Зерттеу жұмысы: «Crab sticks - ways of making, benefits and harms»

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«Crab sticks - ways of making, benefits and harms»
Секция: ағылшын тілі
Тақырыбы: «Crabsticks – ways of making, benefits and
Оқушының толық аты: Сынып:
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«Crab sticks - ways of making, benefits and harms» Секция: ағылшын тілі Тақырыбы: «Crabsticks – ways of making, benefits and harms» Оқушының толық аты: Сынып: Жетекшісі:

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Purpose of the project: to determine the benefits and harms of crab
Relevance of the chosen topic: Сrab sticks are known all over the
world. Do people know what crab sticks are made of and their
benefits to the body or harms?
Object of research: Crab sticks
Hypothesis: How healthful and harmful are crab sticks?
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Purpose of the project: to determine the benefits and harms of crab sticks Relevance of the chosen topic: Сrab sticks are known all over the world. Do people know what crab sticks are made of and their benefits to the body or harms? Object of research: Crab sticks Hypothesis: How healthful and harmful are crab sticks?

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To analyze data from
books and other
information sources
To make a plan for
researching my topic
To ask what our
school students know
about crab sticks.
To make a conclusion
on the research topic
01 02
03 04
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Responsibilities To analyze data from books and other information sources To make a plan for researching my topic To ask what our school students know about crab sticks. To make a conclusion on the research topic 01 02 03 04

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Research methods
1. To study special literature;
2. To watch videos;
3. To conduct a survey;
4. To analyze received data;
5. Generalization.
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Research methods 1. To study special literature; 2. To watch videos; 3. To conduct a survey; 4. To analyze received data; 5. Generalization.

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Crab sticks are a fish product made from minced fish surimi.
The meat is minced and washed many times with
water. Then the mass is placed in a centrifuge to
remove excess water. The result is an almost
tasteless mixture that the Japanese love, but
residents of other countries do not.
Therefore, minced fish had to be seasoned
with salt, sugar, flavorings, and in order
for the product to be well stored, preservatives
were also added. Then apply a red stripe with
food coloring and the product is ready for use.
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Crab sticks are a fish product made from minced fish surimi. The meat is minced and washed many times with water. Then the mass is placed in a centrifuge to remove excess water. The result is an almost tasteless mixture that the Japanese love, but residents of other countries do not. Therefore, minced fish had to be seasoned with salt, sugar, flavorings, and in order for the product to be well stored, preservatives were also added. Then apply a red stripe with food coloring and the product is ready for use.

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Crab sticks are considered to be a low-calorie food,
containing only 95 calories per 100g serving.
Crab sticks are relatively dense in nutrients, as they consist 75% of water and
25% of nutrients, such as carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
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Crab sticks are considered to be a low-calorie food, containing only 95 calories per 100g serving. Crab sticks are relatively dense in nutrients, as they consist 75% of water and 25% of nutrients, such as carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

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Benefits of crab sticks
The basis of the product is minced white fish fillet. Therefore, they, like
any seafood, nourish the brain, take care of blood vessels, lower
cholesterol. Moreover, during their manufacture, minced meat does not
undergo heat treatment, which is why a lot of useful substances are
preserved in it.
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Benefits of crab sticks The basis of the product is minced white fish fillet. Therefore, they, like any seafood, nourish the brain, take care of blood vessels, lower cholesterol. Moreover, during their manufacture, minced meat does not undergo heat treatment, which is why a lot of useful substances are preserved in it.

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Contraindications and harm
The harmful properties of crab sticks are directly related to the food additives,
flavorings and preservatives present in it. Although some of them in small
quantities are not able to harm the body, but many of them provoke the
appearance of allergic reactions.
It is necessary to limit the use of this product
for such ailments:
•gastric problems;
•liver and kidney diseases;
•individual intolerance.
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Contraindications and harm The harmful properties of crab sticks are directly related to the food additives, flavorings and preservatives present in it. Although some of them in small quantities are not able to harm the body, but many of them provoke the appearance of allergic reactions. It is necessary to limit the use of this product for such ailments: •gastric problems; •liver and kidney diseases; •allergies; •individual intolerance.

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Do students know about the benefits and harms of crab sticks?
Do you eat crab sticks?
Did you know that crab sticks are not made from crab?
Do you know about the benefits of crab sticks?
Do you know about the harms of crab sticks?
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A SOCIAL SURVEY Do students know about the benefits and harms of crab sticks? 64% 36% Do you eat crab sticks? YesNo 8% 92% Did you know that crab sticks are not made from crab? YesNo 48% 52% Do you know about the benefits of crab sticks? YesNo 44% 56% Do you know about the harms of crab sticks? YesNo

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Cooking crab sticks at home
Hake fillet 200 g
Cream 30 g
Egg white 1 piece
Beet juice
Cooking steps:
1.Cut the hake fillet into large pieces and add cream
2.Separate the whites from the yolks, whisk the whites into a
fluffy foam
3.Combine the whipped whites with the fish and interrupt it
with a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Salt to
4.Wrap the fish mass in two layers of food film. Tie the edges
well as well
5.Boil the fish "sticks" in boiling water for 10 minutes
6.Boiled fish "sticks" is tinted with beet juice and added to
the salad, crumbling it into small pieces.
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Cooking crab sticks at home Ingredients: Hake fillet 200 g Cream 30 g Egg white 1 piece Beet juice Cooking steps: 1.Cut the hake fillet into large pieces and add cream 2.Separate the whites from the yolks, whisk the whites into a fluffy foam 3.Combine the whipped whites with the fish and interrupt it with a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Salt to taste 4.Wrap the fish mass in two layers of food film. Tie the edges well as well 5.Boil the fish "sticks" in boiling water for 10 minutes 6.Boiled fish "sticks" is tinted with beet juice and added to the salad, crumbling it into small pieces.

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Despite the fact that the original crab sticks contain really a lot of useful substances, modern manufacturers
of such a product strive to save money and at the same time improve their product, so they resort to some
tricks that can have a very negative impact on the health of consumers. For example, ignoring all quality
standards, flavor enhancers and dyes, preservatives and stabilizers are added to crab sticks. If these
substances are of appropriate quality and are used only in a small volume, they will not be able to cause
serious harm to the body. During the production of high-quality crab sticks, only food dyes are used and only
the outer side of them is painted, very carefully. In addition, acquired crab sticks can be carriers of harmful
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Despite the fact that the original crab sticks contain really a lot of useful substances, modern manufacturers of such a product strive to save money and at the same time improve their product, so they resort to some tricks that can have a very negative impact on the health of consumers. For example, ignoring all quality standards, flavor enhancers and dyes, preservatives and stabilizers are added to crab sticks. If these substances are of appropriate quality and are used only in a small volume, they will not be able to cause serious harm to the body. During the production of high-quality crab sticks, only food dyes are used and only the outer side of them is painted, very carefully. In addition, acquired crab sticks can be carriers of harmful microbes. Conclusion

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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, infographics &
images by Freepik
Thanks for
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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik Thanks for attention!