Материалдар / Тәтті біздің өмірімізде. Chocolates in our life
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Тәтті біздің өмірімізде. Chocolates in our life

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Адамның денсаулығын және қоршаған ортаны қорғау
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
08 Қараша 2018
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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және Ғылым Министрлігі Маңғыстау облысы. “Қарақия ауданының әкімдігінің білім бөлімі” №9 Құрық

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Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және Ғылым Министрлігі Маңғыстау облысы. “Қарақия ауданының әкімдігінің білім бөлімі” №9 Құрық орта мектебі коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі Ғылыми жоба Тәтті – біздің өмірімізде Chocolates in our life Секция: Биология Бағыты: Адам денсаулығы және қоршаған ортаны қорғау Орындаған: 7 сынып оқушысы Смадил Дильназ Жетекшісі: ағылшын пәні мұғалімі Бақбергенова С.М.

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Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және Ғылым Министрлігі Маңғыстау облысы. “Қарақия ауданының әкімдігінің білім бөлімі” №9 Құрық орта мектебі коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі Ғылыми жоба Тәтті – біздің өмірімізде Chocolates in our life Секция: Биология Бағыты: Адам денсаулығы және қоршаған ортаны қорғау Орындаған: 7 сынып оқушысы Смадил Дильназ Жетекшісі: ағылшын пәні мұғалімі Бақбергенова С.М.

Аннотация Оқушы өзінің жазған “Тәтті – біздің өмірімізде” деген тақырыппен алған еңбегінде осы тақырыпты кең көлемде аша білге

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Аннотация Оқушы өзінің жазған “Тәтті – біздің өмірімізде” деген тақырыппен алған еңбегінде осы тақырыпты кең көлемде аша білген. Тәттінің пайдасы мен зияны жайлы саралап ашып көрсете білген, және тәттіcіз өмір сүру мүмкін еместігін оны күнделікті тұрмыста пайдаланып жүргенімізді жазған. Аннотация Работа ученика по научной теме “Шоколад – в нашей жизни” очень обширная. Ученик раскрыл тему. Она подчеркнула, что человек не может существовать без сладости. Annotation Research work of students on “Chocolate in our life” was written in expanded from. In this work clearly shows what is obtain from chocolate. Chocolates are closely related to human life.

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Аннотация Оқушы өзінің жазған “Тәтті – біздің өмірімізде” деген тақырыппен алған еңбегінде осы тақырыпты кең көлемде аша білген. Тәттінің пайдасы мен зияны жайлы саралап ашып көрсете білген, және тәттіcіз өмір сүру мүмкін еместігін оны күнделікті тұрмыста пайдаланып жүргенімізді жазған. Аннотация Работа ученика по научной теме “Шоколад – в нашей жизни” очень обширная. Ученик раскрыл тему. Она подчеркнула, что человек не может существовать без сладости. Annotation Research work of students on “Chocolate in our life” was written in expanded from. In this work clearly shows what is obtain from chocolate. Chocolates are closely related to human life.

Chocolates in our life Project supervisor: Taitelieva SagatkulProject supervisor:

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Chocolates in our life Project supervisor: Taitelieva SagatkulProject supervisor: Taitelieva Sagatkul

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Chocolates in our life Project supervisor: Taitelieva SagatkulProject supervisor: Taitelieva Sagatkul

Contents: •Introduction ....................................................................5 •History of chocolate.............

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Contents: •Introduction ....................................................................5 •History of chocolate........................................................6 •The description of the cacao tree....................................8 •Cacao products ..............................................................9 •Kinds of chocolate........................................................10 •Types of chocolate .......................................................11 •Microelements ..............................................................12 •How chocolate influences on the brain.........................13 •The benefits of chocolate .............................................14 •Chocolate up lifting vitamins .......................................15 •Harmful effects of chocolate ........................................17 •Interesting facts.............................................................18 •Puzzle............................................................................21 •My research ..................................................................26 •Conclusion ....................................................................27

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Contents: •Introduction ....................................................................5 •History of chocolate........................................................6 •The description of the cacao tree....................................8 •Cacao products ..............................................................9 •Kinds of chocolate........................................................10 •Types of chocolate .......................................................11 •Microelements ..............................................................12 •How chocolate influences on the brain.........................13 •The benefits of chocolate .............................................14 •Chocolate up lifting vitamins .......................................15 •Harmful effects of chocolate ........................................17 •Interesting facts.............................................................18 •Puzzle............................................................................21 •My research ..................................................................26 •Conclusion ....................................................................27

The purpose of the function: To help To help studentsstudents developing horizons developing horizons about chocolateabout ch

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The purpose of the function: To help To help studentsstudents developing horizons developing horizons about chocolateabout chocolate The tasks of the functioning: The tasks of the functioning: To acquaintance with To acquaintance with chocolate history chocolate history Chocolate effectsChocolate effects To know favorite brands of To know favorite brands of teenager’s chocolateteenager’s chocolate

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The purpose of the function: To help To help studentsstudents developing horizons developing horizons about chocolateabout chocolate The tasks of the functioning: The tasks of the functioning: To acquaintance with To acquaintance with chocolate history chocolate history Chocolate effectsChocolate effects To know favorite brands of To know favorite brands of teenager’s chocolateteenager’s chocolate

The hypothesis : How delicious, sweet chocolates are …..

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The hypothesis : How delicious, sweet chocolates are …..

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The hypothesis : How delicious, sweet chocolates are …..

Introduction History of chocolate People all over the world are fond of it. Ch

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Introduction History of chocolate People all over the world are fond of it. Chocolate is delicious, sweet but … How chocolate influences Do you know that ….. Puzzle Questionnaire Conclusion

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Introduction History of chocolate People all over the world are fond of it. Chocolate is delicious, sweet but … How chocolate influences Do you know that ….. Puzzle Questionnaire Conclusion

History of chocolate. Long before the discovery of America by Europeans Aztecs knew how to prepare chocolate. It was a bi

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History of chocolate. Long before the discovery of America by Europeans Aztecs knew how to prepare chocolate. It was a bitter drink, which was cooked from roasted cocoa beans with spices. It could afford only the rich, because this drink was sacred. The Spaniards tried chocolate in the New World in the late fifteenth century. "The drink of the gods" had little in common with the well-known to us modern hot chocolate, so the conquistadors found it tasty!

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History of chocolate. Long before the discovery of America by Europeans Aztecs knew how to prepare chocolate. It was a bitter drink, which was cooked from roasted cocoa beans with spices. It could afford only the rich, because this drink was sacred. The Spaniards tried chocolate in the New World in the late fifteenth century. "The drink of the gods" had little in common with the well-known to us modern hot chocolate, so the conquistadors found it tasty!

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The description of the cacao tree. The Cacao Tree is a shade tolerant, moisture loving, understory rainforest tree. It

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The description of the cacao tree. The Cacao Tree is a shade tolerant, moisture loving, understory rainforest tree. It naturally favors riparian zones so often in the wild is found along rivers. The trees live for up to 100 years, but cultivated trees are considered economically productive for only about 60 years.

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The description of the cacao tree. The Cacao Tree is a shade tolerant, moisture loving, understory rainforest tree. It naturally favors riparian zones so often in the wild is found along rivers. The trees live for up to 100 years, but cultivated trees are considered economically productive for only about 60 years.

CACAO PRODUCERS Cocoa comes from tropical evergreen Cocoa trees, such as Theobroma Cocoa, which grow in the wet lowland t

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CACAO PRODUCERS Cocoa comes from tropical evergreen Cocoa trees, such as Theobroma Cocoa, which grow in the wet lowland tropics of Central and South America, West Africa and Southeast Asia (within 20 C of the equator) (Walter,1981)

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CACAO PRODUCERS Cocoa comes from tropical evergreen Cocoa trees, such as Theobroma Cocoa, which grow in the wet lowland tropics of Central and South America, West Africa and Southeast Asia (within 20 C of the equator) (Walter,1981)

Kinds of chocolate: •Dark : Chocolate that contains chocolate liquor, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla and leicithin (an emulsifie

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Kinds of chocolate: •Dark : Chocolate that contains chocolate liquor, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla and leicithin (an emulsifier). •Bittersweet : Chocolate contains at least 35% cocoa solids. •Semi-sweet: Semi-sweet chocolate contains at least 35% cocoa solids, but sweeter than bittersweet. •Milk: Milk chocolate must contain at least 10% chocolate liquor, 3.39% butterfat, and 12% milk solids. •White: white chocolate must contain a minimum 20% cocoa butter, 14% milk solids, and a maximum of 55% sugar. •Couverture (Belgium): this chocolate contains a very high percent (at least 30%) of cocoa butter, as well as a high percentage of chocolate liquor. •Gianduja : Gianduja is the name given to a European style of chocolate made from chocolate and nut paste.

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Kinds of chocolate: •Dark : Chocolate that contains chocolate liquor, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla and leicithin (an emulsifier). •Bittersweet : Chocolate contains at least 35% cocoa solids. •Semi-sweet: Semi-sweet chocolate contains at least 35% cocoa solids, but sweeter than bittersweet. •Milk: Milk chocolate must contain at least 10% chocolate liquor, 3.39% butterfat, and 12% milk solids. •White: white chocolate must contain a minimum 20% cocoa butter, 14% milk solids, and a maximum of 55% sugar. •Couverture (Belgium): this chocolate contains a very high percent (at least 30%) of cocoa butter, as well as a high percentage of chocolate liquor. •Gianduja : Gianduja is the name given to a European style of chocolate made from chocolate and nut paste.

Types of chocolate. •Unsweete ned •Dark •White •Milk •Semi- sweet •Bitterswe et

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Types of chocolate. •Unsweete ned •Dark •White •Milk •Semi- sweet •Bitterswe et

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Types of chocolate. •Unsweete ned •Dark •White •Milk •Semi- sweet •Bitterswe et

Trace element Prope rties Dark chocol ate Milk chocol ate daily rate Calciu m Calcium is responsibl e for the rigidity o

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Trace element Prope rties Dark chocol ate Milk chocol ate daily rate Calciu m Calcium is responsibl e for the rigidity of bones. 47,3 mg 270,5 mg 800m g Iron Participati on in the formation of hemoglob in. 10,9 mg 1,0 mg 14 mg Potass ium Contribut es significant ly to the process of homeosta sis. 795.1 6 mg 492.4 mg 4700 mg Zinc Zinc is needed for the formation of some hormones . 3,25 mg 1,35 mg 15 mg Phosp horus The compone nt of DNA, bone, cell membran e and the cell nucleus. 292m g 283,5 mg 800m g Microelements

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Trace element Prope rties Dark chocol ate Milk chocol ate daily rate Calciu m Calcium is responsibl e for the rigidity of bones. 47,3 mg 270,5 mg 800m g Iron Participati on in the formation of hemoglob in. 10,9 mg 1,0 mg 14 mg Potass ium Contribut es significant ly to the process of homeosta sis. 795.1 6 mg 492.4 mg 4700 mg Zinc Zinc is needed for the formation of some hormones . 3,25 mg 1,35 mg 15 mg Phosp horus The compone nt of DNA, bone, cell membran e and the cell nucleus. 292m g 283,5 mg 800m g Microelements

How chocolate influences on the brain •You've heard the claims: Chocolate evokes that loving feeling. •Chocolate contains appr

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How chocolate influences on the brain •You've heard the claims: Chocolate evokes that loving feeling. •Chocolate contains approximately 50% fat and close to 50% carbohydrate; this combination of nutrients results in a powerful effect whereby all brain chemicals (specifically serotonin, dopamine, and opiate peptides) are positioned at optimal levels for positive mood and euphoric feelings. •Palatable foods such as chocolate, cakes, and ice cream stimulate the release of brain opiates known as endorphins, which make you feel good and may even increase appetite. •As endorphins are chemically similar to morphine, the brain responds to them in the same way as it responds to morphine. •Bitter dark chocolate can be favorably affect the human body. Milk chocolate is more popular but less healthy.

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How chocolate influences on the brain •You've heard the claims: Chocolate evokes that loving feeling. •Chocolate contains approximately 50% fat and close to 50% carbohydrate; this combination of nutrients results in a powerful effect whereby all brain chemicals (specifically serotonin, dopamine, and opiate peptides) are positioned at optimal levels for positive mood and euphoric feelings. •Palatable foods such as chocolate, cakes, and ice cream stimulate the release of brain opiates known as endorphins, which make you feel good and may even increase appetite. •As endorphins are chemically similar to morphine, the brain responds to them in the same way as it responds to morphine. •Bitter dark chocolate can be favorably affect the human body. Milk chocolate is more popular but less healthy.

The benefits of chocolate. •Chocolate charges with vigor and improves mood. •Contained in chocolate magnesium counteracts de

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The benefits of chocolate. •Chocolate charges with vigor and improves mood. •Contained in chocolate magnesium counteracts depression, improves memory, increases resistance to stress and strengthens the immune system. •Chocolate saves from a heart attack and stroke. •Chocolate protects vessels from atherosclerosis. •Chocolate strengthens blood vessels. •Chocolate eliminates excess weight. •Chocolate is good for your teeth and gums. •Chocolate does not cause acne. •Chocolate is much less likely to cause allergies than people think.

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The benefits of chocolate. •Chocolate charges with vigor and improves mood. •Contained in chocolate magnesium counteracts depression, improves memory, increases resistance to stress and strengthens the immune system. •Chocolate saves from a heart attack and stroke. •Chocolate protects vessels from atherosclerosis. •Chocolate strengthens blood vessels. •Chocolate eliminates excess weight. •Chocolate is good for your teeth and gums. •Chocolate does not cause acne. •Chocolate is much less likely to cause allergies than people think.

Chocolate uplifting. Half an hour of rest in an aromatic “chocolate spacesuit” shoot the general irritability, nourish the sk

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Chocolate uplifting. Half an hour of rest in an aromatic “chocolate spacesuit” shoot the general irritability, nourish the skin with minerals and oils that soften the organic acids, decorate the shade of tan. Chocolate wrap is a drug for skin.

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Chocolate uplifting. Half an hour of rest in an aromatic “chocolate spacesuit” shoot the general irritability, nourish the skin with minerals and oils that soften the organic acids, decorate the shade of tan. Chocolate wrap is a drug for skin.

Vitamins Vita min Properti es Dark choco late Milk chocol ate daily rate Vita min D Necessary for calcium metabolism, rep

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Vitamins Vita min Properti es Dark choco late Milk chocol ate daily rate Vita min D Necessary for calcium metabolism, reproductive function and immune system. 0,05 mg 0,06 mg 5 mkg Vita min E Playing an important role of the antioxidant, protecting the phospolipid s. 1mg1,1m g 10m g Bioti n Plays an important role in the metabolism of lipids, glyutsidov and certain amino acids. 20 mkg 0 150 mkg Vita min B12 Participates in the formation of essential amino acids. 0 0,8m g 1mk g

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Vitamins Vita min Properti es Dark choco late Milk chocol ate daily rate Vita min D Necessary for calcium metabolism, reproductive function and immune system. 0,05 mg 0,06 mg 5 mkg Vita min E Playing an important role of the antioxidant, protecting the phospolipid s. 1mg1,1m g 10m g Bioti n Plays an important role in the metabolism of lipids, glyutsidov and certain amino acids. 20 mkg 0 150 mkg Vita min B12 Participates in the formation of essential amino acids. 0 0,8m g 1mk g

Harmful effects of chocolate. •Along with coffee, tobacco and drugs, chocolate, according to World Health Organization, inc

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Harmful effects of chocolate. •Along with coffee, tobacco and drugs, chocolate, according to World Health Organization, included in the list of substances that cause a life- threatening addiction. •Pure cocoa has positive effects on blood pressure and cholesterol and also prevents heart disease. However, processed chocolate is what the majority of people are eating, and it contains added sugar, milk fats, saturated fats and corn syrup. These ingredients actually promote heart disease, weight gain, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

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Harmful effects of chocolate. •Along with coffee, tobacco and drugs, chocolate, according to World Health Organization, included in the list of substances that cause a life- threatening addiction. •Pure cocoa has positive effects on blood pressure and cholesterol and also prevents heart disease. However, processed chocolate is what the majority of people are eating, and it contains added sugar, milk fats, saturated fats and corn syrup. These ingredients actually promote heart disease, weight gain, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Interesting facts •Theobromide is a poison to dogs, even rather small amounts of real Chocolate can kill a dog. •Chocolate

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Interesting facts •Theobromide is a poison to dogs, even rather small amounts of real Chocolate can kill a dog. •Chocolate charges with vigor and improves mood, Say U.S. doctors. Unbelievable but true: in their effect on the body chocolate recalls ... marijuana. •If a woman during pregnancy, eating a lot of chocolate, her child is almost 100 per cent of cases are born perfectly healthy. In addition, children are those who like chocolate have different nerves and easily cope with stressful situations.

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Interesting facts •Theobromide is a poison to dogs, even rather small amounts of real Chocolate can kill a dog. •Chocolate charges with vigor and improves mood, Say U.S. doctors. Unbelievable but true: in their effect on the body chocolate recalls ... marijuana. •If a woman during pregnancy, eating a lot of chocolate, her child is almost 100 per cent of cases are born perfectly healthy. In addition, children are those who like chocolate have different nerves and easily cope with stressful situations.

Interesting facts. CACAO GROWING COUNTRIES : •West Africa-Ghana, Nigeria and the Cote d’Ivoure •South America-Brazil and Ecuador

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Interesting facts. CACAO GROWING COUNTRIES : •West Africa-Ghana, Nigeria and the Cote d’Ivoure •South America-Brazil and Ecuador •Asia- Malaysia and Indonesia CHOCOLATE FACTS : •The USA makes approximately seven billion pounds of chocolate and sweets each year. •The botanical name of the cacao tree is Theobroma cacao. It means ‘’food of the dogs’’ •Hawaii is the only American state that grows cacao beans to make chocolate. •Chocolate isn’t good for dogs and parrots. They can be die if they eat a lot! •American and Russian astronauts always have chocolate with them when they go into space

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Interesting facts. CACAO GROWING COUNTRIES : •West Africa-Ghana, Nigeria and the Cote d’Ivoure •South America-Brazil and Ecuador •Asia- Malaysia and Indonesia CHOCOLATE FACTS : •The USA makes approximately seven billion pounds of chocolate and sweets each year. •The botanical name of the cacao tree is Theobroma cacao. It means ‘’food of the dogs’’ •Hawaii is the only American state that grows cacao beans to make chocolate. •Chocolate isn’t good for dogs and parrots. They can be die if they eat a lot! •American and Russian astronauts always have chocolate with them when they go into space

•Chocolate is lower in caffeine than tea, coffee and coca cola. A one ounce bar of chocolate contains about 6mg of caffeine, w

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•Chocolate is lower in caffeine than tea, coffee and coca cola. A one ounce bar of chocolate contains about 6mg of caffeine, whereas a five ounce cup of regular coffee contains over 40mg. •Chocolate was regarded as an aphrodisiac by Aztec Indians. •Chocolate contains antioxidants which may help prevent cancer and heart disease. •Chocolate is the favourite flavour in the United States Of America. •The shelf life of a bar of chocolate is approximately one year. •In 1842 Cadbury's in England created the worlds first chocolate bar. •The Swiss eat the most chocolate. The average person eats 19lbs a year. •Chocolate contain theobromine, which is a mild relative of caffeine and magnesium. This chemical is found in some tranquilisers. Because coffee also contains caffeine, it both picks you up and calms you down. •It is widely believed that chocolate consumption releases a chemical into your body very similar to what is produced when you are in love. •Chocolate manufacturers use 20% of the worlds peanuts and 40% of the worlds almonds

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•Chocolate is lower in caffeine than tea, coffee and coca cola. A one ounce bar of chocolate contains about 6mg of caffeine, whereas a five ounce cup of regular coffee contains over 40mg. •Chocolate was regarded as an aphrodisiac by Aztec Indians. •Chocolate contains antioxidants which may help prevent cancer and heart disease. •Chocolate is the favourite flavour in the United States Of America. •The shelf life of a bar of chocolate is approximately one year. •In 1842 Cadbury's in England created the worlds first chocolate bar. •The Swiss eat the most chocolate. The average person eats 19lbs a year. •Chocolate contain theobromine, which is a mild relative of caffeine and magnesium. This chemical is found in some tranquilisers. Because coffee also contains caffeine, it both picks you up and calms you down. •It is widely believed that chocolate consumption releases a chemical into your body very similar to what is produced when you are in love. •Chocolate manufacturers use 20% of the worlds peanuts and 40% of the worlds almonds


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Do you like chocolate? •Yes-53 No-0 Another-2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 yes no another Ряд1

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Do you like chocolate? •Yes-53 No-0 Another-2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 yes no another Ряд1

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Do you like chocolate? •Yes-53 No-0 Another-2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 yes no another Ряд1

What kind of chocolate do you like? •Alpen Gold-31 Lindt-5 Russia-3 •Milka-22

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What kind of chocolate do you like? •Alpen Gold-31 Lindt-5 Russia-3 •Milka-22 Airly-5 Tobleron-2 •Red October-13 Kinder-5 Spartak-1 •Babaevski-9 Dove-5 After Eight-1 •Ritter Sport-9 Nestle-4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Ряд1

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What kind of chocolate do you like? •Alpen Gold-31 Lindt-5 Russia-3 •Milka-22 Airly-5 Tobleron-2 •Red October-13 Kinder-5 Spartak-1 •Babaevski-9 Dove-5 After Eight-1 •Ritter Sport-9 Nestle-4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Ряд1

How often do you eat chocolate? •Once a month-3 Once a day-22 •Once a week-19 Another-11 0 5 10 15 2

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How often do you eat chocolate? •Once a month-3 Once a day-22 •Once a week-19 Another-11 0 5 10 15 20 25 once a monthonce a weekonce a day another Ряд1

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How often do you eat chocolate? •Once a month-3 Once a day-22 •Once a week-19 Another-11 0 5 10 15 20 25 once a monthonce a weekonce a day another Ряд1

Chocolate is useful, isn’t it? 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 yes no another Ряд1 •Yes- 43 No- 7

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Chocolate is useful, isn’t it? 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 yes no another Ряд1 •Yes- 43 No- 7 Another- 5

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Chocolate is useful, isn’t it? 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 yes no another Ряд1 •Yes- 43 No- 7 Another- 5

My research 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Children Adults Chocoholics Not-addicted

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My research 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Children Adults Chocoholics Not-addicted

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My research 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Children Adults Chocoholics Not-addicted

Conclusion Luckily for all chocolate-lovers the researches prove its usefulness for both our health and mood. So you may e

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Conclusion Luckily for all chocolate-lovers the researches prove its usefulness for both our health and mood. So you may eat it without fear…but with great pleasure.

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Conclusion Luckily for all chocolate-lovers the researches prove its usefulness for both our health and mood. So you may eat it without fear…but with great pleasure.

Using Literature •Richardson, Tim H. (2002). Sweets: A History of Candy. Bloomsbury USA. ISBN •Stroud, Jon (2008). The Sucker

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Using Literature •Richardson, Tim H. (2002). Sweets: A History of Candy. Bloomsbury USA. ISBN •Stroud, Jon (2008). The Sucker's Guide - A Journey into the Soft Centre of the Sweet Shop. Summersdale. ISBN 9781840247091. •Weatherley, Henry (1865). A Treatise on the Art of Boiling Sugar. Retrieved 2008-07-14. •Kennedy, Angus (2008). Kennedy's Confection Magazine. •  •"Traités nouveaux & curieux du café du thé et du chocolate", by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour, 1685. •"Twill make old women young and fresh, Create new motions of the flesh. And cause them long for you know what, If they but taste of chocolate." - James Wadworth (1768-1844; A History of the Nature and Quality of Chocolate)

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Using Literature •Richardson, Tim H. (2002). Sweets: A History of Candy. Bloomsbury USA. ISBN •Stroud, Jon (2008). The Sucker's Guide - A Journey into the Soft Centre of the Sweet Shop. Summersdale. ISBN 9781840247091. •Weatherley, Henry (1865). A Treatise on the Art of Boiling Sugar. Retrieved 2008-07-14. •Kennedy, Angus (2008). Kennedy's Confection Magazine. •  •"Traités nouveaux & curieux du café du thé et du chocolate", by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour, 1685. •"Twill make old women young and fresh, Create new motions of the flesh. And cause them long for you know what, If they but taste of chocolate." - James Wadworth (1768-1844; A History of the Nature and Quality of Chocolate)

Thank you!

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Thank you!

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Thank you!