Материалдар / Pollution and the environment grade 8
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Pollution and the environment grade 8

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Ағылшын тілі пәнінен презентация
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01 Қараша 2020
2 рет жүктелген
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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
The 8 th of September Tuesday Theme: Pollution and the environment p.12

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The 8 th of September Tuesday Theme: Pollution and the environment p.12

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The 8 th of September Tuesday Theme: Pollution and the environment p.12

Lesson objectives: 8.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of ge

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Lesson objectives: 8.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics 8.S7 use appropriate subject- specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

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Lesson objectives: 8.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics 8.S7 use appropriate subject- specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

New vocabulary: 1) throw away [‘ Ө r ә u ә wei] – лақтыру 2 ) bury [‘beri] – көму 3 ) pollute [p ә ’lut] – ластау 4 )

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New vocabulary: 1) throw away [‘ Ө r ә u ә wei] – лақтыру 2 ) bury [‘beri] – көму 3 ) pollute [p ә ’lut] – ластау 4 ) reuse [,ri: ‘ju:z] - қайта қолдану 5) waste [weist] - қалдықтар 6) recycle [,ri:’saikl] – қайта өңдеу 7) destroy [di’stroi] – күйрету, қирату 8) burn [b ә :n] - жағу 9) poison [‘poizn] - яд 10) polysterene cups [,poli’stairi:n] – полистирол саптыаяқ кружкалар 11) cardboard boxes [‘ka:dbo:d] – картон қораптар

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New vocabulary: 1) throw away [‘ Ө r ә u ә wei] – лақтыру 2 ) bury [‘beri] – көму 3 ) pollute [p ә ’lut] – ластау 4 ) reuse [,ri: ‘ju:z] - қайта қолдану 5) waste [weist] - қалдықтар 6) recycle [,ri:’saikl] – қайта өңдеу 7) destroy [di’stroi] – күйрету, қирату 8) burn [b ә :n] - жағу 9) poison [‘poizn] - яд 10) polysterene cups [,poli’stairi:n] – полистирол саптыаяқ кружкалар 11) cardboard boxes [‘ka:dbo:d] – картон қораптар

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A plastic problem

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A plastic problem

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A plastic problem

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Ex.2 p.12 Ask and answer the questions 1) Do you throw away or reuse plastic bags? 2) What do you and your school do with rub

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Ex.2 p.12 Ask and answer the questions 1) Do you throw away or reuse plastic bags? 2) What do you and your school do with rubbish? 3) How can you reduce waste in your home? 4) What happens to rubbish in your area? 5) What things are harmful to the environment in your area?

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Ex.2 p.12 Ask and answer the questions 1) Do you throw away or reuse plastic bags? 2) What do you and your school do with rubbish? 3) How can you reduce waste in your home? 4) What happens to rubbish in your area? 5) What things are harmful to the environment in your area?

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8 слайд

Self-reflection « Message » Pupils write 11 words of the greatest importance for the topic of the lesson.

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Self-reflection « Message » Pupils write 11 words of the greatest importance for the topic of the lesson.

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Self-reflection « Message » Pupils write 11 words of the greatest importance for the topic of the lesson.