Материалдар / 4 сыныптарга арналган жиынтык багалау
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4 сыныптарга арналган жиынтык багалау

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13 Мамыр 2020
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Page 1

Summative Assessment for the cross curricular unit «Journey into Space»
Learningobjectives Understand with some support some specific
informationand detail in short, simple texts on a growing
range of general and some curriculartopics Write with support a sequence of short sentences in a
paragraph to give basic personalinformation
Assessmentcriteria  Identify the detailed information in short simple
texts with some support
 Give basic personal information using shortsentences
Level ofthinkingskills Knowledge andcomprehension
Duration 20minutes

Task 1. Read the text.Мәтінді мұқият оқы

There are eight planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
and Neptune.The planet that we live on is called Earth. It is the third closest planet to the sun in our solar
system. Our planet is the best. It looks so beautiful from space with its mixture of blue and green.
Some planets are cold and some are hot. The red planets are the hottest. Venus is the second planet
from the sun, and the hottest planet in the solar system. The largest planet is Jupiter. Mercury is not called
the red planet. Mars is called the red planet because of the iron oxide in its soil, making the planet look red.

Write True or False next to the sentence. True әлде False
1. Our planet is the best.
2. Mercury is called the red planet.
3. There are seven planets in our solar system.
4. The red planets are the hottest. .
5. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system.

Task 2. Writing Read and write.

1. You wear this in space. _________________
2. It lets you see planets. _________________
3. Astronauts live there in space _______________

Total marks: 8

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