Материалдар / The Canterbury Tales
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The Canterbury Tales

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
The Canterbury Tales
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18 Сәуір 2023
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"The Canterbury Tales" Pier Paolo Pasolini

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"The Canterbury Tales" Pier Paolo Pasolini

 Pier Paolo Pasolini was born on March 5, 1922 in the northern Italian city of Bologna.  Pasolini grew up in a Catholic fami

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 Pier Paolo Pasolini was born on March 5, 1922 in the northern Italian city of Bologna.  Pasolini grew up in a Catholic family, but he called himself an atheist and often criticized the Roman Catholic Church.  In 1939, Pasolini graduated from high school and entered the Literary College of the University of Bologna.  Pasolini became famous long before he started making films. He began writing poetry at the age of 17, first published at the age of 19  Before filming his first film, Pasolini worked regularly as a screenwriter (1954–1960).

In 1962, Pasolini was arrested for taking part in the filming of RoGoPaG and sentenced to a suspended sentence. In his furt

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In 1962, Pasolini was arrested for taking part in the filming of RoGoPaG and sentenced to a suspended sentence. In his further film works, Pasolini mainly used classical literary works (The Gospel of Matthew, The Canterbury Tales, Medea, Salo, or 120 Days of Sodom). At the same time, he could give them a modern political interpretation.Pasolini's first film, Accatone (1961), based on his own novel, was a neo- realist film about life in the Roman slums.

The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer at the end of the 14th century. It is a collect

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The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer at the end of the 14th century. It is a collection of 22 poetic and two prosaic stories . Storytellers apply to all layers of the English society: among them is the knight, a monk, a priest, a doctor, a sailor, a merchant, a weaver, a cook, a yeoman etc.

"The Canterbury Tales" is the second and, according to most critics, the weakest part of the famous "trilogy of life" by the

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"The Canterbury Tales" is the second and, according to most critics, the weakest part of the famous "trilogy of life" by the Italian Pier Paolo Pasolini. The premiere was postponed due to the intervention of the authorities, who considered that the picture was too obscene for a wide release.

The first short story, "The Merchant's Tale" , paints a portrait of a decrepit and disgusting rich man who suddenly decided

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The first short story, "The Merchant's Tale" , paints a portrait of a decrepit and disgusting rich man who suddenly decided to take a young wife. The second story, "The Carmelita's Tale", tells of a greedy and vicious church bailiff who happily takes fines from the guilty or even sends sinners to the stake.

In the third short story, The Cook's Tale , Pasolini returned to satire. The story of a lustful and cheerful guy The fourth s

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In the third short story, The Cook's Tale , Pasolini returned to satire. The story of a lustful and cheerful guy The fourth story, The Miller's Tale , is about a poor astrology student, Nicholas, who manages to fall in love with the wife of his carpenter.

Then follows the "Tale of the Weaver of Bath" , the heroine was married five times and each of the five spouses died from he

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Then follows the "Tale of the Weaver of Bath" , the heroine was married five times and each of the five spouses died from her irrepressible sexual appetite. The sixth short story, "The Majordomo's Tale" , begins with two students going to the mill on the orders of the manager to find out how its owner cheats with flour supplies.

The penultimate story is called The Pardoner's Tale . Three loafers spend their days drinking beer and their nights chatting

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The penultimate story is called The Pardoner's Tale . Three loafers spend their days drinking beer and their nights chatting with girls. Completes the picture "The story of the bailiff of the church court." A greedy monk comes to the house of a seriously ill person. he deceives him that all his fatal illnesses are due to the fact that he donates too little to the church.