fifty-two branches, each of seven leaves.

Teacher: Suleymanova Ruhangiz Adil School: 240 Baku city Form: 4

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Teacher: Suleymanova Ruhangiz Adil School: 240 Baku city Form: 4

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Teacher: Suleymanova Ruhangiz Adil School: 240 Baku city Form: 4

Order the months of the year 1. ______________ 7. _____________ 2. ______________

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Order the months of the year 1. ______________ 7. _____________ 2. ______________ 8. _____________ 3. ______________ 9. _____________ 4. ______________ 10. _____________ 5. ______________ 11. _____________ 6. ______________ 12. _____________ January February March April May JuneJuly August September October December November 7 days = a week ; 12 months = a year = 365 or 366 days = 4 seasons

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Order the months of the year 1. ______________ 7. _____________ 2. ______________ 8. _____________ 3. ______________ 9. _____________ 4. ______________ 10. _____________ 5. ______________ 11. _____________ 6. ______________ 12. _____________ January February March April May JuneJuly August September October December November 7 days = a week ; 12 months = a year = 365 or 366 days = 4 seasons

3.New year 4.Novruz 5.Ramazan 6.My birthday 7.Teacher’s day 10.April fool’s day 1.Christmas 11.Knowledge day 12

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3.New year 4.Novruz 5.Ramazan 6.My birthday 7.Teacher’s day 10.April fool’s day 1.Christmas 11.Knowledge day 12.The Independence Day 8.The 8 th of March 9.Gurban holiday 2.Flower’s holidayMatch the words and words combinations with pictures

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3.New year 4.Novruz 5.Ramazan 6.My birthday 7.Teacher’s day 10.April fool’s day 1.Christmas 11.Knowledge day 12.The Independence Day 8.The 8 th of March 9.Gurban holiday 2.Flower’s holidayMatch the words and words combinations with pictures

We celebrate Novruz holiday in April. in September. The American celebrate in DecemberThe Azeriz don’t cut

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We celebrate Novruz holiday in April. in September. The American celebrate in DecemberThe Azeriz don’t cut in Gurban holiday True FalseTrue True FalseFalse FalseThis is a symbol of seasons. True T E S T HalloweenFalse True

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We celebrate Novruz holiday in April. in September. The American celebrate in DecemberThe Azeriz don’t cut in Gurban holiday True FalseTrue True FalseFalse FalseThis is a symbol of seasons. True T E S T HalloweenFalse True

January, February, March, The cold is harsh,/ sərt/ April, May, June, Summer will be over soon. July, August, September,

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January, February, March, The cold is harsh,/ sərt/ April, May, June, Summer will be over soon. July, August, September, Rain we love to remember . October, November, December, Time to take out coat and furs. Every week has 7 days, See how many you can say, SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. What is today?http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_deta ilpage&v=-4s-ut7N0jQThe Months of the Year Song http:// www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v =CB79gFbAh0k

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January, February, March, The cold is harsh,/ sərt/ April, May, June, Summer will be over soon. July, August, September, Rain we love to remember . October, November, December, Time to take out coat and furs. Every week has 7 days, See how many you can say, SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. What is today?http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_deta ilpage&v=-4s-ut7N0jQThe Months of the Year Song http:// www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v =CB79gFbAh0k

M o n d ay Tuesday W ednesday Su n d ay T h u rsd a y Frid ay Satu rd ay

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M o n d ay Tuesday W ednesday Su n d ay T h u rsd a y Frid ay Satu rd ay

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M o n d ay Tuesday W ednesday Su n d ay T h u rsd a y Frid ay Satu rd ay

Word scramble –Days of the Week Unscramble the words below For example: onmdya = Monday 1 . utesyad__________________

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Word scramble –Days of the Week Unscramble the words below For example: onmdya = Monday 1 . utesyad____________________ 2. irfdya_____________________ 3. ondyma___________________ 4. dyauns____________________ 5. uraydsta___________________ 6. nesdaywed_________________ 7. uhdyatrs___________________ 8. eekwdays__________________ 9. eeekwnd___________________

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Word scramble –Days of the Week Unscramble the words below For example: onmdya = Monday 1 . utesyad____________________ 2. irfdya_____________________ 3. ondyma___________________ 4. dyauns____________________ 5. uraydsta___________________ 6. nesdaywed_________________ 7. uhdyatrs___________________ 8. eekwdays__________________ 9. eeekwnd___________________

on in in onFill in : IN, ON, AT In In On Dear Mary, My birthday party is __ June 5

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on in in onFill in : IN, ON, AT In In On Dear Mary, My birthday party is __ June 5th. Can you come? The party begin __ 7 o’clock __ the evening. You may come __ the morning. The party is __ Saturday. Love Patty. On At

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on in in onFill in : IN, ON, AT In In On Dear Mary, My birthday party is __ June 5th. Can you come? The party begin __ 7 o’clock __ the evening. You may come __ the morning. The party is __ Saturday. Love Patty. On At

Homework: MAKE OR DRAW YOUR OWN CATERPILLAR AND WRITE THE NAMES OF MONTHS ON IT for your attention and circle one of

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Homework: MAKE OR DRAW YOUR OWN CATERPILLAR AND WRITE THE NAMES OF MONTHS ON IT for your attention and circle one of the things: 1.My activity at the lesson: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.I could encourage my friends: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.How I understood the lesson: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4.The lesson was interesting: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Homework: MAKE OR DRAW YOUR OWN CATERPILLAR AND WRITE THE NAMES OF MONTHS ON IT for your attention and circle one of the things: 1.My activity at the lesson: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.I could encourage my friends: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.How I understood the lesson: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4.The lesson was interesting: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.