Материалдар / Presentation Acrostic poems

Presentation Acrostic poems

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Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
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In this lesson we are going to learn how to write ACROSTIC POEMS

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In this lesson we are going to learn how to write ACROSTIC POEMS

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In this lesson we are going to learn how to write ACROSTIC POEMS

AN ACROSTIC POEM is a poem where the first letter of each line spells out a specific word or phrase The word or phrase is th

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AN ACROSTIC POEM is a poem where the first letter of each line spells out a specific word or phrase The word or phrase is the theme of the poem

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AN ACROSTIC POEM is a poem where the first letter of each line spells out a specific word or phrase The word or phrase is the theme of the poem

Examples of Acrostic Poem: S unshine warming my toes, U nderwater fun with my friends. M aking homemade ice cream on the porch,

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Examples of Acrostic Poem: S unshine warming my toes, U nderwater fun with my friends. M aking homemade ice cream on the porch, M any long nights catching fireflies. E arly morning walks to the creek, R eveling in the freedom of lazy days.

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Examples of Acrostic Poem: S unshine warming my toes, U nderwater fun with my friends. M aking homemade ice cream on the porch, M any long nights catching fireflies. E arly morning walks to the creek, R eveling in the freedom of lazy days.

CRUNCHY CHEWY Awesome Nice and sweet Delightful and delicious Yummy treatAcrostic about CANDY

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CRUNCHY CHEWY Awesome Nice and sweet Delightful and delicious Yummy treatAcrostic about CANDY

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CRUNCHY CHEWY Awesome Nice and sweet Delightful and delicious Yummy treatAcrostic about CANDY

CAT ACROSTIC C urling its tail A round itself T ime for a nap

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CAT ACROSTIC C urling its tail A round itself T ime for a nap

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CAT ACROSTIC C urling its tail A round itself T ime for a nap

1. Write the name vertically S A M 2. Brainstorm words or phrases that describe him Best friend fun cool super

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1. Write the name vertically S A M 2. Brainstorm words or phrases that describe him Best friend fun cool super like video gentle smart etc. 3. Dictionaries can help you to find these words S uper cool A lways fun M y best friendNAME POEMS are one of the easiest acrostics to write

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1. Write the name vertically S A M 2. Brainstorm words or phrases that describe him Best friend fun cool super like video gentle smart etc. 3. Dictionaries can help you to find these words S uper cool A lways fun M y best friendNAME POEMS are one of the easiest acrostics to write

HOW TO WRITE AN ACROSTIC POEM ? 3. All the first letters spell a word1. The lines of an acrostic poem don`t have to rhyme 4.

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HOW TO WRITE AN ACROSTIC POEM ? 3. All the first letters spell a word1. The lines of an acrostic poem don`t have to rhyme 4. Some lines have several words, some lines are one word2. Don`t have to be complete sentences

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HOW TO WRITE AN ACROSTIC POEM ? 3. All the first letters spell a word1. The lines of an acrostic poem don`t have to rhyme 4. Some lines have several words, some lines are one word2. Don`t have to be complete sentences

Let`s read this acrostic poem M oving forwards, O ld and angry, N ose twitching, S moke rising, T errifying! E veryone, R un !

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Let`s read this acrostic poem M oving forwards, O ld and angry, N ose twitching, S moke rising, T errifying! E veryone, R un !

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Let`s read this acrostic poem M oving forwards, O ld and angry, N ose twitching, S moke rising, T errifying! E veryone, R un !

WHO IS IT? A. Saturn is a gas giant, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium One Greek hero, Daring and brave, Young and stron

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WHO IS IT? A. Saturn is a gas giant, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium One Greek hero, Daring and brave, Young and strong, Sailed across the sea, Saw hideous monsters, Escaped from the whirlpool, Unhappy away from home, Said goodbye to Calypso and left

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WHO IS IT? A. Saturn is a gas giant, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium One Greek hero, Daring and brave, Young and strong, Sailed across the sea, Saw hideous monsters, Escaped from the whirlpool, Unhappy away from home, Said goodbye to Calypso and left

SailorsTry to write an acrostic poem about sailors

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SailorsTry to write an acrostic poem about sailors

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SailorsTry to write an acrostic poem about sailors

ACROSTIC POEMS can be about people , animals, places or things

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ACROSTIC POEMS can be about people , animals, places or things

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ACROSTIC POEMS can be about people , animals, places or things


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