Материалдар / "Tigers return to Kazakhstan" - презентация
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

"Tigers return to Kazakhstan" - презентация

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
All learners will be able to: - Recognize the general idea of the text about tigers with support. - Collaborate with other learners. Most learners will be able to: - Practice reading and speaking skills and asking questions. - Make a dialogue using question on general and curricular topics Some learners will be able to: - Talk about the topic using specific information correctly without support
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07 Ақпан 2022
0 рет жүктелген
Бүгін алсаңыз 25% жеңілдік
770 тг 578 тг
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Tigers return to Kazakhstan The Theme:

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Tigers return to Kazakhstan The Theme:

* All learners will be able to: - Recognize the general idea of the text about tigers with support. - Collaborate with

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* All learners will be able to: - Recognize the general idea of the text about tigers with support. - Collaborate with other learners. Most learners will be able to: - Practice reading and speaking skills and asking questions. - Make a dialogue using question on general and curricular topics Some learners will be able to: - Talk about the topic using specific information correctly without supportLesson objectives :

Өзін - өзі бағалау парағы The list of marks The name of the students Hom e work Exercis e Readi ng the text Writ

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Өзін - өзі бағалау парағы The list of marks The name of the students Hom e work Exercis e Readi ng the text Write questi ons Answe r the questi ons Exercis e Dialogue   Opi nion                                                                                        

* The criteria of points 10 points 7 points 6 point Writing an article without mistake with 1,2 mistakes with 3 mistak

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* The criteria of points  10 points 7 points 6 point Writing an article without mistake with 1,2 mistakes with 3 mistakes Exercise do without mistake do with 1 mistake do with 2 mistakes Reading the text without mistake with 1,2 mistakes with 3 mistakes Write questions without mistake with 1,2 mistakes with 3 mistakes Answer the questions full answer and without mistake answer with 1 mistake answer with help Exercise do without mistake do with 1 mistake do with 2 mistakes Dialogue do without mistake do with 1 mistake do with 2 mistakes Opinion write your opinion and prove connect with life draw conclusion

II.Brainstorm Phonetic drill : * All Earth is home for us, * Animals, birds and grass, * Keep our nature clean, * And both peopl

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II.Brainstorm Phonetic drill : * All Earth is home for us, * Animals, birds and grass, * Keep our nature clean, * And both people and nature will win.

III. Checking the homework * to write an article for our school magazine “Ecological problems in our region or village” * to

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III. Checking the homework * to write an article for our school magazine “Ecological problems in our region or village” * to learn the new words.

IV. Fill the crossword puzzle and guess the theme of our lesson.

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IV. Fill the crossword puzzle and guess the theme of our lesson.

* 1.The animals that live in nature. * 2. The animals that habitat in wildlife and eat other animals. * 3. A member of the large

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* 1.The animals that live in nature. * 2. The animals that habitat in wildlife and eat other animals. * 3. A member of the large cat family which lives in Russia. * 4. The dangerous animal with stripes. * 5. A long projecting hair or bristle growing from the face or snout of many mammals. * 6. Antonym of the word “little cat” * 7. (One of species) seriously at risk of extinction. * 8. It help them blend in with trees and grasses to hunt successfully.

V. Fill in the gap Write the unfamiliar words into your vocabularies hunters, in tall grasses, or very dense bushes, big cat, ve

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V. Fill in the gap Write the unfamiliar words into your vocabularies hunters, in tall grasses, or very dense bushes, big cat, vertical black stripes 1 . Tigers are the largest living species of ….  2. They have thick fur that a burnished orange with …. 3. Tigers are solitary…, so having the ability to hide in tall grasses. 4. They are solitary hunters, so having the ability to hide …. 5. They also prefer living in habitats with suitable den locations, such as caves, hollow trees, ….   Descriptor: A learner: - understands words correctly; - completes the sentences with the missing words.  

Formative assessment 0-2 mistakes 3-4 mistakes 5 or more

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Formative assessment 0-2 mistakes 3-4 mistakes 5 or more

* The work with student’s book Open your book at page 55 Read the text “Tigers return to Kazakhstan” aloud one by one in chain

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* The work with student’s book Open your book at page 55 Read the text “Tigers return to Kazakhstan” aloud one by one in chain. Copy the unfamiliar words The 1 st group read 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd paragraphs The 2 nd group 4 th , 5 th and 6 th paragraphs Descriptor : A learner: - reads the text accurately

Formative assessment 0-2 mistakes 3-4 mistakes 5 or more

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Formative assessment 0-2 mistakes 3-4 mistakes 5 or more

“ Open question” strategy Answer the question Each group members write 5 questions to the text, then 2 groups ask questions ea

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“ Open question” strategy Answer the question Each group members write 5 questions to the text, then 2 groups ask questions each other: Descriptor : A learner: - asks each other 5 question/gives comments on partner’s speech; - answers partner’s questions and comments on topic; - interacts with his/her partner actively; - speaks clearly;

* VIII. Writing Descriptor A learner: - writes True and False statements next to the sentences according to the text; - make a

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* VIII. Writing Descriptor A learner: - writes True and False statements next to the sentences according to the text; - make a dialogue with support; - uses topical vocabulary and ideas in the picture; - spells the words accurately ; - expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases; - explains his/her point of view and supports with arguments and examples;

* Task for all learners Student’s book: at page 56 ex.2 Mark the sentences T(true), F(false), DS (doesn’t say) 1. In the last

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* Task for all learners Student’s book: at page 56 ex.2 Mark the sentences T(true), F(false), DS (doesn’t say) 1. In the last hundred years, 97% of the worlds tiger population has gone. 2. Hunters with gun are the biggest problem for tigers. 3. There used to be wild tigers in Kazakhstan. 4. The government plans to bring tigers to the North of Kazakhstan. 5. It will be a few years before the protected area is ready. 6. Some other countries have similar plans.

* Task for most learners Worksheet Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and make a dialogue with support.https://www.worldwildl

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* Task for most learners Worksheet Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and make a dialogue with support.https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/tiger Name: Class: Read . The tiger is the largest cat species in the world, reaching a total body length of up to 3.38m over curves and weighing up to 388.7 kg in the word. Its most recognizable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish - orange fur with a lighter un derside. They live in wet, humid and hot jungles as well as icy cold forests. There are six subspecies of tigers. These tigers are called Siberian, Indochinese, South China, Bengal and Sumatran, Malayan. Their Latin name is Panthera tigris. White tigers, this recessive color variant is found only in the Bengal subspecies and with regular stripes and blue eyes, it is not albinism . A well -known allele found only in the Bengal subspecies produces the white tiger, a color variant first recorded in the early 19t h century and found in an estimated one in 10,000 natural births. Genetically, whiteness is recessive: a cub is white only when both parents carry the allele for whiteness. It is not albinism, pigment being evident in the white tiger's stripes and in their blue eyes. Types of Tigers Around The World There are 6 subspecies of tigers: Bengal Tiger The Bengal tiger is found in India as well as Bangladesh and it is known to live both heated areas of des еrt and the grassland where it is wet and coll. Siberian Ti ger The Siberian tiger is the largest of all tigers. As its name implies, it inhabits the region of Siberia in Russia. Sumatran Tiger You will find the Sumatran tiger in the island of Sumatra. The Sumatran tiger is smaller than other species of tigers. Mal ayan Tiger The Malayan tiger is only found around the Malayan Pennisula which is where the name comes from. Indochinese Tiger The Indochinese tiger is found in area of Vietnam, Thailand, China and Cambodia. South China Tiger The South China tiger features a very vibrant color of orange with black stripes on it. A typical tiger's life expectancy in the wild is 15 -20 years; somewhat longer in captivity. The oldest tiger on record was 26 years.

* Task for some learners Strategy “Four sentences” With this approach, students express their opinion on the topic: 1.Comment

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* Task for some learners Strategy “Four sentences” With this approach, students express their opinion on the topic: 1.Comment. Express or write your own opinions on the text you are reading to in one sentence. 2. Proof. Prove your opinions in one sentence. 3. Example. Connect your opinions with life and give examples. 4. Conclusion. Draw conclusions on the content of the text

Formative assessment 0-2 mistakes 3-4 mistakes 5 or more

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Formative assessment 0-2 mistakes 3-4 mistakes 5 or more

* Reflection Strategy “Fishbone”

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* Reflection   Strategy “Fishbone”

Hometask * At page 57 Project work * Do some research

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Hometask * At page 57 Project work * Do some research

Sinkwein * I . Noun: 1 * II. Adjective: 2 * III. Verb:

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Sinkwein * I . Noun: 1 * II. Adjective: 2 * III. Verb: 3 * IV. Synonym : 4 * V. Result: sentence