Материалдар / Открытый урок "Past Continuous"

Открытый урок "Past Continuous"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Презентация для открытого урока
17 Қырқүйек 2024
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Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
Work Listen Play Water Read Sleep Jump Walk eat Swim

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Work Listen Play Water Read Sleep Jump Walk eat Swim Climb Run fast

1 слайд

Work Listen Play Water Read Sleep Jump Walk eat Swim Climb Run fast

COUNTRY WEATHER Britain The weather was very bad France The weather was sunny and warm Spain The weather was windy and rainy Af

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COUNTRY WEATHER Britain The weather was very bad France The weather was sunny and warm Spain The weather was windy and rainy Africa The weather was hot

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COUNTRY WEATHER Britain The weather was very bad France The weather was sunny and warm Spain The weather was windy and rainy Africa The weather was hot

1. I am watching TV now. 2. I was watching TV at 5 p.m. yesterday

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1. I am watching TV now. 2. I was watching TV at 5 p.m. yesterday

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1. I am watching TV now. 2. I was watching TV at 5 p.m. yesterday

The theme: Past Continuous

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The theme: Past Continuous

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The theme: Past Continuous

1. How to use the Past Continuous 2. When to use the Past Continuous 3. Learn to use the Past Continuous in our speech

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1. How to use the Past Continuous 2. When to use the Past Continuous 3. Learn to use the Past Continuous in our speech

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1. How to use the Past Continuous 2. When to use the Past Continuous 3. Learn to use the Past Continuous in our speech

Our plan: We will learn We will write We will read We will play We will speak

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Our plan: We will learn We will write We will read We will play We will speak

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Our plan: We will learn We will write We will read We will play We will speak

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*We use this tense to talk about the actions that were going on, or happening at a certain moment in the past. was/were + Vin

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*We use this tense to talk about the actions that were going on, or happening at a certain moment in the past. was/were + Ving

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*We use this tense to talk about the actions that were going on, or happening at a certain moment in the past. was/were + Ving

*I was *You were *He was *She was *It was *I was *You were *He was *She was *It was We were You were They were

9 слайд
*I was *You were *He was *She was *It was *I was *You were *He was *She was *It was We were You were They were

9 слайд

*I was *You were *He was *She was *It was *I was *You were *He was *She was *It was We were You were They were

Subject BE -ING FORM I was working You were working He was working She was working It was working We were working They were work

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Subject BE -ING FORM I was working You were working He was working She was working It was working We were working They were working

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Subject BE -ING FORM I was working You were working He was working She was working It was working We were working They were working

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They were playing tennis at 10.30 o’clock yesterday

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They were playing tennis at 10.30 o’clock yesterday

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They were playing tennis at 10.30 o’clock yesterday

My cat was sleeping at 6 o'clock yesterday

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My cat was sleeping at 6 o'clock yesterday

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My cat was sleeping at 6 o'clock yesterday

She was eating at 2 o’clock yesterday

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She was eating at 2 o’clock yesterday

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She was eating at 2 o’clock yesterday

Let`s practice: Task1 Write the given sentences in the Past Continuous

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Let`s practice: Task1 Write the given sentences in the Past Continuous

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Let`s practice: Task1 Write the given sentences in the Past Continuous

She … cook… They … eat… He … dance… They … read… They … Mary… It… Kate… She… dance sleep play football cook eat A. B He …writ

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She … cook… They … eat… He … dance… They … read… They … Mary… It… Kate… She… dance sleep play football cook eat A. B He …write…

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She … cook… They … eat… He … dance… They … read… They … Mary… It… Kate… She… dance sleep play football cook eat A. B He …write…

She was cooking They were eating He was dancing They were reading They were dancing Mary was sleeping He was playing football

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She was cooking They were eating He was dancing They were reading They were dancing Mary was sleeping He was playing football Kate was cooking She was eating A. B He was writing

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She was cooking They were eating He was dancing They were reading They were dancing Mary was sleeping He was playing football Kate was cooking She was eating A. B He was writing

Two little boys Johnny and Sam Were sitting and having Some tea with jam

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Two little boys Johnny and Sam Were sitting and having Some tea with jam

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Two little boys Johnny and Sam Were sitting and having Some tea with jam

…………………… . Johnny and Sam Were sitting and having Some tea with jam

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…………………… . Johnny and Sam Were sitting and having Some tea with jam

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…………………… . Johnny and Sam Were sitting and having Some tea with jam

....................... ......... Johnny and Sam ……………… . Some tea with jam

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....................... ......... Johnny and Sam ……………… . Some tea with jam

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....................... ......... Johnny and Sam ……………… . Some tea with jam

I My mother My father My sister We My friend My friend and I You wasn`t weren`t do… homework cook… sleep… watch… TV play… t

22 слайд
I My mother My father My sister We My friend My friend and I You wasn`t weren`t do… homework cook… sleep… watch… TV play… talk… go… home read at 6 o’clock yesterday

22 слайд

I My mother My father My sister We My friend My friend and I You wasn`t weren`t do… homework cook… sleep… watch… TV play… talk… go… home read at 6 o’clock yesterday

1.I wasn`t doing my homework at 6 o`clock yesterday 2.My mother wasn`t cooking at 6 o`clock yesterday 3.My father wasn’t sleepin

23 слайд
1.I wasn`t doing my homework at 6 o`clock yesterday 2.My mother wasn`t cooking at 6 o`clock yesterday 3.My father wasn’t sleeping at 6 o`clock yesterday 4.My sister wasn’t watching TV at 6 o`clock yesterday 5.We weren’t playing at 6 o`clock yesterday 6.My friend wasn`t talking at 6 o`clock yesterday 7.My friend and I weren`t going home at 6 o`clock yesterday 8.You weren`t reading at 6 o`clock yesterday

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1.I wasn`t doing my homework at 6 o`clock yesterday 2.My mother wasn`t cooking at 6 o`clock yesterday 3.My father wasn’t sleeping at 6 o`clock yesterday 4.My sister wasn’t watching TV at 6 o`clock yesterday 5.We weren’t playing at 6 o`clock yesterday 6.My friend wasn`t talking at 6 o`clock yesterday 7.My friend and I weren`t going home at 6 o`clock yesterday 8.You weren`t reading at 6 o`clock yesterday

… 4 o’clock yesterday … 5 o’clock yesterday … 6 o’clock yesterday … 8 o'clock yesterday

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… 4 o’clock yesterday … 5 o’clock yesterday … 6 o’clock yesterday … 8 o'clock yesterday

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… 4 o’clock yesterday … 5 o’clock yesterday … 6 o’clock yesterday … 8 o'clock yesterday

* Example: …. you (read) at 6 o`clock yesterday? Were you reading at 6 o`clock yesterday? *1

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* Example: …. you (read) at 6 o`clock yesterday? Were you reading at 6 o`clock yesterday? *1 …… they (write) the test at this time yesterday? * 2. …. he …. (to work) in the garden from two till five o'clock? * 3. …. we ….. (to watch) television the whole evening? * 4. …. you …. (to play) football at six o'clock? * 5. …. you …. (to drink) tea at seven o'clock? * 6. …. he …… (to draw) from three till four o'clock? * 7. Who …. (to listen) to the radio at this time? * 8. …. it …… (to rain) the whole day yesterday?

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* Example: …. you (read) at 6 o`clock yesterday? Were you reading at 6 o`clock yesterday? *1 …… they (write) the test at this time yesterday? * 2. …. he …. (to work) in the garden from two till five o'clock? * 3. …. we ….. (to watch) television the whole evening? * 4. …. you …. (to play) football at six o'clock? * 5. …. you …. (to drink) tea at seven o'clock? * 6. …. he …… (to draw) from three till four o'clock? * 7. Who …. (to listen) to the radio at this time? * 8. …. it …… (to rain) the whole day yesterday?

*1. Were they writing the test at this time yesterday? * 2. Was he working in the garden from two till five o'clock? * 3. Wer

26 слайд
*1. Were they writing the test at this time yesterday? * 2. Was he working in the garden from two till five o'clock? * 3. Were we watching television the whole evening? * 4. Were you playing football at six o'clock? * 5. Were you drinking tea at seven o'clock? * 6. Was he drawing from three till four o'clock? * 7. Who was listening to the radio at this time? * 8. Was it raining the whole day yesterday?

26 слайд

*1. Were they writing the test at this time yesterday? * 2. Was he working in the garden from two till five o'clock? * 3. Were we watching television the whole evening? * 4. Were you playing football at six o'clock? * 5. Were you drinking tea at seven o'clock? * 6. Was he drawing from three till four o'clock? * 7. Who was listening to the radio at this time? * 8. Was it raining the whole day yesterday?

ReflectionReflection  The Ladder of successThe Ladder of success

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ReflectionReflection  The Ladder of successThe Ladder of success

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ReflectionReflection  The Ladder of successThe Ladder of success

Write down your homeworkWrite down your homework::  Ex.5 p.Ex.5 p.45 45 Write questions for your Write questions for your part

28 слайд
Write down your homeworkWrite down your homework::  Ex.5 p.Ex.5 p.45 45 Write questions for your Write questions for your partner with the Past Continuouspartner with the Past Continuous

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Write down your homeworkWrite down your homework::  Ex.5 p.Ex.5 p.45 45 Write questions for your Write questions for your partner with the Past Continuouspartner with the Past Continuous

Thank you!Thank you!

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Thank you!Thank you!

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Thank you!Thank you!

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30 слайд

ExampleExample: The police: The police ( (comecome) ) whilewhile I I ((havehave)) lunch. lunch. The police came while I was h

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ExampleExample: The police: The police ( (comecome) ) whilewhile I I ((havehave)) lunch. lunch. The police came while I was having lunchThe police came while I was having lunch.. ((Мен түскі ас ішіп отырғанда, полиция келдіМен түскі ас ішіп отырғанда, полиция келді.).) 1.1.The rain The rain ((startstart) ) whilewhile we we ((drivedrive)) home. home. 2.2.He He ((seesee)) a fox a fox while while hehe ( (waitwait)) for the taxi. for the taxi. 3.3.VictorVictor ( (visitvisit)) a lot of museums a lot of museums while while he he ((staystay)) in France. in France. 4.4.My wife My wife ((cookcook)) breakfast breakfast whenwhen she she ((burnburn) ) her hand.her hand. 5.5.Jane Jane ((playplay)) the piano the piano whenwhen the phone the phone ((ringring)).. Task: Make sentences, using Past Simple and Past Continuous.

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ExampleExample: The police: The police ( (comecome) ) whilewhile I I ((havehave)) lunch. lunch. The police came while I was having lunchThe police came while I was having lunch.. ((Мен түскі ас ішіп отырғанда, полиция келдіМен түскі ас ішіп отырғанда, полиция келді.).) 1.1.The rain The rain ((startstart) ) whilewhile we we ((drivedrive)) home. home. 2.2.He He ((seesee)) a fox a fox while while hehe ( (waitwait)) for the taxi. for the taxi. 3.3.VictorVictor ( (visitvisit)) a lot of museums a lot of museums while while he he ((staystay)) in France. in France. 4.4.My wife My wife ((cookcook)) breakfast breakfast whenwhen she she ((burnburn) ) her hand.her hand. 5.5.Jane Jane ((playplay)) the piano the piano whenwhen the phone the phone ((ringring)).. Task: Make sentences, using Past Simple and Past Continuous.

Let`s check:Let`s check:  1. The rain started 1. The rain started whilewhile we were driving we were driving home.home.  2.

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Let`s check:Let`s check:  1. The rain started 1. The rain started whilewhile we were driving we were driving home.home.  2. He saw a fox 2. He saw a fox whilewhile he was waiting for the he was waiting for the taxi.taxi.  3. Victor visited a lot of museums 3. Victor visited a lot of museums whilewhile he he was staying in France.was staying in France.  4.My wife was cooking breakfast 4.My wife was cooking breakfast whenwhen she she burnt her hand.burnt her hand.  5. Jane was playing the piano 5. Jane was playing the piano whenwhen the the phone rang. phone rang.

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Let`s check:Let`s check:  1. The rain started 1. The rain started whilewhile we were driving we were driving home.home.  2. He saw a fox 2. He saw a fox whilewhile he was waiting for the he was waiting for the taxi.taxi.  3. Victor visited a lot of museums 3. Victor visited a lot of museums whilewhile he he was staying in France.was staying in France.  4.My wife was cooking breakfast 4.My wife was cooking breakfast whenwhen she she burnt her hand.burnt her hand.  5. Jane was playing the piano 5. Jane was playing the piano whenwhen the the phone rang. phone rang.