Материалдар / Present Perfect Tense. Grade: 8
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Present Perfect Tense. Grade: 8

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Оқушыларға Present Perfect Tense туралы сабақ. Present Simple Tense және Present Continuous tense салыстыра отырып
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03 Мамыр 2020
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Unit 5. Step 1 Grade : 8

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Unit 5. Step 1 Grade : 8

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Unit 5. Step 1 Grade : 8

Unit 5. Step 1 To teach describe recent events, to develop skills of using words for topics in the news and The pr

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Unit 5. Step 1 To teach describe recent events, to develop skills of using words for topics in the news and The present Perfect tenseThe aim of the lesson : ``Spider`s net``, describing, Association, Matching, game, ``Fishbone `` Methods : Pictures, yarn, poster , marker, book, playing card, reflection sheets, assessment .Resources

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Unit 5. Step 1 To teach describe recent events, to develop skills of using words for topics in the news and The present Perfect tenseThe aim of the lesson : ``Spider`s net``, describing, Association, Matching, game, ``Fishbone `` Methods : Pictures, yarn, poster , marker, book, playing card, reflection sheets, assessment .Resources

The procedure of the lesson : I. Org. Moment II. Checking the home task III. Main part . a)Presentation

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The procedure of the lesson : I. Org. Moment II. Checking the home task III. Main part . a)Presentation B)Dividing into 2 groups c)Phonetic analyze d)Relaxing time e)Association f) Working with exercise g) Playing cards IV. Conclusion a) Fishbone b) Reflection c) Assess d) Giving the h-t

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The procedure of the lesson : I. Org. Moment II. Checking the home task III. Main part . a)Presentation B)Dividing into 2 groups c)Phonetic analyze d)Relaxing time e)Association f) Working with exercise g) Playing cards IV. Conclusion a) Fishbone b) Reflection c) Assess d) Giving the h-t

I wish you ... at this lesson

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I wish you ... at this lesson

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I wish you ... at this lesson

Tongue twister challenge A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies

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Tongue twister challenge A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies

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Tongue twister challenge A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies

Checking the home task.The timeline of Ch. Valikhanov`s life. ``Spider`s net`` -When was born Ch. Valik

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Checking the home task.The timeline of Ch. Valikhanov`s life. ``Spider`s net`` -When was born Ch. Valikhanov?- -When he went to study at a Russian military academy? -When he travelled to the Kyrgyz frontier? -When he was sent to Kulya ? -When he went on his most famous expedition? -When he became seriously ill? -When he died?

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Checking the home task.The timeline of Ch. Valikhanov`s life. ``Spider`s net`` -When was born Ch. Valikhanov?- -When he went to study at a Russian military academy? -When he travelled to the Kyrgyz frontier? -When he was sent to Kulya ? -When he went on his most famous expedition? -When he became seriously ill? -When he died?

New words Researcher [ri`s ә: t ʃә ] Destroy [dis`trɔi] Steal [sti : l] Leader [li : d ә ] Crime [kraim] Culture[kʌltʃ

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New words Researcher [ri`s ә: t ʃә ] Destroy [dis`trɔi] Steal [sti : l] Leader [li : d ә ] Crime [kraim] Culture[kʌltʃ ә ] - How many letters and sounds are there? Жаңа сөздер Бұзу, қирату Тонау Көшбасшы Қылмыс Зерттеуші Мәдинет

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New words Researcher [ri`s ә: t ʃә ] Destroy [dis`trɔi] Steal [sti : l] Leader [li : d ә ] Crime [kraim] Culture[kʌltʃ ә ] - How many letters and sounds are there? Жаңа сөздер Бұзу, қирату Тонау Көшбасшы Қылмыс Зерттеуші Мәдинет

News Association

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News Association

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News Association

Exercise 1. 1. Researchers have found that eating chocolate is good for you... 2. Tomorrow will be cool and cloudy... 3. A bri

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Exercise 1. 1. Researchers have found that eating chocolate is good for you... 2. Tomorrow will be cool and cloudy... 3. A bridge was destroyed and 3 soldiers were injured... 4. Stars from all over the world are in Hollywood this week... 5. More than 2 million was stolen from a bank... 6. Schoolchildren have planted a thousand trees... 7. British athletes have won 2 gold medals ... 8. World leaders are meeting in .... Famous peopleC rim e Sport P o litic s War and peace The weather T h e en v iro n m en t Health

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Exercise 1. 1. Researchers have found that eating chocolate is good for you... 2. Tomorrow will be cool and cloudy... 3. A bridge was destroyed and 3 soldiers were injured... 4. Stars from all over the world are in Hollywood this week... 5. More than 2 million was stolen from a bank... 6. Schoolchildren have planted a thousand trees... 7. British athletes have won 2 gold medals ... 8. World leaders are meeting in .... Famous peopleC rim e Sport P o litic s War and peace The weather T h e en v iro n m en t Health

The Present Perfect Tense Have/has+V3 We can use the Present Perfect Tense to describe recent actions

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The Present Perfect Tense Have/has+V3 We can use the Present Perfect Tense to describe recent actions and events. We often use it to give a piece of news. It`s form is have/has+ v3. The football has just started. Asan is writing a letter to his friend. I play computer game . Steve studies English at school. A new family has just moved into our streets. Sarah locks her front door. Paul is working for ten minutes. Ben is going to swimming club . He has started his science project. Betty works for a local radio station.

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The Present Perfect Tense Have/has+V3 We can use the Present Perfect Tense to describe recent actions and events. We often use it to give a piece of news. It`s form is have/has+ v3. The football has just started. Asan is writing a letter to his friend. I play computer game . Steve studies English at school. A new family has just moved into our streets. Sarah locks her front door. Paul is working for ten minutes. Ben is going to swimming club . He has started his science project. Betty works for a local radio station.

The Present Simple The Present Continuous Tense The Present Perfect Tense Playing card

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The Present Simple The Present Continuous Tense The Present Perfect Tense Playing card Dividing into 3 groups

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The Present Simple The Present Continuous Tense The Present Perfect Tense Playing card Dividing into 3 groups


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. Reflection 3 things I learned about ____________ ____________ ____________ 2 ways I contributed to today`s Class Conn

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. Reflection 3 things I learned about ____________ ____________ ____________ 2 ways I contributed to today`s Class Connect ______________ ______________ 1 question I still have _______________

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. Reflection 3 things I learned about ____________ ____________ ____________ 2 ways I contributed to today`s Class Connect ______________ ______________ 1 question I still have _______________

Giving the home task Level Tasks Ex. 1 P.26 Ex.2 P.26 The lesson is over.

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Giving the home task Level Tasks Ex. 1 P.26 Ex.2 P.26 The lesson is over.

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Giving the home task Level Tasks Ex. 1 P.26 Ex.2 P.26 The lesson is over.