Материалдар / Презентация "Problem solving: Conditional statements and logical operators" 8 сынып
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Презентация "Problem solving: Conditional statements and logical operators" 8 сынып

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Problem solving: Conditional statements and logical operators

1 слайд
Problem solving: Conditional statements and logical operators

 Recall past knowledge  Өткен білімді еске түсірейік

2 слайд
 Recall past knowledge  Өткен білімді еске түсірейік

Examples : if 1: print("hello 1") will print : a = 3 if a == 3: print("hello 2") a = 3 if a > 1: print ( "hell

3 слайд
Examples : if 1: print("hello 1") will print : a = 3 if a == 3: print("hello 2") a = 3 if a > 1: print ( "hello 3" ) will print : will print :

Examples : a = 3 if a > 2 : print ( "H" ) else : print ( "L" ) will print : a = 1 if a > 2 : print ( "H" ) e

4 слайд
Examples : a = 3 if a > 2 : print ( "H" ) else : print ( "L" ) will print : a = 1 if a > 2 : print ( "H" ) else : print ( "L" ) will print :

х = i n t (i n p u t (" Enter the number : ")) if х % 2 = = 0: p r i n t (х, "- even number ") else: p r i n t

5 слайд
х = i n t (i n p u t (" Enter the number : ")) if х % 2 = = 0: p r i n t (х, "- even number ") else: p r i n t (х, " - odd number ")

print ( ‘ Program for enrolling in the Python programming group ') age = int(input(" Enter your age :")) if 10<= age <= 14:

6 слайд
print ( ‘ Program for enrolling in the Python programming group ') age = int(input(" Enter your age :")) if 10<= age <= 14: print(" You can join the Python Programming Group ") else: print (" You don't suit us !")

Examples : a = int (input( " Enter the number :" )) if a < 0 : print( " negative number " ) elif a == 0 : print

7 слайд
Examples : a = int (input( " Enter the number :" )) if a < 0 : print( " negative number " ) elif a == 0 : print( " Equals 0 " ) else : print( " positive number " )

print (""" What operating system are you using? 1 — Windows 10 2 — Windows 8.1 3 — Windows 8 4 — Windows 7 5 — Windows Vista 6

8 слайд
print (""" What operating system are you using? 1 — Windows 10 2 — Windows 8.1 3 — Windows 8 4 — Windows 7 5 — Windows Vista 6 - Other """) os = int(input (" Enter the number corresponding to the answer: ")) if os == 1: print (" You choosed : Windows 10") elif os == 2 : print (" You choosed : Windows 8.1") elif os == 3: print (" You choosed : Windows 8") elif os == 4: print (" You choosed : Windows 7") elif os == 5: print (" You choosed : Windows Vista") elif os == 6: print (" You choosed : another ") elif not os: print (" You choosed ") else: print (" We were unable to detect your operating system ")

Let's check the homework7 is an incredible number! Input: two integers. Output: print “True” if one of the numbers is 7 or th

9 слайд
Let's check the homework7 is an incredible number! Input: two integers. Output: print “True” if one of the numbers is 7 or their difference or sum is equal to 7. Otherwise print “False”. Write a program and block diagram

Terminology  salary - жалақы - зарплата  destination – тағайындалған орын - место назначения  to differ - басқаша - отл

10 слайд
Terminology  salary - жалақы - зарплата  destination – тағайындалған орын - место назначения  to differ - басқаша - отличаться  to arrange - ұйымдастыру - организовать  rook - ладья - ладья  ascending - өсу бойынша - по возрастанию

salary - жалақы - зарплатаsalary.mp3

11 слайд
salary - жалақы - зарплатаsalary.mp3

destination - тағайындалған орын - место назначения

12 слайд
destination - тағайындалған орын - место назначения

to differ - басқаша - отличаться

13 слайд
to differ - басқаша - отличаться

to arrange - ұйымдастыру - организовать

14 слайд
to arrange - ұйымдастыру - организовать

rook - ладья - ладья

15 слайд
rook - ладья - ладья

ascending - өсу бойынша - по возрастанию

16 слайд
ascending - өсу бойынша - по возрастанию

And now let's do some practical work  Practice 1  Salary  There are 3 epmloyees in a company. Their job salaries differ

17 слайд
And now let's do some practical work  Practice 1  Salary  There are 3 epmloyees in a company. Their job salaries differ and the company’s CEO wants to make them equal. Let us write a code that calculates difference between the highest and lowest salaries.

 Practice 2  Chess  Master - Rook Zhansaya is a multiple winner of many chess competitions worldwide. Nevertheless, she

18 слайд
 Practice 2  Chess  Master - Rook Zhansaya is a multiple winner of many chess competitions worldwide. Nevertheless, she did not become a chess player immediately. She was also studying hard how to play this game. Zhansaya was not afraid of making mistakes because she knew that practising makes her better. Now we want to know how she was learning to play with a rook. As you know, the rook moves horizontally or vertically on the chessboard. The initial position of the rook (letter, number) is shown on the picture. The rook has to reach the destination point (letter, number) in one move.

 Practice 3  Hypotenuse  rule Write a code that checks if the given hypotenuse is correct or not. Hypotenuse rule: (Longe

19 слайд
 Practice 3  Hypotenuse  rule Write a code that checks if the given hypotenuse is correct or not. Hypotenuse rule: (Longest sides)2 = (Side one)2 + (Side two)2.

 Practice 4  Even or Odd  Кіріске үш натурал сан (a, b, c) еңгізілген . Бір уақытта кем дегенде бір жұп және бір тақ бар

20 слайд
 Practice 4  Even or Odd  Кіріске үш натурал сан (a, b, c) еңгізілген . Бір уақытта кем дегенде бір жұп және бір тақ бар - жоғын тексеріңіз . Егер осы шарт дұрыс болса «YES», болмаса «NO» сөзін экранға шығарыңыз .

 Home task : § 3.9  Make a program in Python Practice 5

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 Home task : § 3.9  Make a program in Python Practice 5