Материалдар / 10_grade_Action_entry_test кітабы бойынша құрастырылған тест

10_grade_Action_entry_test кітабы бойынша құрастырылған тест

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
10_grade_Action_entry_test кітабы бойынша құрастырылған тест
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
01 Қырқүйек 2024
0 рет жүктелген
405 ₸ 450 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

2Entry test

1 variant

1. Miras set up an email __ so that we could keep in touch.
a. login
b. account
c. profile
d. community

2. My favorite search __ is Google.
a. engine
b. browse
c. sign up
d. interface

3. Circle the Odd One Out WIND:
a. gale
b. tornado
c. breeze
d. storm

4. Circle the Odd One Out TEMPERATURE:
a. boiling hot
b. chilly
c. sunny
d. freezing cold

5. Circle the Odd One Out WEATHER:
a. sunny
b. rainy
c. cloud
d. hot air balloon

6. I'll make sure it doesn’t happen again.
a. You're welcome.
b. Thanks. I'd really appreciate that.
c. I hope so.
d. It can't be true.

7. If we offer you the job, when can you start?
a. I'll be in touch.
b. Immediately.
c. I don’t know.
d. After the weekend.

8. Some scientists believe __ damage our cells and cause aging.
a. free radicals
b. rely on
c. motivation
d. fertility

9. Researchers are developing a __ for the early detection of Alzheimer's disease.
a. technique
b. venture
c. hypothesis
d. prior

10. What is the chemical symbol for Nitrogen?
a. N
b. O
c. C
d. H

11. What is the chemical symbol for Gold?
a. Au
b. Ag
c. Fe
d. Na

12. What word means to go from one place to another?
a. welcome
b. demand
c. travel
d. closely

13. Which word refers to someone who was born in a particular place?
a. native
b. lifelong
c. balloon
d. evidence

14. What word means to want something strongly?
a. highly
b. welcome
c. demand
d. video

15. If you "pick out" something, what are you doing?
a. Treating unkindly
b. Choosing
c. Continuing
d. Holding back

16. If Anna will never "let you down," what does that mean?
a. She will disappoint you
b. She will help you
c. She will keep you away
d. She will lift you up

17. Damir has taken … Crosswords to improve his vocabulary.
a. down
b. over
c. in
d. up

18. Kevin set …early to avoid the traffic.
a. off
b. in
c. down
d. up

19. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank: "There are several _ VR games, but they are very expensive."
a. a little
b. some
c. a few
d. few

20. Which option is the best choice for this sentence: "Neither of the consoles comes with a _ headset."?
a. VR
b. game
c. sound
d. wireless

21. Which word fits best in the following sentence: "A _ of students take their smartphones to school."?
a. few
b. little
c. many
d. lot

22. This app allows students to get __.
a. information
b. disinformation
c. misinformation
d. transformation

23. RRC is a girl who always makes the right __.
a. decisions
b. observations
c. assumptions
d. reflections

24. The video game felt very real and I was __.
a. immersed
b. detached
c. confused
d. uninterested

25. Samal has set … her own language school.
a. up
b. in
c. off
d. over

Entry test

2 variant

1. This social network seems to be a very tight __.
a. community
b. engine
c. profile
d. account

2. Playing video games is my idea of a __.
a. hobby
b. chore
c. distraction
d. surprise

3. This new smartphone is totally __ from his old one.
a. similar
b. different
c. familiar
d. temporary

4. Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "plenty"?
a. I was playing on my console for plenty of hours.
b. I was playing on my console for plenty hours.
c. I was playing on my console for plenty the hours.
d. I was playing on my console for a plenty of hours.

5. What is the correct word to complete this sentence:

"Both of the twins enjoy playing ___ games."?
a. some
b. every
c. neither
d. any

6. Paul had difficulty taking …all the information.
a. in
b. up
c. out
d. over

7. I have £400 set … to buy a new laptop.
a. around
b. up
c. in
d. off

8. You have to type in your user __ to open your account.
a. login
b. browse
c. engine
d. sign up

9. You can personalize your __ in a number of ways.
a. profile
b. interface
c. community
d. login

10. Circle the Odd One Out SNOW:
a. blizzard
b. breeze
c. hail
d. sleet

11. Circle the Odd One Out RAIN:
a. tornado
b. flood
c. shower
d. drizzle

12. What was the performance like?
a. Not really.
b. It was fantastic.
c. I didn't see it.
d. It was boring.

13. What seems to be the problem?
a. It's my shoulder.
b. I'm afraid it's infected.
c. I feel great.
d. Nothing is wrong.

14. The large Hadron Collider was invented to test the __.
a. biosphere
b. hypothesis
c. technique
d. fertility

15. Telomerase is an enzyme that can increase the __ of cells.
a. motivation
b. venture
c. fertility
d. reliance

16. Some scientists believe in the existence of another Universe __ to this one.
a. free radicals
b. prior
c. biosphere
d. technique

17. What is the chemical symbol for Carbon?
a. C
b. N
c. H

18. What is the chemical symbol for Sodium?
a. K
b. Na
c. Ca
d. Mg

19. What is the chemical symbol for Iron?
a. Fe
b. Ag
c. Au
d. Hg

20. What word means something that happens every year?
a. travel
b. annual
c. native
d. demand

21. Which word describes the weather conditions in a place?
a. video
b. drive
c. weather
d. full

22. What does "keep off" mean?
a. Prevent access to
b. Stay away
c. Continue
d. Treat unkindly

23. If someone is "let out" of a place, what happens?
a. They are disappointed
b. They are released
c. They stay inside
d. They choose something

24. What does "keep up with" refer to?
a. Stay away from
b. Move at the same speed
c. Lift with hands
d. Disappoint someone

25. Circle the Odd One Out WIND:
a. gale
b. tornado
c. breeze
d. storm

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