Материалдар / презентация "Theory of cognitive linguistics"
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презентация "Theory of cognitive linguistics"

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PLAN:  Cognitive linguistics  History of Cognitive linguistics  Fundamental  characteristics of General cognit

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PLAN:  Cognitive linguistics  History of Cognitive linguistics  Fundamental  characteristics of General cognitive  linguistics  Aspects of V.V. Demyankov  Main problems of cognitive linguistics  Conclusion

What is cognitive linguistics? • Cognitive linguistics is considered to focus on language as a tool of organization, pro

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What is cognitive linguistics? • Cognitive linguistics is considered to focus on language as a tool of organization, processing and transmission of information.

 . V. Evans and M. green believe that " cognitive linguists, like others linguists study language for themselves; they try

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 . V. Evans and M. green believe that " cognitive linguists, like others linguists study language for themselves; they try to describe and explain its sequence the structure, functions performed by it, and how the language system of these functions is implemented. However cognitive linguists come out with the assumption that language is an important cause of language learning demonstrates patterns of thinking.

History of cognitive linguistics  Cognitive linguistics is a relatively modern branch of linguistics. It w

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History of cognitive linguistics  Cognitive linguistics is a relatively modern branch of linguistics. It was founded by  George Lakoff  and  Ronald Langacker . Lakoff coined the term "cognitive linguistics" in 1987 in his book  "Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things" , one of his most famous writings.

History of cognitive linguistics  In 1975, he published the paper "Cognitive Grammar: Some Prelimi

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History of cognitive linguistics  In 1975, he published the paper "Cognitive Grammar: Some Preliminary Speculations", in which he also coined the term "cognitive grammar". Soon after the field of cognitive linguistics had emerged, it was criticized by many prominent linguists.

Fundamental characteristics of General cognitive linguistics primacy semantics in linguistic

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Fundamental characteristics of General cognitive linguistics primacy semantics in linguistic analysis Encyclo- pedic character Perspectives of linguistic meaning

According to V.V. Demyanko v, within the framework of cognitive science there are four main aspects one of the: 1.

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According to V.V. Demyanko v, within the framework of cognitive science there are four main aspects one of the: 1. Description and explanation of mechanisms linking motivation and reaction; 2. The study of the phenomena of the inner psychic nature of man; 3. Indication of the subject as a source of activity, initiator;

Main problems of cognitive linguistics at the present stage : 1.the nature of language knowledge 2. i

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Main problems of cognitive linguistics at the present stage : 1.the nature of language knowledge 2. its cognition 3.ways of its application.

Conclusion Cognitive linguistics provides many new angles for our insight into language.Its significant position in lingu

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Conclusion Cognitive linguistics provides many new angles for our insight into language.Its significant position in linguistics is evident.