Материалдар / "21 ғасыр көшбасшысы" сабақтан тыс іс шара

"21 ғасыр көшбасшысы" сабақтан тыс іс шара

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
9 сыныптарға арналған CLIL бағыты бойынша 21 ғасыр көшбасшысы тақырыбындағы сабақтан тыс іс шарасының жоспары. Сұрақтары физика, Қазақстан тарихы, әдебиет, құқық пәндерінен алынып дайындалған.
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

«Leader of the 21st century»

Date: 09.09.2021

Grade: 9 «А,Ә,Б»

Teacher: Umarbek A


1. Activation of interest in learning languages.

2. Broadening the horizons of students.

Event progress:

Good morning, dear teachers and students!

Today, as part of the week of languages, we will hold an intellectual game "Leader of the XXI century", which will help you show and expand your knowledge of languages ​​and school subjects

I represent our distinguished jury:


Participants' answers during the game are evaluated on a five-point system.


Attention players! Intellectually - cognitive game "Leader of the 21st century" consists of 4 rounds. In each round, the participants answer the questions posed, and they receive points for the correct answers. After 2, 3 rounds, one participant with the lowest number of points is eliminated. The winner of the game will be the participant with the most points.

You need:

1. Attentively listen to the assignments and do them clearly.

2. If you do not know the answer, skip the move.

3. Do not interrupt your opponents, do not shout out.

4. Fans! You cannot prompt!

5. Play honestly and with dignity.

The strongest will win! - I wish you good luck

I round "My business card"


In this tour you will have to tell about yourself, while demonstrating your command of three languages: Russian, Kazakh, English.

(participants receive response templates and prepare

My name is _____. (eng)

I study in the __ class of the Frunzenskaya secondary school. (kaz)

My favorite subjects are __, __, __. (russ)

I am learning ".." and "_" (eng)

I have a lot of friends at school. (kaz)

When I finish school I will become ___ (Russian)

Round II - Baiga.


Participants are asked questions, which are answered by the participant who first raised his hand. For a correct answer -1 point.


  1. Name of the first dog launched into space

  2. What else is the temirkazyk star called?

  3. The scientist who became the "second teacher" after Aristotle.

  4. English scientist who discovered the law of universal gravitation


  1. The period after the condemnation of the Stalin personality cult

  2. The date of construction of the spaceport in Kazakhstan

  3. Year of the Government's decision to develop virgin and fallow lands

  4. Charge against natural scientists 1940-1950


  1. Place of birth of Abay Kunanbayev?

  2. Who will be Shakarim to Abai?

  3. Name the writer who wrote stories on the topic of motherhood?

  4. Whose 150th anniversary are we celebrating?


  1. End products of nitrogen metabolism in spiders?

  2. What part of the brain is the pituitary gland during homeostasis?

  3. Suppression of phytohormone?

  4. The lower part of the bladder is a continuation organ?


  1. New to the Rule of Law in the US Constitution?

  2. In which country was the Law on Human and Citizen Rights adopted?

  3. How many branches of government are there?

  4. In what year was the first Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted?


The word of the jury. (according to the results of the first two rounds, the first participant is eliminated)

III round "Erudite"


Each of you needs to answer as many questions as possible within a minute. Only correct answers count.

  1. Smallest part of the object?

  2. General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR during the development of virgin lands?

  3. Birthplace of Makhambet Utemisov?

  4. When most of the synthesis of ATP occurs in the aerobic body in the mitochondrial matrix during oxidation?

  5. Great thinkers who considered the concept of "civil society"

  1. What is physics?

  2. The leader who did not support Khrushchev's idea of ​​developing virgin lands?

  3. Who wrote "Kokserek"?

  4. When do symptoms of muscle fatigue appear?

  5. How many sections and articles are there in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

  1. Temperature scale

  2. In February 1954 he was relieved of his post as First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan.

  3. Who is Aldar Kose?

  4. The main reason for the filtration process

  5. Name types of property

  1. What happened on April 12, 1961?

  2. The beginning of the Khrushchev thaw

  3. Brothers Baktygul, Tektigul, Zharasbai bai are the heroes of which work?

  4. What is "contagion"?

  5. When was the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted, which regulated to the smallest detail?

  1. The great scientist who was the first to introduce the word "physics"

  2. Influenced the demographic situation in the northern region of Kazakhstan in 1950-1960.

  3. What is the collection of poems by Khoja Ahmed Yassavi?

  4. A feature subject to neural regulation

  5. In what year was the first Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted?

  1. What kind of physical unit is Kelvin?

  2. Who is the author of the poem "Adamga tabyn zher endi”

  3. Who wrote the work dedicated to the life of B. Momyshuly?

  4. How much ATP is formed when glucose is completely broken down into carbon dioxide and water?

  5. New to the Rule of Law in the US Constitution?


The word of the jury. (following the results of the tour, the next participant is eliminated)

IV round - "Choose an object"


The first category is chosen by the participant who has more points. For a correct answer 1 point.

  1. The number of stars in our universe

  2. The great scientist who was the first to introduce the word "physics" into the Russian language.

  3. A Greek scientist hypothesized that matter consists of very small indivisible particles.

  4. Who were the first American scientists to set foot on the moon in 1969?

  5. Which scientist was the first to notice that atmospheric pressure changes with the weather?

  6. Outcome of the bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia in February 1917?

  7. The newspaper where A. Bokeikhanov, A. Baitursynov, M. Dulatov worked.

  8. In March 1933 he wrote a letter to J.V. Stalin.

  9. A scientist who contributed to the study of natural resources of Kazakhstan during the period of industrialization.

  10. The number of participants in the 1930 Suzak uprising

  11. Brothers Baktygul, Tektigul, Zharasbai bai are the heroes of which work?

  12. Name the poet who wrote on the theme of art and his work.

  13. Who was the first to open the "Kazakh" newspaper? In what year was it opened?

  14. Which works are "Okzhetpes", "Personal hero", "Zhumbaktas"? Who is the author?

  15. What is the name of the first collection of poems by M. Zhumabayev? In what year was it published?

  16. An important function of the nephron wall

  17. Accumulation of molecules of matter in a certain "boundary"

  18. Primary urination

  19. Infectious inflammation of the bladder

  20. A new type of collection by government agencies?


The results of the game are summed up. The winners are awarded with diplomas and souvenirs.


The word of the jury. (determining the winner of the game)


Congratulations to our "Leader", and also thanks to all the participants in this game

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сертификат алыңыз!
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