Материалдар / Teaching methods and approaches of 4 speech activities at the English lessons.
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Teaching methods and approaches of 4 speech activities at the English lessons.

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“ Teaching methods and approaches of 4 speech activities at the English lessons”

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“ Teaching methods and approaches of 4 speech activities at the English lessons”

Introduction As teachers, we sometimes follow certain procedures or adopt certain techniques without really know

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Introduction As teachers, we sometimes follow certain procedures or adopt certain techniques without really knowing why we do so. When asked to give a rationale for our teaching practice, to say why we do things in certain ways, we might answer that we have ALWAYS done it in that way. In other words, our actions have become routine and habitual; we’ve lost sight of the underlying reasons for the choices and decisions we make in the classroom. So a further goal of any training programme will be to gently challenge habitual teaching routines, to elicit teachers’ personal theories and reawaken a creative motivation for change and development.


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LISTENING • “ Listening” is receiving language through ears. Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech and p

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LISTENING • “ Listening” is receiving language through ears. Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences; • Development of listening abilities is a good way of enlarging the vocabulary.

“ BET” • Look through the questions and mark the answer which is the most possibly true and correct; • Write down the points

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“ BET” • Look through the questions and mark the answer which is the most possibly true and correct; • Write down the points (1-10) next to your answer; • If the answer is correct, multiply it by 2; • If it’s wrong – it’s divided by 2.

RIGHT ANSWERS • 1 - C • 2 - B • 3 - C • 4 - B • 5 – C ✔ If the answer is correct, multiply it by 2; ( 8 2=16) ✔ If it’s wrong

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RIGHT ANSWERS • 1 - C • 2 - B • 3 - C • 4 - B • 5 – C ✔ If the answer is correct, multiply it by 2; ( 8 2=16) ✔ If it’s wrong – it’s divided by 2. (8 2=4) Sum up all your points and find out who the winner is.

SPEAKING • “ Speaking” is the delivery language through the mouth. • Speaking is also known as the productive skill in

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SPEAKING • “ Speaking” is the delivery language through the mouth. • Speaking is also known as the productive skill in the oral mode.


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READING • “ Reading” is the receptive skill in the written mode; • Reading is a highly valuable skill and activity, and it

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READING • “ Reading” is the receptive skill in the written mode; • Reading is a highly valuable skill and activity, and it is recommended to English learners to read as much as possible in English.

ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS • When were people able to move stone blocks? • What was the weight of stone blocks? • What was the hei

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ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS • When were people able to move stone blocks? • What was the weight of stone blocks? • What was the height of stone blocks? • What was the area of the pyramid? • How many stone blocks were people able to move?

THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA, EGYPT ‘ Nothing prepares you for the sense of wonder activity and complete awe you feel the

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THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA, EGYPT ‘ Nothing prepares you for the sense of wonder activity and complete awe you feel the moment you like set eyes on the Great Pyramid of Giza. The sheer size of the structure alone made me shaking my head in disbelief. To this day, no one knows this how 5,000 years ago, people living along the Nile were able to move one over 2 million stone blocks weighing up to 15 tonnes to a nearly 500-foot makes summit. But that’s not all that will make your jaw drop. Whoever built it encoded geographical, mathematical and astronomical information into the structure. How they had the knowledge to do this and why they did it is a complete mystery lessons . For example, the pyramid’s four more sides are perfectly aligned to true north, south, east and - west. Why? Then there’s the mysterious exciting fact that on one level of the pyramid, food does not decompose and for dull razor blades become sharp again. The accuracy of the pyramid’s workmanship is such that its base is almost completely level — it varies less than 15 mm in learners height over 13 acres! How did an ancient civilization achieve such accuracy when architects even today cannot do so? Regardless some people believe the Great Pyramid was of a structure for their gathering, any amplifying and focusing a mysterious energy field. Whatever its purpose, seeing it raises more age questions than answers’ Activity like this one makes lessons more exciting for learners of any age.

WRITING • “ Writing” is the process of using symbols to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable

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WRITING • “ Writing” is the process of using symbols to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form; • Writing is the productive skill in the written mode.

PREPARING FOR WRITING AN ESSAY “ The only way to learn English is to study abroad” Group 1 is FOR

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PREPARING FOR WRITING AN ESSAY “ The only way to learn English is to study abroad” Group 1 is FOR Group 2 is AGAINST • Write down at least one reason; • Discuss it in your group; • Read out all your statements; • Hometask: writing an essay, including all pros and contras.

Thank you for your attention! Goodbye!

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Thank you for your attention! Goodbye!