Материалдар / Разработка презентаций к уроку на английском языке по биологии _Строение глаза_ 8 класс. Lesson topic: Eye structure

Разработка презентаций к уроку на английском языке по биологии _Строение глаза_ 8 класс. Lesson topic: Eye structure

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Eye it is a sensory organ (organ of the visual system) of man and animals, possessing ability to perceive an electromagnetic radiation in the light range of lengths of waves and providing the function of sight.
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16 Маусым 2024
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630 ₸ 700 ₸
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Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
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сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!
Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
What's it?

1 слайд
What's it?

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What's it?

Eye structure

2 слайд
Eye structure

2 слайд

Eye structure

Lesson topic:Eye structure Aim: to study the structure of the organ of vision

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Lesson topic:Eye structure Aim: to study the structure of the organ of vision

3 слайд

Lesson topic:Eye structure Aim: to study the structure of the organ of vision

Eye it is a sensory organ (organ of the visual system) of man and animals, possessing ability to perceive an electromagnet

4 слайд
Eye it is a sensory organ (organ of the visual system) of man and animals, possessing ability to perceive an electromagnetic radiation in the light range of lengths of waves and providing the function of sight.

4 слайд

Eye it is a sensory organ (organ of the visual system) of man and animals, possessing ability to perceive an electromagnetic radiation in the light range of lengths of waves and providing the function of sight.

Auxiliary structures of eye Еnglish Russian eyebrows Брови eyelids Веки eye-lashesРесницы tear glandsСлезные железы tear ductsСл

5 слайд
Auxiliary structures of eye Еnglish Russian eyebrows Брови eyelids Веки eye-lashesРесницы tear glandsСлезные железы tear ductsСлезные протоки muscles of eyeball Глазное яблоко

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Auxiliary structures of eye Еnglish Russian eyebrows Брови eyelids Веки eye-lashesРесницы tear glandsСлезные железы tear ductsСлезные протоки muscles of eyeball Глазное яблоко

 Eyebrows warn for falling in the eyes of sweat flowing down from a forehead.  Eyelids carry out mechanical defence of eyeb

6 слайд
 Eyebrows warn for falling in the eyes of sweat flowing down from a forehead.  Eyelids carry out mechanical defence of eyeball the Periodic closing and breaking of eyelids (blinking) provide even distribution of tear liquid on the surface of eyeball.  Eye-lashes I provide additional protecting of eyeball from a dust.

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 Eyebrows warn for falling in the eyes of sweat flowing down from a forehead.  Eyelids carry out mechanical defence of eyeball the Periodic closing and breaking of eyelids (blinking) provide even distribution of tear liquid on the surface of eyeball.  Eye-lashes I provide additional protecting of eyeball from a dust.

Basic functions of eye : 1. optical system, projecting an image; 2. system perceiving and "encoding" obtained information for

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Basic functions of eye : 1. optical system, projecting an image; 2. system perceiving and "encoding" obtained information for a cerebrum; 3. "attendant" system of life-support.

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Basic functions of eye : 1. optical system, projecting an image; 2. system perceiving and "encoding" obtained information for a cerebrum; 3. "attendant" system of life-support.

An eye consists of: 1. corneas; 2. front chamber of eye; 3. irises; 4. pupil; 5. lens of the eye; 6. ciliary string-cour

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An eye consists of: 1. corneas; 2. front chamber of eye; 3. irises; 4. pupil; 5. lens of the eye; 6. ciliary string-course; 7. vitreous body; 8. retinas; 9. sclera; 10. vascular shell; 11. visual nerve

8 слайд

An eye consists of: 1. corneas; 2. front chamber of eye; 3. irises; 4. pupil; 5. lens of the eye; 6. ciliary string-course; 7. vitreous body; 8. retinas; 9. sclera; 10. vascular shell; 11. visual nerve

Terminology EngIish Russian Сorneas Роговица Front chamber of eyeПередняя камера глаза Irises Радужка Pupil Зрачок lens of the e

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Terminology EngIish Russian Сorneas Роговица Front chamber of eyeПередняя камера глаза Irises Радужка Pupil Зрачок lens of the eye Хрусталик Ciliary string-courseРесничного пояска Vitreous body Стекловидное тело Retinas Сетчатка Sclera Склера Vascular shell Сосудистой оболочки Visual nerve Зрительный нерв

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Terminology EngIish Russian Сorneas Роговица Front chamber of eyeПередняя камера глаза Irises Радужка Pupil Зрачок lens of the eye Хрусталик Ciliary string-courseРесничного пояска Vitreous body Стекловидное тело Retinas Сетчатка Sclera Склера Vascular shell Сосудистой оболочки Visual nerve Зрительный нерв

An eye consists of three layers outdoor middle internal

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An eye consists of three layers outdoor middle internal

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An eye consists of three layers outdoor middle internal

A periblast consists of sclera and cornea. A sclera is a white layer. A sclera protects eyes from damages. At the front t

11 слайд
A periblast consists of sclera and cornea. A sclera is a white layer. A sclera protects eyes from damages. At the front the eyes of sclera form a transparent layer, cornea. A middle layer consists of three parts: iris, ciliary body and vascular shell. A retina is an internal layer of eye. Here are cages the called receptors. The receptors of eye get visual information and pass to it our brain. outdoor middle internal

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A periblast consists of sclera and cornea. A sclera is a white layer. A sclera protects eyes from damages. At the front the eyes of sclera form a transparent layer, cornea. A middle layer consists of three parts: iris, ciliary body and vascular shell. A retina is an internal layer of eye. Here are cages the called receptors. The receptors of eye get visual information and pass to it our brain. outdoor middle internal