Материалдар / Problems involved in getting everyone to learn the same language
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Problems involved in getting everyone to learn the same language

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Problems involved in getting everyone to learn the same language Prepared by:Akhmedova Mashkhura

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Problems involved in getting everyone to learn the same language Prepared by:Akhmedova Mashkhura

 A lot of information to learn  Embarrassment at speaking language  Differences between the new language and your native la

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 A lot of information to learn  Embarrassment at speaking language  Differences between the new language and your native language ( e.g., The Competition Model, MacWhinney & Bates, 1989)

 Exp. 1: Meaning differences across languages › Multiple translations-more than one way to say something  Exp. 2: Syntactic d

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 Exp. 1: Meaning differences across languages › Multiple translations-more than one way to say something  Exp. 2: Syntactic differences across languages › Grammatical constructions that differ  Experiment in progress › ERP techniques

Semantic boundaries differ across languages › German learners of English under- emphasize contact and over-emphasize movement

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Semantic boundaries differ across languages › German learners of English under- emphasize contact and over-emphasize movement for “on”  close translation equivalent of “on” in German is “auf”, which can denote a motional meaning like the English word “up”  Result is multiple translations, which are problematic for the L2 learner

 Learning a foreign language is a attractive task, so many students spend their entire lives trying to achieve

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 Learning a foreign language is a attractive task, so many students spend their entire lives trying to achieve native-like fluency. They spend much time studying vocabulary, phrases, pronunciation, structure, and so on from textbooks. However, despite their efforts, they still can not speak the language fluently.

 Students have only a vague goal or reason for learning the language, which inevitably leads to a lack of mo

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 Students have only a vague goal or reason for learning the language, which inevitably leads to a lack of motivation to study it. Also, even if students do have a clear goal, but they study from a textbook, they will have these same results. They lack motivation because the topics and situations are focused on the textbook, not on the individual students. (It is interesting to note that even many advanced language learners are not confident about what to say or how to react in some cultural situations). Therefore, NACOS works together with individual students to help them find a clear direction for their studies and express themselves in their own personal style. This creates the necessary motivation for a life-long language experience.

 Students do not realize the difficulties of learning a foreign language. At first glance, it looks attractive and easy to ob

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 Students do not realize the difficulties of learning a foreign language. At first glance, it looks attractive and easy to obtain, but actually the language world stretches very far. There seems to be an endless amount of information to be learned. When language students see all of this information, they become overwhelmed and feel that they can gain confidence only after learning all of it. So, NACOS chooses a small piece of that information which is related to the student in some way and uses it as a focus to study the new language.

 Also, many students can not organize their notes and want to acquire new information quickly. Because of this, their v

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 Also, many students can not organize their notes and want to acquire new information quickly. Because of this, their valuable experiences and hard work disappear with time. So, NACOS organizes the activities of each student into a text booklet and advises them how to use it in their daily lives.  Based on this analysis, in order to solve these problems, the student's mind set is important. Therefore, they need some time to think about these problems and find some workable solutions. At NACOS we address these issues in an individualized Orientation, which helps students realize that learning a foreign language can be enjoyable as well as meaningful .

Language difficulties are common in young children. A Norwegian study shows that one in ten children betwee

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Language difficulties are common in young children. A Norwegian study shows that one in ten children between six and ten years old is affected. Language difficulties can be problems with comprehension, oral expression or use of language in social interaction. For some children, the difficulties disappear during the first year of school, while for others the difficulties persist and some develop reading and writing difficulties.

 Language difficulties include problems with comprehension, oral expression and pronunciation. Some may have langu

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 Language difficulties include problems with comprehension, oral expression and pronunciation. Some may have language difficulties related to other developmental difficulties such as autism spectrum disorder or Down’s syndrome, while others have no problems that can explain their language difficulties.  There are several ways of defining language difficulties, with great variation in severity. In Norway, language difficulties are divided into three main diagnostic groups:   Difficulties speaking and expressing language, but with good language comprehension, (expressive language disorders).  Difficulties with both understanding and expressing language, (mixed expressive and receptive language disorders).   Difficulties with pronunciation, (phonological disorders).  In addition, language difficulties can include problems with fluency of speech (stuttering) or voice problems.

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 AgeAge  GenderGender

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 AgeAge  GenderGender

When and how do the gender differences occurWhen and how do the gender differences occur  The first distinction between the w

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When and how do the gender differences occurWhen and how do the gender differences occur  The first distinction between the way males The first distinction between the way males and females communicate occurs when they and females communicate occurs when they are children.are children.  In our education girls are more encouraged and In our education girls are more encouraged and rewarded for using elegant language while boys are rewarded for using elegant language while boys are allowed more flexibility and roughness in language use,allowed more flexibility and roughness in language use,  ““ Rough talk is discouraged in little girls more strongly Rough talk is discouraged in little girls more strongly than in little boys, in whom parents may often find it than in little boys, in whom parents may often find it more amusing than shocking” (more amusing than shocking” ( Lakoff, 1975Lakoff, 1975 ). ).

Human language emerged from the social role that language plays in human interaction; The environment plays a key role in l

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Human language emerged from the social role that language plays in human interaction; The environment plays a key role in language development; Adults in the child’s linguistic environment are viewed as instrumental in language acquisition. You must know this bookYou must know this book Men are from Mars, Women are from Men are from Mars, Women are from VenusVenus . This book suggests that men and women really are so . This book suggests that men and women really are so different in the way they think, learn and interact with other different in the way they think, learn and interact with other people; it is as though they are from different planets. However, people; it is as though they are from different planets. However, we can not say that one gender is better or smarter than the other we can not say that one gender is better or smarter than the other –– just some differencesjust some differences . ConclusionConclusion

Thank you Thank you for for listening !listening !

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Thank you Thank you for for listening !listening !