Материалдар / Nature world of Kazakhstan
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Nature world of Kazakhstan

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
оқушыларға қазақстаннын өсімдіктері жануарлары жайлы
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19 Мамыр 2020
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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
Nature world of Kazakhstan. Performed by: Sanatova Asel

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Nature world of Kazakhstan. Performed by: Sanatova Asel

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Nature world of Kazakhstan. Performed by: Sanatova Asel

Nature, plants and animals of Kazakhstan  In Kazakhstan, a fairly wide variety of plant and animal representatives can be ob

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Nature, plants and animals of Kazakhstan  In Kazakhstan, a fairly wide variety of plant and animal representatives can be observed. Due to the large extent of the country, flora and fauna are many-sided here and varies depending on the zone. There are arid deserts and mountains, fertile plains and rivers rich in fish. Many species of animals and birds that now inhabit the territory of the republic migrated here from China and the Mediterranean. The biosphere complex of Kazakhstan is amazing and diverse.

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Nature, plants and animals of Kazakhstan  In Kazakhstan, a fairly wide variety of plant and animal representatives can be observed. Due to the large extent of the country, flora and fauna are many-sided here and varies depending on the zone. There are arid deserts and mountains, fertile plains and rivers rich in fish. Many species of animals and birds that now inhabit the territory of the republic migrated here from China and the Mediterranean. The biosphere complex of Kazakhstan is amazing and diverse.

Plant world of Kazakhstan  About 6 thousand different higher plants grow on the territory of Kazakhstan. However, if we comp

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Plant world of Kazakhstan  About 6 thousand different higher plants grow on the territory of Kazakhstan. However, if we compare these figures with neighboring Russia or the republics of Central Asia, the species diversity is not so great. There are a number of objective reasons for this: adverse conditions in the vast territories of the country (soil, climate, etc.) and a fairly young age in the historical and geological development of this area.

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Plant world of Kazakhstan  About 6 thousand different higher plants grow on the territory of Kazakhstan. However, if we compare these figures with neighboring Russia or the republics of Central Asia, the species diversity is not so great. There are a number of objective reasons for this: adverse conditions in the vast territories of the country (soil, climate, etc.) and a fairly young age in the historical and geological development of this area.

 In the Syrdaryn- Karatau region, there are about 1000 plant species, of which 150 are characteristic of this area. Also re

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 In the Syrdaryn- Karatau region, there are about 1000 plant species, of which 150 are characteristic of this area. Also relic plants grow here, as well as a vast coniferous forest consisting of firs, firs, larch and cedar. In the highlands you can see a large number of shrub meadows and sod-cereal plants.

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 In the Syrdaryn- Karatau region, there are about 1000 plant species, of which 150 are characteristic of this area. Also relic plants grow here, as well as a vast coniferous forest consisting of firs, firs, larch and cedar. In the highlands you can see a large number of shrub meadows and sod-cereal plants.

 Mountain areas are covered with lush vegetation, which varies in accordance with altitudinal zonation. In this zone, you ca

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 Mountain areas are covered with lush vegetation, which varies in accordance with altitudinal zonation. In this zone, you can see many representatives of the Mediterranean and Central Asian flora, for example, almonds, plane trees, maple, walnuts, stone fruits and many other species. Plain zones stretching from the northern to the southern border for more than 1,500 km are dotted with steppe and desert plants. Here you can see such pitchforks as saxaul, variegated poplar, goof and comb.

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 Mountain areas are covered with lush vegetation, which varies in accordance with altitudinal zonation. In this zone, you can see many representatives of the Mediterranean and Central Asian flora, for example, almonds, plane trees, maple, walnuts, stone fruits and many other species. Plain zones stretching from the northern to the southern border for more than 1,500 km are dotted with steppe and desert plants. Here you can see such pitchforks as saxaul, variegated poplar, goof and comb.

Thickets of hawthorn, dogrose and honeysuckle grow in the Altai plains zone, and in the foothill plains of the Tien Shan and

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Thickets of hawthorn, dogrose and honeysuckle grow in the Altai plains zone, and in the foothill plains of the Tien Shan and in the Zhongarsky Alatau you can find only plants characteristic of deserts, and some types of ephemera and ephemeroids (poppies, sedge, tulips, bluegrass, etc.) A forest consisting of aspen, birch, wild apple trees, hawthorn and sucker grows in the lowlands.

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Thickets of hawthorn, dogrose and honeysuckle grow in the Altai plains zone, and in the foothill plains of the Tien Shan and in the Zhongarsky Alatau you can find only plants characteristic of deserts, and some types of ephemera and ephemeroids (poppies, sedge, tulips, bluegrass, etc.) A forest consisting of aspen, birch, wild apple trees, hawthorn and sucker grows in the lowlands.

The animal world of Kazakhstan

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The animal world of Kazakhstan

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The animal world of Kazakhstan

The fauna of Kazakhstan includes more than 170 species of animals, 480 species of birds, about 50 species of reptiles, ab

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The fauna of Kazakhstan includes more than 170 species of animals, 480 species of birds, about 50 species of reptiles, about 100 species of fish, as well as a large number of amphibians and invertebrates The gopher, field vole, pestle, hamsters and pikas live in the steppe, as well as the fox, wolf, saiga, badger, and bustard. There are also birds: cranes, tits, black sparrows, etc.

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The fauna of Kazakhstan includes more than 170 species of animals, 480 species of birds, about 50 species of reptiles, about 100 species of fish, as well as a large number of amphibians and invertebrates The gopher, field vole, pestle, hamsters and pikas live in the steppe, as well as the fox, wolf, saiga, badger, and bustard. There are also birds: cranes, tits, black sparrows, etc.

. In the forest-steppe there are hares, ermines, roe deer, foxes and wolves, as well as some species of birds: partridge, bl

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. In the forest-steppe there are hares, ermines, roe deer, foxes and wolves, as well as some species of birds: partridge, black grouse, woodpecker, hazel grouse, raven, red-footed falcon and saker falcon. Lizards and snakes live in small numbers. Spotted cats, jackals, wolves, wild boars, roe deer, various species of rodents and birds live in the area of river valleys and lakes

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. In the forest-steppe there are hares, ermines, roe deer, foxes and wolves, as well as some species of birds: partridge, black grouse, woodpecker, hazel grouse, raven, red-footed falcon and saker falcon. Lizards and snakes live in small numbers. Spotted cats, jackals, wolves, wild boars, roe deer, various species of rodents and birds live in the area of river valleys and lakes

In the desert live various species of animals that have managed to adapt to local conditions. Wolves, foxes, sand hares, he

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In the desert live various species of animals that have managed to adapt to local conditions. Wolves, foxes, sand hares, hedgehogs, badgers, saigas, kulans, gazelles, marmots, gerbils, gophers and mice live here. There are also golden eagles, magpies, sparrows, various snakes, lizards and a steppe tortoise.

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In the desert live various species of animals that have managed to adapt to local conditions. Wolves, foxes, sand hares, hedgehogs, badgers, saigas, kulans, gazelles, marmots, gerbils, gophers and mice live here. There are also golden eagles, magpies, sparrows, various snakes, lizards and a steppe tortoise.

 National parks and reserves have been created on the territory of the country in order to protect the unique biosphere c

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   National parks and reserves have been created on the territory of the country in order to protect the unique biosphere complex, the necessary measures are regularly held to increase the number of rare representatives of the animal world.

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   National parks and reserves have been created on the territory of the country in order to protect the unique biosphere complex, the necessary measures are regularly held to increase the number of rare representatives of the animal world.

Thank you for the attention!

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Thank you for the attention!

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Thank you for the attention!