Материалдар / "The effective use of proverbs and sayings at the english lessons and out-of-class time"
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"The effective use of proverbs and sayings at the english lessons and out-of-class time"

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« The effective use of proverbs and sayings at the English lessons and out-of-class time » Author: Amangeldieva D.A Science a

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« The effective use of proverbs and sayings at the English lessons and out-of-class time » Author: Amangeldieva D.A Science adviser: Utezhanova V.M № 42 “Ak niet” gymnasium

 The purpose of the project: based on the comparative analysis of proverbs in English and Russian languages to identify the

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 The purpose of the project: based on the comparative analysis of proverbs in English and Russian languages to identify the possibility of transfer from one to another. This purpose will help to solve the following  tasks : • consider what proverbs and identify their values; • to conduct a comparative analysis, consider proverbs in English with proverbs in the Russian language.  The tasks of the research work : Collection and grouping of English proverbs and sayings. Understanding the importance of English proverbs find sayings. Creating English,Russian and Kazakh proverbs and sayings.  Result of work: To make sure that our study project will help you to learn the English language by gathering information about English folklore.

The main methods of research : I . Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I

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The main methods of research : I . Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. The effective use of proverbs and sayings at the English lessons and out-of- classtime 2.1. Use of proverbs in numbers ------------------------------------------------------ 2.2. Use of proverbs in grammar ------------------------------------------------------ 2.3. The proverbs is used in the tasks UNT ------------------------------------------- 2.4. Sampling and systematization of information ------------------------------------- 2.5. The importance of the research work ----------------------------------------------- 2.6. Extracurricular activities 2.7. Result of work ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A wise man who knows proverbs can reconcile all difficulties African sayings

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A wise man who knows proverbs can reconcile all difficulties African sayings

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 Every type of the national culture keeps the picture of world out look and way of life of the whole nation.

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 Every type of the national culture keeps the picture of world out look and way of life of the whole nation.

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Use of proverbs in numbers “ The voice of man is the voice of no one” “ Жалғыздың үні шықпас, жаяудың шаңы шықпас. ” “

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Use of proverbs in numbers “ The voice of man is the voice of no one” “ Жалғыздың үні шықпас, жаяудың шаңы шықпас. ” “ One is no number” “ Бір сан емес, екі көп емес. ”   “ One flower makes no garland” “ Жалғыз ағаш үй болмас, жалғыз жігіт би болмас ” “ One man no man” “ Жалғыз жүріп жол тапқанша, көппен жүріп адас ”ONE

 Two heads are better than one.  Two wrongs don’t make a right.  Cutting seven times, cut once.  The guy is less than seven.

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 Two heads are better than one.  Two wrongs don’t make a right.  Cutting seven times, cut once.  The guy is less than seven.

In addition, you can name a few in English starting from the word “every”  Every ass loves to hear himself bray- Всякий осел

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In addition, you can name a few in English starting from the word “every”  Every ass loves to hear himself bray- Всякий осел свой рев слушать любить. Every barber knows that - Это известно каждому цирюльнику.   Every country has its customs- У каждый страны свой обычаи .         Every dog has his day - У каждый собаки свой праздник бывает. Ever y

Use of provers in grammar The plural nouns So many countries, so many customs. Что ни город, то народ. Әр елдің салты басқа,

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Use of provers in grammar The plural nouns So many countries, so many customs. Что ни город, то народ. Әр елдің салты басқа, иті қара қасқа.   Many words cut more than words. Злые языки острее меча. Сөз сүйектен өтеді.      

 The degrees of comparison of adjective East or west, home is best. В гостях хорошо, дома лучше. Өз үйім өлең төсегім . Bet

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 The degrees of comparison of adjective East or west, home is best. В гостях хорошо, дома лучше. Өз үйім өлең төсегім . Better late than never . Лучше поздно, чем никогда. Ештен кеш жақсы.

 The passive voice Rome was not built in a day. Москва не сразу строилась. Еңбегіне қарай өнбегі. Don’t count your chick

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 The passive voice Rome was not built in a day. Москва не сразу строилась. Еңбегіне қарай өнбегі. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. Цыплят по осени считают. Балапанды күзде санайды. Health is not valued till sickness comes. Здоровье не ценится, пока не приходит болезнь. Денсаулықтың қадірін ауырғанда білерсің

 Modal verbs Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодн

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 Modal verbs Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня. Еріншектің ертеңі бітпес.     Love cannot be forced. Насильно мил не будешь. Жақсы жақсы емес жарасқаны жақсы. What must be must be. Чему быть, тому не виновать. Болар іс болды, өткен іске өкінбе .

At the same time, tasks of the UNT have the tasks of identifying proverbs and texts, identifying translations, identifying them

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At the same time, tasks of the UNT have the tasks of identifying proverbs and texts, identifying translations, identifying them in the TIS. In the UNT, the proverbs and sayings of the pupils in the preparation of pupils are interesting. In this direction I have three goals: education, development, upbringing .  Educatio n Formation of skills of reading, analytical skills of students to deepen, compare, distinguish knowledge of proverbs and sayings Development Development of logical thinking, accuracy of reading, improvement of speech, creative approach to search through different ways. Upbringing Education to deeply appreciate the value of words.

Only one English language version is unique in Kazakh:The English proverb gives some meaning in the kazakh language “ East or

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Only one English language version is unique in Kazakh:The English proverb gives some meaning in the kazakh language “ East or west, home is best” a) “ Әркімнің өз үйі Мысыр шаһары ” b) “ Қайран менің өз үйім, кең сарайдай боз үйім ” c) “ Туған жердей жер болмас, туған елдей ел болмас ” d) “ Өз үйім - өлең төсегім ” “ Don’t trouble troubels you” a) “ Үндемеген үйдей бәледен құтылады ” b) “ Тыныш жатқан жыланның құйрығын баспа ” c) “ Тек жүрсең, тоқ жүресің, Домаланып көп жүресің. ”

Comparing English lexicon with the meanings of the articles in the Kazakh language will help them to memorize words, enrich our

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Comparing English lexicon with the meanings of the articles in the Kazakh language will help them to memorize words, enrich our vocabulary. Comparing the oral poetry of the Kazakh people with oral literature in other countries is a great deal of research, language grammar, lexical reading, and sound. For example :  Don’t break brunches- Ағашты сындырма  Don’t pick flowers- Шөпті жұлма  Don’t catch ducks- Құсты атпа  Don’t leave litter- Ас қалд тарын тастама

Use of prose-verses in poetry in Kazakh language teaching antonyms is English lessons. Using these proverbs in the lessons, yo

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Use of prose-verses in poetry in Kazakh language teaching antonyms is English lessons. Using these proverbs in the lessons, you can find antonyms and translate into English Жаңа дос таптым деп, ескі досты ұмытпа. Жаңа- new ескі- old Аздың атасы бір, көптің батасы бір Аз- few, little көп- many, much Арық айтып, семіз шық ар - slim семіз- fat Сөздің де дұрысы бар, бұрысы бар, Әркез дұрыс сөйлеуге тырысыңдар дұрыс- right бұрыс- wrong Бас болмақ оңай, бастау қиын оңай- easy қиын- difficult Ыстықта туып та, шыдаймыз суыққа ыст - hot суық- cold Жаман айтпай, жақсы жоқ жаман- bad жақсы- good Құштар жандар өмірге, бас имейді өлімге өмір- life өлім- death

In each lessons, you can use proverbs and sayings on a variety of topics. We use the topics “Weather”, “Health habits”, “Educat

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In each lessons, you can use proverbs and sayings on a variety of topics. We use the topics “Weather”, “Health habits”, “Education”, “Home”, “Work and Job”, “friendship” and more in the lessons. Use of proverbs in each lesson  Health habits  Early to bed and early to rise,  Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.  An apple a day keeps the doctor away Weather It is raining cats and dogs After rain comes fair weather After a storm comes calm Rain at seven, fine at eleven Time Minutes makes hour Time is never found again There is time for everything Time is a great heale r Friendship A friend in need is a friend indeed The road to a friend’s house is nearer They are rich who have a true friends

The effective use of proverbs at the English lessons  Complete the diagram  Listen to the story and say which of the proverbs

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The effective use of proverbs at the English lessons  Complete the diagram  Listen to the story and say which of the proverbs following the story makes the best ending to it  Make up dialogues or situations using the following proverbs  There are proverbs on this piece of papers you have to pick one and explain the proverbs  Look at the pictures and tell the story using the proverbs which are connected with it  Read and act the short dialogues use proverbs instead of the italicized words  Use the proverbs in situations of your own the words and expressions will help you  Answer the following questions using proverbs  Game <<Polyglot>>

Extracurricular activities Our school is held weekly language classes every year. For example: a game <<1001 proverb, 101 riddl

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Extracurricular activities Our school is held weekly language classes every year. For example: a game <<1001 proverb, 101 riddle>>, <<Polyglot>> and others  As you know, the purpose of this competition is to let the readers know what to say about a specific topic.  Developing mentally, consciousness, cognitive abilities, knowledge, vocabulary of pupils by means of articles.  The article I to educate children about morality, honesty, acquaintance with types of proverbs.

The game << Polyglot>>  Articles and sayings on the one hand are characterized by the nature of their creativity. It is im

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The game << Polyglot>>  Articles and sayings on the one hand are characterized by the nature of their creativity. It is important to use proverbs and phrases efficiently in the event of extracurricular activities. For example We conducted the Polyglot competition in the English Language week. The aim of this idea is to increase the cognitive thinking of learners.  Terms..1.Remove the issue and translate the response into three languages.  2.The proverbs and sayings are translated into three languages.  3.In the Baiga section questions are asked ,and the answer is to translate it into three languages .

In this regard, teachers are obliges to develop the creative abilities, tendencies and thinking of the student. Reflecting on t

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In this regard, teachers are obliges to develop the creative abilities, tendencies and thinking of the student. Reflecting on the principle of “Every child is a future genius” should be able to prepare creative tasks for students, taking into account their peculiarities. To make my argument clear, I would like to point out to you the work that is being done by our classmates.

proverbs can be divided into the following categories:  1.English proverbs and sayings, which is fully translated the same wa

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proverbs can be divided into the following categories:  1.English proverbs and sayings, which is fully translated the same way in Russian language, the English version totally corresponds to the Russian;  2. English Proverbs and sayings, which are partly translated the same way in Russian language, the English version is somewhat different from Russian;  3. English proverbs and sayings, which are completely different translation to Russian language, the English version did not correspond to Russian.

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 Mirror of folk wisdom Treasure Rules of livingThe covenant of the descendants of the people Proverbs and sayings

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 Mirror of folk wisdom Treasure Rules of livingThe covenant of the descendants of the people Proverbs and sayings

Conclusion My research work is devoted to the English proverbs. You know that proverbs teach us

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Conclusion My research work is devoted to the English proverbs. You know that proverbs teach us about life, how to choose friends, professions. In conclusion we want to say that the knowledge of proverbs is a necessary condition for deep learning, the ability to use the wealth of eloquence characterizes the degree of ownership stake. It is impossible to display all the richness of proverbs in one work, opportunities for imaginative comprehension of reality is infinite and every nation has its own findings.

T h a n k y o u F o r y o u r a t t e n t i o n

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T h a n k y o u   F o r y o u r a t t e n t i o n