Материалдар / Where is it made?
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Where is it made?

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
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24 Қаңтар 2019
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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
The 4 th of March It is Tuesday

1 слайд
The 4 th of March It is Tuesday

1 слайд

The 4 th of March It is Tuesday

Where is it made?

2 слайд
Where is it made?

2 слайд

Where is it made?

1) Mozaika 2)Grammar 3)Exercises 4)Quick Question 5)Work with Photo 6)Play Role 7)True or False 8)What about you? 9)Sinkwein 10)

3 слайд
1) Mozaika 2)Grammar 3)Exercises 4)Quick Question 5)Work with Photo 6)Play Role 7)True or False 8)What about you? 9)Sinkwein 10)Home task 11)Feedback

3 слайд

1) Mozaika 2)Grammar 3)Exercises 4)Quick Question 5)Work with Photo 6)Play Role 7)True or False 8)What about you? 9)Sinkwein 10)Home task 11)Feedback

We form the present simple passive with subject+is, are , isn’t, aren’t+past participle. The teapot is made of silver It i

4 слайд
We form the present simple passive with subject+is, are , isn’t, aren’t+past participle. The teapot is made of silver It isn’t made of gold The houses are made of wood They aren’t made of plasticPresent Simple Passive

4 слайд

We form the present simple passive with subject+is, are , isn’t, aren’t+past participle. The teapot is made of silver It isn’t made of gold The houses are made of wood They aren’t made of plasticPresent Simple Passive

Ex1.Match the words with the photos and complete the words for the materials. • silver, • gold, • wood, • cotton, • leath

5 слайд
Ex1.Match the words with the photos and complete the words for the materials. • silver, • gold, • wood, • cotton, • leather, • glass, • plastic, • metal,

5 слайд

Ex1.Match the words with the photos and complete the words for the materials. • silver, • gold, • wood, • cotton, • leather, • glass, • plastic, • metal,

Where is it made? • a) what can you say about the photo? • b) Read and translate the text • c) Are these sentences true or fal

6 слайд
Where is it made? • a) what can you say about the photo? • b) Read and translate the text • c) Are these sentences true or false? • d) Let’s compare with our country Ana and Jay аге in Kazakhstan. You show their conversation.If you finish your discuss you can clap your hands.

6 слайд

Where is it made? • a) what can you say about the photo? • b) Read and translate the text • c) Are these sentences true or false? • d) Let’s compare with our country Ana and Jay аге in Kazakhstan. You show their conversation.If you finish your discuss you can clap your hands.

Word circle How many irregular past partciples can you make from the letters in the circle? p s w e t l

7 слайд
Word circle How many irregular past partciples can you make from the letters in the circle? p s w e t l a o k d b r I n e t

7 слайд

Word circle How many irregular past partciples can you make from the letters in the circle? p s w e t l a o k d b r I n e t