Материалдар / The problem the young in Kazakhstan
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The problem the young in Kazakhstan

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The problem the young in Kazakhstan қазақстандағы басты мәселелер
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12 Қаңтар 2023
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The problem the young in The problem the young in KazakhstanKazakhstan Completed by: Danel BektasovaCompleted by: Danel Bektaso

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The problem the young in The problem the young in KazakhstanKazakhstan Completed by: Danel BektasovaCompleted by: Danel Bektasova

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The problem the young in The problem the young in KazakhstanKazakhstan Completed by: Danel BektasovaCompleted by: Danel Bektasova

INFLATION INFLATION A long-term and sustained increase in the general price level of A long-term and sustained increase in the

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INFLATION INFLATION A long-term and sustained increase in the general price level of A long-term and sustained increase in the general price level of goods andIs it possible for pensions and wages to be raised by goods andIs it possible for pensions and wages to be raised by printingprinting services (for the same amount of money after a period ofservices (for the same amount of money after a period of a lot of money?a lot of money? one will be able to buy fewerone will be able to buy fewer goods and servicest han before).goods and servicest han before). For example, if farmers had a good harvest of vegetables, For example, if farmers had a good harvest of vegetables, the prices of tomatoes and potatoes would fall. If the the prices of tomatoes and potatoes would fall. If the government at the same time raised excise taxes on alcohol, government at the same time raised excise taxes on alcohol, the prices of alcohol will go up sharply. At the same time, the prices of alcohol will go up sharply. At the same time, the overall price level may rise only slightly.the overall price level may rise only slightly.

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INFLATION INFLATION A long-term and sustained increase in the general price level of A long-term and sustained increase in the general price level of goods andIs it possible for pensions and wages to be raised by goods andIs it possible for pensions and wages to be raised by printingprinting services (for the same amount of money after a period ofservices (for the same amount of money after a period of a lot of money?a lot of money? one will be able to buy fewerone will be able to buy fewer goods and servicest han before).goods and servicest han before). For example, if farmers had a good harvest of vegetables, For example, if farmers had a good harvest of vegetables, the prices of tomatoes and potatoes would fall. If the the prices of tomatoes and potatoes would fall. If the government at the same time raised excise taxes on alcohol, government at the same time raised excise taxes on alcohol, the prices of alcohol will go up sharply. At the same time, the prices of alcohol will go up sharply. At the same time, the overall price level may rise only slightly.the overall price level may rise only slightly.

What is inflation?What is inflation? moderate (creeping) - 10% per yearmoderate (creeping) - 10% per year galloping - 100-150

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What is inflation?What is inflation? moderate (creeping) - 10% per yearmoderate (creeping) - 10% per year galloping - 100-150% per yeargalloping - 100-150% per year High - more than 100-150% per yearHigh - more than 100-150% per year hyperinflation - over 1000% per yearhyperinflation - over 1000% per year OPEN held back by no one SUPPRESSEDSUPPRESSED statestate artificiallyartificially price controlprice control

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What is inflation?What is inflation? moderate (creeping) - 10% per yearmoderate (creeping) - 10% per year galloping - 100-150% per yeargalloping - 100-150% per year High - more than 100-150% per yearHigh - more than 100-150% per year hyperinflation - over 1000% per yearhyperinflation - over 1000% per year OPEN held back by no one SUPPRESSEDSUPPRESSED statestate artificiallyartificially price controlprice control

Why is inflation rising?Why is inflation rising? Inflation can rise for many reasonsInflation can rise for many reasons ::  Inc

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Why is inflation rising?Why is inflation rising? Inflation can rise for many reasonsInflation can rise for many reasons ::  Increased demand. It happens that people suddenly start buying more of certain Increased demand. It happens that people suddenly start buying more of certain products. products.  Supply shortages. Scarcity can also arise for another reason - if demand remains the Supply shortages. Scarcity can also arise for another reason - if demand remains the same, but there are fewer goods and services. This can happen because of poor same, but there are fewer goods and services. This can happen because of poor harvests, restrictions on imports of foreign goods, the actions of a monopolist in some harvests, restrictions on imports of foreign goods, the actions of a monopolist in some market. This also accelerates the rise in prices.market. This also accelerates the rise in prices.  Weakening of the national currency. If the exchange rate of foreign currencies Weakening of the national currency. If the exchange rate of foreign currencies increases, then imported goods automatically become more expensive. This also leads increases, then imported goods automatically become more expensive. This also leads to higher inflation.to higher inflation.  High inflation expectations. When people and companies expect prices to rise High inflation expectations. When people and companies expect prices to rise strongly, they often begin to change their consumer behavior: they buy for the future strongly, they often begin to change their consumer behavior: they buy for the future and save less. After all, it makes more sense to buy cheaper today than to overpay and save less. After all, it makes more sense to buy cheaper today than to overpay tomorrow. Companies, for their part, begin to raise the prices of their products. tomorrow. Companies, for their part, begin to raise the prices of their products.

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Why is inflation rising?Why is inflation rising? Inflation can rise for many reasonsInflation can rise for many reasons ::  Increased demand. It happens that people suddenly start buying more of certain Increased demand. It happens that people suddenly start buying more of certain products. products.  Supply shortages. Scarcity can also arise for another reason - if demand remains the Supply shortages. Scarcity can also arise for another reason - if demand remains the same, but there are fewer goods and services. This can happen because of poor same, but there are fewer goods and services. This can happen because of poor harvests, restrictions on imports of foreign goods, the actions of a monopolist in some harvests, restrictions on imports of foreign goods, the actions of a monopolist in some market. This also accelerates the rise in prices.market. This also accelerates the rise in prices.  Weakening of the national currency. If the exchange rate of foreign currencies Weakening of the national currency. If the exchange rate of foreign currencies increases, then imported goods automatically become more expensive. This also leads increases, then imported goods automatically become more expensive. This also leads to higher inflation.to higher inflation.  High inflation expectations. When people and companies expect prices to rise High inflation expectations. When people and companies expect prices to rise strongly, they often begin to change their consumer behavior: they buy for the future strongly, they often begin to change their consumer behavior: they buy for the future and save less. After all, it makes more sense to buy cheaper today than to overpay and save less. After all, it makes more sense to buy cheaper today than to overpay tomorrow. Companies, for their part, begin to raise the prices of their products. tomorrow. Companies, for their part, begin to raise the prices of their products.

High inflation is always bad. For the High inflation is always bad. For the economy, for business, for financial markets, econo

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High inflation is always bad. For the High inflation is always bad. For the economy, for business, for financial markets, economy, for business, for financial markets, and, of course, for the people of the country. and, of course, for the people of the country. People make obvious financial decisions: get People make obvious financial decisions: get rid of money, spend it as soon as possible, rid of money, spend it as soon as possible, investing in valuable goods, real estate, buy investing in valuable goods, real estate, buy foreign currency. It becomes unprofitable to foreign currency. It becomes unprofitable to make savings, open deposits, bank clients make savings, open deposits, bank clients withdraw money from accounts.withdraw money from accounts. Usually, high inflation is unpredictable, Usually, high inflation is unpredictable, accelerating or moving in spurts. Because of accelerating or moving in spurts. Because of increased instability in financial markets, it increased instability in financial markets, it becomes unprofitable for entrepreneurs to becomes unprofitable for entrepreneurs to take out long-term loans. It is impossible to take out long-term loans. It is impossible to plan ahead - and this is the most important plan ahead - and this is the most important condition for the growth of investment and condition for the growth of investment and the economy as a wholethe economy as a whole ..Why is high inflation bad?Why is high inflation bad?

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High inflation is always bad. For the High inflation is always bad. For the economy, for business, for financial markets, economy, for business, for financial markets, and, of course, for the people of the country. and, of course, for the people of the country. People make obvious financial decisions: get People make obvious financial decisions: get rid of money, spend it as soon as possible, rid of money, spend it as soon as possible, investing in valuable goods, real estate, buy investing in valuable goods, real estate, buy foreign currency. It becomes unprofitable to foreign currency. It becomes unprofitable to make savings, open deposits, bank clients make savings, open deposits, bank clients withdraw money from accounts.withdraw money from accounts. Usually, high inflation is unpredictable, Usually, high inflation is unpredictable, accelerating or moving in spurts. Because of accelerating or moving in spurts. Because of increased instability in financial markets, it increased instability in financial markets, it becomes unprofitable for entrepreneurs to becomes unprofitable for entrepreneurs to take out long-term loans. It is impossible to take out long-term loans. It is impossible to plan ahead - and this is the most important plan ahead - and this is the most important condition for the growth of investment and condition for the growth of investment and the economy as a wholethe economy as a whole ..Why is high inflation bad?Why is high inflation bad?

Inflation is an element, therefore, like any element, must be skillfully managed. Inflation is an element, therefore, like any

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Inflation is an element, therefore, like any element, must be skillfully managed. Inflation is an element, therefore, like any element, must be skillfully managed. A characteristic feature of inflation in Kazakhstan is a stable, fairly high rate A characteristic feature of inflation in Kazakhstan is a stable, fairly high rate of inflation, despite the efforts of the authorities.of inflation, despite the efforts of the authorities. This indicates, firstly, the presence of certain constantly acting factors affecting This indicates, firstly, the presence of certain constantly acting factors affecting the nature of monetary relations and secondly, the limitations and inefficiency the nature of monetary relations and secondly, the limitations and inefficiency of existing methods of management of these relations.of existing methods of management of these relations.

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Inflation is an element, therefore, like any element, must be skillfully managed. Inflation is an element, therefore, like any element, must be skillfully managed. A characteristic feature of inflation in Kazakhstan is a stable, fairly high rate A characteristic feature of inflation in Kazakhstan is a stable, fairly high rate of inflation, despite the efforts of the authorities.of inflation, despite the efforts of the authorities. This indicates, firstly, the presence of certain constantly acting factors affecting This indicates, firstly, the presence of certain constantly acting factors affecting the nature of monetary relations and secondly, the limitations and inefficiency the nature of monetary relations and secondly, the limitations and inefficiency of existing methods of management of these relations.of existing methods of management of these relations.

Effects of inflationEffects of inflation Decrease in the standard of living of the populationDecrease in the standard of living

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Effects of inflationEffects of inflation Decrease in the standard of living of the populationDecrease in the standard of living of the population Social division of societySocial division of society Depreciation of savingsDepreciation of savings Rise in prices, taxesRise in prices, taxes UnemploymentUnemployment Increase in crimeIncrease in crime

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Effects of inflationEffects of inflation Decrease in the standard of living of the populationDecrease in the standard of living of the population Social division of societySocial division of society Depreciation of savingsDepreciation of savings Rise in prices, taxesRise in prices, taxes UnemploymentUnemployment Increase in crimeIncrease in crime

Inflation index from 2015 to 2022.Inflation index from 2015 to 2022. Dynamics and graph of changes in the inflation rate in Dyna

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Inflation index from 2015 to 2022.Inflation index from 2015 to 2022. Dynamics and graph of changes in the inflation rate in Dynamics and graph of changes in the inflation rate in Kazakhstan from 2015 to 2022Kazakhstan from 2015 to 2022 . Period Inflation index, % Inflation, % Change 2022 112.00 12.00 +4.00% ↑ 2021 108.40 8.40 2020 107.50 7.50 +2.50% ↑ 2019 104.90 4.90 2018 105.43 5.43 -1.57% ↓ 2017 107.22 7.22 -0.78% ↓ 2016 108.29 8.29 -5.71% ↓ 2015 113.53

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Inflation index from 2015 to 2022.Inflation index from 2015 to 2022. Dynamics and graph of changes in the inflation rate in Dynamics and graph of changes in the inflation rate in Kazakhstan from 2015 to 2022Kazakhstan from 2015 to 2022 . Period Inflation index, % Inflation, % Change 2022 112.00 12.00 +4.00% ↑ 2021 108.40 8.40 2020 107.50 7.50 +2.50% ↑ 2019 104.90 4.90 2018 105.43 5.43 -1.57% ↓ 2017 107.22 7.22 -0.78% ↓ 2016 108.29 8.29 -5.71% ↓ 2015 113.53

Should we fight inflation?Should we fight inflation? Inflation is essentially a financial tool that helps the governmentInflatio

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Should we fight inflation?Should we fight inflation? Inflation is essentially a financial tool that helps the governmentInflation is essentially a financial tool that helps the government regulate the economy. If its level is higher than natural, we have to resort toregulate the economy. If its level is higher than natural, we have to resort to regulatory measures. Methods of antiinflationary policy should be designed according toregulatory measures. Methods of antiinflationary policy should be designed according to according to the size of inflation.according to the size of inflation. The following measures can be used to regulate the size of the The following measures can be used to regulate the size of the rise in prices:rise in prices: 1) reducing the annual issue of money;1) reducing the annual issue of money; 2) support for production;2) support for production; 3) regulation of the incomes of citizens, the cost of goods and 3) regulation of the incomes of citizens, the cost of goods and services;services; 4) reduction and elimination of the state budget deficit;4) reduction and elimination of the state budget deficit; 5) improvement of the tax system.5) improvement of the tax system.

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Should we fight inflation?Should we fight inflation? Inflation is essentially a financial tool that helps the governmentInflation is essentially a financial tool that helps the government regulate the economy. If its level is higher than natural, we have to resort toregulate the economy. If its level is higher than natural, we have to resort to regulatory measures. Methods of antiinflationary policy should be designed according toregulatory measures. Methods of antiinflationary policy should be designed according to according to the size of inflation.according to the size of inflation. The following measures can be used to regulate the size of the The following measures can be used to regulate the size of the rise in prices:rise in prices: 1) reducing the annual issue of money;1) reducing the annual issue of money; 2) support for production;2) support for production; 3) regulation of the incomes of citizens, the cost of goods and 3) regulation of the incomes of citizens, the cost of goods and services;services; 4) reduction and elimination of the state budget deficit;4) reduction and elimination of the state budget deficit; 5) improvement of the tax system.5) improvement of the tax system.

TT hanks for your hanks for your attention !attention !

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TT hanks for your hanks for your attention !attention !

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TT hanks for your hanks for your attention !attention !