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Сайыс сабақ

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
ағылшын тілі пәнінен сыныптар арасында өтілген сайыс сабақ
04 Қазан 2023
5 рет жүктелген
Материал тегін
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады
Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!
Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
Let’s learn English

1 слайд
Let’s learn English

1 слайд

Let’s learn English

 1. Baiga  2. Parts and wholes  3. A magic 5  4. The right choice  5. Find the antonyms

2 слайд
 1. Baiga  2. Parts and wholes  3. A magic 5  4. The right choice  5. Find the antonyms

2 слайд

 1. Baiga  2. Parts and wholes  3. A magic 5  4. The right choice  5. Find the antonyms

I - Level  Baiga

3 слайд
I - Level  Baiga

3 слайд

I - Level  Baiga

 1. How many seasons in a year ?  2. What month is it now ?  3. What is the capital of England ?  4. What is the capital of

4 слайд
 1. How many seasons in a year ?  2. What month is it now ?  3. What is the capital of England ?  4. What is the capital of America ?  5. How many letters are there in English alphabet ?  6. How many letters are there in Kazakh alphabet ?

4 слайд

 1. How many seasons in a year ?  2. What month is it now ?  3. What is the capital of England ?  4. What is the capital of America ?  5. How many letters are there in English alphabet ?  6. How many letters are there in Kazakh alphabet ?

 7. What day is it today ?  8. What date is it today ?  9. Who was Abai Kunanbaev ?  10. What national games do you know ?

5 слайд
 7. What day is it today ?  8. What date is it today ?  9. Who was Abai Kunanbaev ?  10. What national games do you know ?  11. What is Astana famous for ?  12. Autumn months are ?

5 слайд

 7. What day is it today ?  8. What date is it today ?  9. Who was Abai Kunanbaev ?  10. What national games do you know ?  11. What is Astana famous for ?  12. Autumn months are ?

 II – Level  Parts and wholes

6 слайд
 II – Level  Parts and wholes

6 слайд

 II – Level  Parts and wholes

 1. Mickey a) Claus  2. Mary b) Duck  3. Robinson

7 слайд
 1. Mickey a) Claus  2. Mary b) Duck  3. Robinson c) Pooh  4. Peter d) Mouse  5. Donald e) Poppins  6. Winny – the f) Crusoe  7. Santa g ) Pan

7 слайд

 1. Mickey a) Claus  2. Mary b) Duck  3. Robinson c) Pooh  4. Peter d) Mouse  5. Donald e) Poppins  6. Winny – the f) Crusoe  7. Santa g ) Pan

III – Level  A magic 5

8 слайд
III – Level  A magic 5

8 слайд

III – Level  A magic 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

9 слайд
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

9 слайд

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

IV – Level The right choice

10 слайд
IV – Level The right choice

10 слайд

IV – Level The right choice

 1. The capital of English ?  a) London  b) Paris  c) Moscow

11 слайд
 1. The capital of English ?  a) London  b) Paris  c) Moscow

11 слайд

 1. The capital of English ?  a) London  b) Paris  c) Moscow

2. London stands ?  a) the Volga  b) the Mississipi  c) the Thames

12 слайд
2. London stands ?  a) the Volga  b) the Mississipi  c) the Thames

12 слайд

2. London stands ?  a) the Volga  b) the Mississipi  c) the Thames

3. The symbol of England is  a) a red rose  b) a tulip  c) a daffodil

13 слайд
3. The symbol of England is  a) a red rose  b) a tulip  c) a daffodil

13 слайд

3. The symbol of England is  a) a red rose  b) a tulip  c) a daffodil

4. The English flag is …  a) blue and white  b) red and green  c) red and white

14 слайд
4. The English flag is …  a) blue and white  b) red and green  c) red and white

14 слайд

4. The English flag is …  a) blue and white  b) red and green  c) red and white

5. Golf comes from  a) Scotland  b) Russia  c) the USA

15 слайд
5. Golf comes from  a) Scotland  b) Russia  c) the USA

15 слайд

5. Golf comes from  a) Scotland  b) Russia  c) the USA

6. A bell invented  a) a car  b) a telephone  c) a plane

16 слайд
6. A bell invented  a) a car  b) a telephone  c) a plane

16 слайд

6. A bell invented  a) a car  b) a telephone  c) a plane

7. Ch.Chaplin was  a) an artist  b) a composer  c) an actor

17 слайд
7. Ch.Chaplin was  a) an artist  b) a composer  c) an actor

17 слайд

7. Ch.Chaplin was  a) an artist  b) a composer  c) an actor

8. Cricket comes from  a) England  b) Italy  c) France

18 слайд
8. Cricket comes from  a) England  b) Italy  c) France

18 слайд

8. Cricket comes from  a) England  b) Italy  c) France

9 . “Robinson Crusoe” was written by  a) Lewis Caroll  b) Daniel Defoe  c) Alan Milne

19 слайд
9 . “Robinson Crusoe” was written by  a) Lewis Caroll  b) Daniel Defoe  c) Alan Milne

19 слайд

9 . “Robinson Crusoe” was written by  a) Lewis Caroll  b) Daniel Defoe  c) Alan Milne

10. The traditional Christmas meal in England is  a) roast turkey  b) fish and ships  c) porridge

20 слайд
10. The traditional Christmas meal in England is  a) roast turkey  b) fish and ships  c) porridge

20 слайд

10. The traditional Christmas meal in England is  a) roast turkey  b) fish and ships  c) porridge

V – Level  Find the antonyms

21 слайд
V – Level  Find the antonyms

21 слайд

V – Level  Find the antonyms

 1. Fast –  2. small –  3. clean –  4. interesting –  5. expensive –  6. safe –  7. good-

22 слайд
 1. Fast –  2. small –  3. clean –  4. interesting –  5. expensive –  6. safe –  7. good-

22 слайд

 1. Fast –  2. small –  3. clean –  4. interesting –  5. expensive –  6. safe –  7. good-

 8. old –  9. hot-  10. difficult –  11. beautiful-  12. strong-  13. quite-  14. clever-  15. lazy-

23 слайд
 8. old –  9. hot-  10. difficult –  11. beautiful-  12. strong-  13. quite-  14. clever-  15. lazy-

23 слайд

 8. old –  9. hot-  10. difficult –  11. beautiful-  12. strong-  13. quite-  14. clever-  15. lazy-

 Отан оттан да ...  Бала ... Бал.  Көз қорқақ, ... батыр.  ... жолы жіңішке.

24 слайд
 Отан оттан да ...  Бала ... Бал.  Көз қорқақ, ... батыр.  ... жолы жіңішке.

24 слайд

 Отан оттан да ...  Бала ... Бал.  Көз қорқақ, ... батыр.  ... жолы жіңішке.

Thank you for your attention !!!

25 слайд
Thank you for your attention !!!

25 слайд

Thank you for your attention !!!