Материалдар / 0 срезге арналған тест 3 сынып Smiles кітабы бойынша құрастырылған

0 срезге арналған тест 3 сынып Smiles кітабы бойынша құрастырылған

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
0 срезге арналған тест 3 сынып Smiles кітабы бойынша құрастырылған
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
09 Қырқүйек 2024
1 рет жүктелген
810 ₸ 900 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Entry test

1 variant

1. Which animal is a mammal?

a. Frog

b. Dog

c. Lizard

d. Sparrow

2. Which animal lays eggs?

a. Elephant

b. Chicken

c. Bear

d. Cat

3. True or False? Snakes live in Antarctica.

a. True

b. False

c. Sometimes

d. I don't know

4. What color of a penguine?

a. Blue

b. Black

c. Red

d. Green

5. Has the dog got big ears?

a. Yes, it has.

b. No, its hasn't.

c. Yes, it doesn't.

d. Maybe, who knows?

6. Have you got small mouths?

a. Yes, they have.

b. No, I haven't.

c. Sometimes.

d. I don't know.

7. You __ listen to your teacher.
a. must
b. might
c. mustn't
d. should

8. You __ drop litter in the street.
a. must
b. mustn't
c. can
d. should

9. You __ play in the rain.
a. must
b. can
c. mustn't
d. might

10. We __ to the zoo last Saturday.
a. go
b. went
c. gone
d. goes

11. She __ her bike to school yesterday.
a. rides
b. rode
c. ride
d. riding

12. Did you __ milk last night?
a. drunk
b. drank
c. drink
d. drinks

13. Choose the correct past tense form: Berik __ a big footprint in the cave.
a. discovers
b. discovered
c. discovering
d. discover

14. What is the correct past tense form of "study"?
a. studying
b. studied
c. studies
d. study

15. Nurzhan ______ his teeth in the morning. What is the correct form of the verb?
a. brushes
b. brush
c. brushing
d. brushed

16. (she/play) the guitar? What is the correct form of the verb?
a. does she plays
. does she play
c. she plays
d. is she playing

17. My sister ____ her homework in the afternoon. What is the correct form of the verb?
a. does
b. doing
c. do
d. done

18. What is the name of the zoo in California?

a. Almaty Zoo

b. San Diego Zoo

c. New York Zoo

d. Los Angeles Zoo

19. What is the plural of "lamp"?

a. lampes

b. lamps

c. lampys

d. lampies

20. How do you say more than one "child"?

a. childs

b. children

c. childes

d. childies

21. What is the plural form of "knife"?

a. knifes

b. knifees

c. knives

d. knify

22. What is the past tense of "chew"?

a. chew

b. chewed

c. chews

d. chewing

23. You must be _ in class.

a. loud

b. quiet

c. silly

d. fast

24. You _ drink milk every day.

a. must

b. mustn’t

c. can

d. shouldn’t

25. What day comes after Monday?

a. Friday

b. Tuesday

c. Saturday

d. Sunday

Me and My Job

1. Anita is a __.

a. lollipop lady

b. police officer

c. teacher

d. doctor

2. Manuel __ a car.

a. flies

b. drives

c. eats

d. swims

3. Aidyn Aimbetov is a(n) __.

a. pilot

b. astronaut

c. teacher

d. chef

4. Aidyn Aimbetov flies a __.

a. spaceship

b. bike

c. bus

d. train

5. Manuel's uniform is __.

a. yellow and red

b. green and black

c. blue and white

d. orange and purple

Answer Key

a. lollipop lady

b. drives

b. astronaut

a. spaceship

c. blue and white

Entry test

2 variant

1. What animal lives in water and on land?

a. Dolphin

b. Snake

c. Frog

d. Eagle

2. True or False? Snakes smell with their tongue.

a. True

b. False

c. They don’t smell

d. Only some snakes

3. Have you got small mouths?

a. Yes, they have.

b. No, I haven't.

c. Sometimes.

d. I don't know.

4. Is your bike __?
a. new
b. newer
c. old
d. oldest

5. Your scarf is __ than my scarf.
a. long
b. longer
c. short
d. shortest

6. You must wear __ clothes when it is dark.
a. bright
b. brighter
c. dull
d. brightest

7. Your bag is __ than Kairat's.
a. big
b. bigger
c. small
d. smallest

8. You __ watch TV all the time.
a. must
b. mustn't
c. might
d. can

9. You __ drink milk every day.
a. must
b. mustn't
c. should
d. could

10. Ayaulym —__ (not/watch) TV at night. What is the correct form of the verb?
a. does not watch
b. do not watches
c. not watches
d. didn't watches

11. __ (you/walk) to school? What is the correct form of the verb?
a. Do you walk
b. Does you walk
c. You walking
d. You walks

12. What is the past tense of the verb "listen"?
a. listened
b. listens
c. listening
d. listen

13. Which sentence is correctly using the past tense?
a. I visit my cousin yesterday.
b. We walks on the beach.
c. They played tennis last Monday.
d. Marzhan studying for her test.

14. I _______ at seven o'clock every day. What is the correct form of the verb?
a. getting up
b. gets up
c. get up
d. gotten up

15. Yesterday, Dad __ Ann a present.
a. give
b. gave
c. gaved
d. gives

16. Did he __ Ann a card, too?
a. gave
b. give
c. giving
d. given

17. Which of these animals is NOT mentioned in the Almaty Zoo?

a. Elephants

b. Giraffes

c. Dolphins

d. Lions

18. What do we call more than one "box"?

a. boxs

b. boxes

c. boxies

d. boxen

19. What is the plural of "tooth"?

a. tooths

b. teeth

c. toothes

d. toothies

20. What did the children do at the park yesterday?

a. play

b. played

c. playing

d. plays

21. What is the past tense of "make"?

a. making

b. make

c. made

d. makes

22. You _ eat in class.

a. must

b. may

c. mustn’t

d. can

23. You _ drop litter in the street.

a. can

b. must

c. mustn’t

d. may

24. Which day is the first day of the week?

a. Saturday

b. Monday

c. Wednesday

d. Thursday

25. What day comes before Friday?

a. Monday

b. Thursday

c. Saturday

d. Sunday

Puppet Shows

1. What is the name of the puppet that is often in the shows?

a. Judy

b. Punch

c. The Policeman

d. The Crocodile

2. How many performances are there each year at the State Puppet Theatre in Kazakhstan?

a. 100

b. 300

c. 50

d. 150

3. What day can families watch puppet shows?

a. Friday

b. Monday

c. Saturday

d. Thursday

4. What type of stories do Punch and Judy shows usually have?

a. Scary stories

b. Funny stories

c. Sad stories

d. Mystery stories

5. Who do Punch and Judy ask questions to during the show?

a. The adults

b. The animals

c. The children

d. The puppets

Answer Key

b. Punch

b. 300

c. Saturday

b. Funny stories

c. The children

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