Материалдар / Presentation on the topic "Eating in Britain" Grade 7
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Presentation on the topic "Eating in Britain" Grade 7

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Eating in Britain Grade 7
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Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
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ThemeTheme ““ Eating in Britain”Eating in Britain”

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ThemeTheme ““ Eating in Britain”Eating in Britain”

Let`s read the poemLet`s read the poem Breakfast in the morning.Breakfast in the morning. Dinner in the day.Dinner in the d

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Let`s read the poemLet`s read the poem Breakfast in the morning.Breakfast in the morning. Dinner in the day.Dinner in the day. Tea comes after dinner.Tea comes after dinner. Then, its time to play.Then, its time to play.

Let`s read the dialogue.Let`s read the dialogue.  Excuse me!Excuse me!  Yes?Yes?  Could your answer some questions?Could

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Let`s read the dialogue.Let`s read the dialogue.  Excuse me!Excuse me!  Yes?Yes?  Could your answer some questions?Could your answer some questions?  Well… em… OK.Well… em… OK.  What`s your name?What`s your name?  Talgat.Talgat.  OK, Talgat. What do you like to eat?OK, Talgat. What do you like to eat?  I like fruit. I love bananas, oranges, and apricots.I like fruit. I love bananas, oranges, and apricots.  Do you like meet?Do you like meet?  Yes, I do. I also like fish and eggs and fried potatoes.Yes, I do. I also like fish and eggs and fried potatoes.  What do you like to drink?What do you like to drink?  I like Coke and orange juice and tea with milk and…I like Coke and orange juice and tea with milk and…  And what don`t you like?And what don`t you like?  I don`t like surveys! Good bye!I don`t like surveys! Good bye!  Mmm?Mmm?

Complete the chart.Complete the chart. FruitFruit DrinksDrinks Other foodOther food

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Complete the chart.Complete the chart. FruitFruit DrinksDrinks Other foodOther food

Check up the chart.Check up the chart. FruitFruit BananasBananas OrangesOranges ApplesApples apricotsapricots

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Check up the chart.Check up the chart. FruitFruit BananasBananas OrangesOranges ApplesApples apricotsapricots DrinksDrinks CokeCoke Orange juiceOrange juice TeaTea milkmilk Other foodOther food FishFish EggsEggs Fried potatoesFried potatoes

Singular and plural formsSingular and plural forms Noun is divided into 2 forms.Noun is di

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Singular and plural formsSingular and plural forms Noun is divided into 2 forms.Noun is divided into 2 forms. They are:They are: Singular form Plural formSingular form Plural form Eg. Bread, milk. Apples, bananasEg. Bread, milk. Apples, bananas They are uncountable. They are countableThey are uncountable. They are countable

Make two lists Ex. 3Make two lists Ex. 3 SingularSingular PluralPlural

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Make two lists Ex. 3Make two lists Ex. 3 SingularSingular PluralPlural

Show countable (c) or Uncountable (u)Show countable (c) or Uncountable (u) Cars, water, air, bottles, apples, Car

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Show countable (c) or Uncountable (u)Show countable (c) or Uncountable (u) Cars, water, air, bottles, apples, Cars, water, air, bottles, apples, bread, tea, dollars, money, pears, bread, tea, dollars, money, pears, lemons, sugar, salt, eggs, toys, milk, lemons, sugar, salt, eggs, toys, milk, sandwiches, ham, cheese, coffee.sandwiches, ham, cheese, coffee.

Fruit, vegetable or tableware.Fruit, vegetable or tableware. Show right card.Show right card. Onion, apples, bananas

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Fruit, vegetable or tableware.Fruit, vegetable or tableware. Show right card.Show right card. Onion, apples, bananas, Onion, apples, bananas, tomatoes, carrots, a knife, a fork. tomatoes, carrots, a knife, a fork. oranges, plates, lemon, potatoes, oranges, plates, lemon, potatoes, bowls, glasses, beans, a spoon. bowls, glasses, beans, a spoon.

New vocabulary words:New vocabulary words:  Food – Food – пища, едапища, еда  Roast-beef – Roast-beef – ростбифростбиф

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New vocabulary words:New vocabulary words:  Food – Food – пища, едапища, еда  Roast-beef – Roast-beef – ростбифростбиф  Roast-potatoes – Roast-potatoes – жареный картофельжареный картофель  Cornflakes – Cornflakes – поп-корнпоп-корн  Toasts – Toasts – гренкигренки  Honey – Honey – медмед  Sausages – Sausages – колбасаколбаса  Bacon - Bacon - беконбекон

True or FalseTrue or False  British food is very popular in Europe.British food is very popular in Europe.  British peopl

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True or FalseTrue or False  British food is very popular in Europe.British food is very popular in Europe.  British people eat Yorkshire pudding on British people eat Yorkshire pudding on Sunday.Sunday.  British people eat a lot of meet.British people eat a lot of meet.  The don`t like tea very much.The don`t like tea very much.  Breakfast is the chief meal of the day.Breakfast is the chief meal of the day.  They drink a lot of mineral water.They drink a lot of mineral water.

Good bye!Good bye!

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Good bye!Good bye!