Материалдар / Рационал сандарға амалдар қолдану

Рационал сандарға амалдар қолдану

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
математикадан қайталау сабағы, жас мұғалімге көмек
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
21 Желтоқсан 2017
0 рет жүктелген
693 ₸ 770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады
Материал жариялап тегін
сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!
Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
Kazakhstan is my Kazakhstan is my motherlandmotherland -What is the capital of Kazakhstan?-What is the capital of Kazakhst

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Kazakhstan is my Kazakhstan is my motherlandmotherland -What is the capital of Kazakhstan?-What is the capital of Kazakhstan? -What is the population of Kazakhstan?-What is the population of Kazakhstan? -What large cities of Kazakhstan do you -What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know?know? -What countries does it border on?-What countries does it border on?

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Kazakhstan is my Kazakhstan is my motherlandmotherland -What is the capital of Kazakhstan?-What is the capital of Kazakhstan? -What is the population of Kazakhstan?-What is the population of Kazakhstan? -What large cities of Kazakhstan do you -What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know?know? -What countries does it border on?-What countries does it border on?

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Interest of places Interest of places in Astanain Astana

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Interest of places Interest of places in Astanain Astana

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Interest of places Interest of places in Astanain Astana

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Vocabulary and PronunciationVocabulary and Pronunciation Share [ ∫ ε ə ]- ортақтасу Desert [‘dez ə t]- құмды дала Resour

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Vocabulary and PronunciationVocabulary and Pronunciation Share [ ∫ ε ə ]- ортақтасу Desert [‘dez ə t]- құмды дала Resources [rı's ɔ:siz ]- байлық Uranium [ju‘reinjəm]- уран Deposit [ dı ΄ pɔ:zit ]- жер асты қоры Gas [g æs ]- газ Rename [re'neım]- жаңа ат беру Reservoir [`rezəvwa]- қор

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Vocabulary and PronunciationVocabulary and Pronunciation Share [ ∫ ε ə ]- ортақтасу Desert [‘dez ə t]- құмды дала Resources [rı's ɔ:siz ]- байлық Uranium [ju‘reinjəm]- уран Deposit [ dı ΄ pɔ:zit ]- жер асты қоры Gas [g æs ]- газ Rename [re'neım]- жаңа ат беру Reservoir [`rezəvwa]- қор

Kazakhstan is my motherlandKazakhstan is my motherland Kazakhstan was established as the Re

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Kazakhstan is my motherlandKazakhstan is my motherland Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of in December 1991. the country is the second largest of the former Soviet republics with a total land area of over 2.724 million square kilometers. This country shares its border with the Russian Federation to the north and north – west: to the east with China and tj the south with the central Asian republics of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The Ural River flows through the western portion of Kazakhstan to the Caspian Sea. The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north and deserts of central Asia in the sough – west. The country is rich with mineral resources such as copper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, silver, tin, uranium and zink with deposits of oil and natural gas. Kazakhstan’s largest city is Almaty which lies to the sough – east of the country near the border with Kirgizstan and China. Almaty was the capital until December 1997 when it was moved to Akmola, 850 kilometers to the north – west. In May 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana, the Kazakh word for capital. Astana’s population stands currently at 500,000. Peaceful and generous, the land of the Kazakhs has always been famous for its hospitality. And it is not by accident, located on the crossroads of two ancient cultures – Europe and Asia. Today, residents are happy to share their famous hospitality and to show the visitors the Alatau mountain with famous Medeu; the singing sands of the Altyn Emel National Park; Kapchagai – reservoir on the Ili river, the lakes and pine forests of Kokshetau; and Akhmed Yassaui Mausoleum in Turkestan a lot of places of interest in Astana. Kazakhstan with the word’s ninth largest area has many such beautiful places and a rich culture. The official language is Kazakh and Russian is the language of international.

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Kazakhstan is my motherlandKazakhstan is my motherland Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of in December 1991. the country is the second largest of the former Soviet republics with a total land area of over 2.724 million square kilometers. This country shares its border with the Russian Federation to the north and north – west: to the east with China and tj the south with the central Asian republics of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The Ural River flows through the western portion of Kazakhstan to the Caspian Sea. The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe to the north and deserts of central Asia in the sough – west. The country is rich with mineral resources such as copper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, silver, tin, uranium and zink with deposits of oil and natural gas. Kazakhstan’s largest city is Almaty which lies to the sough – east of the country near the border with Kirgizstan and China. Almaty was the capital until December 1997 when it was moved to Akmola, 850 kilometers to the north – west. In May 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana, the Kazakh word for capital. Astana’s population stands currently at 500,000. Peaceful and generous, the land of the Kazakhs has always been famous for its hospitality. And it is not by accident, located on the crossroads of two ancient cultures – Europe and Asia. Today, residents are happy to share their famous hospitality and to show the visitors the Alatau mountain with famous Medeu; the singing sands of the Altyn Emel National Park; Kapchagai – reservoir on the Ili river, the lakes and pine forests of Kokshetau; and Akhmed Yassaui Mausoleum in Turkestan a lot of places of interest in Astana. Kazakhstan with the word’s ninth largest area has many such beautiful places and a rich culture. The official language is Kazakh and Russian is the language of international.

The forests of KokshetauThe forests of Kokshetau

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The forests of KokshetauThe forests of Kokshetau

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The forests of KokshetauThe forests of Kokshetau

The Caspian SeaThe Caspian Sea

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The Caspian SeaThe Caspian Sea

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The Caspian SeaThe Caspian Sea

The Alatau mountainsThe Alatau mountains

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The Alatau mountainsThe Alatau mountains

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The Alatau mountainsThe Alatau mountains

The Balkash lakeThe Balkash lake

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The Balkash lakeThe Balkash lake

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The Balkash lakeThe Balkash lake

LandscapeLandscape The landscape of Kazakhstan is a diverse one. It is bordered on the south, southwest and east by

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LandscapeLandscape The landscape of Kazakhstan is a diverse one. It is bordered on the south, southwest and east by the Tien Shan, Tarbagatai and Altai mountains. On its west the Caspian Sea is the home of sturgeon and Kazakhstan’s oil reserves. In the desert area of the southwest is the drying Aral Sea. In the steppes of Sary Arka the Balkhansh lake is located. Its eastern part is fresh whereas in the west the water is salty. the lakes of Alakol, Tengiz and Zaisan are remarkable for their beauty. In the north, over eighty picturesque lakes are lost among the pine forests of Kokshetau. The Syrdaria, Ural, Ishim, Tobol, Ertis, Ili and Charyn run wide over the plains. They are known as the “land of seven rivers”. Perhaps it is just best to come and see it with one’s own eyes… welcome to the land of Kazakhstan.

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LandscapeLandscape The landscape of Kazakhstan is a diverse one. It is bordered on the south, southwest and east by the Tien Shan, Tarbagatai and Altai mountains. On its west the Caspian Sea is the home of sturgeon and Kazakhstan’s oil reserves. In the desert area of the southwest is the drying Aral Sea. In the steppes of Sary Arka the Balkhansh lake is located. Its eastern part is fresh whereas in the west the water is salty. the lakes of Alakol, Tengiz and Zaisan are remarkable for their beauty. In the north, over eighty picturesque lakes are lost among the pine forests of Kokshetau. The Syrdaria, Ural, Ishim, Tobol, Ertis, Ili and Charyn run wide over the plains. They are known as the “land of seven rivers”. Perhaps it is just best to come and see it with one’s own eyes… welcome to the land of Kazakhstan.

Comprehension checkComprehension check True False The landscape of Kazakhstan is a diverse one. In the south, southwest a

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Comprehension checkComprehension check True False The landscape of Kazakhstan is a diverse one. In the south, southwest and east of Kazakhstan you can find the Tien Shan, Tarbagatai, Altai mountains. The Caspian Sea is the home of oil reserves. The dying Aral Sea is in the north of Kazakhstan. The Syrdaria, Ural, Ishim, Tobol, Ertis are known as the “land of seven rivers”. The Zaisan lake is not beautiful.

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Comprehension checkComprehension check True False The landscape of Kazakhstan is a diverse one. In the south, southwest and east of Kazakhstan you can find the Tien Shan, Tarbagatai, Altai mountains. The Caspian Sea is the home of oil reserves. The dying Aral Sea is in the north of Kazakhstan. The Syrdaria, Ural, Ishim, Tobol, Ertis are known as the “land of seven rivers”. The Zaisan lake is not beautiful.

ClimateClimate The climate of Kazakhstan is best characterized as extreme continental. Temperatures vary considerably

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ClimateClimate The climate of Kazakhstan is best characterized as extreme continental. Temperatures vary considerably from north to south. The average temperature in January, for example, ranges from -18 ° C to - 3° C north to south, while in July it rises to between 19 ° C in the north and 30 ° C in the south. rainfall is 1,600 millimeters falling on average in the mountainous region and only 100 millimeters in the desert. The climate of Kazakhstan allows for a variety no grains to be grain such as wheat, barley and rice as well as different root crops and range of fruits and vegetables.

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ClimateClimate The climate of Kazakhstan is best characterized as extreme continental. Temperatures vary considerably from north to south. The average temperature in January, for example, ranges from -18 ° C to - 3° C north to south, while in July it rises to between 19 ° C in the north and 30 ° C in the south. rainfall is 1,600 millimeters falling on average in the mountainous region and only 100 millimeters in the desert. The climate of Kazakhstan allows for a variety no grains to be grain such as wheat, barley and rice as well as different root crops and range of fruits and vegetables.

Vocabulary workVocabulary work Epic [`epık] – эплкалық Preserve [prı`z ә :v] – сақтау, сақталу Improvise [`ımpr ә vaız

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Vocabulary workVocabulary work Epic [`epık] – эплкалық Preserve [prı`z ә :v] – сақтау, сақталу Improvise [`ımpr ә vaız] – айтысу Folklore [`f ә lukl ɔ :] – фольклор Contemporary [k ә n`tem ә r ә rı] – қазіргі , осы заманғы Revolve [rı`v ɔl v] – төңірегінде болу Traditional – дәстүрлі Famous – даңқ, атақ Remarkable - ескертпе

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Vocabulary workVocabulary work Epic [`epık] – эплкалық Preserve [prı`z ә :v] – сақтау, сақталу Improvise [`ımpr ә vaız] – айтысу Folklore [`f ә lukl ɔ :] – фольклор Contemporary [k ә n`tem ә r ә rı] – қазіргі , осы заманғы Revolve [rı`v ɔl v] – төңірегінде болу Traditional – дәстүрлі Famous – даңқ, атақ Remarkable - ескертпе

Culture Culture A lot of traditional Kazakhstan culture is preserved in its epic, heroic and lyric compositions, fai

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Culture Culture A lot of traditional Kazakhstan culture is preserved in its epic, heroic and lyric compositions, fairy – tales and songs. People still remember the aitys – a contest of singers where akyns, seri and saly (improvising singers) complete in humor, satire and in improvising rhyms before an audience. The most famous representatives of Kazakh culture, both in Europe and Kazakhstan, were Abai Kunanbaev, Shohan Ualihanov, Shakarym Kudaibergenov, and Ibrai Altynsarin. At the end of the 19 th century, such public figures as Alikhan Bukeikhanov.

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Culture Culture A lot of traditional Kazakhstan culture is preserved in its epic, heroic and lyric compositions, fairy – tales and songs. People still remember the aitys – a contest of singers where akyns, seri and saly (improvising singers) complete in humor, satire and in improvising rhyms before an audience. The most famous representatives of Kazakh culture, both in Europe and Kazakhstan, were Abai Kunanbaev, Shohan Ualihanov, Shakarym Kudaibergenov, and Ibrai Altynsarin. At the end of the 19 th century, such public figures as Alikhan Bukeikhanov.

Culture Culture The most well – known 19 th century, Kazakh composer was Kurmangazy. Among comtemprorary ones are Ak

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Culture Culture The most well – known 19 th century, Kazakh composer was Kurmangazy. Among comtemprorary ones are Akhmed Zhubanov, Khamidi and Evgeny Bruslovski. Shaken Aimanov was a very talented actor and the first director and head of the “ Kazakhstan” studio. During World War II the main Russian cinema studios moved to Almaty. The Kazakhstan national art gallery is named after its famous artist Abilkhan Kasteyev (1904-1973). His words are remarkable for the Kazakh national color, of everyday life of Kazakhs, landscapes of his native land and of course, original folk characters.

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Culture Culture The most well – known 19 th century, Kazakh composer was Kurmangazy. Among comtemprorary ones are Akhmed Zhubanov, Khamidi and Evgeny Bruslovski. Shaken Aimanov was a very talented actor and the first director and head of the “ Kazakhstan” studio. During World War II the main Russian cinema studios moved to Almaty. The Kazakhstan national art gallery is named after its famous artist Abilkhan Kasteyev (1904-1973). His words are remarkable for the Kazakh national color, of everyday life of Kazakhs, landscapes of his native land and of course, original folk characters.

Vocabulary and pronunciationVocabulary and pronunciation Belief [bı`lı:f]- сенім Cauldron [`k ɔ ldr ә n] -қазан Spill [`

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Vocabulary and pronunciationVocabulary and pronunciation Belief [bı`lı:f]- сенім Cauldron [`k ɔ ldr ә n] -қазан Spill [`spıl] -төгу Slip [slıp] -қолдан шығып кету, түсіріп алу  Scanty [`skæntı] -жеткіліксіз Omen [` ә umen] -белгі Horse [h ɔ :s] -жылқы Trim [trım] -кесу, тегістеу

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Vocabulary and pronunciationVocabulary and pronunciation Belief [bı`lı:f]- сенім Cauldron [`k ɔ ldr ә n] -қазан Spill [`spıl] -төгу Slip [slıp] -қолдан шығып кету, түсіріп алу  Scanty [`skæntı] -жеткіліксіз Omen [` ә umen] -белгі Horse [h ɔ :s] -жылқы Trim [trım] -кесу, тегістеу

Kazakh beliefsKazakh beliefs A large number of Kazakh beliefs and superstitions can hardly be applied to modern life.

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Kazakh beliefsKazakh beliefs A large number of Kazakh beliefs and superstitions can hardly be applied to modern life. The majority of them came from ancient times, or, at least, can add a lot to our knowledge of Kazakh culture. Kazakhs are always careful with salt. Food would be tasteless without salt. Kazakh’s believe that “ the essence of food is in its salt”. Lives of those who have been careless with salt will become salty and bitter until the salt spilt by them dries out.

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Kazakh beliefsKazakh beliefs A large number of Kazakh beliefs and superstitions can hardly be applied to modern life. The majority of them came from ancient times, or, at least, can add a lot to our knowledge of Kazakh culture. Kazakhs are always careful with salt. Food would be tasteless without salt. Kazakh’s believe that “ the essence of food is in its salt”. Lives of those who have been careless with salt will become salty and bitter until the salt spilt by them dries out.

A cauldron/ kazan can not be left facing the entrance door. It is bad luck if a cauldron slips and falls. It means

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A cauldron/ kazan can not be left facing the entrance door. It is bad luck if a cauldron slips and falls. It means your destiny is escaping, your very wellbeing is lost, food becomes scanty. One should take care when putting a kettle on the fire so as not to let the boiling water escape on to the fire. Because the water salts will be burnt in the fire. And burnt salt is a bad omen for daughters of the household. Do not disturb salt and your daughter will not be disturbed. Usually, horse mains and tails are not trimmed, to make sure the horse’s owner enjoy good health. When a horse owner dies, people will trim the mane and tail of his horse to make it look mournful. Therefore, the Kazakh associate the trimmed mane and tails of their horses with mourning and death. If a dog follows a horseman leaving his village, people would not try to force it back.. The dog is devoted to its owner, and if it wants to go with him it means he will have a happy trip. A pregnant women cannot have a haircut because it may hurt her motherhood, and the happiness of the child she is having.

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A cauldron/ kazan can not be left facing the entrance door. It is bad luck if a cauldron slips and falls. It means your destiny is escaping, your very wellbeing is lost, food becomes scanty. One should take care when putting a kettle on the fire so as not to let the boiling water escape on to the fire. Because the water salts will be burnt in the fire. And burnt salt is a bad omen for daughters of the household. Do not disturb salt and your daughter will not be disturbed. Usually, horse mains and tails are not trimmed, to make sure the horse’s owner enjoy good health. When a horse owner dies, people will trim the mane and tail of his horse to make it look mournful. Therefore, the Kazakh associate the trimmed mane and tails of their horses with mourning and death. If a dog follows a horseman leaving his village, people would not try to force it back.. The dog is devoted to its owner, and if it wants to go with him it means he will have a happy trip. A pregnant women cannot have a haircut because it may hurt her motherhood, and the happiness of the child she is having.

If you have a visitor during your breakfast, he or she must have some of your food. There is a saying: “ One cannot

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If you have a visitor during your breakfast, he or she must have some of your food. There is a saying: “ One cannot ignore the morning meal” and “ If you don’t have breakfast , the community will refuse you”. Therefore, a morning guest can leave your home after he or she has tried some of your food”. “One can be senior in age but nobody is senior of food”. “Food is men’s support”. Breakfast is the beginning of a day. Kazakhs believe that a good and well prepared breakfast eaten in a good humored atmosphere can be a good beginning for a successful and fruitful day.

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If you have a visitor during your breakfast, he or she must have some of your food. There is a saying: “ One cannot ignore the morning meal” and “ If you don’t have breakfast , the community will refuse you”. Therefore, a morning guest can leave your home after he or she has tried some of your food”. “One can be senior in age but nobody is senior of food”. “Food is men’s support”. Breakfast is the beginning of a day. Kazakhs believe that a good and well prepared breakfast eaten in a good humored atmosphere can be a good beginning for a successful and fruitful day.

Word buildingWord building Settle -қоныстану Settlement -елді мекен Decorate -безендіру Decoration -әшекей Republic -рес

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Word buildingWord building Settle -қоныстану Settlement -елді мекен Decorate -безендіру Decoration -әшекей Republic -республика Republican -респуьликалық Science -ғылым Culture -мәдениет

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Word buildingWord building Settle -қоныстану Settlement -елді мекен Decorate -безендіру Decoration -әшекей Republic -республика Republican -респуьликалық Science -ғылым Culture -мәдениет

Old squareOld square The Old Square is on Tole Bi Street, between Panfilov Street and Abylai Khan Avenue. Its style i

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Old squareOld square The Old Square is on Tole Bi Street, between Panfilov Street and Abylai Khan Avenue. Its style is somewhat different than that of the Republic Square. It was planned in 1957 at one of the Moscow architecture workshops. This was the former building for the House of Parliament. It is surrounded by lovely parks and fountains.

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Old squareOld square The Old Square is on Tole Bi Street, between Panfilov Street and Abylai Khan Avenue. Its style is somewhat different than that of the Republic Square. It was planned in 1957 at one of the Moscow architecture workshops. This was the former building for the House of Parliament. It is surrounded by lovely parks and fountains.

Republic squareRepublic square It is on Satbaev Street, between Furmanov Street and Zheltoksan Street. On its sou

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Republic squareRepublic square It is on Satbaev Street, between Furmanov Street and Zheltoksan Street. On its southern side, the President’s Residence, the former building of the Government and the National television are found. The western side of the square is decorated with the five – star Ankara Hotel. Two high-rise dwelling – houses complete the square on its northern part. Two fountains between them go down Baiseitova street. On clear day, these fountains offer a picturesque foreground with the square and the Alatau mountains rising majestically behind.

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Republic squareRepublic square It is on Satbaev Street, between Furmanov Street and Zheltoksan Street. On its southern side, the President’s Residence, the former building of the Government and the National television are found. The western side of the square is decorated with the five – star Ankara Hotel. Two high-rise dwelling – houses complete the square on its northern part. Two fountains between them go down Baiseitova street. On clear day, these fountains offer a picturesque foreground with the square and the Alatau mountains rising majestically behind.

The resident’s residenceThe resident’s residence It is on Furmanov Street upwards from Satbaev Street. It was built in

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The resident’s residenceThe resident’s residence It is on Furmanov Street upwards from Satbaev Street. It was built in 1980. The Residence is 14 metres higher as compared to other buildings bordering, there are green square with flower – beds, fountains and pools.

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The resident’s residenceThe resident’s residence It is on Furmanov Street upwards from Satbaev Street. It was built in 1980. The Residence is 14 metres higher as compared to other buildings bordering, there are green square with flower – beds, fountains and pools.