Материалдар / 11 ОГН summative assessment for term 3
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11 ОГН summative assessment for term 3

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11 ОГН summative assessment for term 3
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26 Ақпан 2024
1 рет жүктелген
Бүгін алсаңыз 25% жеңілдік
700 тг 525 тг
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Review of the summative assessment for term 3

Duration of the summative assessment 45 minutes

Listening – 10 minutes Reading – 10 minutes Writing – 25 minutes

Speaking task is conducted separately.

Total marks- 24

The structure of the summative assessment

This sample of Summative Assessment consists of 14 tasks: listening, reading, writing andspeaking. Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for the term. The questions can be of different types: comprehension questions, table completion, YES/NO/NOT GIVEN questions, multiple-choice, matching, choosing titles for paragraphs.

Listening – tasks to test learners’ effective listening on the topic «Work and invention».

Transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme.

Reading – tasks to test learners’ effective reading on the topic «Social change and further study».

Writing writing an essay on the topic «Social change and further study», «Work and invention» and/or «Reading for Pleasure».

Speaking –making an individual speech on the topic «Social change and further study»,

«Work and invention» and/or «Reading for Pleasure».

Characteristic of tasks for the summative assessment for term 3



Learning objective

*Total number of

question s

*Questi on

*Type of task

*Task description


Tot al mar ks

Work and invention

Social change and further study

Reading for pleasure

Listeni ng

      1. Understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics

      2. Understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics








Matchin g

Each learner works individually. Learners listen to the recording twice on topics ‘Work and inventions’ having chance to look through the questions before the recording start. The task consists of 6

questions which require matching appropriate option.




Readin g

      1. Understand complex and abstract main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics

      2. Understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics



Multiple choice

Open- ended questi ons

Each learner works individually. Learners read the text and complete the task. The task consists of 2 types of questions: 1-5 questions require learners to choose appropriate option from four alternatives a-d.

Questions 6 requires open- ended answer.










11.5.2 Use a wide range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic and genre, and which is spelt accurately

11.5.6 Write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a wide range of familiar general and

curricular topics



Op en end ed tas k

Each learner works individually. Learners write an essay presenting reasons for the answer including any relevant examples from own knowledge of experience and linking paragraphs into coherent text.




Speakin g

11.3.3 Explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics

11.3.7 Use appropriate subject- specific vocabularyand syntax to talk about a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics

11.6.14 Use a growing variety of more complex prepositional phrases including those relating toconcession and respect; use a variety of multi- word verbs of different syntactic types on a wide range of general and curricular topics



Op en end ed tas k

Learners work individually. They will be provided with a card with set of questions. A learner has 1 minute to prepare the talk and 2 minutes to speak on the topic. The given questions are focused on the topics ‘Work and inventions’, ‘Social change and further study’.

Each learn er talks 2

minu tes




minutes (excludi ng

Speakin g)


Note: *-sections that can be changed

Sample questions and mark scheme Tasks for the Summative Assessment for term 3


Task. Listen to a talk and match the descriptions with the corresponding inventions.

  1. Deepsea Challenger Submarine

  2. Bottle coating product

  3. Enable talk gloves

  4. Indoor clouds

  5. Wingsuits

  6. Solar water distiller

1. Provides the ability for individuals to soar through the sky.


2. Transforms seawater into safe drinking water utilizing the power of the sun.


3. Hand coverings that facilitate interaction between individuals.


4. Underwater vessel engineered to explore the most profound depths.


5. Specialized layer that facilitates the easy pouring of contents from various



6. Generates synthetic sky formations inside buildings.


Total [6]


Task. Read the text and complete the tasks.

Cultural expectations and leadership

Gabriela, a successful project manager in Brazil, faced the challenge of managing a team in Sweden after being transferred to a multinational company. Despite their friendliness, Gabriela didn't feel respected as a leader. Her new staff would question her proposals openly in meetings, and when she gave them instructions on how to carry out a task, they would often go about it in their own way without checking with her. When she announced her decisions on the project, they would continue giving their opinions as if it was still up for discussion.

After weeks of frustration, Gabriela emailed her Swedish manager about the issues she was facing. Her manager asked if her team was still performing and how she could improve collaboration, but she found his response vague and unsatisfactory. What Gabriela was experiencing was a cultural clash in expectations. She was used to a more hierarchical framework where the team leader and manager took control and gave specific instructions on how things were to be done. This more directive management style worked well for her and her team in Brazil but did not transfer well to her new team in Sweden, who were more used to a flatter hierarchy where decision making was more democratic.

Dutch social psychologist Geert Hofstede uses the concept of 'power distance' to describe how power is distributed and how hierarchy is perceived in different cultures. In her previous work environment, Gabriela was used to a high power distance culture where power and authority are respected and everyone has their rightful place. In such a culture, leaders make the big decisions and are not often challenged. Her Swedish team, however, were used to working in a low power distance culture where subordinates often work together with their bosses to find solutions and make decisions. Here, leaders act as coaches or mentors who encourage independent thought and expect to be challenged.

When Gabriela became aware of the cultural differences between her and her team, she took the initiative to have an open conversation with them about their feelings about her leadership. Pleased to be asked for their thoughts, Gabriela's team openly expressed that they were not used to being told what to do. They enjoyed having more room for initiative and creative freedom. When she told her team exactly what she needed them to do, they felt that she didn't trust them to do their job well. They realized Gabriela took it personally when they challenged her decisions, but explained that it was their usual approach. With a better understanding Gabriela and her team successfully adapted their work approach and she adjusted her management style to better fit her team's expectations, resulting in increased motivation and goal achievement.

Task 1: Choose the correct answer.

  1. What was one of the challenges Gabriela faced when managing her team in Sweden? [1]

  1. Lack of friendliness from her team members

  2. Difficulty communicating in a foreign language

  3. Feeling undermined as a leader

  4. Resistance from her Brazilian colleagues

  1. What did Gabriela do when she faced frustration with her team? [1]

  1. She sought advice from her Swedish manager

  2. She reached out to her Brazilian colleagues for support

  3. She confronted her team members in a meeting

  4. She decided to quit her job

  1. What cultural clash did Gabriela experience in her new team? [1]

  1. Differences in language and communication styles

  2. Varied work ethics and professionalism

  3. Conflicting personalities within the team

  4. Divergent expectations of leadership and decision-making

  1. How did Gabriela's Swedish team members prefer to work? [1]

  1. With clear instructions and minimal input

  2. In a less hierarchical organization with shared decision-making

  3. Under strict supervision and micromanagement

  4. With a focus on individual creativity and freedom

  1. According to Geert Hofstede, what

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