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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
N.A.Yekibayeva, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor G.T.Kussepova, Master student of the 1 st course Euras

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N.A.Yekibayeva, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor G.T.Kussepova, Master student of the 1 st course Eurasian National University PECULIARITIES AND PROBLEMS OF TEACHING ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION

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N.A.Yekibayeva, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor G.T.Kussepova, Master student of the 1 st course Eurasian National University PECULIARITIES AND PROBLEMS OF TEACHING ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION

Abstract The present article concentrates on investigation of methods of teaching English pronunciation in terms of mastering s

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Abstract The present article concentrates on investigation of methods of teaching English pronunciation in terms of mastering students’ pronunciation close to native speakers. The aim is to establish the importance of correct pronunciation. We have considered the novel Emily Jane Bronte “Wuthering heights” as a material for investigation. Words have been arranged in groups with similar spelling and pronunciation. We have analyzed and made results on the experiment of research combination of vowels of the English and Russian languages. The similarity and diversity of languages are treated in an account of their pronunciation. At the end of our experiment we would like to make methodological guide of pronunciation. Абстракт Мақалада Эмили Джейн Бронтенің «Грозовой перевал» романы қарастырылды. Әдеби шығармаға сүйене отырып сөздер қоры жинақталып, ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінде кездесетін дауысты дыбыс тіркестерінің ұқсастығы мен ерекшелігіне талдау жасалды. Сөздер айтылу жағынан жеке топтарға жинақталды. Эксперимент соңында «Айтылым әдістемелік нұсқаулығын» жасап шығару жоспарлануда. Абстракт В статье рассматривается роман Эмили Джейн Бронте «Грозовой перевал», анализируется сочетание гласных букв в английском и русском языках. Слова сгруппированы согласно их написания и произношения. Сходство и разнообразие языков рассматриваются по произношению. И различие проводится согласно их произношения, как в английском, так и в қазахском языке. В конце эксперимента планируется разработать методологическое руководство произношения.

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Abstract The present article concentrates on investigation of methods of teaching English pronunciation in terms of mastering students’ pronunciation close to native speakers. The aim is to establish the importance of correct pronunciation. We have considered the novel Emily Jane Bronte “Wuthering heights” as a material for investigation. Words have been arranged in groups with similar spelling and pronunciation. We have analyzed and made results on the experiment of research combination of vowels of the English and Russian languages. The similarity and diversity of languages are treated in an account of their pronunciation. At the end of our experiment we would like to make methodological guide of pronunciation. Абстракт Мақалада Эмили Джейн Бронтенің «Грозовой перевал» романы қарастырылды. Әдеби шығармаға сүйене отырып сөздер қоры жинақталып, ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінде кездесетін дауысты дыбыс тіркестерінің ұқсастығы мен ерекшелігіне талдау жасалды. Сөздер айтылу жағынан жеке топтарға жинақталды. Эксперимент соңында «Айтылым әдістемелік нұсқаулығын» жасап шығару жоспарлануда. Абстракт В статье рассматривается роман Эмили Джейн Бронте «Грозовой перевал», анализируется сочетание гласных букв в английском и русском языках. Слова сгруппированы согласно их написания и произношения. Сходство и разнообразие языков рассматриваются по произношению. И различие проводится согласно их произношения, как в английском, так и в қазахском языке. В конце эксперимента планируется разработать методологическое руководство произношения.

Dalton and Seidlhoffer Two characterization of significant sounds 1. Sound is used as part of a code of a particular language

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Dalton and Seidlhoffer Two characterization of significant sounds 1. Sound is used as part of a code of a particular language 2. Sound is used to achieve meaning in contexts of use

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Dalton and Seidlhoffer Two characterization of significant sounds 1. Sound is used as part of a code of a particular language 2. Sound is used to achieve meaning in contexts of use

Features of Pronunciation Segmental features are sounds that show what the language is. We can differentiate languages acc

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Features of Pronunciation Segmental features are sounds that show what the language is. We can differentiate languages according to their sounds; despite we cannot understand the speech. The suprasemental features are related to intonation; stress and change of sounds in connected speech

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Features of Pronunciation Segmental features are sounds that show what the language is. We can differentiate languages according to their sounds; despite we cannot understand the speech. The suprasemental features are related to intonation; stress and change of sounds in connected speech

Morley rightly assumes, “intelligible pronunciation is an essential component of communication competence”. Morley states that

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Morley rightly assumes, “intelligible pronunciation is an essential component of communication competence”. Morley states that there are three important dimensions the teacher should catered for in any pronunciation programme: the learner's intellectual involvement affective involvement physical involvement 1 2 3

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Morley rightly assumes, “intelligible pronunciation is an essential component of communication competence”. Morley states that there are three important dimensions the teacher should catered for in any pronunciation programme: the learner's intellectual involvement affective involvement physical involvement 1 2 3

In order to compare and establish similarities of two languages we have used the novel of Emily Jane Bronte “Wuthering heigh

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In order to compare and establish similarities of two languages we have used the novel of Emily Jane Bronte “Wuthering heights” as a material. After analyzing the novel we have found 207 words with vowel combination [ou]. Having scrutinized the words we can state that the combination ou have 11 pronouncing options.

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In order to compare and establish similarities of two languages we have used the novel of Emily Jane Bronte “Wuthering heights” as a material. After analyzing the novel we have found 207 words with vowel combination [ou]. Having scrutinized the words we can state that the combination ou have 11 pronouncing options.

sourly [ˈsaʊə(r)li] devour [dɪ ˈvaʊə(r)] flour [flaʊə(r)] scour [ˈskaʊə(r)] Our [aʊə(r)] Sour [ˈsaʊə(r)] Triphthong [aʊə] is

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sourly [ˈsaʊə(r)li] devour [dɪ ˈvaʊə(r)] flour [flaʊə(r)] scour [ˈskaʊə(r)] Our [aʊə(r)] Sour [ˈsaʊə(r)] Triphthong [aʊə] is found in only 6 words

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sourly [ˈsaʊə(r)li] devour [dɪ ˈvaʊə(r)] flour [flaʊə(r)] scour [ˈskaʊə(r)] Our [aʊə(r)] Sour [ˈsaʊə(r)] Triphthong [aʊə] is found in only 6 words

Diphthongs: [au] is found in words announce [əˈnaʊns], compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd], house [haʊs] and 72 more words; [əʊ] is found i

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Diphthongs: [au] is found in words announce [əˈnaʊns], compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd], house [haʊs] and 72 more words; [əʊ] is found in words though [ðəʊ], shouldering [ˈʃəʊldə(r) ɪŋ], mould [məʊld] and 3 more words; [ʊə] is found only in one word dour [dʊə(r)].

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Diphthongs: [au] is found in words announce [əˈnaʊns], compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd], house [haʊs] and 72 more words; [əʊ] is found in words though [ðəʊ], shouldering [ˈʃəʊldə(r) ɪŋ], mould [məʊld] and 3 more words; [ʊə] is found only in one word dour [dʊə(r)].

Long vowel sound [ɔː] is found in words thought [θɔːt], Court [kɔː(r)t], Mourn [mɔː(r)n] and 18 more words. •Long vowel soun

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Long vowel sound [ɔː] is found in words thought [θɔːt], Court [kɔː(r)t], Mourn [mɔː(r)n] and 18 more words. •Long vowel sound [u:] is found in words youth [juːθ], through [θruː], ghoulish [ˈɡuːlɪʃ] and 4 more words; •Long vowel sound [ɜː] is found in only 3 words as in journey [ˈdʒɜː(r)ni], adjourn [əˈdʒɜː(r)n] and courtesy [ˈkɜː(r)təsi]; •Short vowel sound [u] is found in only 4 words as could [kʊd], should [ʃʊd], would [wʊd] and You [jʊ]; •Short vowel sound [ɒ] is found in only 2 words as cough [kɒf] and horse-trough [hɔː(r)s trɒf]; •Short vowel sound [ə] is found in words jealous [ˈdʒeləs], neighbour [ˈneɪbə(r)], Honour [ˈɒnə(r)] and 2 more words; •Short vowel sound [ʌ] is found in words trouble [ˈtrʌb(ə)l], country [ˈkʌntri], couple [ˈkʌp(ə)l] and 17 more words;

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Long vowel sound [ɔː] is found in words thought [θɔːt], Court [kɔː(r)t], Mourn [mɔː(r)n] and 18 more words. •Long vowel sound [u:] is found in words youth [juːθ], through [θruː], ghoulish [ˈɡuːlɪʃ] and 4 more words; •Long vowel sound [ɜː] is found in only 3 words as in journey [ˈdʒɜː(r)ni], adjourn [əˈdʒɜː(r)n] and courtesy [ˈkɜː(r)təsi]; •Short vowel sound [u] is found in only 4 words as could [kʊd], should [ʃʊd], would [wʊd] and You [jʊ]; •Short vowel sound [ɒ] is found in only 2 words as cough [kɒf] and horse-trough [hɔː(r)s trɒf]; •Short vowel sound [ə] is found in words jealous [ˈdʒeləs], neighbour [ˈneɪbə(r)], Honour [ˈɒnə(r)] and 2 more words; •Short vowel sound [ʌ] is found in words trouble [ˈtrʌb(ə)l], country [ˈkʌntri], couple [ˈkʌp(ə)l] and 17 more words;

2,4 121,5 3,3 10,1 2,4 5 36,2 75 8,3 6 0,51 9,7 20 5 2 43 7 21 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 In numbers In percentage aʊə au əʊ ʊə ʌ

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2,4 121,5 3,3 10,1 2,4 5 36,2 75 8,3 6 0,51 9,7 20 5 2 43 7 21 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 In numbers In percentage aʊə au əʊ ʊə ʌ ə ɒ u ɜː u: ɔː Diagram #1 Final result in numbers and percentage

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2,4 121,5 3,3 10,1 2,4 5 36,2 75 8,3 6 0,51 9,7 20 5 2 43 7 21 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 In numbers In percentage aʊə au əʊ ʊə ʌ ə ɒ u ɜː u: ɔː Diagram #1 Final result in numbers and percentage

Table 1 Comparative analysis and similar sounds No Combination /ou/ English Kazakh 1 /aʊə/ Devour /dɪˈvaʊə(r)/Майлауы (oilin

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Table 1 Comparative analysis and similar sounds No Combination /ou/ English Kazakh 1 /aʊə/ Devour /dɪˈvaʊə(r)/Майлауы (oiling) 2 /au/ compound /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ Сайлау (vote; election) 3 /əʊ/ Soul /səʊl/ Сәулесі (beam) 4 /ʊə/ Dour /dʊə(r)/ суыр (marmot) 5 /ʌ/ Couple /ˈkʌp(ə)l/ Қалып (block) Капитал (fund) 6 /ə/ Neighbour /ˈneɪbə(r)/ Енді (and now) 7 /ɒ/ cough /kɒf/ Ата (grandfather) 8 /u/ Would /wʊd/ Қу (sly) 9 /ɜː/ Courtesy /ˈkɜː(r)təsi/ - 10 /u:/ Group /ɡruːp/ - 11 /ɔː/ Resource /rɪˈzɔː(r)s/ -

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Table 1 Comparative analysis and similar sounds No Combination /ou/ English Kazakh 1 /aʊə/ Devour /dɪˈvaʊə(r)/Майлауы (oiling) 2 /au/ compound /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ Сайлау (vote; election) 3 /əʊ/ Soul /səʊl/ Сәулесі (beam) 4 /ʊə/ Dour /dʊə(r)/ суыр (marmot) 5 /ʌ/ Couple /ˈkʌp(ə)l/ Қалып (block) Капитал (fund) 6 /ə/ Neighbour /ˈneɪbə(r)/ Енді (and now) 7 /ɒ/ cough /kɒf/ Ата (grandfather) 8 /u/ Would /wʊd/ Қу (sly) 9 /ɜː/ Courtesy /ˈkɜː(r)təsi/ - 10 /u:/ Group /ɡruːp/ - 11 /ɔː/ Resource /rɪˈzɔː(r)s/ -

In the system of English vowel is marked more contrasts than in the Kazakh. Thus, /ɜː/, /u:/ and /ɔː/. In this case teacher sh

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In the system of English vowel is marked more contrasts than in the Kazakh. Thus, /ɜː/, /u:/ and /ɔː/. In this case teacher should show and ask the students imitate sounds. •the features of vowel sounds are similar: the front and mixed back row; short; monophthong and diphthong. However long vowel sounds as: •/ɜ:/ is similar to /ə/, but it is longer pronounced. •/u:/ is similar to /y/ followed by /u/. •/ɔː/ is similar to / ɔ / followed by brief /w/ differ from the Kazakh one. In other words, the correct English pronunciation is only achieved when the teacher shows the examples in native language similar to foreign language.

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In the system of English vowel is marked more contrasts than in the Kazakh. Thus, /ɜː/, /u:/ and /ɔː/. In this case teacher should show and ask the students imitate sounds. •the features of vowel sounds are similar: the front and mixed back row; short; monophthong and diphthong. However long vowel sounds as: •/ɜ:/ is similar to /ə/, but it is longer pronounced. •/u:/ is similar to /y/ followed by /u/. •/ɔː/ is similar to / ɔ / followed by brief /w/ differ from the Kazakh one. In other words, the correct English pronunciation is only achieved when the teacher shows the examples in native language similar to foreign language.

Articulatory plan of the word ‘winter’ is shown as follows: •Phonological form of a word, that is, the word without any reducti

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Articulatory plan of the word ‘winter’ is shown as follows: •Phonological form of a word, that is, the word without any reduction and squeezing: winter[wintә] •Articulatory plan, the word pronounced by native speakers with fully specified articulation of the word: winter [win*thә] •Articulatory plan, the reduced form of the word: winter [winә]

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Articulatory plan of the word ‘winter’ is shown as follows: •Phonological form of a word, that is, the word without any reduction and squeezing: winter[wintә] •Articulatory plan, the word pronounced by native speakers with fully specified articulation of the word: winter [win*thә] •Articulatory plan, the reduced form of the word: winter [winә]

Further to achieve more clear view about sounds and sound patterns we have considered the bracketed units of phonological comp

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Further to achieve more clear view about sounds and sound patterns we have considered the bracketed units of phonological component provided by Trask. He has offered the example of words in one sentences pronounced together, in another word “glued together” words. a. The rest of the books will have to go there. b. [The rest] [of the books’ll] [have to] [go] [there]. The following example shows that phonological units are less useful in grammar or meaning of the word. Phonological words can be reduced regarding the accent, ability and development level of the learner. Thus, learners can use the native language system of pronunciation speaking English.

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Further to achieve more clear view about sounds and sound patterns we have considered the bracketed units of phonological component provided by Trask. He has offered the example of words in one sentences pronounced together, in another word “glued together” words. a. The rest of the books will have to go there. b. [The rest] [of the books’ll] [have to] [go] [there]. The following example shows that phonological units are less useful in grammar or meaning of the word. Phonological words can be reduced regarding the accent, ability and development level of the learner. Thus, learners can use the native language system of pronunciation speaking English.

Joseph: ‘What are ye for?’ he shouted. ‘T’ maister’s down i’ t’ fowld. Go round by th’ end o’ t’ laith, if ye went to spake to

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Joseph: ‘What are ye for?’ he shouted. ‘T’ maister’s down i’ t’ fowld. Go round by th’ end o’ t’ laith, if ye went to spake to him.’ (Wuthering heights, p.3) Joseph: “Gooid Lord!' he muttered, sitting down, and stroking his ribbed stockings from the knee to the ankle. 'If there's to be fresh ortherings - just when I getten used to two maisters, if I mun hev' a MISTRESS set o'er my heead, it's like time to be flitting. I niver DID think to see t' day that I mud lave th' owld place - but I doubt it's nigh at hand!” (Wuthering heights, p.130) The extract from the novel “Wuthering heights”, written by Jane Emily Bronte:

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Joseph: ‘What are ye for?’ he shouted. ‘T’ maister’s down i’ t’ fowld. Go round by th’ end o’ t’ laith, if ye went to spake to him.’ (Wuthering heights, p.3) Joseph: “Gooid Lord!' he muttered, sitting down, and stroking his ribbed stockings from the knee to the ankle. 'If there's to be fresh ortherings - just when I getten used to two maisters, if I mun hev' a MISTRESS set o'er my heead, it's like time to be flitting. I niver DID think to see t' day that I mud lave th' owld place - but I doubt it's nigh at hand!” (Wuthering heights, p.130) The extract from the novel “Wuthering heights”, written by Jane Emily Bronte:

Method 1. (Integrated lesson) Students watch the movie “Wuthering height” and try to write the dialogue using the following tr

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Method 1. (Integrated lesson) Students watch the movie “Wuthering height” and try to write the dialogue using the following transcription: 1.[ɔːlˈðəʊ aɪ dəʊnt nəʊ ɪf ˈneli lʊks æt ˌem ˈiː wɪð praɪd fɔː(r) ðə dʒɒb ʃɪ dɪd] 2.[ˈriːdɪŋ ɪnˈtaɪə ˈlɛtəz ɪt kʊd ˈəʊnli biː dɪ ˈsaɪd baɪ ði ˈʌðə ˈmɛmbəz ɒv ðə ˈfæmɪli] 3.[hiː wɪl ˈnɛvə biː ˈeɪbl tuː ɪ ˈmɜːʤ frɒm hɪz ˈkɔːsnəs ænd ˈɪgnərəns] etc Emily Jane Bronte Wuthering height. Film shot in 2009. The episodes were adapted for the screen by Peter Bowker and directed by Coky Giedroyc.

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Method 1. (Integrated lesson) Students watch the movie “Wuthering height” and try to write the dialogue using the following transcription: 1.[ɔːlˈðəʊ aɪ dəʊnt nəʊ ɪf ˈneli lʊks æt ˌem ˈiː wɪð praɪd fɔː(r) ðə dʒɒb ʃɪ dɪd] 2.[ˈriːdɪŋ ɪnˈtaɪə ˈlɛtəz ɪt kʊd ˈəʊnli biː dɪ ˈsaɪd baɪ ði ˈʌðə ˈmɛmbəz ɒv ðə ˈfæmɪli] 3.[hiː wɪl ˈnɛvə biː ˈeɪbl tuː ɪ ˈmɜːʤ frɒm hɪz ˈkɔːsnəs ænd ˈɪgnərəns] etc Emily Jane Bronte Wuthering height. Film shot in 2009. The episodes were adapted for the screen by Peter Bowker and directed by Coky Giedroyc.

Method 2. (Remedial lesson) 1.To record their voice 2. To follow the link and work with their mistakes https://voicenotebook.c

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Method 2. (Remedial lesson) 1.To record their voice 2. To follow the link and work with their mistakes https://voicenotebook.com/prononce.php 3. To practise sounds pronouncing more words with these sounds.

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Method 2. (Remedial lesson) 1.To record their voice 2. To follow the link and work with their mistakes https://voicenotebook.com/prononce.php 3. To practise sounds pronouncing more words with these sounds.

Method 3. (Practice lesson) This lesson requires learners to work on their own. That is, they can find their mistakes and try t

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Method 3. (Practice lesson) This lesson requires learners to work on their own. That is, they can find their mistakes and try to deal with it.

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Method 3. (Practice lesson) This lesson requires learners to work on their own. That is, they can find their mistakes and try to deal with it.

References 1.Christiane Dalton And Barbara Seidlhofer “Pronunciation” in the series 'Language Teaching: A Scheme for Teacher

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References 1.Christiane Dalton And Barbara Seidlhofer “Pronunciation” in the series 'Language Teaching: A Scheme for Teacher Education', Oxford University Press, 1994. 2.Morley, J “The Pronunciation Component in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languagesâ”, TESOL Quarterly 25/1, 1991, 488-506. 3.Zh.K. Kaliyev, “Some problems of foreign language teaching methods,” Kazakhstan school journal, №8, P. 5, 1962. 4.Emily Jane Bronte “Wuthering heights”, 2010

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References 1.Christiane Dalton And Barbara Seidlhofer “Pronunciation” in the series 'Language Teaching: A Scheme for Teacher Education', Oxford University Press, 1994. 2.Morley, J “The Pronunciation Component in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languagesâ”, TESOL Quarterly 25/1, 1991, 488-506. 3.Zh.K. Kaliyev, “Some problems of foreign language teaching methods,” Kazakhstan school journal, №8, P. 5, 1962. 4.Emily Jane Bronte “Wuthering heights”, 2010