Материалдар / Презентация "Plural nouns"
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Презентация "Plural nouns"

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Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
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Plural nouns

1 слайд
Plural nouns

The aim:  Formation of knowledge of pupils on the theme

2 слайд
The aim:  Formation of knowledge of pupils on the theme


3 слайд

Spades for digging, pens for writing, Ears for hearing, teeth for biting, Eyes for seeing, legs for walking, Tongues for tastin

4 слайд
Spades for digging, pens for writing, Ears for hearing, teeth for biting, Eyes for seeing, legs for walking, Tongues for tasting and talking.

 A noun is a part of speech that denotes a person, animal, place, thing, or idea.  When a noun indicates one only, it is a

5 слайд
 A noun is a part of speech that denotes a person, animal, place, thing, or idea.  When a noun indicates one only, it is a singular noun. When a noun indicates more than one, it is plural.  Plural nouns are words used to indicate that there is more than one person, animal, place, thing, or idea.

- S - • a pen • pen s • a pencil pencil s

6 слайд
- S - • a pen • pen s • a pencil pencil s

- S - • a chair • chair s • a sofa • sofa s

7 слайд
- S - • a chair • chair s • a sofa • sofa s

- es – - ch, - s, - sh, - ss, - o, - x • a bus • bus es • a glass • glass es

8 слайд
- es – - ch, - s, - sh, - ss, - o, - x • a bus • bus es • a glass • glass es

-es- • a tomato • tomato es • a dish • dish es

9 слайд
-es- • a tomato • tomato es • a dish • dish es

-es - • a box • box es • a fox • fox es

10 слайд
-es - • a box • box es • a fox • fox es

Exceptions • radi o - radi os • phot o - phot os • pian o - pian os

11 слайд
Exceptions • radi o - radi os • phot o - phot os • pian o - pian os

- S - vowel + y • a boy • bo y s • a toy • to y s

12 слайд
- S - vowel + y • a boy • bo y s • a toy • to y s

i + es consonant + y • a baby • bab i es • a family • famil i es

13 слайд
i + es consonant + y • a baby • bab i es • a family • famil i es

-es – - f or -fe change to -v + es • a shelf • shel v es • a knife • kni v es

14 слайд
-es – - f or -fe change to -v + es • a shelf • shel v es • a knife • kni v es

Exceptions man men woman women

15 слайд
Exceptions man men woman women

Exceptions child children tooth teeth

16 слайд
Exceptions child children tooth teeth

Exceptions foot feet mouse mice

17 слайд
Exceptions foot feet mouse mice

Exceptions goose geese

18 слайд
Exceptions goose geese

Exceptions sheep sheep fish fish

19 слайд
Exceptions sheep sheep fish fish

Task 1. Write nouns in the plural form. 1. man ____________ 2. eye ____________ 3. child ____________ 4. fish _

20 слайд
Task 1. Write nouns in the plural form. 1. man ____________ 2. eye ____________ 3. child ____________ 4. fish ____________ 5. mouse ____________ 6. baby ____________ 7. fox ____________

Task 2. Complete the sentences . 1. Jane has got two big… (dog). 2. These… (man) are from Russia. 3. Have you got any … (fish) ?

21 слайд
Task 2. Complete the sentences . 1. Jane has got two big… (dog). 2. These… (man) are from Russia. 3. Have you got any … (fish) ? 4. These … (mouse) have got long tails. 5. All the … (child) have got new pens. 6. Crane has got two long … (foot). 7. These … (woman) are very nice.

Task 3. Sort the nouns into categories. family goose child box hero cat sheep man boy t

22 слайд
Task 3. Sort the nouns into categories. family goose child box hero cat sheep man boy teacher shelf potato brush dish glass life bus peach library picture tooth toy baby bear monkey book table -s- ________ ________ ________ ________ -es- ________ ________ ________ ________ i-es ________ ________ ________ ________ exceptions ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ -s- vowel + y _________ _________ _________

Task 4. Match the nouns with plural form flower pianos sheep pupils fox women foxespupil knife flowers woman sheep piano knives

23 слайд
Task 4. Match the nouns with plural form flower pianos sheep pupils fox women foxespupil knife flowers woman sheep piano knives

Task 5. Choose the odd one. 1. geese, children, sheep, grapes 2. animals, teeth, pens, balls 3. days, libraries, families, babi

24 слайд
Task 5. Choose the odd one. 1. geese, children, sheep, grapes 2. animals, teeth, pens, balls 3. days, libraries, families, babies 4. potatoes, classes, watches, houses 5. boxes, clocks, parks, trees

Home task to learn by heart the rules of forming plural forms of nouns.

25 слайд
Home task to learn by heart the rules of forming plural forms of nouns.