Материалдар / 5 grade short term plan

5 grade short term plan

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
5 сыныпқа ағылшын тілі пәнінен қмж
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
08 Қырқүйек 2024
0 рет жүктелген
630 ₸ 700 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Unit 1: Home and away

School: №8

Date: 04.09.23

Teacher name: Mira Serkebayeva

Grade: 5 Ә

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Homes

Homes 1

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.UE11 use be/look/smell like and use be made of on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Exchange the opinion with their peers in a simple way;

Learn at least 4 new words.

Choose the picture and answer some questions

Most learners will be able to:

Describe houses (shape, materials);

Answer three questions when describing the picture

Some learners will be able to:

Complete the table, writing a short description of houses;

Explain their choice using examples and details to support the answers.

Planned timings

Teacher action

Students action




10 min

Show learners a picture. Ask learners to guess the topic of the lesson ( Homes)

Introduce lesson objectives.

Hang up three different pictures (example - one of a flat, one of a skyscraper, one of a cottage) in the three corners of the classroom. Tell students to choose one corner to stand in, and talk about why they chose that poster.

In pairs, learners discuss the following questions:

Why do you choose this house?

What do you like about it?

Would you like to live in? Why? (not)

Why do people use different houses?

Elicit learners to explain their choice


PPT (slide 1)

PPT (slide 2)


10 min

10 min

10 min


Draw a house on the board. Brainstorm words learners know about houses. How many words do learners know? (rooms, garden, garage) (W, I)

Teacher shows pair pictures of different houses on the active board. Ask learners to describe the houses and compare them.

Encourage learners to use conjunctions ‘and’, ‘but’ to describe similarities and differences.

Ex: The first house has two floors and the second one. The first house is big but the second is small. The first house has four windows but the second has three. (f)


Teacher asks pre-writing questions: (W)

What kind of materials do you know?

What materials do people use to make houses?

(wood, metal, glass, stone, brick, felt, twigs)

Ask learners about yurts.

What is Kazakh traditional house?

Learners in pairs complete a chart to show differences between two types of homes. They compare charts with another pair. (peer assessment)

Encourage learners to share ideas and collaborate. One can write notes on the left side of the chart (yurt) one on the right side (new homes) (in the copybooks) More-able learners, write a sentence about which home they prefer or like and why. (differentiation by task)

Ex: I like the yurt because it looks warm

(Peer assessment) Learners assess each other following the descriptors:

Use at least two sentences;

Use conjunctions ‘and’, ‘but’.In what houses did people live many years ago? (Yurts)


Pictures of houses

PPT (slide 3)

PPT (slide 4)

Word bank (worksheet 1)

Plenary\ Reflection

5 min

Ask learners what the most interesting/ difficult part of the lesson was.

Name two words you practiced today.

Тексерілді _________.

Long-term plan unit:

School: №8

Date: 08.09.23

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5Ә

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Homes 2 Describing bedroom

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to

C6. organise and present information clearly to others.

S6.communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

UE14. use prepositions to talk about time and location; use prepositions like to describe things and about to denote topic;use prepositions of direction to, into, out of, from, towards on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectives

Student will be able to understand general information

Students will be able to pronouns increasing range of words, short phrases.

Students will be able to students will be able to use grammar correctly and to explain their opinion

Planned time

Teacher action

Students action




15 min

I.Organization moment.

-Teacher greets with the students and check their attendance.

II. Explain new theme:


-I’ll give you envelope with pictures (layout).Please,

design a room plan.

- And what is this room?

- How do you think what are we going to talk about?

IV.Active vocabulary to show them pictures of furniture:

Bed төсек

Wardrobe киім шкафы

Bookcase кітап шкафы

Shelf сөре

Mirror айна

Desk парта,үстел

Pillow жастық

Poster плакат

Vase құмыра

V.Activity1 Use the method of “ just a minute”

How many words can they name in a minute?

A learner

Name the words without mistakes





20 min

Activity2 “ Jigsaw reading” and comprechention check.

My bedroom

My bedroom is great! It’s very big and cosy. There is a lot of furniture in it. I’ve got a small bed , a desk, a chair, a wardrobe and a bookcase. The bed is in front of the wardrobe .My desk is under the window. There is a big poster behind my bed. There is a computer and a lamp on my desk and I’ve got books in the bookcase .I like my bedroom very much.

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1) My bedroom is not big.

2) There is a lot of furniture.

3) There is a big poster in front of the bed.

4) There is a computer on the desk.

5)I haven’t got a computer.

Activity2 . Use the method of “Association”

T: At first associate words to the bedroom and living room. Then make a poster and present it.




Shape3 Shape4

Shape5 Shape6 Shape7


living room

A learner

Understand the text and exchange with ideas.

can describe their bedroom

can describe their living room




10 min

Activity 4

Sinquain method


2)Adjectives:modern, cosy

3)Verbs:relax,sleep,go to bed

4) Phrase:I go to bed at 9o’clock

5)Synonym: mattress

Тексерілді _____ .

Long-term plan unit:
Unit 7: Home and away

School: №8

Date: 13.09.2021

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Homes 3

Learning objectives that
this lesson is
contributing to

5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.UE14 use prepositions of location and position: at, behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above to describe where people and things are;

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: Use appropriate vocabulary on topic.

Most learners will be able to: Use prepositions of place.

Some learners will be able to: Describe and design rooms and furniture and talk and write about them.

Success criteria

By the end of lesson, students will able to write 5-6 sentences about rooms of the house using prepositions of location correctly.

Value links

Home, true friends

Cross-curricular links


ICT skills

Using presentations & pictures, working with URLs

Previous learning

Vocabulary from previous lesson: Home 1


Planned timings

Planned activities


7 mins

Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting.

Teacher pronounces new words and gives students flashcards “furniture”. Then students stand in a circle and do activity.

Warming up

What do you see? (adapted from the book written by Bill Martin, Jr. “Brown Bear”).

CShape9 lass: A fridge 2 What do you see?

Student: I see a table looking at me.

CShape10 lass: A table 2 What do you see?

Student: I see a sofa looking at me.2 etc.

Divide the class in to three groups by “furniture” flashcards.

- Teacher introduces lesson objectives to the students

Flashcards “furniture”.


ppp slide 1


30 mins

Vocabulary and Grammar activities

Ask students to revise the part of the house. Give them worksheets to practice vocabulary related to rooms in the house and pieces of furniture.

Example “Prepositions of place”. Ask pupils look at board and remember the rule.

Students complete the sentences with the correct preposition of a place according to the picture given.

Writing, Reading, Speaking

Then they write their own sentences according to another room of the house.

Students read the text “Find my room” carefully and then they should match the short texts with pictures.

A project to finish off work on this topic would be for learners to plan their
ideal room. They can choose any room in the house, for example the living room or
their bedroom, and they can draw a picture of what their ideal living room or
bedroom would look like and have in it. Brainstorm some ideas as a class first,
seeing if learners can also explain or expand on their ideas.

After drawing their room, learners can speak about it, either just labeling or describing it, or saying why they chose the things they did.


ppp slide4


posters, markers, pictures.


3 mins

Ask them to bring in a photo of one of their rooms at home and to show the class and talk about next lesson.

PPP slide 5

5 mins

The method
«Two stars and one wish» Students take the stickers and write two parts of the lesson what they liked or what they seemed difficult, and write their wishes to the next lesson.


PPP slide 6

Unit 1: Home and away

School 8

Date: 27.09.23

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5 а,ә

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

Cities and countries 1

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.UE8 use future forms will for predictions and be going to to talk about already decided plans on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topic

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

work in pairs and answer to the simple questions.

Learners will be able to:

talk about plans, holidays with help of visuals and map;

Learners will be able to:

read text and search for detailed information, analyze and answer to the questions

Planned timings

Teacher action

Students action



10 min

Warm –up

Teacher asks learners to make predictions for their vacation time and elicits what countries they would like to visit

Learners name any city of Kazakhstan shown by the teacher to match each letter of the ABC.

Introduce lesson objectives.


15 min

10 min


P, I) Place on PPT (slide 4) map of Kazakhstan. Learners look at s map of Kazakhstan. Explain/elicit where north, south, east, west are.

Explain that pairs of learners in turn will have the name of one of the ten main cities. Hand out names of five cities to pairs of learners. In turn, they point where the city is on map and hold up name. Others watch, look at map on their worksheet and give directions if pair of learners is wrong. Learners watching say: ‘Yes, that’s right.’ ‘No, go left/ right one step’; ‘Walk two steps forward, back ‘The next pairs try.

Teacher supports less able-learners with words, pronunciation and location (differentiation by teacher support)

Teacher monitors to identify those learners who know many places and those who know a few.

Feedback: Ls share their ideas, repeat after the teacher T monitors their answers, makes some notes if necessary, T drills the pronunciation of certain words, learners support each other help and comment, peer assessment.

Practice (I, P, I, f)Learners read or reread the story ‘Monster in the lake’ in Primary Colours, page 14. They say which country the story is about and what features the country has. Elicit words such as: Scotland: hills, grass, lake) PPT slide 5

It’s important to revisit texts in the course book but with a different focus. Learners should be able to reread the story quickly in Primary Colours 3, page14.

Learners listen and tell you which places you are describing e.g.

This place is next to the sea. It’s in the west of Scotland. (Oban)

This city is the capital of Scotland. It’s near the sea. It’s southeast of Stirling. (Edinburgh)

Learners in pairs describe two places each for partner to guess.

They then write six sentences about Scotland: two to contrast it with the map of Kazakhstan; four to describe four places on the map.

If time, simplify the Loch Ness Monster story on the web link and tell to learners.

Project map of Scotland on IWB. Explain that Loch Ness is near Inverness. Ask what is different between the map of Scotland and the map of Kazakhstan e.g.

Encourage learners to contrast the two maps (Kazakhstan and Scotland) using ‘but’. Monitor learners’ use of directions and prepositions as they describe places.PPT slide 6

Worksheet 1

PPT slide 5

Hicks, D. and Littlejohn, A. (2003) Primary Colours Pupil’s Book 3, page 14

PPT slide 6

story about Loch Ness Monster


10 min


Ask learner what the most interesting/ difficult part of the lesson was.

Name two words you practiced today.

Home task: Learners could make up their own story about the Loch Ness Monster. Provide sentence starters e.g. Once upon a time there was…

One day…(who) went (where) and saw (what)

What was the problem?

What happened in the end?

Story frame for writing


Тексерілді: ______ .

Unit 1: Home and away

School: 8

Date: 25.09.23

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5А,Ә

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

Cities and countries 2

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Describe the pictures of the city

Most learners will be able to:

To speak about differences of old and new city;

Some learners will be able to:

To write the definitions of the places

Planned timings

Teacher action

Students action




5 min

Warm –up

LShape12 Shape11 earners identify the city and the country according to the suggested landmarks (W, P)e.g: Baiterek Astana Kazakhstan

Worksheet 1

PPT (slide 1)


5 min

10 min

20 min


Teacher shows pictures of different cities. Elicit what photographs show – city in Kazakhstan.

Teacher demonstrates two images of Astana now and in the past.

Ask learners to work in pairs:

Teacher distributes Venn diagram with two circles headed Astana now and Astana before and explains the leaners what to do.

If a learner could compare:




Mentions at least one extra information.

They compare diagrams with another pair.

Teacher writes the word ‘city’ on the board. Suggest learners to write 6-8 places in a city they know around ‘city’.

e.g. shop, street, bank, bus station, café, cinema, hospital, library, market, park, sports centre, square, supermarket

Teacher monitors to identify those learners who know many places and those who know a few.

Teacher offers learners to write definitions or what they can do in these places. (P, f)

Learners report what they see e.g. some tall flats, white buildings, some gardens with different shapes, fountains, a palace, glass, a shopping centre etc. (W, P)

What differences can you find between Astana now and Astana in the past?

Which city do you like most? Why? (not)

e.g. The photo is in black and white; the flats are smaller; the buildings are lower; the gardens are different.

Learners record some differences and a similarity in the diagram. (P) (f)

Learners compare the words.

e.g. Bank – is a place where people can change money.

Street – can be wide or narrow, there are people and cars.

Descriptors for assessment. (Peer assessment)

Pairs check each other’s answers, compare if they have the same or different answers.

Teacher supports less able-learners with word bank. (differentiation by teacher support)


Worksheet 1 (Venn diagram)

Worksheet 2 (word bank)

Plenary\ Reflection

5 min

Ask learners what the most interesting/ difficult part of the lesson was.

Name two words you practiced today.

Тексерілді: ______ .

Unit 1: Home and away

School: /8

Date: 01.10.21

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5А,Ә

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

Weather and climate

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Identify the parts of speech of words (noun, adjectives)

Most learners will be able to:

Write the weather words correctly (spelling);

Some learners will be able to:

To write a short weather report

Success criteria

To talk about weather in our city;

Pastoral care

Learners are taught to be tolerant and respect each other

Value links

Learners will discuss the definitions of the weather

Kazakh culture

This lesson focuses on:

Weather in our city.

Cross curricular links


ICT skills


Previous learning

Cities and countries

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



5 min

Warm –up

Learners identify weather sounds of rain, thunder and wind. Ask learners to guess what the topic is. (weather)

Teacher introduces lesson objectives.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqix15pI8rM sounds

PPT (slide 1)


10 min

10 min

10 min

Teacher distributes cards with the words: cloud, rain, snow, ice, sun, fog, wind, and storm. Learners read the words and explain them. The class is to guess what the word is.

e.g. This is water when it’s very, very cold. We can see it on in rivers and ponds in winter. We can skate on it. (ice)

Learners in pairs write adjectives to describe weather. (P)

Suggest learners to divide their copybook into three columns, according to the spelling. (P)

(Differentiation) The task can be differentiated. Allow more able learners to think and write the words in the correct columns. (IW)

Teacher supports less able learners with the following division.

Only ‘y’ (snowy, rainy, cloudy, windy, stormy)

Double consonant before ‘y’ (sunny, foggy)

Drop ‘e’ and add ‘y’ (icy).

Teacher monitors learners’ works.

(Self-assessment) Learners check the answers as a whole class and tick the correct words in the columns. In case there are mistakes more able learners or teacher comment and explain the mistake.

Teacher asks learners to identify the difference between weather and climate?

What is weather?

What is climate?

(Weather is what is happening today in a town, city or in the countryside. Climate is used to talk about what the weather is like generally in a country.)

Teacher reminds learners the question to ask about weather: ‘What’s the weather like today?’

Teacher hands out copies with tasks on weather. Learners do matching task then underline the correct weather words in sentences. (I, W)

Learners brainstorm words related to the previous day’s weather: morning; midday; afternoon. They write a simple weather report using was and were and compare with a partner.

Worksheet 1

PPT (slide 2)

Primary Grammar Box

p 91

Plenary\ Reflection

5 min

Ask learners what the most interesting/ difficult part of the lesson was.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links

Differentiation by peer support and task


Safety regulations are taken into account when planning and conducting the lesson.

There are types of activities that meet the needs of learners with different learning styles and level.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?

LESSON: Unit 1 Homes and Away

Unit revision

School: №8

Date: 04.10.21

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

CLASS: 5 а,ә

Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

enhance and practise vocabulary (homes/weather) learnt in Unit 1: Home and away with support

find specific information and details in the text to complete the task with support

Most learners will be able to:

use vocabulary (homes/weather) related to the topic during the speaking practice with some support

find specific information and details in the text to complete the task with some support

Some learners will be able to:

practise their speaking skills by using vocabulary (homes/weather) related to the topic with no support

find specific information and details in the text to complete the task with no support

Language objectives

Revise and practise lexis related to the topics learnt (homes, cities and countries, weather )

Value links

To discuss the importance of homes to people

Cross curricular links


ICT skills

Projector or Smart board for presenting a reading activity

Previous learning

Learners learnt about homes, cities, countries, and weather


Planned timings

Planned activities


Warm-up: Stations

In order to revise vocabulary, learners are asked to work in pairs (Stronger learners with struggling ones). There are five stations with different tasks hang on the walls. Teacher assigns pairs and asks each pair to go to one of the stations and complete the task given there in their copybooks. They are given about 1 minute to complete each task. While learners are completing the tasks, teacher monitors and supports if necessary or writes down any errors/problems that learners have (differentiation by support and task).

Whole class feedback – teacher elicits the answers and addresses the problems that learners had while completing the tasks.

Learners are presented the lesson objectives.

Handout 1

PPT slides 2-6



In pairs, learners describe what they can see in the pictures and say where a person who they are going to read about lives.


Reading for gist: Learners quickly read the text to check their answers.

Whole class feedback.

Reading for specific information:

Learners work individually. Each learner is given an individual white board/paper and marker. Teacher shows 1 question and learners have to find the answer and write it on the board. Then learners show their answers to their teacher. Teacher takes notes if learners got the answers right or wrong (Formative Assessment informal). Whole class feedback should be done after each question.

Post-reading: Inner-outer speaking activity

Learners are divided into the groups. They are told that they are going to practise speaking skills and should try to use at least 5 words related to the topics.

One group of learners sit in the inner-circle and their task is to ask the questions (teacher provides them with questions). Learners from the outer circle are given 1 minute to answer these questions. After each learners from the outer-circle change their seats clockwise. Then learners from different circles change their roles. Teacher monitors and takes notes of the errors learners make but does not interfere (Formative Assessment informal).

Error correction

Teacher writes down some errors (most common) that learners made during the speaking activity on the board.

In pairs, learners correct the errors.

Whole class feedback.

PPT slide 7

Handout 2 – text

PPT slide 8

Individual whiteboards/papers,


Handout 3




Learners write down what they have learnt in this topic and what problems they still have.


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

Differentiation by support and outcome – teacher might decide on the number of words used by an individual learner during the speaking activity.

Monitor how much vocabulary learners can use in their speaking.

Monitor how learners find the answers during the reading for specific information activity

Safety regulations are taken into account when planning and conducting the lesson.

There are types of activities that meet the needs of learners with different learning styles and level.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Long-term plan Unit 2 Living things.

School: №8

Date: 04.10.23

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5 А,Ә

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

Plants 1

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics;

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics;

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

understand the events in the story from the video;

read, understand and reorder most of the events in the story;

name things that are required for a growing plant with support

Most learners will be able to:

read, understand and reorder most of the events in the story;

write, about a plant that grows in Kazakhstan with minimum support.

Some learners will be able to:

understand most of the language on the story video;

use the Present Simple Tense accurately in writing without support

Planned timings

Teacher action

Students action




10 min

Warm-up Game

Pair work.

The topic and LOs are presented.

Teachers distributes the handouts.

Learners are divided into pairs. Learners are suggested to work in pairs and match the words with the pictures.(seed, plant, shoot, tree, leaf, rain, roots, sunlight)

Learners guess the topic of the lesson.

(Differentiation by support, more able learners with learners who need support, more able learners can help with translation or meaning of the words.)

Worksheet 1, Task 1



30 min



Pre-listening task

Teacher asks learners to read the sentences, underline the unfamiliar words in the task 2. They walk around the classroom and ask the group mates about the unfamiliar words. (Peer’s support).

If learners cannot find the meanings/translations of the words teacher provides the meaning of the words. (Teacher’s support).

While-listening task

Learners listen and watch the story, put the sentences in correct order. Teacher plays the recording twice.

Pair work. Learners are divided into pairs. They compare their answers with the partner. Teacher checks answers as an open-class activity.

TPR (Total physical response)

Learners are suggested to make a circle. Teacher prepares the cards with the vocabulary of

Task 1. A Learner 1 chooses any card, reads the word, using gestures explains the word to the class. The learner 2 who guesses the words has to spell it.

Learner 2: It is a plant.

Learner 1: Could you spell the word?

Learner 2: P-L-A-N-T. (Plant).

Learner 1: Yes, good job!

Reading task.

The activity below can be used as a formative assessment.

To check the ability of students to use vocabulary in context, learners are asked to read the same story and write the correct word into the missing space. Teacher monitors and supports some students who need help.


Ask learners in their L1 language what they know about plants and what they need to grow. Then suggest learners work in pairs by forming pairs according to teacher’s decision and to tick things that plants need to grow. (Peer’s support). Open - class activity checking.


Task 1

Group work.

Learners have to choose one card and are divided into 3 groups with the help of these cards: tree, sunlight, leaf.

What kinds of plants do you know?


Ls discuss the ideas on the presentation, with the Teacher’s support they create the criteria for the presentation.

Learners share their ideas about the exact plant in groups, choose the best sentences and present them.

Teacher nominates a group of learners to present the plant. Learners give peer feedback such as: Your English / / pronunciation is good. We can understand all of / most of the presentation. We like the ____. Teacher praises learners’ and suggests an improvement.

Learners peer assess each other following the suggested criteria.

Worksheet 1. Task 2


Worksheet 1. Task 2

Worksheet 1. Task 1 cards with words

Worksheet 3 FA

Worksheet 1 task 3

Worksheet 2 (cards)


5 mins

Learners reflect on their learning:

What has been learned?

What remained unclear?

What is necessary to work on

Teacher asks learners what 3 words they learnt today

Learners complete an evaluation of what they did during the lesson by circling one word in each statement:

I can understand: all / most of / some of the story in the video.

I can understand: all / most of / some of the story when I read it.

I can say all/most of/some plant parts

Hometask: to learn the new vocabulary.

Evaluation worksheet

Тексерілді: ______ .

Unit of a long term plan:

School: №8

Date: 18.10.21

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

CLASS: 5 а,ә

Number present:


Lesson title


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

R.2 Understand with little support specific information and detail in short simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topic(s

W.7 Use with support appropriate layout a text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar on general to general topics and some curricular topics

U.E3 Use a grouping variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative on limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to understand with support specific information detail short simple texts

Most learners will be to use a grouping variety of adjectives

Some learners will be to read and write some of the words from the topic.

Assessment criteria

- Understand with little support specific information and detail about plants.

- Write a text keeping a register and format of given gentle

- Use variety regular irregular comp0rative and superlative adjectives.

Values links

Universal Labor Society.

Cross-curricular links


Previous learning

Plants 1


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



10 минут

Warming up

Teacher asks learners «How are you?» to find out their mood at the beginning of the lesson: students choose one of the smiles they see on the slide, saying «I am happy/sad....etc.»

Planned activities: Dividing into two groups by method “Flowers” Steppe flowers- Room flowers. ( with picture)


Look pictures and answer this questions:

1. What colour do you like? (green or red)

2. What plant do you like? (Trees or flowers)

3. Why do you like tree ?

4. Why do you like flower ?



25 минут

R2 Read the short text about «The little plant»

And find adjectives.

Compare the plant with flower using these adjectives.

A little plant lived inside a dark damp room.One day she heard a soft tapping on her door, «Who is there?» she asked «I am little raindrop.Please let me in,»cried the visitor. «No way!» said the Plant angrily. Little Raindrop was very sad for being turned away.After sometime the Plant heard a soft rustle near the door. « Who is there now?» she asked « I am Sunny Sunshine,»said the new visitor. «I don’t have time for sunshine,»said the Plant haughtily. A few days later, the leaves of the Plant turned brown in colour, and her young stem began drooping. Then one day, she heard the chirping of birds, and opened her door to see outside.It was spring and there were colourful flowers and greenery all around.

Descriptor a learner reads text and finds adjectives.

Compare the plant with flower using adjectives.

W.7 Read the sentences and write True or False.

1. Leaves take in sunlight, water and soil to make food.

2. Roots absorb water from the air.

3. Fruit protect the seeds.

4. Plants need soil, air, sunlight and milk to grow.

5.Flowers attract mammals.

6.We use plants to make cosmetics such as perfumes, shampoos and cream

Description: Write the sentences and choose True or False.

UE 3 Fill in the correct from of the adjectives.Regular and irregular Comparative Superlative forms.

1 bad-worse-the worst.

2 This is the..... picture on the wall

3 My test was.... yours

4 Ben and Jake were the....t actor in the school play

5 .Good - better – the best

6.This plant..... than this

7.Football is....than hockey

8.I am..... now than yesterday;

Description: Use adjectives


10 минут

Summarizing all the lesson

1.Number these sentences in order 1-5

Next, the small plant grows flowers.

.First, a seed falls into the ground.

.Finally, the adult plant grows fruits and seeds.

.Then, the seeding grows a stem and leaves.

Roots start to grow from the seed.

2. Answer the questions. Use full answers.

Why are plants important? ……………….

What do plants need to grow? Plants needs w….., s……t, and … grow.

What do we use plants for? We use plants to make f…, d…., c…., m….. and c….. .

Where do seeds grow? …………..

In summary section use method “Success ladder”(Feedback)

The first stairs: I know information about plants.

The second stairs: I know read and understand text about plants.

The third stairs: I know what grow plants and use forms adjectives in the sentences.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

All learners will be to: Write name flowers you like.

Most learners will be to: Full the chart adjectives forms

Some learners will be to: Make up the short conversation about plants.

Success ladder” (Feedback)

The first stairs: I know information about plants.

The second stairs: I know read and understand text about plants.

The third stairs: I know what grow plants and use forms adjectives in the sentences.

To pay attention to learners safety during the doing activates be careful in moving to places in dividing to groups.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve thelesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class orindividuals that will inform my next lesson?

LESSON: Unit 2 Living things. Animals.

School: №8

Date: 13.10.23

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts

5.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

name the animals they know

learn at least 3 new words from animal related vocabulary

read and understand main facts about animals

Most learners will be able to:

tell about the animal they read about

Some learners will be able to:

understand most of the language in text about animals

use present simple forms accurately in speaking

Language objectives

Use simple present simple tense, new vocabulary

Planned timings

Teacher action

Students action



15 min


Teacher shows a picture on PPT and asks learners: Which word can you spell? (slide 1) Learners should spell the word correctly, then teacher can introduce the topic of the lesson.

Teacher asks learners: What can you see on the picture? (slide 2) Teacher checks their knowledge of how they know the names of some animals.

Then teacher lets the learners know the LO of the lesson. (slide 3)

Teacher starts a word snake on the board using animals, to continue the snake learners have to use the last letter of the following word. (open class activity)

Pair work.

Teacher distributes the handout with animal flashcards and asks learners to match words to the pictures in pairs.

Teacher checks answers as an open-class activity. Teacher focuses on pronunciation and spelling the words correctly.

Ex: cat-tiger-rabbit-turtle-elephant-etc.


Learners are divided into small groups and asked to brainstorm and write any animals they know in 2 min and then learners name the animals they have written.

Learners should swap their works with other groups and check each other’s matching worksheets with a teacher’s support.

(Differentiation by support, more able learners with learners who need support). (Peer based assessment)




25 min

Teacher divides learners work groups, e.g. kangaroo (student A), tigers (student B), lions (student C)

Group work

Teacher introduces the text about animals, for Kangaroo’s group teacher gives the text about Kangaroo, for Tiger’s group, text about Tiger, and for Lion’s text about Lions. Leaners will read in groups, and underline the unfamiliar words and ask each other or teacher can help them. After that, learners should exchange their text with other groups, so learners will read the facts about these three types of animals.

Hot Chair activity.

Teacher takes an empty 3 chairs – one for each team- and puts them in front of the class, facing the team members. Teacher explains to the learners that these chairs are the hot chairs. Then get one member from each team to come up and sit in that chair, so they are facing their teammates, learners should ask questions about animals the learners who sit on the chair. The first hot chair learner to answer the question and wins a point for their team. Teacher monitors, takes notes and assesses learner’s answers. (Teacher based assessment)

To support learners teacher can provide a list of questions on the board as an example:

1. Where do kangaroos live?

2. What do they eat?

3. How big are they?

4. How many babies do they have?

Worksheet 1,2,3


5 min

Learners complete an evaluation of what they did during the lesson by circling one word in each statement:

I can understand: all / most of / some of the text in the website.

I can tell about an animal very well/ well/not bad

Evaluation worksheet

Тексерілді: ______ .

Long-term plan Unit 2 Living things.

School: №8

Date: 20.10.23

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5 а,ә

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

Human beings

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics;

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

complete worksheets and make some sentences using active vocabulary;

Most learners will be able to:

complete worksheets and make four sentences using active vocabulary;

Some learners will be able to:

complete worksheets and make some sentences and give details to support their answers using active vocabulary;

Language objectives

use specific phrases and vocabulary according to the topic body parts

Planned timings

Teacher action

Students action




5 minutes


Teacher projects images of children, adults, old people from around the world and ask supporting questions: Are human beings living things? Why? Help learners list criteria: We breathe, eat, produce, grow, move, make, and have senses.

Learners guess the topic of the lesson.

The topic and LOs are presented.



35 minutes


Learners stand in circle and say a body word. Next learner points to the body part then says another body part. How many body parts can learners remember?


Teacher monitors, checks also makes notes how well learners can remember body words and how carefully then can spell the vocabulary on the worksheet. (Teacher based assessment)

Excellent 6 points (14-15 correct answers)

After the task teacher demonstrates picture with the correct answers, students evaluate each others.

Pre-teach joints by demonstrating and moving: knee, ankle, elbow, wrist


Learners in pairs take turns on computer to do spelling task in website. How many words can they spell correctly? (10 words?) (Peer based assessment)

They change round and spell the other five words. How many can they spell correctly a second time?

Ph. Training

Check understanding by miming.

Learners should know:

body, arm, leg, hand, foot, back, neck, shoulder, head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, back

Teacher distributes handouts worksheet 1. (Teacher based assessment)

Learners classify words into three groups: head, body, for our senses e.g.

Our eyes, ears, mouths and noses are parts of our heads.

Learners peer assess each other following the suggested criteria.

Very good 5 points (12-13 correct answers)

Good 4 points (10-11 correct answers)

Teacher divides leaners into pair and gives them a worksheet

They should joints move the arms, hands, legs and feet. Students should read the sentences and write T/F (Peer assessment )


Students monitor and assess how well they can identify the definitions of the body parts and also how well they can spell them, make notes if necessary. (Peer based assessment)

Bentley, K (2009) Primary Curriculum Box Cambridge: CUP (page 14, and photocopies of page 16) (Worksheet 1 2)

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2



Set of body parts 1,2,3,4


5 mins

Teacher asks learners what 5 words they revise today

Learners complete an evaluation of what they did during the lesson by circling one word in each statement:

Learners reflect on their learning:

I can say all/most of/some of body parts

What has been learned?

What remained unclear?

What is necessary to work on

I can complete: all / most of / some of the worksheets.

I can understand: all / most of / some of the words when I heard them.

Hometask: to revise body parts

Evaluation list

Тексерілді: ______ .

Unit 4: Living things. Summative control work

School 8

Date: 23.10.2023

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

CLASS: 5а,ә

Number present:


Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Do the quiz

Most learners will be able to:

Do the quiz

Write more adjectives in comparative and superlative form

Some learners will be able to:

Make their own quiz

Planned timings

Teacher action

Students action




3 min


Setting the aim of the lesson

Learners fill the blanks with the words in the box and answer the questions about animals.


Internet materials.


40 min

Activity 1. (P,I)

Check the meaning of the words. Then do the quiz.

Activity 2. (P,I)

Complete the table with the words in blue in the quiz.

Activity 3. (I)

Choose the correct words

Activity 4. (P)

Activity 1. Alternative.

More able students can make their own quiz.

Activity 2.

Students write more adjectives in comparative and superlative form.

Descriptor A Learner

Complete the question with these words. Then ask and answer.



2 min

Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material

Homework: Animals in Kazakhstan (w)

Тексерілді: ______ .

School №8

Unit: "Values"

Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.



Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:



Family relationships 1

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

5.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

Lesson objectives

All students will be able to

Discuss the meaning of values

Learn topical vocabulary

Write the description of a good person

Make a card

Most students will be able to

Discuss the meaning of values and create their own list of values

Learn topical vocabulary with opposites

Write the description of a good person using at least 3 new words

Make a card and give feedback to his partner

Some students will be able to

Discuss the meaning of values and create their own list of values

Learn topical vocabulary and use them in their speech

Write the description of a good person using at least 5 new words

Make a card, express his/her feelings and give feedback to his partner

Planned timings

Teacher’s activities

Pupil’s activities




10 min


Pass around a box filled with questions connected to the topic of the lesson. Play music, when the music stops, the child with the box must pick out a question, read it and answer. Suggested questions: Do you love your family? Do you have a best friend? What is money? What is health? What is happiness? How often do you help your mother? etc.

Answer the questions in the box

Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like:

Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it!

A box

Sheets of paper with questions

New theme

20 min

Activity 1

The main idea behind this section is to allow students to realize what is “value”, that they do have values and to identify what some of these values are:
1. Begin the class by stating: "There are some things in life that are very important. I believe that education is very important. What are some things that you believe are very important?" List all the ideas that the students suggest.
They may suggest such things as "having a nice house" to "owning a new car." These may be tied in later with a work, education, or wealth value. Students often tend to be oriented to concrete concepts, and they may not suggest more abstract ideas such as "beauty" as something of real value.
If you feel that they do not offer many choices, you could list additional values from the list below: (Explain new words if necessary)









being honest










Students write list of values which are very important in life.

Pair assessment with thumbs


Colourful pencils


10 min

Activity 2: Discussion

Divide students into pairs, let them tell each other about their best friend at school, and out of school. Is it the same person? Then let them discuss these sayings. Do they agree with them?

Love me, love my friends

Opposites attract

A friend in need is a friend indeed

East or West home is best

Ask if there are any similar sayings in Kazakh or Russian.

Leaners divide into 4 groups and discuss these sayings.Also theycan find Russian and Kazakh eqivalents

Group assessment

2 stars 1 wish


5 min

Saying goodbye

Learners stand in a circle, they are given a ball to throw it to each other and share their opinions about today’s lesson.



Тексерілді: ______ .



Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva Mira



Grade: 5а,ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Family relationships2

Listening and writing about a favourite family day and writing about why families are important

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics

5.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: remember the classroom instructions

Most learners will be able to: define the types of family and complete the sentences correctly

Some learners will be able to: respond the questions intelligibly

Value links:

Knows what type family are they

Part of the lesson/Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson


Whole class

2 мин.

Organization moment:


2. Organization moment.

Sing a song “A family”

T shows the video of the song.

Ss sing a song together.

Ss look at their book the text of the song.

The aim: helps to feel the importance of having family .

Efficiency:when they sing a song some words remembers easily in their mind.


T shows thumbs up to Ss.

It means that they can sing very good! And motivate Ss to study a new theme.

Cd 5R2


«Vocabulary» method

Whole class

5 min.

Before starting the lesson T explains Ss the meaning of the new words. When and how to use them. And asks Ss to compile sentences.

Ss make sentences using new words.

Aim: make them to compile good, meaningful sentences.

Efficiency:Ss refresh their vocabulary strength .


The praise” method

Good job!

Well done!”


PPT (With words)



Book page42

Middle of the lesson

Describe and draw”


Team work

15 min.

Teacher divides Ss for 3 groups.

  1. Single –parent family

  2. Extended family

  3. Nuclear family

Each group should read the poem. And looking at picture gets ideas to present whole class.

Exercise 1:

Ss takes flip charts and draw a picture of a given family. Prepare a presentation and questions to involve whole class.


- read the text

-draws the picture

- present to class

Total: 1point



Student’s Book


Page 34

Individual work

5 min.

e-mail to friend”


Ex 1, page 43. Complete the text with words from the list.





T gives 5 minutes.

Ss tries quickly complete sentences correctly. And find new words. Translate the words and explains the meaning to whole class.

Aim:Ss know the spelling of some words


Ss learn to think quickly


All students tries to complete the sentences correctly, some of them say the meaning of the new words.


-complete the sentence

-find new words

-explain the meaning

Total: 1point


Pupils Book

Ex 1, page 43

Individual work




T asks Ss write the sentences in the correct order. on page 43, ex.3

Aim: makes them to think and develops thinking skills.


Remembers the story by stage

Differentiation: “By time managment”all Ss reorder the text on time, some of them in a minute.

Ss reorder the sentences and present to class.


-reorder more than 5 sentences

-reorder all 8sentences

Total: 1point



Student’s Book

Ex 3, page 43

Pair work

3 min

T asks students answer the questions about their best friends.

First Ss 1 – asks, then changes the role.

  1. What is his/her name?

  2. How old is she/he?

  3. How do you know him/her?

  4. What is he/she like?

  5. What do you like doing together?

Ss think about their best friend and tries to give full information. What they like and doesn’t like.

Aim: define their best friend


Get information about classmates best friend


Stronger students help weak students to ask questions and answers


-work in pairs

-ask questions


Student’s Book

Ex 4, page 43

Pair work

9 min

Use answer from Ex 4. o write an email similar to the one in Ex 1.

Para:1 your best friend’s name, age, how you know him/her.

Para 2:

What he/she is like.

What you like doing together.

Teacher model the class giving some supports.

Ss use answers of ex 4, and write email.

After writing the email to their friend, they read to the class.


  • Understand the instruction

  • Write email

Teacher assess Ss with method “The praise”

very good’



Student’s Book

Ex 5, p 43.

End of the lesson.

1 min.


Think” method.

T gives students which uncompleted written.

They should complete the sentence.

My family is important to me because ______.

As conclusion Ss complete the sentence with 1 or 2 words.

Aim:Ss learn to describe whole text with 1 or 2 words.


Learn from each other topic vocabulary words.

T using this method knows how many students understand the new lesson.


Тексерілді: ______ .



Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.

Date: 15.11.2023


Grade: 5а,ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Friendship 1

Describing and writing about friends

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: define the opposites of character adjectives

Most learners will be able to: select and act out the main information to others

Some learners will be able to: deduce character of friends clearly

Value links:

Respect characters of each other

Part of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson


Whole class

5 min

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

Education tree”

Teacher divides the tree in two parts. To the 1 part Ss should write what they know about new theme. And an another part they should write what they want to know.

Ss take the cards and writes how many character adjective they know.

And to describe their friends write the characters that they want to know

The aim: develop students thinking skills

Efficiency: helps to know how many adjectives they know and motivate to know more

After writing T tries to answer all the questions and appreciate their work saying “well done”, “Excellent”.

Envelop with shapes


«Listening» method

Pair work

5 min

Listen and repeat. Find the opposites. Check with your partner.

T gives clearly instructions how to work in pairs.

Ss listen and discuss each adjectives meaning and some of them try to compose sentence.

Aim:check Ss listening skills and their comprehension.

Efficiency: increase their vocabulary and define opposite character of adjectives.


-listen the adjectives

-writes down what they listen

-discuss in pairs

Total: 1point


PPT (With examples)

Pupils Book

Page 35, ex 4

Middle of the lesson


5 min

T explains students the theory. Adjectives go before nouns, but after the verb TO BE.

We can use very to give emphasis to the adjective.

Write in the correct order.

  1. Very/is/Jane/funny

  2. Boy/he/very/a/is/quiet

  3. They/noisy/are

  4. Student/is/Matt/a/cleve

  5. Are/Steve and Mary/ serious/very

Ss reorder the words and present it to class. And explains why they put adjective and what it means.


-reorder the words

-present to class

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


Ex 8, page 35.

Individual work

5 min

Complete the sentence.

Teacher gives the words that they will use.







Aim: learn and define the meaning of the adjectives


Helps them to choose the suitable adjective according to the meaning of the sentence, learn them to be accuracy.

Differentiation: understand the sentence and put appropriate adjectives

Ss understand the text and complete the sentence with appropriate words.


-understand the sentence

-put correct adjective

Total: 1point


Pupils Book

Page 35, ex 5.

Pair work

10 min

Find out” method.

T switches on the audio about Peter that talking about his family.

Who is each person below?

Becky, Laura, John, Mark.

Then T makes them to listen again. What is each person like?

Aim:Develop their memory


Hel[ps them to check their listening skills and memory

Differentiation: some Ss try to answer to all question orally, but all Ss write the answers.

Ss listen the story and define the people. And write down the like and dislike.


  • Answer the questions

  • Say like/ dislike.

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


Page 35, ex 9.

Group work.

10 min

Miming” method.

Use the adjectives to make sentences about your family and friends. Mime the adjective. Your partner finds the adjective.

Group 1: My dad is very … (mimes “funny”)

Group 2: funny.

Aim: develop visual memory of Ss.

Efficiency: one of the best way to practice new words

Differentiation: all learners try to find but some of them say the correct answer.

Each group discuss the adjectives that they will mime. Try keeping the rule answer the questions.


-mime the adjectives

-find the adjective

-keep the rule

1 point


Pupil’s book

Page 35, ex 6

End of the lesson.

5 min


Individual work:

Memory game” method.

Teacher gives Ss paper to check their memory.

Who will write more than 10 that will get excellent smile.

Ss have to write all new words that they have learnt.

Aim:To know how many Ss got the theme.


Ss can remember the spelling of the adjective

Differentiation:«Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson.





Тексерілді: ______ .

School /8


Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.



Grade: 5А,Ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Friendship 1

Talking about things you have to do at home and completing a graph

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

UE.9.1 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects


All learners will be able to: recall the form of Present Simple.

Most learners will be able to: compare the typical day of friends

Some learners will be able to: write with support a short text about typical day

Value links:

Respect friend’s choice

Part of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson


Whole class

5 min

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

Teacher shows students a lot of picture with different faces.

Ss looking at the picture describe their actions.

Ss says:



Ugly person



The aim: recall adjectives to understand the new theme

Efficiency: remember better the meaning of the adjectives


T prays Ss using the method “Humburger”.


Comments, wishes”.

White board



«Listening» method

Pair work

5 min

T shows video about like, love, hate + - ing.

T gives examples what is she likes to do at home and hates.

For example:

I like sing a song when I clean home.

I hate when somebody come home without any notice.


I/you don’t like fish.

He/she /it doesn’t like fish.

We/you/they don’t like fish.


Do you/like fish?

Does she/he/it like fish?

Do we/you/they like fish?

Short answers.

Yes, I/you do.

Yes she/he/it does.

Yes we/you/they do

Ss listen and repeat the rules.

Then Ss define what are we going to learn.

Aim: understand the grammar clearly

Efficiency: information understandable to use in sentences.


T evaluates Ss showing thumbs up, thumbs down.



Middle of the lesson


10 min

Using different smiles T asks Ss to make a sentence looking at smiles.

For example:

Jane loves swimming. (Ss will show smiles)

She likes playing tennis.

She doesn’t getting up early.

She hates singing.

Ss shows smiles and say like, doesn’t like and hate.

Aim: define the differences of like, doesn’t like and hate.

Efficiency: this method easy to understand the grammar.


-understand the instruction

-show the correct smiles

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


Ex 10 a, page 37.

Individual work

5 min

Complete the sentence.

Teacher explains the words that they will use.

Ss have to complete with own ideas.

Aim: learn and define the meaning of the actions


Helps them to choose the suitable actions according to the meaning of the sentence, learn them to be accuracy.

Differentiation: understand the sentence and put appropriate actions.

Ss using their own ideas complete the sentences.

Here top ideas to use:

Play computer games

Watch TV

Get up early

Go to the gym

Tidy room

Play baseball

Do housework

Play golf

Make dinner


-understand the instruction

-complete the sentence

Total: 1point


Pupils Book

Page 37, ex 10 b

Individual work

Essay time

15 min

Write a short text about your typical weekday. Read to the class.

Teacher asks:Who in our class has got a similar daily routine?

Aim: learn to plan their daily routine correctly


Learn to compare with others and learn find differences and similarities.

Differentiation: all students write an essay and some of them read to the class.

Ss write about 50-60 words.

After finishing read to the class and find a daily routine that similar to yours.

I get up early and … .


Write typical weekday

Write about 50-60 words

Read to the class

Total: 1point


Pupils Book

Page 37, ex 11.

End of the lesson.

5 min


About me” method.

T says them to say one sentence using like, doesn’t like, hate, love

Ss have to say about themselves choosing one of them.

Aim:analyze their understanding using this method.


Interest them to say about themselves


Two stars, one wish”


Тексерілді: ______ .

School 8


Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.



Grade: 5А,Ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Friendship 2.

Listening and role-playing a story about friends.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular top

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings


All learners will be able to: remember extended talk of general and curricular topic

Most learners will be able to: understand opinion of the writer in short texts

Some learners will be able to: express thoughts and act out a similar feelings

Value links:

Respect friend’s opinion


Part of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

Whole class

5 min

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

Telling the time”

T shows Ss a clock to ask times.

  • What is the time, please?

  • It’s … .

Teacher shows video about time.

Ss respond if possible and say the time.

Use the table and the clock faces to ask each other the time.

The aim: recall the time to speak about friend’s table time.

Efficiency: Ss looking at clock remember the time

better .

After writing T tries to answer all the questions and appreciate their work saying “well done”, “Excellent”.

White board



Explana-tion” method

Pair work

10 min

T explains Ss how to ask time and how tell the time.


*What’s the time, please?

*Have you got the time please?

*What time is it, please?


-it is five o’clock.

-it’s half past two.

-it’s ten past three.

-it’a twenty to ten.

Then gives a time to practice.

T support all students to understand the theme.

Ss practice asking and telling the time.

Works in pairs. Asks to each other questions and answers. And changes the role.

What time do you get up?

What time do you have breakfast?

What time does your lesson start?



Praise word”

well done”, “Excellent”


PPT (With examples)


Student’s Book

Page 40, ex 1

Middle of the lesson

Find out ”

15 min

Teacher gives dialogues about two friends. These sentences are from a dialogue between two friends. Ss should them in their language.

And answer the question: “What is the dialogue about?”

Are free this afternoon?

Is 4:30 ok with you.

Yes that is fine.

See you there.

What time does the court open?

Ss will use sentences in their own dialogues.

They work in pairs. And again changes pairs with other students in class.


-understand the instruction

-part in dialogue

Work in pairs

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


Ex 2, page 40.

Individual work


5 min

T switches on the audio Ss listen and read to find out.

T prepares key words:



This afternoon

Practise basketball

The court

Seven o’clock


Teacher asks them to read again and answer these questions. Then read out the dialogue in pairs.

  • What does Helen want to do?

  • When is the court open?

  • What time do they decide to meet?

Ss listen the dialogue and find the correct words.

Listen again and answer the questions. Read to class and work in pairs.


-understand the speech

-put correct words

-answer the questions

-read out the dialogue

-work in pairs

Total: 1point


Pupils Book

Page 40, ex 2.

Pair work

Act out”

5 min

Teacher asks Ss to change the words that they have found from listening and act out a similar dialogue about friends.

Ex 2.

Aim:Develop their memory skills

Efficiency: supports them to compile sentences.

Differentiation: all students changes the words and some of them act out to the class adding another information about themselves.

Ss change the words and work in pairs.

They put words about yourselves that describes they.


  • Changes the words

  • Act out a similar dialogue

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


Page 40, ex 2.

End of the lesson.

5 min


Individual work:

Teacher shows times







And asks them use these times to make a suggestion to meet with their friends.

Ss say the time and compile short sentences.

Aim: review the new theme


Corrects themselves listening others





Тексерілді: ______ .



Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.



Grade: 5а,ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Friendship 2.

Listening and role-playing a story about friends.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular top

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: remember extended talk of general and curricular topic

Most learners will be able to: understand opinion of the writer in short texts

Some learners will be able to: express thoughts and act out a similar feelings

Value links:

Respect friend’s opinion


Part of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

Whole class

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

Telling the time”

T shows Ss a clock to ask times.

  • What is the time, please?

  • It’s … .

Teacher shows video about time.

Ss respond if possible and say the time.

Use the table and the clock faces to ask each other the time.

The aim: recall the time to speak about friend’s table time.

Efficiency: Ss looking at clock remember the time

better .

After writing T tries to answer all the questions and appreciate their work saying “well done”, “Excellent”.

White board



Explanation” method

Pair work

T explains Ss how to ask time and how tell the time.


*What’s the time, please?

*Have you got the time please?

*What time is it, please?


-it is five o’clock.

-it’s half past two.

-it’s ten past three.

-it’a twenty to ten.

Then gives a time to practice.

T support all students to understand the theme.

Ss practice asking and telling the time.

Works in pairs. Asks to each other questions and answers. And changes the role.

What time do you get up?

What time do you have breakfast?

What time does your lesson start?



Praise word”

well done”, “Excellent”


PPT (With examples)


Student’s Book

Page 40, ex 1

Middle of the lesson

Find out ”

Teacher gives dialogues about two friends. These sentences are from a dialogue between two friends. Ss should them in their language.

And answer the question: “What is the dialogue about?”

Are free this afternoon?

Is 4:30 ok with you.

Yes that is fine.

See you there.

What time does the court open?

Ss will use sentences in their own dialogues.

They work in pairs. And again changes pairs with other students in class.


-understand the instruction

-part in dialogue

Work in pairs

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


Ex 2, page 40.

Individual work


T switches on the audio Ss listen and read to find out.

T prepares key words:



This afternoon

Practise basketball

The court

Seven o’clock


Teacher asks them to read again and answer these questions. Then read out the dialogue in pairs.

  • What does Helen want to do?

  • When is the court open?

  • What time do they decide to meet?

Ss listen the dialogue and find the correct words.

Listen again and answer the questions. Read to class and work in pairs.


-understand the speech

-put correct words

-answer the questions

-read out the dialogue

-work in pairs

Total: 1point


Pupils Book

Page 40, ex 2.

Pair work

Act out”

Teacher asks Ss to change the words that they have found from listening and act out a similar dialogue about friends.

Ex 2.

Aim:Develop their memory skills

Efficiency: supports them to compile sentences.

Differentiation: all students changes the words and some of them act out to the class adding another information about themselves.

Ss change the words and work in pairs.

They put words about yourselves that describes they.


  • Changes the words

  • Act out a similar dialogue

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


Page 40, ex 2.

End of the lesson.


Individual work:

Teacher shows times







And asks them use these times to make a suggestion to meet with their friends.

Ss say the time and compile short sentences.

Aim: review the new theme


Corrects themselves listening others





School №8


Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.



Grade: 5а,ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

What we value 1

Comparing the value of different things and listening to a story.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: define specific information of the text.

Most learners will be able to: memorize the meaning of the text to check.

Some learners will be able to: collect information about own countries values to express to class.

Value links:

Respect own country values


Part of the lesson/


Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

Whole class

5 мин.

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

Teacher explains about celebrations of countries. Shows a lot of demonstrations to discuss in class.

Ss discuss the celebrations and say the dates of the celebrations.

The aim: to summarize discussion to find the theme of the lesson

Efficiency: Ss brainstorm about celebrities and dates.


Two stars, a wish”

White board


find the envelope” method

Pair work

7 min.

Teacher writes in cards the new words and hide them under the desk. And asks students to fine the envelope.

After finding and opening the envelope teacher asks Ss:

What is theme for today?”

Teacher elicit students to find the theme of the lesson.

After defining the theme T explains the aim of the lesson and what about are they learn today.

Ss look for everywhere and find the envelope. Open and discuss the words.

Ss define the theme of the lesson

The aim: T wants to know how many words they know.

Efficiency: Ss interests to seek and discuss, they will predict the lesson and share with different thoughts.


Praise word”

well done”, “Excellent”


PPT (With words)

Pupils Book

Page 41.

Middle of the lesson

Across cultures ”

Group work

12 min.

Teacher divides students using “1,2” counting method.

Group 1: Women’s day

Group 2: Father’s day

Gr 1. read the Women’s day.

Gr 2. read the Father’s day

After reading Ss will prepare a presentation. Prepares question according to the text.

And makes a short test.

Ss read the text, prepares presentation, questions and tests.

Gr 1 will present first.

Gr 2 will present second.

Asks questions and do tests.

The aim: dividing group and making presentation breaks down barriers between Ss.

Efficiency: Ss learn respect each other.


All students read the text, most of them answer the questions, some of present to class.


-read the text

-do a presentation

-answer the questions

-make a test

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


Ex 1, page 41.

Individual work


4 min.

After presenting the celebrations Teacher asks students to mark true/false sentences.

Teacher asks them give the answers to their partners.

Teacher gives 3 min to think.

Ss mark true/false sentences

Ss check each other and evaluates each other.


-understand the story

-mark true sentences correctly

-mark false sentences correctly

Total: 1point


Pupils Book

Page 41, ex 2.

Individual work

7 min

Teacher gives cards to each Ss.

They should complete the sentence about themselves.

I love my mum because … .

My dad is very special to me because … .

I love my brother/sister because … .

Students complete the sentence about themselves.


Humburger” method


-understand the instruction

-complete the sentences


Pupils Book

Page 41, ex 3.

End of the lesson.

5 min


Individual work:

5 min.

Question time” method

Teacher asks question to conclude the lesson.

When we celebrate women’s day?

Do Kazakhstanis celebrate this day?

Do Kazakhstanis celebrate Father’s day?

Ss answer the questions.

Aim: reflect Ss knowledge about celebrations.


Ss revise the information step by step.





Тексерілді: ______ .



Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.



Grade: 5А,Ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Talking and writing about actions they value in friends and learning a song about friends.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.UE5 use questions, including tag questions to seek agreement, and clarify meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: make clear questions to work in pairs

Most learners will be able to: understand and respond to the questions on a curricular topic

Some learners will be able to: analyze the main idea of the topic.

Value links:

Respect own country values

Part of the lesson/


Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

Whole class

5 мин.

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

Song. Teacher asks students to read the theme of the song. And asks them: Who might say this sentence? Why?

Then T switches on the song and Ss listen.

First Ss students answer the question and discuss in whole class. Give a lot of correct variants.

After listening the song, they discuss if the singer good or no.

The aim: learnt to predict the content

Efficiency: develop their speaking skills



White board

Pupils Book

Page 44,

ex 6.


Pair work

12 min.

Grammar time. T explains what is the Tag question.

A tag question is a special construction in English. It is a statement followed by a mini-question. We use tag questions to ask for confirmation. They mean something like: "Is that right?" or "Do you agree?" They are very common in English.

The basic structure of a tag question is:

Positive statement

Negative tag

Snow is white,

isn’t it?

Negative tag

Positive statement

You don’t like me,

do you?

Ss writes down to their copybook the rules.

Gives a lot of examples, and makes short questions.

Rewrite the questions and make tag questions.

  • Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, ?

  • The car isn't in the garage, ?

  • You are John, ?

  • She went to the library yesterday, ?

  • He didn't recognize me, ?

  • Cars pollute the environment, ?

  • Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, ?

  • The trip is very expensive, ?

The aim: T teach them to identify the types of questions.

Efficiency: Ss learn make correct questions


Praise word”

well done”, “Excellent”


-understand the grammar

-give examples

-make a tag questions



PPT (With explanations an exercise)

Middle of the lesson

True friends”

Individual work

17 min.

Teacher describes true friends.

Mind map” method.

Teacher writes on the board “True friends”.

And asks Ss to describe true friends.

And now Ss let’s read Nurlan’s poster.

Teacher asks Ss to create a receipt for friendship with the title How to be a true friend.

Ss write on the board a lot of descriptions.

Ss read Nurlan’s poster.

And complete the sentence below.

To me, a true friend is someone that …. .

Ss make a list of good manners to be a true friendship. And display to the class.

The aim: discussing like this theme make students to be true in their life.

Efficiency: very good way to educate Ss.


All students give examples, most of them complete the sentence, some of write list of true friend’s descriptions and present to class.


-give examples

-complete the sentence

-list good manners of true friends

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


Ex 1, page 41.

Individual work


7 min.

Do the quiz.

Teacher asks Ss answer the questions.

  1. Who’s Fred Flintstone’s wife?

  2. Can Barney Rubble play the piano?

  3. What the word to your mother’s member?

  4. What is Pebbles Flintstone’s pet?

  5. What is a nuclear family?

  6. When do Canadians celebrate Father’s day?

  7. When is Women’s Day in Kazakhstan?

Ss answer the questions.


-remember the text

-answer the questions

Total: 1point


Pupils Book

Page 44, ex 4.

End of the lesson.


Individual work:

4 min.

What I know, knew, want to know” method

Teacher gives Ss cards.

Teacher knows what they know about knew theme.

Ss complete the table

Aim: reflect Ss knowledge for whole unit.


Ss revise the information step by step.





Тексерілді: ______ .


The world of work

Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.



Grade: 5а,ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Professions 1

Finding out about jobs, talking and writing about jobs.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.R9 recognize the difference between fact and opinion in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: recognize the main parts of story in a limited range of curricular topics

Most learners will be able to: use subject-specific vocabulary in their talk

Some learners will be able to: memorize the essence of each story and evaluate formal and informal registers in their talk.

Value links:

A secular society with high spirituality


Part of the lesson/


Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

Whole class

8 мин.

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

Dividing into 3 groups by professions.

An ecologist, a farmer, a geologist.

Warm up. Stay in a circle. Name a virtual place on the Earth where you would like to be (the mountain, the forest, the sea….)

Who chose the mountain – they are group “geologist”.

Who chose the sea – they are group “ecologist”.

Who chose the forest – they are group “farmer”.

First Ss will choose the cards then open the cards. After teacher’s instruction they will sit places where teacher prepared.

The aim: make them to imagine where they want to go.

Efficiency: this method is quicker way to divide in groups.


The praise” method is used to motivate Ss.

Well done, very well”

Cards with group names..


Pair work

12 min.

Brain storming to lead-in the theme. A learner writes one word from the theme “Different types of occupations” on a sheet of paper and sticks it on the board.

A farmer, a tractor driver a combine driver

A miller,a baker, a seller

A driver, a police officer a post man

A fisherman, a fire man a vet

A horse trainer, a builder a……..

Dividing all the occupations in 2 types:

Outdoor occupations Indoor occupation

Work with vocabulary. Phonetic drills

an ecologist, a pilot,

a shepherd,

a cosmonaut, a sailor

a cowboy

After that play “a memory game” to learn the lexical material by heart, by cleaning out one word each time.

Ss writes down to their copybook the rules.

Ss read the professions in pairs and discuss and divide them into 2groups.

Then they give answers to another pairs to check. After that all Ss make a general decision.

Writing the words and phrases into vocabularies with their transcription and definition.

The aim: breaks barriers between students and makes friendship atmosphere

Efficiency: effective way to remember.


Two wish, a star”


-divide in 2 groups

-work in pairs



PPT (With explanations an exercise)

Middle of the lesson

Pair work

10 min.

Teacher explains the instruction of the task.

Role – playing

Learners are asked to show the given occupation on the card through the method “Pantomime”

Make up and act out a dialogue in pairs about your favorite occupation.

Ss prepares and works in pairs.

The aim: develop speaking skills and learn to feel themselves comfortable between friends

Efficiency: makes them to dream and imagine their future profession


All students choose their favorite occupations and most of them asks and some of them answers correctly.


-choose the occupations

-ask questions

-answer questions

-work in pairs

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


page 45.

Cards with occupations.

Pair work


10 min.

Exercise 1 b.

In pairs, match the sentences (1-8) to the pictures (A-H)

Ss first scan and skim the task, then match the sentences with pictures.


-remember the professions

-matches the sentences with pictures

Total: 1point


Pupils Book

Page 45, ex 1b.

End of the lesson.


Pair work:

5 min.

Who works:



Long hours?


Full time?

Looking at the picture and times they say their working times in pairs.

Ss works in pairs and discuss about professions and their working times.

Aim: reflect lesson using this method to check Ss understanding.


Ss revise the information and it helps them to remember better.


A learner is asked to show his position on the “Blob tree “according to the lesson.



Тексерілді: ______ .


The world of work

Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.



Grade: 5А,Ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Professions 2

Preparing to interview two workers, interviewing them and writing about the interviews.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including common noun phrases describing times and location, on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W9 punctuate written work at text level on a limited range of familiar general with some accuracy

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: recognize grammar to use in speech

Most learners will be able to: complete correctly the written work with some accuracy

Some learners will be able to: compose a correct constructed sentence on a curricular topic.

Value links:

Be proud of own profession

Part of the lesson/


Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

Group work

7 мин.

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

Read the box. What are these words in our language?

Subject pronoun: Object pr.

I me

You you

He/she/it him/her/it

We us

You you

They them

Then teacher divides Ss in 2 groups. By method “Counting”

Find subject/object pronoun in the text.

Hi! I am Bibigul. I’m 10 years old. This is my friend Aiman. Look at her. She is beautiful. She is 10, like me. We are from Kazakhstan.

Ss recall the pronouns and find from text object/subject pronouns.

The aim: recall the grammar to deduce a conversation.

Efficiency: Ss will remember the grammar and will use without mistakes during the work.


The praise” method is used to motivate Ss.

Well done, very well”

White board

Pupil’s book

Page 48, ex 1.


Pair work

Role play”

5 min.

Ss will rewrite the text on page 48, ex 1b. about themselves.

A pair should retell to class their pairs work.

Ss write a short topic about themselves.

They tell each other about themselves and a pair retell to class.

The aim develop writing skill. They learn to compose a short topic

Efficiency: this method helps to weak students to compile sentences.


Thumbs up, Thumbs down”


-rewrite the topic

-work in pairs

-present to class



Pupil’s book

Page 48, ex 1.

Middle of the lesson

Individual work

10 min.

Teacher explains Question words. Exercise 3.

Read the box. Say the highlighted words in your language.

Exercise 4. Read the answers. Write the questions.

For example:

My name is Ulan.

What is your name? so on

Ss read the box and write the questions.

The aim:  learn to make a question and develop grammar skills

Efficiency: define where use the question words.


Doing individual work T can see how many students understand the instruction.


-read the question words

-write the questions

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


page 48, ex3, 4.

Individual work


8 min.

T asks Ss look at the job adverts (A,B).

What are the jobs?

What qualities do you need to do these jobs?

(Ss and T discuss)

Then t asks them to look at the dialogue. Which of the jobs in the adverts is it about? Read through and check.

Fill in the gaps with: how, what, where, when.

Exercise 2,3.

Ss look at the pictures and discuss with classmates.

Ss look at the exercise 2 on page 52. And read the dialogue. In pairs complete the dialogue with Question words.


-discuss with classmates

-read the dialogue

-complete the dialogue correctly

Total: 1point


Pupils Book

Page 52, ex 1,2,3.

Work in pairs

Role play”

5 min

Take roles and read the dialogue aloud in pairs.

Ss read the dialogue changing their role.

Aim: develop reading skills

Efficiency: learn new phrases from reading the dialogue


Defines Ss reading abilities. T can correct pronunciation of all students. Some Ss read accurately and clearly.


The Praise”

Good job,

Very good!

Pupil’s book

Page 52, exercise 2.

Pair work

Act out”

5 min

Now look at the other job advert. Act out a dialogue for this job, similar to the one in Ex 2.

T works on Pronunciation

Ss work in pairs, act out a role choosing another type of jobs.



Pupil’s book

Page 52, exercise 5.

End of the lesson.


5 min.

Teacher gives 3 sentences.

They should rewrite object and subject pronouns.

Linda is 12 years old.

Jim and I from London.

Look at Steve?

Ss try to write without mistakes.

Aim: compose all thoughts and develop memory skills


Ss learn think quickly and recall the grammar.


Three facts”




Тексерілді: ______ .


The world of work

Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.



Grade: 5а,ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Professions 2

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.R9 recognize the difference between fact and opinion in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: tell the meaning from context in short, supported talk on a curricular topics.

Most learners will be able to: paraphrase the linking words from the text

Some learners will be able to: relate meaning clearly and classify fact and opinion in short texts.

Value links:

Be proud of own profession


Part of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

Group work

7 мин.

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

Teacher shows a lot of fun professions on board. And prepared a special costume to play a role.

  1. Clown

  2. Circus actor

  3. Santa clause

First teacher counts to 5. Who is 5, that person will play a role clown. So on.

After playing the game Ss will share their impressions how do they feel themselves.

The aim: develop Ss ideas and creative.

Efficiency: act out method helps them to be proud about their parents profession. Ss will understand that to be a professional they must study a lot.


The praise” method is used to motivate Ss.

Well done, very well”

White board


Pair work


5 min.

Look at the picture and the headings. What is each person’s job?

Teacher shows a lot of picture on the board.

After 2 min teacher shows them correct answer.

Teachers says to work on their mistakes.

Ss say and discuss in class.

After watching the answer they work on mistakes.

The aim Discussion is a very common phenomenon both in everyday life settings and in the more formal or regulated contexts of, for instance, classrooms. In order to establish what distinguishes discussion from other forms of verbal interaction, it is useful to look into the pragmatics of discussion.

Efficiency: A common motive to start a discussion is because we disagree with our interlocutor. Discussion method helps to make a correct decision.


Thumbs up, Thumbs down”


-define the jobs

-work in pairs

-work on mistakes



PPT (With pictures)

Middle of the lesson

Individual work

10 min.

Teacher explains the instruction of the task.

Listen and read to find out.

Exercise 1.

My fun job”

Answer the questions:

  1. Do they love their job?

  2. What do they do?

Ss should find the answer to these questions.

Ss read the text carefully.

Discuss each other.

Find the answer and tell to class.

The aim:  Exposing them to some vocabulary items they are responsible for in the exam through reading text.

Efficiency: reading helps take from the specific information and   to get an overall idea of the text.


All students read the text and most of them answer the questions, some of them express ideas of the text.


-read the text

-answer questions

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


page 46, ex 1.

Individual work


8 min.

Before doing this task students check the list of words.

If there is new words they write to their copybook.

Read the text again and complete the sentences.

Exercise 2.

Ss check the words and write down new words to their copybook.

Ss complete the sentences.


-read the text

-complete the sentences

Total: 1point


Pupils Book

Page 46, ex 2.

Work in pairs


5 min

Which job would you like/not like to do?


Tell your partner.

Ss tell their pairs about their like/dislike professions.

Aim: develop speking skills and thinking skills of students

Efficiency: they will understand why they like/dislike that job asking question “Why”.


Method “Think” helps to see Ss abilities. We have different students and teacher can support to weak students.


The Praise”

Good job,

Very good!

Pupil’s book

Page 46, exercise 2b.

Pair work

Story time”

5 min

Teacher says Ss to share with their parents’ job.

Do they like/dislike their job?


  1. About profession of parents

  2. Like/dislike

  3. What about you

Ss work in pairs, according to the criterias try to give all information.



White board

T writes the criterias on the board

End of the lesson.


5 min.

T hung up the definition of new words, Ss should find the word.

Ss work in pairs.

Try to find the words.

Aim: develop their memory skills


Ss revise the words and learn their descriptions


Thumbs up, down” method



Тексерілді: ______ .


The world of work

Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.



Grade: 5а,ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Outdoor, factory and service jobs 1

Finding out about and writing about farmers and fisherman and locating where they work in Kazakhstan.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5S7 use appropriate subject –specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about limited range of general topics

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W6 link, with support ,sentences into coherent paragraphs using basis connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: know the name of the profession;

Most learners will be able to: use topical vocabulary and make short sentences;

Some learners will be able to: make up and create a quiz test about the profession;

Value links:

Be proud of own profession


Part of the lesson/

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

Group work

13 мин.

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

T divides students into 3 groups by method “Mosaic”.




Teacher cuts the text. Ss should reorder the topic. Then answer the questions.


A farmer lives in a village. He grow crops and keeps animals. He works very hard. He gets up early morning and begins to work in the field. He takes his plough and a pair of oxen with him. He continues to work from morning to evening. For him, rain, cold or sun do not matter much. A farmer leads a very simple life. A farmer grows food, grains, vegetables and fruits.

1. Where are lives the farmers?

2. How does he work?

3. What they grow up?

Ss sit on their group.

Reorder the topic.

And answer the questions.

The aim: interest in learning some new topics

Efficiency: brainstorm their knowledge.


The praise” method is used to motivate Ss.

Well done, very well”


Reorder the text

Read the text

Answer the questions

1 point


White board with questions


Individually work

5 min.

T take out the text and gives another task.

Complete the sentences using specific vocabulary.

Village, oxen, fruit, vegetables, field, food, grain.

1. A farmer lives in a __________.

2. He gets up early morning and begins to work in the__________.

3. He takes his plough and pair of __________ with him.

4. A farmer grow ______, ______ , ______ and _______.

Ss complete the sentence using specific vocabulary.

The aim check students memory and develop thinking skills

Efficiency: this method learn Ss to know new phrases


Thumbs up, Thumbs down”


-use specific vocabulary

-complete the sentence




Middle of the lesson

Individual work

Mind map”

10 min.

Look at the pictures and read the title. Why do you think ants are amazing?

Ss make mind map about qualities of ants.

Listen and read the text to find out.

Ss make a mind map about qualities of ants.

Read the text and find out.

The aim:  brainstorm Ss mind before reading the text

Efficiency: develop vocabulary skills.


Mind map revise their brain to describe ants. Ss express the words clearly some of them need support of teacher


-make mind map

-read the text

Total: 1point


Pupils Book


page 54, ex1.

Individual work

3 min.

Read again and replace the words in bold with: queen ant, worker ant, soldier ant, drone.

Ss read the text again and replace the words in bold


-read the text

-replace the words

Total: 1point


Pupils Book

Page 54, ex 2.

Individual work

Three facts”

5 min

Write down three facts from the text that you find interesting.

Tell the class.

Ss skim and scan the text again. And write down three facts that interested them.

Tell the class.

Aim: develop Ss scanning and skimming skills

Efficiency: learn to define their interests


According to their understanding and writing skills Ss do this task.


The Praise”

Good job,

Very good!

Pupil’s book

Page 54, exercise 3.

Pair work

T/F quiz”

5 min

In groups collect more information about ants and prepare a short true/false quiz about them.

Ss collect more information from the text or teacher allow them to use internet research.

Ss prepare T/F quiz test


-collect information

-prepared quiz


Pupil’s book

Page 54, exercise 4.

End of the lesson.


4 min.

Teacher use the T/F quiz test to reflect the lesson.

Ss swap quizzes with another group and do the quiz.

Ss do the quiz and after finishing evaluate the another group.

Aim: develop thinking skills


Learn evaluate each other.




Thumbs up, thumbs down



Тексерілді: ______ .


The world of work

Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.



Grade: 5 а,ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Outdoor, factory and service jobs 2

Linking outdoor jobs with factory jobs and service jobs and finding out about jobs in Kazakhstan

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: produce simple sentences using have to/doesn’t have to

Most learners will be able to: describe people jobs with support factual descriptions

Some learners will be able to: respond simple questions to say information of general topics

Value links:

Be proud of own profession


Part of the lesson/

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

Individual work

3 мин.

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

Listen and repeat.

Exercise 3.

Look at the pictures.

Can you describe jobs by their qualities?

Use these words:

Friendly Brave Enthusiastic Hardworking Fit Careful Polite Calm Patient Creative

Ss listen and repeat the qualities and give examples.

The aim: know the jobs characteristics describing them

Efficiency can improve vocabulary mastery of the students .


The Praise” method is used to motivate Ss.

Very good’

Very well”


Pupil’s book

Ex 3, page 47


Individual work

8 min.

Have to/don’t have to (rules)

Read the table. Say the examples in your language.

Ex 7

Teacher explains the grammar.

Ss read the table and say examples in our language.

The aim explain grammar Ss to use the rules correctly during the lesson.

Efficiency: improve possibilities of speaking and literate Ss.


Two stars, a wish”


-read the table

- make sentences

1 point


Pupil’s book

Ex 7, page 49

Middle of the lesson

Group work

Fill in”

8 min.

Max and Amy got new jobs. Look at what they have/don’t have to do. Fill in. have to, has to or doesn’t have to

Max: baker /Amy police officer

Ex 8.

Ss fill the gaps with have/has to and doesn’t have to.

The aim:  learn to make time table to their future profession

Efficiency: know the jobs time tables and their works


Ss fill the gaps in groups and use have to/has to in their task. Most of them understand the grammar how to use, some of them give another examples of using.


-understand the task

-fill the gaps

Total: 1point


Pupil’s book

Ex 8, page 49

Individual work

10 min.

Read the list of rules for a pizza delivery boy and then write what Mark

Has to do

Doesn’t have to do

List of rules:

Be on time for work

Have his own


Be polite

Wear a suit and tie

Work 9-5


Mark has to be on time for work.

Ss read the list of rules

And write what Mark has to do, doesn’t have to do.


-read the list rules

-write what he has to do

Total: 1point


Pupil’s book

Ex 10, page 49

Individual work


8 min

Complete the exchanges as in the example.

A: does she have to start at 9;00 am?

B: Yes, she does

Teacher asks them to read the task.

Ss complete exchanges as in the example and read to a class to check themselves.

Aim: develop literacy skills and improve grammar skills.

Efficiency: measure the grammar skills and view points of Ss


This method define grammar literacy of students


Two stars, a wish”


-complete the sentences

-read to class


Pupil’s book

Page 49, exercise 9.

Individual work

7 min

Teacher asks Ss say what they have to do/has to do during the lesson.


I have to get up at 7.00.

I don’t have to run in the morning.

Ss say about themselves to class.


-understand the instruction

-say about themselves



Pupil’s book

End of the lesson.


1 min.

Teacher puts cards with a blue apples, yellow apples and red apples.

Ss have to choose one of them and stick to the tree.

Ss choose the apples and stick to the tree

Aim: develop self assessment skills


Easy way to define Ss understanding the theme.

Tree assessment

Blue apple – I learned a lot today

Yellow apple – I like/ I don’t like

Red apple – I still have questions



Тексерілді: ______ .

Unit 4: The world of work

School: №8

Date: 13.12.23

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5 а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Outdoor, factory and service jobs 2

Linking outdoor jobs and service jobs and finding out about jobs in Kazakhstan

Learning objectives

5S7 use appropriate subject –specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about limited range of general topics

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W6 link, with support ,sentences into coherent paragraphs using basis connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: know the name of the profession;

Most learners will be able to: use topical vocabulary and make short sentences;

Some learners will be able to: make up and create a dialogue about the profession;

Assessment criteria

answers of open questions;

complete the sentences using specific vocabulary;

make up sentences into coherent paragraphs using basis connectors;

Previous learning

Outdoor, factory and service jobs 1

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Warm up.

Learners will stand of a circle. And answer the question: What do you want to be?

Learners ask: I want to be a businessman, a tour guide…

By means of mosaic class divided into two groups.

The first group “Businessman” and second group “Dentist”.

Learners do the task

Verbal evaluation




35 min


Task 1. Complete the sentences using specific vocabulary.

Village, oxen, fruit, vegetables, field, food, grain.

1. A farmer lives in a __________.

2. He gets up early morning and begins to work in the__________.

3. He takes his plough and pair of __________ with him.

4. A farmer grow ______, ______ , ______ and _______.

Task 2

The first group make up the sentences using the words from the text: live, work, rain, cold, fruit, simple life

The second group make up short answers question using pictures.

Descriptor: A learner

make up sentences

Learners complete the sentences

Learners make up the sentences

Learners make up short answers question using pictures

Individual evaluation

Descriptor: A learner

work on individual

complete the sentences

https:\\www.english online.ru


5 min


If they like the lesson, they will get a yellow sticker, and if it is difficult at the lesson, get a purple sticker on the poster.

Home task: Make 3 sentences by the text

Saying goodbye

Learners write the short topic about future profession.



Тексерілді: ______ .

Unit 4: The world of work

School: №8

Date: 15.02.23

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5 а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Outdoor, factory and service jobs 2

Learning objectives

5S7 use appropriate subject –specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about limited range of general topics

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W6 link, with support ,sentences into coherent paragraphs using basis connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: know the name of the profession;

Most learners will be able to: use topical vocabulary and make short sentences;

Some learners will be able to: make up and create a dialogue about the profession;

Assessment criteria

answers of open questions;

complete the sentences using specific vocabulary;

make up sentences into coherent paragraphs using basis connectors;

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




10 min


Teacher asks learners to look at images of jobs and guess the job by listening to clues. The name of job appears below of its image as students guess correctly.

This person is trained in or good at sports (athlete)

This person is skilled at drawing, painting (artist)

This person who bakes bread and other products using an oven (baker)

Someone who is in the aviation industry, and who is able to operate aircraft in order to transport passengers or goods from one location to another (pilot)

This person uses tools to build or repair machinery (mechanic)

A person who cleans, especially one whose regular occupation is cleaning offices, buildings, equipment (cleaner)

This person prepares food for consumption (cook)

This person with a medical degree trained to take care of the health of animals (vet)

A person who designs and constructs buildings (engineer)

This worker talks to people, makes notes and writes for a newspaper. (journalist)

This person sells meat (butcher)

Learners look at images of jobs and guess the job by listening to clues.

Verbal evaluation

PPT slide 1


25 min

Vocabulary work

Revise the occupation vocabulary by asking students to add more words to the list they already guessed. Brainstorm with the class and write words on the board as pupils call it out.

Organise the class into four teams. Ask a student to come to the front of the class and give him a her a job card. (e.g. doctor) Say the whole class can ask a maximum of 10 questions to discover his/her job. He/she can only give Yes or No answers. Demonstrate the question types and their short answer forms:

Do you work in a hospital? -Yes, I do/ No. I don’t

Do you work with children? -Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

Have you got a tractor? -Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t

Can you sing? -Yes, I can/ No, I cannot

The team which guesses the job keeps the card. The team with the most cards at the end is the winner.

Learners look at images of farmers and fishermen and say what they have in common. Encourage use of sentences e.g. Farmers and fishermen are / work / give us/ can/ like ____. Elicit that they both are outdoor jobs .

Learners do the task

Learners make up the sentences

Mutual еvaluation

Individual avaluation

Job cards” worksheet

PPT slides 2-3

Writing worksheet


10 min


Name one thing you would like to know more

Give one thing which you find difficult

Name one thing you liked most

Home task: Make 3 sentences by the text

Saying goodbye

Learners name one thing they liked most


Тексерілді: ______ .


The world of work

Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M



Grade: 5а,ә

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Work past and future2

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.L7recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.UE17use if clauses (in zero conditionals); use where clauses use before/after clauses (with past reference);

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: memorize the speaker’s talk in a limited curricular topic.

Most learners will be able to: practice grammar vocabulary in conversation

Some learners will be able to: convert simple questions to get information .

Part of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

5 мин.

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

T stands middle of the class and says: “If I go to market, I will bye a chocolate”

My dears, can you say me, “If you go to Astana, where will you visit?”

Ss answer questions as possible.

The aim: this method improve Ss self-confidence in front of people.

Efficiency: ss practice the if clauses before beginning the lesson.


The praise” method is used to motivate Ss.

Very good’

Very well”

Good job”



White board


Pair work

5 min.


We can make a zero conditional sentence with two present simple verbs:

If + present simple, .... present simple.

This conditional is used when the result will always happen. So, if water reaches 100 degrees, it always boils. It's a fact. I'm talking in general, not about one particular situation. The result of the 'if clause' is always the main clause.

Teacher explains the grammar.

After explanation Ss practise 0 conditional.

  • If I. (wake up) late, I. (be) late for work. ...

  • If my husband. (cook) , he. ...

  • If Julie. (not/wear) a hat, she. ...

  • If children. (not/eat) well, they. ...

  • If you. (mix) water and electricity, you. ...

  • If people. (eat) too many sweets, they. ...

  • If you. (smoke) , you. ...

  • If children. (play) outside, they.

The aim:  to enable students to carry out their communication purposes

Efficiency: grammar is a key of communication. This method helps students understand language


I noticed”

Make an effort to notice a student’s behavior or effort at a task.

White board


Middle of the lesson

Individual work

10 min.

Exercise 1.

Look at the text. What is it?

An email? A blog?

What is about?

Listen, read and check.

(Naulan’s blog)

Monitor the SS. - Check their understanding about apps.

Make modeling and drilling if they have problem with pronunciation.

Ss read the text.

And answer the questions

The aim: know about internet resources better and know importance of apps.

Efficiency: develop technical skills of students.


All students understand the text, most of them tell the importance, but some of them show how to use an email and a blog.


-read the text

-say the answers

Total: 1point


The Praise”

Well done”



Try again”

White board

Pupil’s book

Ex1, p55.

Individual work

12 min

Read the text and find If clauses. Explain meaning of the sentence.

More than one person has told me that becoming an English teacher was a bad career choice. There are too many English teachers looking for work today, they explained. However, my decision to become an English teacher was not based on the job market but rather on where I think I best fit in the grand scheme of things. If language is at the heart of everything we do, then I want to be in the middle of the action, helping others learn to use language well.

Ss read the text find the If clause. Explain it to the class.

The aim:

Ss learn define 0 conditional clause.

Efficiency: helps Ss to understand the grammar clearly.


-read the text

-find the If clause

-explain to class

1 point

White board


Individual work

If clause”

8 min.

Students write a list of professions.

And mix them.

All students will choose one card and open.

What profession will take, will write a sentence using If clause.

Ss write the professions and read to the class.

Ss write sentences using 0 conditional.

If I go to hospital, I see a doctor.

The aim:  develop their grammar literacy skills and learn construction of the If clauses

Efficiency: practice the 0 conditional this method better to involve Ss.


All Ss put the words in the correct order, most of them read to class, some of them check the task.


-choose the profession

-write a sentence

Total: 1point


End of the lesson.


5 min.

Three facts”

If ….. the plants die.

When I get sick I go to the …. .

If it snows the …. is fresh.

Ss try quickly find the missing words

Aim: reflect Ss knowledge about grammar.

Efficiency: students will start correctly use grammar


Two stars, a wish”

White board


Тексерілді: ______ .


The world of work

Teacher’s name:

Serkebayeva M.



Grade: 5ә,а

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Work past and future2

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

5.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: make a report clearly to express in front of the class

Most learners will be able to: memorize some elements of conversation talking about jobs

Some learners will be able to: create a poster to make a discussion about advantages and disadvantages of professions.

Value links:

Respect friendly atmosphere


Part of the lesson/


Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

Warn up

5 мин.

Organization moment :


2. Organization moment.

Body to body” method

Ss stand in a circle.

Count from 1 to 7.

Number 1. They are one pair.

Number 2. They are one pair. So on

First T explain the instruction.

Ss should follow the instruction

Ss play following the instruction.

Head to head

Ears to ears

The aim: fairness way to divide Ss and give good atmosphere to work.

Efficiency: energizes Ss to begin the lesson with good mood.


The praise” method is used to motivate Ss.

Very good’

Very well”

Good job”



White board


Pair work

10 min.


Look at the picture and the headings. What is each person’s job?

Teacher shows a lot of picture on the board.

After 2 min teacher shows them correct answer.

Teachers says to work on their mistakes.

Ss say and discuss in class.

After watching the answer they work on mistakes.

The aim Discussion is a very common phenomenon both in everyday life settings and in the more formal or regulated contexts of, for instance, classrooms. In order to establish what distinguishes discussion from other forms of verbal interaction, it is useful to look into the pragmatics of discussion.

Efficiency: A common motive to start a discussion is because we disagree with our interlocutor. Discussion method helps to make a correct decision.


I noticed”

Make an effort to notice a student’s behavior or effort at a task.

White board


Middle of the lesson

Individual work

10 min.

Take your phones. Today you may use phone. Teacher divides into 3 groups.

Method “Singer”

Doctor”, “Teacher”

Teacher cuts the words. Students take one piece of paper and construct them. Then find their groups.

Today Ss will write email to famous person.

Ss follow the instruction.

Find their group and find the email of famous people and send them email.

The aim: know about internet resources better and know importance of apps.

Efficiency: develop technical skills of students.


All students understand the text, most of them tell the importance, but some of them show how to use an email and a blog.


-find email adress

-write email

Total: 1point


The Praise”

Well done”



Try again”

White board



Internet resourse

Individual work

15 min

T asks to collect information about that famous person. And make a poster

Ss prepare a lot of information about that famous person and make a poster.

The aim:

Develop speaking skills and critical thinking skills

Efficiency: helps Ss to break shy habits.


-find information

-present to class

-ask questions.

1 point

White board


End of the lesson.


5 min.

Teacher at the end of lesson asks Ss do they understand the lesson?

Ss show their fingers.

And teacher knows their level of understanding.

Then solve problems who doesn’t understand the lesson.

Ss show their fingers.

Aim: teach to assess themselves.

Efficiency: students will really assess themselves


Five fingers”

thumb- It was meaningful and interesting for Ss…

Index finger – Today I have realized …

Middle finger – It was difficult for me to …

Ring finger – my assessment is … because …

Little finger – I would like to know …

White board

Тексерілді: ______ .

Unit 4. The world of work

School: №8

Date: 27.12.23

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

CLASS: 5а,ә

Number present:


Lesson title


Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.S3 give on opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which. describe people, places and objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to speak on the topic “Professions” using active vocabulary in 3-4 sentences with support

Most learners will be able to get information on the topic “Professions” using active vocabulary in 5-7 sentences with little support

Some learners will be able to present information on the topic “Professions” in a short story using active vocabulary in 8-9 sentences without support

Assessment criteria

A learner can speak on the topic “Professions” using active vocabulary

Values links

Support, help, respect, cooperation

Cross curricular links

Kazakh, Russian languages

Previous learning

Unit revision

Planned timings

Teacher activities

Students activities





Activity 1.Creating positive atmosphere “Wishes”.

Learners greet each other and wish good work, be active, good knowledge at the lesson

Record professions learners remember on board.

Activity 2. Warm-up. “Song”

Learners listen to the song in first web link. They say occupations they heard then listen again to add others.




(30 min)







Activity 3. Writing. “Matching technology”

Task 1. Match pictures with words in Russian, Kazakh and English

Activity 4. Division into groups with cards “Professions”.

The 1st group-singers, the 2nd group-actors

Activity 5. Speaking and Writing. “Insert method”

Activity 7 . Writing. “What do you want to be? ”

Task 1. Describe your future profession. Write 5-7 sentences.

I want to be a ____________________________________________________________________

Task 2. Writing. “Matching technology ”. Match the jobs with their descriptions below.

Learners match words with correct sentences

Learners match pictures with words, listen to the song again to check.

Learners collect cutting parts of the sign.

Task 1. Look at pictures on the cards write and says what workers are wearing and doing (teacher, doctor, policeman, fireman)

For Example: He’s / She’s wearing  ____. He’s / she’s ____ing.

Groups write their opinion and read.

Activity 6. Dynamic pause. "double this double that"

Learner writes essay uses active vocabulary

Formative assessment “Smiles”

Handout 1




Handout 2







Activity 8. Feedback. “Five fingers”

Learners give feedback at the end of the lesson.


Тексерілді: ______ .

Unit 5: Creativity

School: №8

Date: 10.01.24


Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Art 1

Talking and writing about paintings and buildings and finding out about colours and shapes.

Learning objectives

5 L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5 S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5 W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5 UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to use the main points of supported advanced communication on a range of general and curricular topics

Most learners will be able to explain and compare using vocabulary of general topic

Some learners will be able to explain and evaluate, using appropriate subject-specific vocabulary a limited range of general topics in making sentences


makes up questions in order talk about main points of listening

uses vocabulary a limited range of common topics

evaluates and proves his mind

Previous learning

Revision unit 4

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Org. moment: Greeting learners

Warm-up: The aim of this warm-up repeat name of thing around us.

What is it?

Teacher chooses some pictures of object that are familiar to learners. Teacher shows learners a small portion of the picture. Get them to guess what the picture might be.

Dividing into subgroups using difference shapes and color of figure

Learners will listen in audio about the wonder of the world and their forms (circle, rectangle, square, semicircle and triangle).


35 min

Task 1 Work in groups (S+S)

After listening learners are asked to fill the gaps to complete the sentences.

1st group makes up the questions

2nd group complete the sentence by sticking shapes


Inner Circle, Outer Circle

This a variation on Think Pair Share. Rather than keeping the same partner for each topic, pairings change with each question. Divide the class in half and form two circles, one inside the other.

After a question has been answered and shared, have the inner circle rotate so that everyone gets a new partner.

Task 2 Work in pairs (S+S)

Make up a dialogue using comparative and superlative adjectives in pairs.

Task 3 Work in groups

Look at the picture on the whiteboard and make up sentences using comparative adjectives of general topic.

Task 4 Work in groups

Two groups will be given colored and different shapes of figures to make up something and protect their creation.

Learners make and answer the questions

Learners in the inner circle talk with learners in the outer circle.

Learners make up a dialogue


make up sentences using comparative and superlative adjectives


use the different shapes of figure

make up something

protect work

Verbal evaluation

Mutual avaluatio

Individual avaluation



Sheets of paper

Shapes of figures

Hand signals


5 min


At the end of the lesson, students reflect on:

- what they learned

- what remained unclear for them

- what they need to continue working on by the "Traffic lights"

Home task: Ex: 2 at page 58 Read the text and answer the questions. Who’s Harry Potter? How are these

creatures related to him?

Saying goodbye


Тексерілді: ______ .

Unit 5: Creativity

School: №8

Date: 15.01.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Art 2

Finding out about and describing lines and symmetry in objects, portraits and their own faces.

Learning objectives

5.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able:

To pronounce proper names correctly

To reorder cards to create the story

Most learners will be able:

To explain the use of present and past tenses

Some learners will be able:

Speak about Kazakh legend


peer/group assessment

Previous learning


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




10 min


Setting the aim of the lesson

Phonetic drill:

1. Who is in story? Merlin (= magician and King Arthur’s friend) Guinevere (= King Arthur’s wife) Lancelot ( = a brave knight) , Galahad ( = a brave knight) ,

2. Where does the story happen? Camelot ( = castle) Avalon ( = place where they sleep and wait to rescue people)

3. What is the name of the sword? (Excalibur)

Learners look at names of people in King Arthur story on board and listen to pronunciation

Slide 3 PPP


25 min

5 min


Students are divided into pairs (or groups), given worksheets and asked to colour them and cut out the pieces. (colours are pointed at the bottom of the card in the worksheet, students use this colour code to match and connect the cards to make up a coherent text. As colours are repeated students should pay attention to punctuation, as well as the logical syntax of the sentences)


Teacher dictates a short version of a Kazakh legend in English.

Students describe the picture of Paul Klee.

For this activity, they will get an activity sheet with questions.

Students will also have the picture on the power point.

In the end teacher and students summarize the vocabulary on power point. For this activity teacher may also have shapes cut out of papers. Teacher may point to the shape students raise the card.

Differentiation: Teacher supports students throughout the class.

Every pair/group correct their peers’ text and comment on their work.

Learners read and write the text on the board

Learners draw some of the things they hear about in the legend.

Mutual avaluatio

Individual avaluation

Verbal evaluation

WorksheetScissors crayons or coloured pencils

Nixon, C. and Tomlinson, M. (2003) Primary Grammar Box Cambridge: CUP (p. 106, p.107


5 min


At the end of the lesson, students reflect on:

- what they learned

- what remained unclear for them

- what they need to continue working on

by the "Traffic lights"

Home task: find Kazakh legend

read and translate the text at page 114 The Magic garden

Saying goodbye


Тексерілді: ______ .

Unit 5: Creativity

School: №8


Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5 ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Music 1

Finding out about instruments and the sections of an orchestra.

Learning objectives

5 L 6. Deduce meaning from context in short supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5 S 3. give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to :

-listen and repeat all new words, make up sentences with comparative and superlative adjectives

-make up sentences to each musical instruments

compare them using the degrees of adjectives

Assessment criteria

Express a point of view in sentences

Use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative forms in their speech.

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




10 min


- What did we learn at previous lesson ?

Teacher introduces pupil with the theme, learning objectives and assessment criteria.

Let’s watch a video and you will understand the theme of our lesson.

Activity “ Numbers speak”

What did you understand from this video?

Is music necessary in our life?

Do you remember kinds of music and musical instruments?

Do you think that music can change your lives? Why ?

Learner finds out your piece of picture

Verbal evaluation

Video clip about music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiF8YlKNx4g

Cards with numbers


20 min

Listen and match the types of music A-H to the musical instruments in the pictures.

a classical b rock c jazz d folk e heavy metal f disco g pop h ethnic

1 acoustic guitar

2 synthesizer 3 saxophone

4. harp

5 drums

6 cello

7 violin

8 piano

9 accordion

10 .bass guitar

Descriptors : A

Say simple sentences using instruments.

Grammar : The degrees of adjectives

Make up sentences and compare the using the degrees of adjectives

Group “ Violin” compare guitar and dombra

group “ Piano” will compare violin and kobyz

Learner makeS up sentences with musical instruments.

Learner listens to the text carefully

matches types of music with the musical instruments in the pictures

Learners make up sentences and compare the using the degrees of adjectives

Individual evaluation

Photos of musical instruments


10 min


Thumbs up – normal

Thumbs down – very difficult

Home task: learn the new words and grammar theme

Saying goodbye

Learner reflectS on the level of difficulty of the lesson.


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 5: Creativity

School: №8

Date: 19.01.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Music 2

Watching and listening to a part of Peer Gynt, creating an imaginary character and writing about it.

Learning objectives

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to :

listen and repeat all new words, make up sentences with comparative and superlative adjectives

Most learners will be able to :

make up sentences to each musical instruments

compare them using the degrees of adjectives

Some learners will be able to :

speak about his /her favourite singer

Assessment criteria

Express a point of view in sentences

Use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative forms in their speech.

Previous learning


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




20 min

Org moment: Greeting students.

Setting the aim of the lesson:

The aims of the lesson are given in PPT:

develop vocabulary on colors

using vocabulary to speak about colors


For this part teacher may bring 2 balls made of paper. Balls should be of the same size but different in colors. Teacher will ask the following questions:

1. What do I have in my hands? (You have 2 balls)

2. Are they the same? (No, they are not.)

3. How are they different? (They are different colors)

4. What color is the first\second ball (The first ball is\the second ball is)

To ensure students understand teacher may have some words translated and put up on the board (different\the same\hold)

For the next activity teacher may have 5 or 6 paper made toys (plane\car\frog\ship\flower\bird) of different colors. Teacher then explains that students will get these toys if they name the color and the toy. Expected answer from students (I see the yellow car...)

Teacher will finalize the activity by giving the toys away for correct answers.

Learners follow the instruction

Verbal evaluation

For this lesson students will need coloured pencils.

Paper toys


15 min

For this activity students get "My favourite colour sheet"

Teacher first asks students to write their favourite colour on the head line of the sheet.

1. Activity: Star colour matching activity, under every star students write colours.

2. Activity: Students draw a line from the colour to a picture.

Differentiation: Teacher supports students throughout the class.

Learners follow the description and draw a picture.

Individual avaluation

Appendix 1


10 min


At the end of the lesson, T asks the students to assess the lesson using a technique one star and a wish. The teacher asks the students about the most difficult things they have faced during the lesson

Home task: learn the poem

Saying goodbye


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 5: Creativity

School: №8


Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5 а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Stories and poems 1

Reading and listening to stories and legends and writing about their Kazakh new year.

Learning objectives

5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

5.S8 recount basic stories and events on a range of general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able:

To say their favourite kind of stories

To write proper nouns with capital letters

Most learners will be able:

To put the words in order correctly

To say/write sentences grammatically correct

Some learners will be able:

To recognize the legend by pictures

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




20 min

Org moment: Greeting students.

Setting the aim of the lesson:

The aims of the lesson are given in PPT:

develop vocabulary on colors and shapes

using topical vocabulary to describe pictures


For this part teacher asks students to look around the classroom and tell what shapes they see (desks, windows, pots, books).. Teacher should have some cards prepared in advanced that have the names of different shapes

(circle, square, triangle, rectangle, semi-circle, trapezium).

Teacher then asks students to label the objects with cards they get.

In the end teacher checks if objects (desks, windows, pots, books) are labeled correctly. If there are mistakes teacher may re-label the objects.

Following this, students may practice the shape vocabulary describing objects in the classroom. (The door is rectangular; the flower pot is round etc.)

Learners may answer in English or in L1

Learners write down the shapes and next to each word they draw an appropriate shape.

Verbal evaluation

Individual evaluation

Pictures, photos



20 min

For this activity, they will get an activity sheet with questions.

Students will also have the picture on the power point.

In the end teacher and students summarize the vocabulary on power point. For this activity teacher may also have shapes cut out of papers. Teacher may point to the shape students raise the card.

Differentiation: Teacher supports students throughout the class.

Learners describe the picture of Paul Klee.


Teacher may keep records on the board on the number, student or students got the shape right.

Appendix 2


5 min


Writing his opinion on sheets of paper and sticks on the board.

Home task: learn new vocabulary

Saying goodbye

A criteria- based assessment is presented on the board. After each task learners are asked to evaluate with a big finger- thumb.


Sheet of paper

Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 5: Creativity

School: №8

Date: 29.01.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5 а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Stories and poems 1

Learning objectives

5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.UE16 use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, after to link parts of sentences on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.S8 recount basic stories and events on a range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able:

To pronounce proper names correctly

To reorder cards to create the story

Most learners will be able:

To explain the use of present and past tenses

Some learners will be able:

Speak about Kazakh legend

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Setting the aim of the lesson

Warm up

To revise the haiku teacher shows example of it with the odd words inserted.

Learners read the poem and choose the correct words.

Verbal evaluation



35 min

II Vocabulary builder

1. Teacher arranges students into three groups. Each group will need table space. Teacher tells students that each group will create a word chart and gives each group one piece of A4 format paper and two markers.


Reading, writing, and speaking abilities are balanced among the groups. It is recommended to put students into groups in such a way that in each group there are students with strong reading, writing and speaking abilities.

2. Teacher asks one group of students to think about the current season, and write a list of words or phrases that depict things (nouns) that are indicative of it. For example, during winter, responses might include snow, ice, thunder, bare tree branches, and pine trees. During spring, responses might include flowers, buds, new leaves, and ducklings.

3. Teacher asks another group of students to chart words that will describe the season (adjectives). For example, during summer, responses might include hot, boiling, sizzling, and bright. During autumn, responses might include crunchy, brown, and dying.

4. The third group will write words that are actions for the season (verbs). Examples might be swim for summer, skate for winter, bloom for spring, or fall for autumn.

5. Teacher gives students time to generate as many words as they can on one piece of chart paper. When the three word charts are complete, teacher posts them onto the whiteboard so that all students can review all charts. Some words may be added to (or deleted from) each chart.

6. Teacher tells students that they will use the word charts in a poetry-writing activity.

Learners follow the instruction

Learners generate as many words as they can on one piece of chart paper

Mutual evaluation

Individual avaluation

A4 paper,



5 min


The teacher gives comments about learners work and awards learner. Students will choose one and put on the board their stickers.

Home task: to learn the poem by heart

Saying goodbye


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 5: Creativity

School: №8

Date: 31.01.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Stories and poems 2

Learning objectives

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

Lesson objectives

Learner will be able to:

identify subject matter and format criteria of haiku.

use visual art to interpret their own written images.


peer/group assessment

Previous learning

Stories and poems

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Greeting the students

Setting the aim of the lesson

Warm up

Teacher tells the learners any words and mix them with the words related to the topic, when they hear topic words, learners tap their desks with the hand.

when they hear topic words, learners tap their desks with the hand.



35 min


An email about an event you attended

Hi Ken,

I hope you’re well. Guess where I went last weekend! I went to the Nauryz celebrations with my parents.

My sister, Zarina, had the flu so she stayed at home in bed. She was so 1) ....... The weather was 2) ....... and there were somany people there. Everyone had a(n) 3) .........time. It was amazing. Some great singers performed

at the festival. My favourite was Makpal Zhunusova. She was 4) ......... There were also fairground rides, games and theatre plays in the streets. It was really like a big party. We got some special Nauryz soup in the city square. It was 5) ......... .

Anyway, we had a great time and it’s a pity you didn’t come. Write to me and let me know how you are.




Teacher makes sure that students understand that the word lists are for reference and ideas and encourages them to use their own words if they think of something that is not on the charts.

Learner completes the


1 Student will work independently to write their own haiku, using words from the charts to help them generate ideas.

Verbal evaluation

Presentation and peer assessment

Student swaps their papers

A3 format papers and markers


5 min


Thumbs up – normal

Thumbs down – very difficult

Home task: to learn the new vocabulary

Saying goodbye

Students reflect on the level of difficulty of the lesson.


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 5: Creativity

School: №8

Date: 08.02.22

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Stories and poems 2

Learning objectives

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Understand the difference between poems and stories

Do gap-filling task with few mistakes only (1-2 mistakes)

Most learners will be able to:

Memorise words / phrases and able to dictate them to their peers

Write poems which are dictated by their peers without any mistakes

Some learners will be able to:

Do gap-filling task without any mistakes


peer/group assessment

Previous learning

Stories and poems


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Warm up

To revise the haiku teacher shows example of it with the odd words inserted.

Learners cross out odd words

Verbal evaluation


15 min

Running dictations (Skills: listening, writing )


Teacher sticks worksheets with some poems outside the classroom beforehand. (there are three examples of the haiku of Basho Matsuo, the first great poet of haiku in the 1600s, teacher prints out two copies of each poem, in total there will be six worksheets, one for each pair).

Learners write running dictation

Mutual evaluation


20 min



I’m a great art lover. I look at beautiful paintings and (1)_________and wish I could be artistic. I can’t draw or paint to save my life. I wonder why some people are so talented and can create (2)________pictures, when other people, like me, can’t even draw good (3)_________ figures. I would like to fill my house with art from all over the world. It’s interesting to see how different (4)__________have different kinds of art. There’s nothing better than visiting art galleries when you go to another country. I prefer more (5)__________art. I don’t really understand a lot of modern art. I look at an (6)________of a pile of bricks in a museum but can’t see how it’s art. I always laugh when my children say, “Daddy, I can do better than that!” I often think they can.


Look at the pictures bellow, choose one and answer the following questions. What do you know about cartoons below? Speak about one of the cartoons.

The following questions will help you to organize the speech:

Why do you like this cartoon?

Who are the main heroes?

What is this cartoon about?

Which part do you like most and why?

Learners listen to the story and fill in the gaps with the words

Learners look at the pictures bellow, choose one and answer the following questions.

Individual avaluation



5 min


Students reflect on the level of difficulty of the lesson.

Thumbs up – normal

Thumbs down – very difficult

Home task: to repeat vocabulary and grammar

Saying goodbye


Unit 5: Creativity

School: №8

Date: 11.02.22

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Unit revision

Learning objectives

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Understand the difference between poems and stories

Do gap-filling task with few mistakes only (1-2 mistakes)

Most learners will be able to:

Memorise words / phrases and able to dictate them to their peers

Write poems which are dictated by their peers without any mistakes

Some learners will be able to:

Do gap-filling task without any mistakes


peer/group assessment

Previous learning

Stories and poems


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Warm up

Learners remember what is different about a poem and a story (poem: lines, rhymes, repetition of words, sounds, letters, verses; story: beginning, middle, end, paragraphs, sentences)

Learners remember what is different about a poem and a story

Verbal evaluation



30 min


Teacher sticks worksheets with some poems outside the classroom beforehand. (there are three examples of the haiku of Basho Matsuo, the first great poet of haiku in the 1600s, teacher prints out two copies of each poem, in total there will be six worksheets, one for each pair).


1 Students work in pairs. Each pair has one short poem. Student A runs to the worksheet, reads the lines, runs back to the classroom and dictates to student B. Student B sits in the classroom and writes down the poems without spelling mistakes. Then Student A rewrites the ready poem onto his / her copybook, so that both students in pair could have the ready one.


Teacher arranges mixed ability pairs (more able student and less able students work together in one pair). Less able students run and dictate, more able students write without spelling mistakes.

2 Teacher explains students that they are going to do gap-filling task on the poems written. Students read the poems carefully and then hand in copybooks to the teacher.

3 Teacher hands out worksheets with gap-filling task. Students work individually and fill in the gaps.

Peer assessment (FA)

Teacher gives copybooks back.

Having finished the task students check each other. (poems in their copybooks are answer key).

Consolidation (WC)

Teacher shows those three poems. Students discuss the structure and characteristic features of the haiku.

Learners follow the instructions

Mutual avaluatio


Appendix 1

Appendix 2

PPP, slide 3


5 min


Feedback said compliments for learners; oral feedback; also at the end of the lesson they will give feedback by given smiles.

Home task: to repeat vocabulary and grammar

Saying goodbye

Learners give feedback


Unit 6: Reading for Pleasure

School: №8

Date: 05.02.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5ә,а

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Learners read non-fiction books in Kazakh, English, Russian languages

Learning objectives

5.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

understand the events in the story from the book

recognize unfamiliar words while reading the story

read, understand and reorder most of the events in the story


To read the short story

To describe a character from the story

To learn some new words from the story

Previous learning

Unit revision


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




15 min


Lesson hook.

Teacher shows a picture of the story and asks what they see (for less motivated students). They recall the title of the story “Godlilock and the three bears”. Then she may ask where this episode took place in the story.

For more motivated students she shows a video of the cartoon without sound for 30-50 seconds. Then she may ask what cartoon characters are talking about.

Learners do vocabulary revision on this story

Make up sentences using those words

Individual evaluation

PPT. Slide 1-2

PPT slide-3


PPT slide-3

PPT slide-4


25 min

The first post-reading activity.

Teacher asks learners to find true or false statements. This task will be presented as a formative assessment at the end they may check for their text comprehension using assessment criteria.

(if they collect 6 score out of 8 they could manage this task and can be praised with a star). The answers will be checked with the help of the teacher. In order to evaluate their work they may check each other’s work.

We read the story about 2 bears and a princess.

The girl’s mother asked her daughter to go to the shop to buy some bread.

The girl likes to go for a walk.

She meets 2 bears on the road to the shop.

Bears were very friendly to the girl.

When she comes to the bears’ house, she eats baby bear’s porridge.

She likes mother bear’ bed, because it is too soft.

She gets home with three bears.

The second post-reading activity.

The quick vocabulary revision. Teacher shows a list of words from the story and they together revise for meaning:

To pick up flowers, to lose her way, to belong to, porridge, to smell, big bowl, feet were sore, to climb up the stairs, to scream, to fall asleep, to wake someone up, to apologize , to become friends

Learners find true or false statements

Learners follow the instruction

Verbal evaluation

Mutual evaluation

appendix 1

Assessment sheet


5 min


Learners complete an evaluation of what they did during the lesson by circling one word in statement:

I can understand: all / most of / some of the story when I read it.

Home task: to learn the new words and read the story once more

Saying goodbye


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 6: Reading for Pleasure

School: №8

Date: 09.02.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Learners read non-fiction books in Kazakh, English, Russian languages

Learning objectives

5. W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

understand the events in the story from the book

recognize unfamiliar words while reading the story

read, understand and reorder most of the events in the story

Most learners will be able to:

use visual support to understand the events in the story and the actions of the 3 bears and a Godlilocks

use their knowledge of the words during the role-play activity

read and reorder parts of a story without support

understand the moral of the story

Some learners will be able to:

understand most of the language on the story

communicate using a wide range of vocabulary from the story expressively during role-play


To read the short story

To describe a character from the story

To learn some new words from the story

Previous learning

Unit revision

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Lesson hook.

Teacher shows a picture of the story and asks what they see .They recall the title of the story “Godlilock and the three bears”

Part 2. Then she may ask where this episode took place in the story.

Learners recall the picture





35 min

The third post-reading activities.

The teacher distributes the tasks according to their levels. She explains their functions and shows assessment criteria. Learners are given 20 minutes for preparation.

Less able students are given to make up sentences using the words above.

More able students should make up a story using those words.

High motivated students act out the story in three or four pupils.

They have to be reminded that this group of learners should have a narrator.

Formative assessment.

Students are informed how they are going to be assessed by the following criteria:


Presentation skills-10

Language (Grammar and usage of new words)

Teacher nominates group of learners according to their performance. Learners give peer feedback such as: Well done! Great job, The best actors and actresses, The super English speakers and so on. Teacher praises learners’ performance and suggests an improvement.

Learners make up sentences using the words above.

Learners make up a story using those words.

Learners act out the story in three or four pupils.

Learners start performing their tasks. Each group or peers listen to their peers’ performance and assess each other according to the assessment criteria.

Verbal evaluation

Mutual evaluation

Individual evaluation

appendix 1

Assessment sheet


5 min


Learners complete an evaluation of what they did during the lesson by circling one word in each statement:

I can understand: all / most of / some of the story in the video.

I can understand: all / most of / some of the story when I read it.

I can say: all / most of / some of the words in the role-play.

Home task: to write a picture to the story

Saying goodbye


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 6: Reading for Pleasure

School: №8

Date: 18.02.22

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Learners read non-fiction books in Kazakh, English, Russian languages

Learning objectives

5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

5.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

understand the main events in the story

brainstorm the pictures and share ideas on them

Most learners will be able to:

read the story without support

understand the moral of the story

Some learners will be able to:

understand most of the language in the story without any support


To read the short story

To describe a character from the story

To learn some new words from the story

Previous learning

Godlilock and the three bears


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min



Teacher puts pictures of bear, chair and porridge so Students should guess what story is it? Discuss if they have read or seen it before. There is Russian version of this story.

Setting the aims of the lesson

Learners should find what fairy tale is it.

Verbal evaluation



35 min

Reading skills:

Learners start reading the short story “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” (Part 1).

Differentiation: More motivated learners sit individually and read the story with no Teacher support. Less motivated learners make a circle and read the text with teacher together.

Character card

Learners choose a character and write his/her name in the middle of a piece of paper. In the rest of the space write briefly about the following:

The character looks…

The character acts…

The character says…

The character feels…

After reading: Teacher distributes short story quiz templates to each Student. They need to make questions on the short story and swap them with their classmates in order to answer them.

Assessment criteria:

-Student answers to questions correctly

-Student justifies his/her answers by showing the number of the page

Learners have a vocabulary/ dictionary of unknown words.

Once Learners finished the task, they swap their cards in order to assess each other.

Learners make questions on the short story and swap them with their classmates in order to answer them.

Individual evaluation

Mutual evaluation

Appendix 1

Appendix 2


5 min


Teacher asks learners

1) how do you feel when a friend doesn’t say thank you for your help?e.g. unhappy, sad, lonely

2) why should people say sorry?

Teacher encourages Learners to reflect on the lesson “Two stars one wish”

Home task: choose true or false sentences by the text

Saying goodbye


Unit 6: Reading for Pleasure

School: №8

Date: 12.02.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Summarizing the chosen books

Different activities, based on the content of the books

Learning objectives

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

5.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

understand the events in the story from the book

recognize unfamiliar words while reading the story

read, understand and reorder most of the events in the story

Most learners will be able to:

use visual support to understand the events in the story and the actions of the 3 bears and a Godlilocks

use their knowledge of the words during the role-play activity

read and reorder parts of a story without support

understand the moral of the story

Some learners will be able to:

understand most of the language on the story

communicate using a wide range of vocabulary from the story expressively during role-play


Many of the Listening and Speaking learning objectives, and some of the Writing learning objectives, will be addressed when learners think about and discuss what they have read.

Previous learning

Learners read non-fiction books in Kazakh, English, Russian languages


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Teacher shows a picture of the story and asks what they see (for less motivated students). They recall the title of the story “The fox and the crow”. Then she may ask where this episode took place in the story. For more motivated students she shows a video of the cartoon without sound for 30-50 seconds. Then she may ask what cartoon characters are talking about.

After the short conversation, she introduces the lesson objectives and asks them to put them down on their copy books:

To do vocabulary revision on this story

Make up sentences using those words

Use those words in your speech. (sequencing activity, role-play, ).

Learners follow the instruction



35 min

Post-reading activity 1.

Teacher asks learners to find true or false statements. This task will be presented as a formative assessment at the end they may check for their text comprehension using assessment criteria. (if they collect 6 score out of 8 they could manage this task and can be praised with a star). The answers will be checked with the help of the teacher. In order to evaluate their work they may check each other’s work.

Post-reading activity 2.

The quick vocabulary revision. Teacher shows a list of words from the story and they together revise for meaning

Post-reading activity 3.

The teacher distributes the tasks according to their levels. She explains their functions and shows assessment criteria. Learners are given 20 minutes for preparation.

Learners act out the story in three or four pupils. They have to be reminded that this group of learners should have a narrator.

Learners find true or false statements

Learners make up sentences using the words above.

Learners make up a story using those words.

Verbal evaluation

Individual evaluation

Mutual evaluation


5 min


At the end of the lesson, students reflect on:

- what they learned

- what remained unclear for them

- what they need to continue

Home task: to write a picture to the story and learn the new words from the text.

Saying goodbye


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 6: Reading for Pleasure

School: №8

Date: 14.02.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Summarizing the chosen books

Different activities, based on the content of the books

Learning objectives

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

5.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics with support;

recount some extended stories and events on a growing range of general and curricular topics with support.


Learners have met the learning objective (R1) if they

speak and listen, solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

Use a variety of simple perfect forms

Understand with some support most of an argument

Respect each other’ point of view

Previous learning

Summarizing the chosen books


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


A teacher says to the learners

Good morning/afternoon, class. How are you?

The learners greet the teacher too.

The teacher tells learners that they are going to continue the previous topic and asks what it was.

Learners answer.



35 min


Learners listen to and sing “Visualize” song. Pre-teach the word alive . You can ask your learners to make a dictionary race, so the first one who finds it (alive) in the dictionary takes the prize (optional) or introduce it by yourself.

The teacher reveals the objectives of the lesson

Today you will:


Pre-writing stage

The teacher asks learners if they liked the stories they read. What was special about them?


Learners should visualize a character/the whole story that they liked most from the books they read

Learners study the criteria for the writing task:

Picture – 1 point

Grammar (use of Past Simple and present Simple tenses) – 2 points

Spelling (no more than 2 mistakes) – 1 point

80-100 words – 1 point

To get achieved – 4 points


Learners should present their visualization in front of the class


You should speak for at least 1-2 minutes – 1 point

Pronunciation (no more than 4 mistakes) – 2 points

Creativity – 1 point

Content (a picture and description)– 2 points

To get achieved – 5 points

Learners visualize a character or a scene from the books

Learners write and make a picture of their visualization

Learners present their visualization to the classmates

Verbal evaluation

Individual evaluation

Mutual evaluation



5 min


Learners write a cinquain poem about a character/book.

Hometask: learn the new poem

Saying goodbye


Use traffic light pictures.

Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 6: Reading for Pleasure

School: №8

Date: 16.02.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Unit revision

Learning objectives

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

5.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All the leaners will be able to:

Say at least 5-6 simple sentences using new vocabulary

Most learners will be able to:
Read and understand text

Give an opinion at discourse level

Answer the simple questions according to the theme

Some learners will be able to:

make a dialogue using new vocabulary


Learners have met the learning objective (R1) if they

speak and listen, solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

Use a variety of simple perfect forms

Understand with some support most of an argument

Respect each other’ point of view

Previous learning

Summarizing the chosen books


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Warm up activity:

1.Do you watch TV every day?

2. What kind of TV program or movie do you watch?

3.What is your favourite movie?

4. Do you usually watch movies at home or at a movie theater?

5.Have you ever seen the same movie more than once? If yes, name it.

Checking the homework

Learners make up sentences using adjectives according the theme books

Verbal evaluation




35 min

Match the words and their definitions.

Television Newspaper

Tabloid The Internet


a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.;

the process of sending and receiving messages through the air; broadcasting programmes for people to listen to;

broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets;

a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news;

a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer (e-mails).

Complete the sentences which programme you would choose if you want to see.

a soap a music programme

a comedy a news programme

a film a sport programme

a cartoon a documentary

an educational programme


a religious programme

I’d like to see…

I want to see…

I would choose …

I prefer watching …

Learners match the words and their definitions.

Learners complete the sentences which programme you would choose if they want to see.

Mutual evaluation

Individual avaluation



5 min

Ask students to look at lesson objectives they set at the
beginning of the lesson and think and say what they did well in the lesson and what needs improvement.
Home task: learn the new words and grammar theme

Good bye song


Use traffic light pictures.

Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 7: Fantasy world

School: №8

Date: 19.02.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M

Grade: 5А,Ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Home and garden 1

Describing and designing rooms and furniture and talking and writing about them

Learning objectives

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.UE6 use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing anything on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: know the parts of home and furniture, and understand the pronouns

Most learners will be able to: describe and design rooms and meaning and differences of pronouns

Some learner will be able to: talk and their dream houses using demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing, anything pronouns


Makes up sentences with There is…., There are ….

Draws their posters by using new vocabulary

Gives feedback to other groups

Presents their posters by using new grammar, uses the pronouns in the sentences

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Psychological ready the group for the English lesson using:

I can…V ”

Divide the class into three groups as “Rooms” (bedroom, living room, kitchen, hall), “Homes (flat, castle, cottage, villa) and “Furniture” (sofa, table, chair, wardrobe) with helping of pictures

Repeat and remember pass themes: grammar “There is…, There are…” and vocabulary connecting with home, rooms and furniture in their hand pictures

Introduce the students with the aim of new theme

Learners follow the teacher’s instructions






35 min

Introduce with new vocabulary.

Make poster “Project of my dream house” Using the method “Market”.

Introduce with criteria of poster (description):

Use more new vocabulary.

Task achievement

Whole group participation

Feedback for poster

Grammar: Personal, demonstrative and quantitative pronouns




Protect the project using new grammar: personal, demonstrative and quantitative pronouns.

Introduce with criteria of poster’s protect:

Use more new grammar

Task achievement

Pair work

Feedback for poster

Exercise 1. Write the sentences completing with basic personal (P. Pr), demonstrative(D. Pr) and quantitative pronouns (Q. Pr)

(D. Pr)…is …(P. Pr)… bookshelf. I made it myself.

This is my bookshelf. I made it myself.

(6 sentences)

Learners listen and repeat

Learners make poster

Learners study grammar theme

Learners write the sentences completing with pronouns

Verbal evaluation

Mutual еvaluation

Individual evaluation



Work book


5 min

Reflection of the lesson:

The method of “Sandwich”- two interesting and one difficult moment

Hometask: Learn new vocabulary

Make up topic “My home”

Use more pronouns on the topic

Good bye song


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 7: Fantasy world

School: №8

Date: 21.02.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Home and garden 1

Describing and designing rooms and furniture and talking and writing about them

Learning objectives

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.UE6 use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing anything on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: know the parts of home and furniture, and understand the pronouns

Most learners will be able to: describe and design rooms and meaning and differences of pronouns

Some learner will be able to: talk and their dream houses using demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing, anything pronouns


Makes up sentences with There is…., There are ….

Draws their posters by using new vocabulary

Gives feedback to other groups

Presents their posters by using new grammar, uses the pronouns in the sentences

Previous learning

Unit revision

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Psychological ready the group for the English lesson using:

I can…V ”

Divide the class into three groups as “Rooms” (bedroom, living room, kitchen, hall), “Homes (flat, castle, cottage, villa) and “Furniture” (sofa, table, chair, wardrobe) with helping of pictures

Repeat and remember pass themes: grammar “There is…, There are…” and vocabulary connecting with home, rooms and furniture in their hand pictures

Introduce the students with the aim of new theme

Learners follow the teacher’s instructions







35 min

Introduce with new vocabulary.

Make poster “Project of my dream house” Using the method “Market”.

Introduce with criteria of poster (description):

Use more new vocabulary.

Task achievement

Whole group participation

Feedback for poster

Grammar: Personal, demonstrative and quantitative pronouns




Protect the project using new grammar: personal, demonstrative and quantitative pronouns.

Introduce with criteria of poster’s protect:

Use more new grammar

Task achievement

Pair work

Feedback for poster

Exercise 1. Write the sentences completing with basic personal (P. Pr), demonstrative(D. Pr) and quantitative pronouns (Q. Pr)

(D. Pr)…is …(P. Pr)… bookshelf. I made it myself.

This is my bookshelf. I made it myself.

(6 sentences)

Learners listen and repeat

Learners make poster

Learners study grammar theme

Learners write the sentences completing with pronouns

Verbal evaluation

Mutual evaluation

Individual evaluation



Work book


5 min

Reflection of the lesson:

The method of “Sandwich”- two interesting and one difficult moment

Hometask: Learn new vocabulary

Make up topic “My home”

Use more pronouns on the topic

Good bye song


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 7: Fantasy world

School: №8

Date: 01.03.22

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Home and garden 1

Describing and designing rooms and furniture and talking and writing about them

Learning objectives

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.UE6 use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing anything on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: know the parts of home and furniture, and understand the pronouns

Most learners will be able to: describe and design rooms and meaning and differences of pronouns

Some learner will be able to: talk and their dream houses using demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing, anything pronouns


Makes up sentences with There is…., There are ….

Draws their posters by using new vocabulary

Gives feedback to other groups

Presents their posters by using new grammar, uses the pronouns in the sentences

Previous learning

Unit revision


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min



Put students in pairs. Show the picture of our planet. Learners brainstorm ideas about looking after our planet teacher writes the ideas on the board.

Tell the students that today they are going to learn a song about environment.

Predict what actions they’ll hear in a song about looking after our world.

Students say which are positive statements e.g. Recycle our old clothes, and which are negative commands e.g. Don’t waste water.

Learners work in pairs and discuss it first then share their ideas with the class.

Learners look at the board while teacher records ideas.

Verbal evaluation





35 min

Learners listen to a song. Which actions did they predict correctly? Which lines are repeated? (Can you understand? It’s up to me and you.)

Learners read song lyrics in groups of three then practise singing/ chanting the song. When they learn the words, groups perform it.

If time, prepare posters with main actions on them to hold up as they sing.

Group performance


Divide students so that in each group were less able and more able students.

Activity 1

Project a simple recipe on IWB. Learners read recipe and say the language of instructions: list of things we need, instructions in order, picture.

They give examples of each from recipe then highlight amounts and imperative forms, using two different colours, e.g. yellow – amounts and green - imperatives.

Check as a class.

Pre-teach e.g. spoon, kindness, happiness, stir, mix, oven, family, friends, love, happiness, kindness, animals, plants, sun, and rainbow. Show the words and pictures on PPT

Learners brainstorm as a class, what we need to make a recipe for an ideal world using these words

Learners read and sing a song

Learners prepare posters with main actions on them to hold up as they sing.

Learners read recipe and say the language of instructions

Mutual evaluation

Individual avaluation



5 min


Teacher asks learners 1) do you like the song and performance?

Assessment – students assess each group using technique 2 stars and a wish

Hometask: to learn the new words

Good bye song


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 7: Fantasy world

School: №8

Date: .02.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Home and garden 2

Describing and designing rooms and furniture and talking and writing about them

Learning objectives

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.UE6 use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing anything on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: know the parts of home and furniture, and understand the pronouns

Most learners will be able to: describe and design rooms and meaning and differences of pronouns

Some learner will be able to: talk and their dream houses using demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing, anything pronouns


Makes up sentences with There is…., There are ….

Draws their posters by using new vocabulary

Gives feedback to other groups

Presents their posters by using new grammar, uses the pronouns in the sentences

Previous learning

Unit revision

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Setting the aims of the lesson


They write down words they remember on the white board.

Teacher distributes worksheet with the list of key words and students tick those they remembered.

Learners watch and read information about an ideal world in web link.





35 min

This activity can be completed by a student individually, but working together in small groups (ideally 2-4 students in each) will provide more practice with the target language as students negotiate the task and each person’s input.


1. Print a blank map and set of rectangles/cards for each group.

2. Cut out the rectangles into individual cards and group together as a complete set with a blank map.

3. Give each group a set of cards and a blank map. Have them distribute the cards among themselves.

4. Instruct them to write in the names of each building on the map according to the directions on the cards. [Note: If they have trouble, advise them to start with cards about the hospital.]

5. When the buildings have all been labeled, allow students to check their work against the answer key/map.

6. Give students the worksheet to answer questions concerning the map.

Project work. Creating fantasy city

They decide which features to include; make a key with symbols; write coordinates where the features can be found. They give the city a name.

e.g. Encourage learners to practice comparative and superlative adjectives;

beautiful, the best, better than any city in the country, clean, great, happy place, nice, exciting, famous, fine, top, excellent

Explain what a persuasive text is. Below their map learners write a short, persuasive text to try to get people to visit their city. (30-50 words)

Learners follow the instructions

Learners create a fantasy city using a blank map grid.

Learners in pairs brainstorm adjectives they can use to persuade people to visit their city to describe their fantasy city and its features

Verbal evaluation

Individual evaluation

Mutual evaluation



5 min


At the end of the lesson, T asks the students to assess the lesson using a technique one star and a wish. The teacher asks the students about the most difficult things they have faced during the lesson

Hometask: to learn the new theme

Good bye song


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 7: Fantasy world

School: №8


Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Home and garden 2

Learning objectives

5.W2 Write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.R6 Recognize the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.UE6 use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing anything on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: know the parts of home and furniture, and understand the pronouns

Most learners will be able to: describe and design rooms and meaning and differences of pronouns

Some learner will be able to: talk and their dream houses using demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing, anything pronouns


Makes up sentences with There is…., There are ….

Draws their posters by using new vocabulary

Gives feedback to other groups

Presents their posters by using new grammar, uses the pronouns in the sentences

Previous learning

Home and garden


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




10 min


Setting the aims of the lesson

Warm up

Put students in pairs and ask them to play the game

Student 1 read the instructions. Student 2 do them then they swap.

Verbal evaluation


10 min

Describing and designing rooms and furniture and talking and writing about them

Makes up sentences with There is…., There are ….

Draws their posters by using new vocabulary

Gives feedback to other groups

Presents their posters by using new grammar, uses the pronouns in the sentences

Learners follow the instruction

Mutual evaluation



20 min


Task 1. Use some, any, something, nothing and anything.

What room is it?

What does it look like?

What furniture is there?

What can you do in this room?

There are lots of stories about fantasy animals. Here is some information about four famous fantasy

Unicorns were beautiful creatures like horses. They had a long pointed horn in the middle of their foreheads. Unicorns were a sign of good luck, but only honest people could see them.

Chinese dragons were good, friendly and intelligent. They were made from the parts of nine animals: a snake’s body, a fish’s scales, a clam’s stomach, a tiger’s feet, an eagle’s claws, a camel’s face, a deer’s antlers, a cow’s ears and golden eyes.

Griffins were very strong creatures. They had a lion’s body and an eagle’s head and wings. They were the kings of all the animals and birds.

Write the names of the creatures under the pictures.

1____________________ 2____________________ 3____________________

Write T for True and F for False next to the following sentences:

1.Unicorns had a horn on their head.

2.All of these animals were real.

3.Chinese dragons had a tiger’s face.

Learners write a description of a room of your dream.

Learners read the short texts about fantasy creatures.

Learners write the names of the creatures under the pictures.

Learners true or false sentences

Individual evaluation



5 min


Sing the song about the environment again with the whole class

Hometask: write correct degrees of comparison

Good bye song


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 7: Fantasy world

School: №8

Date: 01.03.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5 а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

City 1

Describing fantasy cities and reading, writing and talking about them.

Learning objectives

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics.

5.UE8 use future form will for prediction and be going to talk about already.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to

read about tours of Astana

spell most high –frequency words

Most learners will be able to

Read the texts and write True and False.

Complete the text with the verbs using to be going to

Some leaners will be able to

Make plans and say about them using to be going to .


Read and complete the text with the verbs

Used be going to correctly

Make up sentences with one of the verb

Previous learning

Home and garden


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


1 . Riddles

2 .To show video about Astana city.

3. Ask questions after the video

-What have you seen at video ?

- Are there any famous landmarks in your country ?

- What are their names ?

- Do you know who built ?

Divide the pupils in two groups Kazakhstan stamp, England stamp

Verbal evaluation

Video 1




30 min

Jigsaw “

1.Task Reading the text Ex .1,p98 . Samat ’s friends from England are going to visit him next month. Read their text messages and the text about places in Astana .Where do you think Samat is going to take them

Feedback for correct reading excellent for one &two wrong words

try to remember the words or much wrong words

reading you should read more and work on your vocabulary

2 . Task Ex 3 Read the texts again and write True & False

3 Task .Build your vocabulary and translate into Kazakh.

Find these words in the texts.

Feedback found all the words ‘’firework ‘’

Focus Rules ‘’to be going to’’ affirmative and negative .In negative sentences we put not before/after going to.

4. Task . Work in groups. Ex 3 Read and complete the text with the verbs .Use going to Visit ,eat ‘walk, take, watch

Learners read the text

Learners write True or False sentence

Learners find and translate

Learners read and complete the text with the verbs

Learners make up your sentences

Individual evaluation

Mutual evaluation


10 min


Cinquain” is a five-line poem based on the content of the material under the study.

Line 1 – One-word title.

Line 2 – Two adjectives for describing that word.

Line 3 – Three verbs.

Line 4 – Four feeling words.

Line 5 – A synonym for the title word.

Hometask: draw fantasy city

Good bye song


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 7: Fantasy world

School: №8

Date: 04.03.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

City 1

Describing fantasy cities and reading, writing and talking about them.

Learning objectives

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics.

5.UE8 use future form will for prediction and be going to talk about already.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to

read about tours of Astana

spell most high –frequency words

Most learners will be able to

Read the texts and write True and False.

Complete the text with the verbs using to be going to

Some leaners will be able to

Make plans and say about them using to be going to .


Read and complete the text with the verbs

Used be going to correctly

Make up sentences with one of the verb

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


1 . Riddles

2 .To show video about Astana city.

3. Ask questions after the video

-What have you seen at video ?

- Are there any famous landmarks in your country ?

- What are their names ?

- Do you know who built ?

Divide the pupils in two groups Kazakhstan stamp, England stamp

Verbal evaluation

Video 1




35 min

Jigsaw “

1.Task Reading the text Ex .1,p98 . Samat ’s friends from England are going to visit him next month. Read their text messages and the text about places in Astana .Where do you think Samat is going to take them

Feedback for correct reading excellent for one &two wrong words

try to remember the words or much wrong words

reading you should read more and work on your vocabulary

2 . Task Ex 3 Read the texts again and write True & False

3 Task .Build your vocabulary and translate into Kazakh.

Find these words in the texts.

Feedback found all the words ‘’firework ‘’

Focus Rules ‘’to be going to’’ affirmative and negative .In negative sentences we put not before/after going to.

4. Task . Work in groups. Ex 3 Read and complete the text with the verbs .Use going to Visit ,eat ‘walk, take, watch

Learners read the text

Learners write True or False sentence

Learners find and translate

Learners read and complete the text with the verbs

Learners make up your sentences

Individual evaluation

Mutual evaluation


5 min


Cinquain” is a five-line poem based on the content of the material under the study.

Line 1 – One-word title.

Line 2 – Two adjectives for describing that word.

Line 3 – Three verbs.

Line 4 – Four feeling words.

Line 5 – A synonym for the title word.

Hometask: draw fantasy city

Good bye song


Тексерілді _____ .

Unit 7: Fantasy world

School: №8

Date: 11.03.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

City 2

Learning objectives

5.W2 Write with support a sequence of short sentences in a

paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.R6 Recognize the attitude or opinion of the writer in short

texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Write short sentences on familiar topics with support Connect sentences into a paragraph

Identify the attitude and opinion of the author in

short texts

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min



Less able Ss write words they know that come to their mind.

More able Ss write 2-3 sentences trying to describe it.




35 min

This activity can be completed by a student individually, but working together in small groups (ideally 2-4 students in each) will provide more practice with the target language as students negotiate the task and each person’s input.


1. Print a blank map and set of rectangles/cards for each group.

2. Cut out the rectangles into individual cards and group together as a complete set with a blank map.

3. Give each group a set of cards and a blank map. Have them distribute the cards among themselves.

4. Instruct them to write in the names of each building on the map according to the directions on the cards. [Note: If they have trouble, advise them to start with cards about the hospital.]

5. When the buildings have all been labeled, allow students to check their work against the answer key/map.

6. Give students the worksheet to answer questions concerning the map.

Project work. Creating fantasy city

They decide which features to include; make a key with symbols; write coordinates where the features can be found. They give the city a name.

Learners in pairs brainstorm adjectives they can use to persuade people to visit their city to describe their fantasy city and its features e.g. Encourage learners to practise comparative and superlative adjectives;

beautiful, the best, better than any city in the country, clean, great, happy place, nice, exciting, famous, fine, top, excellent

Explain what a persuasive text is. Below their map learners write a short, persuasive text to try to get people to visit their city. (30-50 words)

Assessment criteria


Can use new words (beautiful, garbage, exciting etc) At least 3 words

Can present his/her ideal city creatively

can use comparative and superlative adjectives

can write 30-50 words

Learners follow the instructions

Learners create a fantasy city using a blank map grid.

Mutual avaluation

Individual avaluation

Verbal evaluation

Appendix 2

Markers, A3 paper, colourful pencils, glue, scissors


PPP(slide 4)


5 min


Learners complete an evaluation of what they did during the lesson by circling one word in statement:

I can understand: all / most of / some of the story when I read it.

Home task: repeat grammar themes

Good bye song


Тексерілді: ________

Unit 7: Fantasy world

School: №8

Date: 13.03.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

World 1

Finding out and talking about environmental problems and suggesting solutions.

Learning objectives

5.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.UE16 use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, after to link parts of sentences on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.UE17use if clauses (in zero conditionals); use where clauses; use before/after clauses (with past reference); use defining relative clauses with which who that where to give details on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to

-read the text, identify the meanings of the words and match them with their definitions

- underline the simple perfect form sentences from the given text

Most learners will be able to

- say their opinions on a short video on the theme "The World around us" and talk about it

- make up the sentence s in the simple perfect forms using information about environment and recycling

- summarize their ideas/ opinion on the theme ''The World around us"

Some learners will be able to

Compose a short story about environment and talk about healthy and unhealthy lifestyle


Identify the speaker's point of view in a simple conversation

Connect sentences into paragraphs with some support

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Greeting: Org moment

Teacher greets the learners.

Warm-up. "Video prompt"

Teacher shows learners the video about the world around them.

- What was the video about?

- What words have you heard?

- What do you think about this videos?

- What are these words related to?

Teacher divides the students into 2 groups using the method of puzzles. And compose a little story according to the picture.

(5- 6 sent)

Learners greet the teacher and take their places.

Learners take a piece of paper and should collect the words and create a picture.

Interactive board


"The World around us"



30 min

5 min

"Find the definition" Activity.

Match the words with the definitions, use your dictionaries if you need.

1) Waste a) birds, animals, plants that live in a natural environment

2) Pollution b) connected with chemistry

3) Wildlife c) something that is not needed and is therefore thrown away

4) Chemical d) action of making air, water, land

"Find the right" Activity.

Complete the sentences choosing the necessary word.

1) Atmosphere is polluted with (wildlife, toxins, waste)

2) It’s difficult to (live, breathe, work) in big cities.

3) (Pollution, chemistry, wildlife) is in danger.

4) Busses and cars pollute (water, air, land).

Learners make up your own sentences

Learners completes the sentences with necessary words

Verbal evaluation

Individual еvaluation


5 min

Apple tree

Red apple - I totally understand

Yellow - I understand the lesson but I need some helps

Green apple - I don't understand

Hometask: Learn the song. "Mother Earth".

Good bye song


Colored paper (green, red, yellow)

Тексерілді: ________

Unit 7: Fantasy world

School: №8

Date: 15.03.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

World 2

Learning a song about helping the environment and writing a recipe to make an ideal world.

Learning objectives

5.L7recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.UE7 use simple perfect forms of common verbs to express what has happened [indefinite time] on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

read and learn lyrics with some support

contribute some of the language in order to talk about the environment

use imperatives with some support

Most learners will be able to:

communicate the main points in the activities

use imperative and sequence most of the words correctly

Some learners will be able to:

understand most of the language used by the teacher at the lesson

communicate a range of language from the lesson expressively during the presentation


Identify the speaker's point of view in a simple conversation

Connect sentences into paragraphs with some support

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Org moment

Teacher greets the learners.

Teacher divides the students into 2 groups using the method of puzzles.

Learners greet the teacher and take their places.

Students take a piece of paper and should collect the words and create a picture. And compose a little story according to the picture. (5- 6 sent)

"The World around us"



35 min

I. Task 1

Listen to the song and complete the missing words. Differentiation by support. For less able students.

(p_ _ _ e, p_ _ _ _ t, a _ _ _ _ ls, p_ _ _ ts, p_ _ _e, w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _e, w_ __d, p_ _ _ _t, g_ _ _t p_ _ _ e)

Mother Earth Environmental Song

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

It's a great ....... to be (place )

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

Home .......... for you and me, (planet )

Look after our earth with care

Cos it's a planet we all share

Humans, .............. , ......... and trees (animals , plants)

Let's live together in harmony

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

It's a great place to be

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

Home planet for you and me,

In ourselves we must take ...... (pride)

For our future we need to strive

Be kind it's .......... (worthwhile)

Light the ...........up with your smile (world)

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

It's a great place to be

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

Home .......... for you and me (planet)

It's a .......... to be (great place)

In peace and harmony

Answer the questions

1) What is the song about ?

2) What does the author of the song want to inform us?

3) What comes to your mind after listening to this song?

Learners listen to the song and complete the missing words

Learners answer the questions

Individual avaluation

Verbal evaluation




5 min

Apple tree

Red apple - I totally understand

Yellow - I understand the lesson but I need some helps

Green apple - I don't understand

Hometask: make a poster with the title "The Earth needs you" (air, rock and soil, climate, weather, plant, tree, water, river, sea).

Good bye song


Colored paper (green, red, yellow)

Тексерілді: ________

Unit 7: Fantasy world

School: №8

Date: 18.03.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Summative control work for the3d term

Learning objectives

5.L4 Understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics.

5.R2 Understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

5.W6 Link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics.

5.W8 Spell most high- frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics.

5.S1 Provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics.

Assessment criteria

Learners listen to the recording twice and write the name of the room in the plan.

Learners read a short text on the topic “Fantasy World” and complete the sentences with the given words.

Learners write a paragraph about imaginary place using supporting questions.

Learners choose one card and provide personal information using supporting questions.

Previous learning

World 2




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




2 min



2. Lesson objective


Shape13 40 min


Task. You will listen to the recording twice.

A Floor plan


Task. Read the text and complete the sentences using the words from the box in the correct form.

Dolphins aren’t ugly. They are .

Dolphins can’t live in polluted water. They live in water.

Dolphins are safe. They aren’t .

Dolphins are not aggressive. They are .

AShape14 lot of the sea isn’t clean. It is .

The sea isn’t dangerous place for dolphins. It’s .


Task. Think about imaginary place you would like to live. Describe it. The following questions will help you.

What place is it?

Why would you like to live there? What is the weather there?

What buildings are there in this place?

What can you do there?

What are the people look like?

The name of the place is ____­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­.

I like this place because it is______.

The weather is ________________there.

There is a _____________ there.

I can _______________ there.

They are ___________.


Task. Choose one card, speak about the topic and answer the questions.

Learners listen to the recording and write the name of each room in the correct place on the Floor plan.

Learners read the text and complete the sentences

Learners describe the place you would like to live.

Learners organize their speech

Individual evaluation



3 min


Learners write a cinquain poem about a character/book.

Homework: revise grammar

Saying goodbye


Тексерілді: ________

Unit 8: Sports

School: №8

Date: 01.04.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5 a,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Sport for all 1

Comparing different sports and talking and writing about them.

Learning objectives

5.L4 Understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

5.S2 Ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts

5.UE6 use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantative prononouns some, any, something, nothing, anything on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Recognise the meaning of text and answer the questions

Most learners will be able to:

Make sentences with new vocabulary and use the pronouns

Some learners will be able to:

Can give their opinion to a given tasks

Act out the given information with support



Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Group dividing

Concluding the previous lesson

What`s your favourite sport?

My favourite sport is…

Learners ask each other this questions and answer

Verbal evaluation


35 min


To kick – салып қалу

To throw - бросать

To catch – ұстап алу

To bounce – секіру

To hit – ұру

Indoor – іште

Outdoor – ашық ауада

Task 1 Write the full answers.

What’s your
avourite sport?

Which sports do you not like?

Which sports would you like to play?

Task 2. Guess the sport

We need eleven players to practise this sport _____________.

People ride bicycles in this sport ________________.

We practise this sport in winter and we need some snow ____________.

We wear a kimono to practise this sport ___________.

People practise this sport in the sea, in the pool __________.

Task 3 Choose a type of sport and describe it





e.g. Volleyball

We can play volleyball indoor.

We use a ball, a net for playing

The players hit and throw the ball.

It is a team sport.

There are 6 players in the team.

We play volleyball in the gym.

Learners write new words in your vocabulary

Learners write the full answers.

Learners guess the sport

Learners choose a type of sport and describe it

Individual evaluation

Mutual evaluation


5 min

Feedback of students. They put their questions to the box.

Students can evaluate their work and the work of their classmates in accordance with the certain criteria.

Home task: Write an essay.

Saying goodbye



Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 8: Sports

School: №8

Date: 02.04.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Sport for all 1

Learning objectives

5.L4 Understand the main points of supported extended talk on

a range of general and curricular topics

5.S1 Provide basic information about themselves and others at

sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

Lesson objectives

Identify the main information of a talk using supporting information

Give basic information about themselves and others at sentence level

Previous learning

Human body and exercise 2




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Learning and lesson objectives are introduced.

Lead-in: teacher demonstrates a number of pictures and asks the students to talk in pairs and guess the topic.

Learners discuss the question and report back to the teacher.

Verbal evaluation




35 min

Task 1. Solve the crossword about sport:

Task 2. Read the text and fill the table

Sports in our life

People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport helps people to stay in a good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized, better disciplined in their daily activities and energetic.

Many sports are popular in Kazakhstan. They are: football, tennis, hockey, weightlifting, track and field, basketball, volleyball, boxing, judo, and karate, cross-country skiing, figure skating, climbing mountains, horse-racing, cycling, wrestling, athletics.

We are proud of our sportsmen and sportswomen. They are: I.Illyn, G.Gallovkin, D.Ten, O.Rypakova, A.Vinnokurov.

Sportsmen Types of sport







Task 3 Read the sentences and choose True or False.

1.Sport helps people to stay in a bad shape

2.The most popular sport in Kazakhstan is baseball

3.G. Gallovkin is a boxer.

4. People all over the world do not like sports and games

Learners solve the crossword about sport

Learners read the text and fill the table

Learners read the sentences and choose True or False

Individual еvaluation

Mutual еvaluation



5 min


Home task: Prepare 2 questions they could ask to a well-known sports person from Kazakhstan

1. When did you start playing/ doing … _?

2.What sports did you play at school?

3. How many medals have you got?

Saying goodbye


Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 8: Sports

School: №8

Date: 05.04.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Sport for all 2

Interviewing a well-known sports person.

Talking about disabled children doing sport.

Learning objectives

5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.UE4 use determiners including any, no each, every on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.UE6 use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing anything on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Use different characteristics talking about various sport activities.

present ideas clearly in a pair, group and whole class conversation

Most learners will be able to:

use visual support to name the places, where people do sports

listen, understand and complete the tasks without teacher’s support

compare and contrast the given kinds of sport

Some learners will be able to:

create extended speech talking about differences and similarities of the suggested sport activities

spell topic-related words correctly

complete the extension task in the listening formative assessment

Previous learning

Sport for all 1




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Class organization

Learning and lesson objectives are introduced.

Lead-in: teacher demonstrates a number of pictures and asks the students to talk in pairs and guess the topic.

Learners discuss the question and report back to the teacher.

Verbal evaluation


Slides 1-1


Slides 3-4


35 min

Task №1

Fill the gaps with the demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those:

is a footballer.

are footballers.

is a swimmer.

are swimmers.

Find the odd one out:

1)any, analyses, anything

2)something, think, some

3)not, nothing

Jigsaw speaking - Formative assessment

Teacher gives out the handout 1. Students have to complete 6 columns in the given tables. After that, the students work in expert groups and compare their answers (all students must have the same handout, i.e. student A or B, etc.) Then they are regrouped (groups of 4 with different cards) and they share the information in the new groups.

Listening Formative Assessment: teacher chooses which listening task to use based on the level of the majority of the students.

A1-A2: Students have to listen to 3 short situations and find the corresponding pictures.

A2-high A2/B1: Students listen to the recording and complete the TRUE/ FALSE task.

Peer-assessment: students swap their papers and check the answers.

Learners do the instructions

Students complete 6 columns in the tables

Learners follow the instructions

Individual еvaluation

Mutual еvaluation





Whistle, gloves, placards

Handout 1


5 min

Reflection: Give me 5!: students have to

1) Why is it important to respect each other?

2) Why do we need rules and regulations?

Hometask: teacher explains the 4 tasks in the handout 4.

Saying goodbye


Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 8: Sports

School: №8

Date: 10.04.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Rules and respect 1

Talking about and writing rules for sports.

Learning objectives

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proof read work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.UE8 use future forms will for predictions and be going to talk about already decided plans on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to

- read the text about rules of boxing

- find out the future tense sentences from the given text.



Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

I Greeting

II Warming up

Video with physical exercises.

III Repetition of the previous lesson

Activity “snowball game” for checking up the vocabulary

Learners stand around and say words related to the topic sports

Verbal evaluation



35 min

Task . Look at the pictures and write the name of sports

Activity: Skimming

Rules of Boxing

In professional boxing bouts take place over 12 three minute rounds with one minute rest between round. The only method of attack is punching with a clenched fist and you may not strike below the belt in the kidneys or the back of your opponents head or neck. You cannot use the ropes for leverage. You cannot hit an opponent when they are down . A boxer hit with a low blow can take five minutes to recover. If an unintentional foul (such as clash of heads) end the fight before four rounds are completed this is a “no contest” from the fifth onwards the decision goes to the judge’s cards and is either a technical decision for either fighter or a technical draw.


How many rounds could be in professional boxing bouts?

How many minutes are there between rounds?

How might you strike your opponents?

When does the boxer can take five minutes rest?

Learners write the rules of your favourite sport game

Learners read the text and answer the questions below

Differentiation :

Task for more able students: write the rules of your favourite sport game.


http://www.rules sport.com


5 min


2 stars and a wish

For reflection and feedback ask learner to give 2 stars and one wish concerning the lesson

Home task: Make up your own sentences with “ to be going to” .

Saying goodbye

Two stars = 2 things that they understand

about the lesson (text will/be going to)

A wish = something they can improve

to make it even better (on the text, will/be going to)


Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 8: Sports


Date: 12.04.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Rules and respect 1

Talking about and writing rules for sports.

Learning objectives

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proof read work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.UE8 use future forms will for predictions and be going to talk about already decided plans on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to

- read the text about rules of boxing

- find out the future tense sentences from the given text.

Most learners will be able to

-write the sentences with “will” or “be going to”

Some learners will be able to

-write general rules how to be healthy in the future by using will and be going to forms

Assessment criteria

-Apply will and be going to forms correctly in sentences

-Read and identify the main idea of the text

Previous learning

Sport for all 2




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

I Greeting

II Warming up

Video with physical exercises.

III Repetition of the previous lesson

Activity “snowball game” for checking up the vocabulary

Learners stand around and say words related to the topic sports

Verbal evaluation



35 min

Task . Look at the pictures and write the name of sports

Differentiation :

Task for more able students: write the rules of your favourite sport game.

Activity: Skimming

Rules of Boxing

In professional boxing bouts take place over 12 three minute rounds with one minute rest between round. The only method of attack is punching with a clenched fist and you may not strike below the belt in the kidneys or the back of your opponents head or neck. You cannot use the ropes for leverage. You cannot hit an opponent when they are down . A boxer hit with a low blow can take five minutes to recover. If an unintentional foul (such as clash of heads) end the fight before four rounds are completed this is a “no contest” from the fifth onwards the decision goes to the judge’s cards and is either a technical decision for either fighter or a technical draw.


How many rounds could be in professional boxing bouts?

How many minutes are there between rounds?

How might you strike your opponents?

When does the boxer can take five minutes rest?

Learners write the rules of your favourite sport game

Learners read the text and answer the questions below

Individual evaluation

Mutual evaluation


http://www.rules sport.com


5 min


2 stars and a wish

For reflection and feedback ask learner to give 2 stars and one wish concerning the lesson

Two stars = 2 things that they understand

about the lesson (text will/be going to)

A wish = something they can improve

to make it even better (on the text, will/be going to)

Home task: Make up your own sentences with “ to be going to” .

Saying goodbye


Unit 8: Sports

School: №8

Date: 12.04.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5 а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Rules and respect 2

Talking and writing about following rules, showing respect and being a ‘good sport’.

Learning objectives

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to

- read the text about rules of boxing

- find out the future tense sentences from the given text.

Most learners will be able to

-write the sentences with “will” or “be going to”

Some learners will be able to

-write general rules how to be healthy in the future by using will and be going to forms

Assessment criteria

-Apply will and be going to forms correctly in sentences

-Read and identify the main idea of the text

Previous learning

Sport for all 2




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Class organisation

Learning and lesson objectives are introduced.

Lead-in: teacher demonstrates a number of pictures and asks the students to talk in pairs and guess the topic.

Students discuss the question and report back to the teacher.

Verbal evaluation



35 min

Task 1. Puzzle time. Find words about sport and write down.

Task 2. Listen and repeat new words. Video 1

Task 3. New Theme «I need»

Конструкция Мне нужно:

I need a ball and trainers to play football

Task 3. Complete the sentences

We need … and …to go skiing.

He needs …to play basketball.

They need … to go cycling.

I need …to play chess.

You need …to play baseball.

Learners listen and pronounce

Learners complete the sentences

Individual еvaluation

Mutual еvaluation


5 min

Reflection (W): Give me 5!: students have to

1) Why is it important to respect each other?

2) Why do we need rules and regulations?

Plenary (I): Teacher nominates a student to sum up what has been learned in today’s lesson.

Hometask: teacher explains the 4 tasks in the handout 4.

Saying goodbye



Slide 13

Handout 4,

PPt slide 14

Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 8: Sports

School: №8

Date: 15.04.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Human body and exercise 1

Talking and writing about healthy bodies and finding out about heartbeats and body movements.

Learning objectives

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

5.UE2 use quantifiers many , much , a lot of ,a few on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Identify the parts of the body from the picture

Fill in the gaps using the verbs related to the parts of the body

Most learners will be able to:

Distinguish the countable and uncountable nouns.

Some learners will be able to:

Determine countable and uncountable nouns.

Assessment criteria

Give basic information about themselves and others at sentence level.

Write topic related words correctly

Previous learning

Rules and respect 2




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


T divide learners into two groups



Activity – Matching

W. Task 1 Write down unknown ones in your vocabulary book.

Head, hair, ear, eye, mouth, neck, shoulder, arm, finger, leg , knee, tongue,lip,toe.

Learners look at the pictures and match the parts of the body

Individual еvaluation

Flashcards, active board


35 min

Task 1.

Activity –Sort yourselves out

Read the sentence. You can add your own sentences.

AFL – « Expert Envoy»


A noun can be countable and uncountable.

Countable noun You can use one/two/three……countable noun (you can count them)

for example:

an eye- two eyes ,

a face-two faces, an ear –ears,

an arm –two arms,

a shoulder- two shoulders leg,

Uncountable noun

for example: nose , mouth, hair , neck ,

You can`t say one/ two/thee……..+ this things:

Irregular noun:foot-feet,tooth-teeth

Learners collect the words and make up sentence.

Descriptors: A learner

Collects the words

Makes up sentences.

Reads the sentences.

Make up their own sentences.

Learners translate the verbs on the box and match them with pictures

Verbal evaluation

Mutual еvaluation

Flashcards, active board

Worksheet 1


5 min

I know and understand

I can speak

I need a help

All learners put stickers into three groups according their understanding of the lesson

Hometask: to learn the new vocabulary

Saying goodbye



Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 8: Sports

School: №8

Date: 19.04.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Human body and exercise 1

Talking and writing about healthy bodies and finding out about heartbeats and body movements.

Learning objectives

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

5.UE2 use quantifiers many , much , a lot of ,a few on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Identify the parts of the body from the picture

Fill in the gaps using the verbs related to the parts of the body

Most learners will be able to:

Distinguish the countable and uncountable nouns.

Some learners will be able to:

Determine countable and uncountable nouns.

Assessment criteria

Give basic information about themselves and others at sentence level.

Write topic related words correctly

Previous learning

Rules and respect 2




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


T divide learners into two groups



Activity – Matching

W. Task 1 Write down unknown ones in your vocabulary book.

Head, hair, ear, eye, mouth, neck, shoulder, arm, finger, leg , knee, tongue,lip,toe.

Learners look at the pictures and match the parts of the body

Individual еvaluation

Flashcards, active board


35 min

Task 1.

Activity –Sort yourselves out

Read the sentence. You can add your own sentences.

Descriptors: A learner

Collects the words

Makes up sentences.

Reads the sentences.

Make up their own sentences.

AFL – « Expert Envoy»


A noun can be countable and uncountable.

Countable noun You can use one/two/three……countable noun (you can count them)

for example:

an eye- two eyes ,

a face-two faces, an ear –ears,

an arm –two arms,

a shoulder- two shoulders leg,

Uncountable noun

for example: nose , mouth, hair , neck ,

You can`t say one/ two/thee……..+ this things:

Irregular noun:foot-feet,tooth-teeth

Learners collect the words and make up sentence.

Learners translate the verbs on the box and match them with pictures

Verbal evaluation

Mutual еvaluation

Flashcards, active board

Worksheet 1


5 min

I know and understand

I can speak

I need a help

All learners put stickers into three groups according their understanding of the lesson

Hometask: to learn the new vocabulary

Saying goodbye



Unit 8: Sports

School: №8

Date: 19.04.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Human body and exercise 2

Listening and watch about sports and marathons and planning a video about sports in Kazakhstan.

Learning objectives

5.UE8 use future forms will for predictions and be going toto talk about already decided plans on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.UE 12 use common regular and irregular adverbs, simple and comparative forms, adverbs of frequency and adverbs of definite time: last week, yesterday on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

read and understand most of the events in the story

present ideas clearly in a pair, group and whole class conversation

Most learners will be able to:

use visual support to understand the events in the story

read and understand event of a story without support

plan and write sentences related to the topic without support

Some learners will be able to:

understand most of the language on the story

spell topic-related words correctly

Previous learning

Human body and exercise 1




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Class organization

Learning and lesson objectives are introduced.

Pre-learning: Teacher explains the concept of someone who is «a good sport» and someone who is «a bad sport». Then teacher displays the definition for students to check.

Topic-related vocabulary introduction : Teacher introduces students with the words related to the topic: to show respect; to follow the rules; to be a good sport.

Differentiation: Students rely on the pictures to deduce the meaning of the phrases. Teacher might ask Ss to use these words in their own sentences.

Learners rely on the pictures and situations portrayed to guess the meaning of the concept.

Verbal evaluation


Slides 2-3


Slide 4

Images are projected on IWB


Slide 5


35 min

Formative assessment (Always be a good sport): Students are given the task to watch the video and choose the correct answer from the options given.

Differentiation: Low-performing students might need teacher’s support to clarify some unknown words. High-performing students might be asked to summarize the event of the story in a nutshell using new words and phrases.

Reflection: Teacher asks students to look at the images of children and adults playing sport and showing respect to each other. They say what actions show respect e.g.

Showing respect: It is advisable to add a speech bubble and write a caption below drawing e.g. speech bubble: I’m sorry. Are you ok? Caption: I’m saying sorry because I pushed her.

Sport rules and regulation:

Learners in small groups agree on three reasons why we have rules for sport then share ideas with another group e.g. Because we don’t want to hurt our friends; we want to help our team; we want to follow the rules; we want to be good sports; we want to show respect

Learners choose the correct answer

Learners in pairs think of a sport they play and draw a picture of how they show respect.

Learners agree on three reasons why we have rules for sport then share ideas with another group

Individual evaluation

Mutual evaluation


Slide 6

Video clip

Worksheet for listening FA


Slide 7


Slide 8

Sheet of A4 paper with speech bubbles and captions



5 min

Feflection : They students agree on three actions which show respect to others when playing sport, and practise miming them e.g. shaking hands after a game; helping someone after they fall; clapping the other team at the end of a game; patting someone on the back after scoring a goal.

Hometask: Learners write their reasons on a card and take turns to read them aloud.

Saying goodbye



Slide 9

WS for plenary pyramid

Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 8: Sports

School: №8

Date: 17.04.23

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5ә (home education)

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Human body and exercise 2

Listening and watch about sports and marathons and planning a video about sports in Kazakhstan.

Learning objectives

5.UE8 use future forms will for predictions and be going toto talk about already decided plans on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.UE 12 use common regular and irregular adverbs, simple and comparative forms, adverbs of frequency and adverbs of definite time: last week, yesterday on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

read and understand most of the events in the story

present ideas clearly in a pair, group and whole class conversation

Most learners will be able to:

use visual support to understand the events in the story

read and understand event of a story without support

plan and write sentences related to the topic without support

Some learners will be able to:

understand most of the language on the story

spell topic-related words correctly



Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Setting the aims of the lesson

Teacher distributes worksheet with the list of key words and students tick those they remembered.


Learners write down words they remember on the white board.

Learners watch and read information about an ideal world in web link

Verbal evaluation





35 min

Task 1.Look and listen the VIDEO and answer how many body parts do you have.

Например: I have got one had.

Everybody has a body 
And everybody has body parts, body parts
You have 10 fingers
You have 10 toes
You have 2 eyes
And you have 1 nose
You have 2 arms
You have 2 legs
And you have hair on the top of your head
Everybody has a body
And everybody has body parts, body parts
You use your hands to pick things up
You use your arms to give great big hugs
You use your legs to run around
And your feet always touch the ground
Everybody has a body
And everybody has body parts, body parts
You use your eyes when you’re looking
You use your nose to smell what’s cooking
You use your ears to hear this song
You use your mouth to sing along
Everybody has a body
And everybody has body parts, body parts
Hey everyone… I have an idea!
Why don’t we all play a game… ok, here we go!
Touch you head
Touch your toes
Touch your arms
And touch your nose
Shake your head
Wiggle your toes
Wave your arms
And wrinkle your nose
Everybody has a body
And everybody has body parts, body parts, body parts, body parts

Task 2 Watch the video once more and write out what can you do with your eyes, nose, ears and mouth

Example: I can run with my legs.

Learners video and answer how many body parts do you have.

Learners watch the video and make the sentences

Individual еvaluation



5 min


Concept checking questions, display questions

Reflection of the lesson: The method of “Sandwich”- two interesting and one difficult moment

Hometask: Learn new vocabulary

Make up topic “Sport in my life”

Saying goodbye


Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 8: Sports

School: №8


Teacher name: Serкebayeva M

Grade: 5 а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Unit revision

Learning objectives

5.L4 Understand the main points of supported extended talk on

a range of general and curricular topics

5.S1 Provide basic information about themselves and others at

sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

Lesson objectives

Identify the main information of a talk using supporting information

Give basic information about themselves and others at sentence level

Previous learning

Human body and exercise




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Greeting: Teacher greets the learners; learners respond to greeting of the teacher and take their places.

Task.1 Warm up. Group members are given a worksheet with illustrations. There is also a slide with pictures and key words on the interactive board. Teacher asks the question: What should/shouldn’t you do to have a healthy lifestyle? The first groups members find and identify healthy habits, the second group members identify unhealthy habits. They may add their own sentences using should/shouldn’t.


Learners answer the questions

Mutual еvaluation

Student’s book English7

Express Publishing




35 min

Differentiation by ability

More able Students make up own sentences about healthy or unhealthy habits.

Group “Doctor”: You are a doctor. Give advice to the patient who feels tired and cannot concentrate at school. Every morning he snoozes for ten more minutes. He wants to sleep in. Role play.


Group members:

Read the situation task. Discuss it within the group.

Use topical vocabulary and should/shouldn’t when giving advice.

Act out their dialogues

Finish with positive encouragement.

Suggested Answer Key:

-Patient: Doctor, I always feel tired. I suffer from stress. Please help me.

- Doctor: I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling so tired. Here’s some ideas that could help.

- Doctor: Do you eat dinner late?

- Patient: Yes, I do.

- Doctor: You shouldn’t eat dinner late. You shouldn’t go to bed on a full stomach. You should relax before you go to bed. You shouldn’t use a mobile phone before going to bed. If you follow my advice I’m sure you will soon feel better.

- Patient: Thanks, doctor. I will follow your advice.

Group: Health: Give advice to your friend. He is fat and sad. He spends all the time watching too much TV. He doesn’t do any physical activity. He eats much late at night and surfs the Internet for too long. He has a big problem! He is overweight. What to do?

Groups assess one another’s role plays descriptors. “2 Stars and a Wish “

Differentiation by outcome: For more able students to

Learners make up own sentences about healthy or unhealthy habits

Learners compose a short story about healthy lifestyle.

Individual evaluation

Verbal evaluation


worksheet with key words

Ex1 p 88

Ex 3 p 88

Posters, stickers

& colored markers


5 min


Ask students to look at lesson objectives and think and say what they did well in the lesson and what needs improvement.

Success stairs

Home task: revise the vocabulary

Saying goodbye


Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 9: Holidays

School: №8

Date: 26.04.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Destinations 1

Talking and writing about holidays and finding out about Kazakh holidays.

Learning objectives

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts

5.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

understand the events in the story from the listening text

present ideas clearly in a pair, group and whole class conversation

Most learners will be able to:

find the locations following instructions

give directions reading a map, using prepositions of places and directions phrases

Some learners will be able to:

understand most of the language on the story in the listening text

spell topic-related words correctly

Previous learning

Unit revision




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Class organisation

Starter: “Lost in the Fog”:

Ss get roles: a captain of the ship and a ship.

Ships should close their eyes and they listen to their captain commands.

Captains give the direction to their ships to come to the harbour without bumping the reefs

Learning and lesson objectives are introduced.

Topic-related vocabulary introduction:

New Vocabulary: Class divides into groups consisting of three Ss and given a handout 1.. Tell Ss to write down unknown words in their dictionary

Differentiation: Teacher might ask Ss to use these words in their own sentences.

Learners match the sentences with the pictures and check their answers with the slides

Learners rely on the pictures to deduce the meaning of the phrases.

Individual avaluation


Slide 2


Slide 3

Images are projected on IWB

slide 3-7

Handout 1


35 min

Activity 1

Map reading (reading): Ss in pairs do the exercise on handout 2.

Activity 2 Map reading (listening formative )

Activity 3 Map reading (writing and speaking): Divide the class into pairs, instruct they are going to create small two dialogues firstly in a written form and perform orally. Before Ss present their dialogue, check their written work.

Differentiation: Low-performing students might need teacher’s support to clarify some unknown words. High-performing students might be ask to summarize in a nutshell using new words and phrases.

Presenting a dialogue (speaking): T assesses their performances according to the assessment criteria and provide feedback.

listen to the recorder twice and do the exercises according to the instructions.

Learners follow the instructions

Learners present dialogues orally following the map.

Verbal evaluation

Mutual avaluation


Handout 2

Handout 3



Handout 4 listening FA



5 min

Plenary pyramid of the lesson (I): Ss are provided with the WS where they write:

One question they still have

Two things they have enjoyed or found interesting

Three things they have learned today

Home task: learn new vocabulary

Saying goodbye



Slide 14

Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 9: Holidays

School: №8

Date: 29.04.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Destinations 1

Learning objectives

5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

5.UE16 use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, after to link parts of sentences on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

read and understand most of the events in the texts

present ideas clearly in a pair, group and whole class conversation

Most learners will be able to:

use visual support to understand the events in the texts

read and understand event of a story without support

plan and write sentences related to the topic without support

Some learners will be able to:

understand most of the language on the texts

spell topic-related words correctly

Previous learning





Planned activities

Learners’ activities




10 min

Class organization

Learning and lesson objectives are introduced.


We went to ___ because we like ____.

Model examples of sentences using gerunds e.g. We went to the beach because we like swimming in the sea. We went to the mountains because we like climbing.

Differentiation: Monitor learners as they talk about holidays and translate any vocabulary they use in the L1.



Teacher stimulates learners to revise vocabulary linked to holidays.

Learners brainstorm holiday destinations they’ve been to and say why they went there

Learners fill the blanks with the words in the box and answer the questions.

Verbal evaluation


Slides 1-2


Slide 3

Handout1 for speaking


30 min

Activity 1 Reading and retelling about the festivals around the world and in Kazakhstan

Give out Handout 2 Festivals (one festival per a student)

Show the picture for the festival on the board as a student tells about it. Instruct, encourage them to listen to each other. (There are only 9 festivals, if you have more than 9 students, tell the ones who didn’t get the text to tell about a festival in Kazakhstan, find about it in the Internet – for stronger students)

Differentiation: by support, by task: Stronger students can find additional information about the festival in the Internet and add more to their speech OR find info about a festival in Kazakhstan (write the names of the students here)

Activity 2 Leaflet/Brochure/Power point presentation preparation

Speaking Formative Assessment (G)

Instruct, explain. Give out leaflet samples for the ones who will make leaflets. Give out Handout 4 Things2Include for everybody. Facilitate. Ask and answer questions. Encourage them to be creative and not to copy ready leaflets or PPTs from the Internet.

One by one/pairs/groups (depends on how they have chosen to work) come out to the board and present their work.

The following are useful stages: Peer assessment and Peer review (They look at each other’s work and state two things they like about it and one area of improvement)

Learners read about the festival and get ready to tell about it to the rest of the class (translate all new words) One by one students tell about the festival they have

Learners choose one place to visit in Kazakhstan

Learners make a brochure/leaflet about the place they researched.


Individual evaluation

Mutual evaluation



Slide 4

Handout 2 Festivals


Slide 4

Handout 3


Handout 4 template of leaflet

Handout 5 SFA


5 min

Reflection: Teacher asks learners:

What have you learnt with your eyes this lesson?

What have you learnt with your ears?

What have you learnt with your body?

Home task: read and retell the text

Saying goodbye


Slide 7

Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 9: Holidays

School: №8

Date: 03.05.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Destinations 2

Learning objectives

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.C3respect differing points of view

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics

5.C8develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Read with getting specific information;

Most learners will be able to:

Read and talk about types of holiday

Some learners will be able to:

will be able to read and write about other activities

Previous learning





Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Before the lesson Teacher sticks pictures of different holiday activities (go sightseeing, go skating, play beach volleyball, etc.) in the classroom.

Teacher can stick it under students’ tables and chairs.

For example:

Ride bicycle

Go skating

Play volleyball

Hiking, etc.

Teacher can ask which one is their favorite.

Introducing learning and lesson objectives.

Learners should tell the words describing given activities.

Individual еvaluation


PPT Slide 1


35 min


Students are given the list of new vocabulary on the topic and do exercises.

Pre-reading task. Students write vocabulary correctly on a given topic matching with pictures. (Teacher’s support for weak students)


(Individual work)

Differentiation: Low-performing students can answer the questions using the given words from the box.

Images Activity: what’s happening

(I).Look at the picture. Describe it. Write your sentences using the Present continuous affirmative or negative forms. – Differentiation by less support.

Differentiation by more support – Teacher gives these worksheets to less able students.

1.Zhandos isn’t sleeping (sleep). He’s swimming.

2.Zhenya .......(run)................................

3.The two boys ........(swim).................

4.Aidos ..............(read) a book...............

5.Maira and Svetlana................(make) a sandcastle......................................

Learners write vocabulary correctly Learners read the text and write the activities under the correct holiday, add their own Looks at the picture

Learners makes sentences

Writes their sentences down.

Verbal evaluation

Mutual еvaluation



Reading for strong ss

Reading for weak ss


5 min

The Plenary

Teacher asks three new words students remember from the lesson.

Home task: Learn new vocabulary/ retell the text

Saying goodbye



Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 9: Clothes and Fashion

School: №8

Date: 04.05.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Researching how clothes are made and materials used

Learning objectives

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

5.L4 understand with little support some of the implied meaning in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.S5 keep interaction with peers to negotiate, agree and organize priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to listen and match the words with the pictures

Most learners will be able to speak using the pictures

Some learners will be able to express their own ideas about clothes and materials

Assessment criteria

Convey fantasy ideas including emotions and senses

Recognize the content of an extended conversation using some supporting information

Support a talk with peers while agree, disagree and discuss the order of actions and plans to fulfill the tasks

Previous learning

Discussion: Learners first take notes on the advantages and disadvantages of shopping centers

Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Greeting with students;


Memory game


Make a circle. The first student in the group starts by saying the following sentence: “Yesterday I went to the shop and I bought a dress” next student repeats the first sentence and add another thing that he/she bought. At the end, students have to remember all the things in the correct order.


Learners do the instructions

Verbal evaluation

Pictures of clothes


35 min


Task 1. Work with group. Listen and repeat the words.

Match the words with the pictures and name the materials

1)denim jacket

2)leather boots

3)nylon stockings

4)corduroy pants

5)polyester blouse

6)silk scarf

7)straw hat

8)linen dress

9)wool sweater

10) cotton t-shirt


Task 2.Work with group. Put the pictures into the right order and speak about these pictures.

(information gathering activities - learners collect information and present it to the class )

Task 3. Read and answer the questions

Have you ever thought how strange fashion is? People tell us what clothes to wear. That’s weird. Fashion stores tell us what is “in” this summer or this winter. People then buy the same clothes and look like everyone else because they want to feel trendy. The thing is, fashion is about being an individual, but then we all wear clothes that are the same as everyone else’s! Keeping up with fashion is expensive these days. Everyone is into brand fashion. Have you seen how much the most fashionable sneakers are? How can kids afford those? The craziest fashion is the luxury brands. People spend a month’s salary, or more, on a handbag or watch. That’s crazy. I’m happy with an unknown brand at half the price. I don’t mind being unfashionable.

Example:0.What places tell us what is ‘in’ and ‘out’ this summer?

shops B)newspapers C)magazines


According to the speaker fashion is

According to the speaker who tells us about fashion.

Learners listen and matche the words with the pictures

and say what materials are used

Learners put the pictures in the correct order and speak about the pictures

Learners read and answer the questions

Individual еvaluation

Mutual еvaluation


Active board



5 min


Feedback with traffic light.

Pupils will take the stickers and put on the suitable colour (traffic lights).

Homework: Write the essay about clothes and materials

Saying goodbye


Unit 9: Holidays

School: №8

Date: 04.05.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Holiday Activities 1

Talking and writing about holiday activities and creating a brochure for a beach holiday.

Learning objectives

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Read with getting specific information;

Most learners will be able to:

Read and talk about types of holiday

Some learners will be able to:

will be able to read and write about other activities

Assessment criteria

Learners have met this learning objective if they:

understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

Follow the rules and instructions.



Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Before the lesson Teacher sticks pictures of different holiday activities (go sightseeing, go skating, play beach volleyball, etc.) in the classroom.

Teacher can stick it under students’ tables and chairs.

Learners should tell the words describing given activities.



35 min

Introducing learning and lesson objectives.


Students are given the list of new vocabulary on the topic and do exercises.

Differentiation: High-performing students can be asked to make up their own sentences with new words.

Reading task.

Check out this brochure with some of the most exciting adventure holidays around the world and improve students’ reading skills.

Pre-reading task. Students write vocabulary correctly on a given topic matching with pictures. (Teacher’s support for weak students)


Students read the text and write the activities under the correct holiday, add their own. (Individual work)

Differentiation: Low-performing students can answer the questions using the given words from the box

Look and listen the VIDEO Holidays in Kazakhstan

Task 1. Answer the following questions in your copybook.

Learners listen and pronounce

Learners follow the instructions

Learners answer the questions

Verbal evaluation

Mutual evaluation

Individual evaluation

PPT Slide 1



Reading for strong ss

Reading for weak ss


5 min

The Plenary

Teacher asks three new words students remember from the lesson.

HOMEWORK: Learn new vocabulary/ retell the text



Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 9: Holidays

School: №8

Date: 10.05.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Holiday Activities 1

Learning objectives

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.W6link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics

5.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Define new words

Define new words;

Most learners will be able to:

Describe and explain popular holiday activities;

Some learners will be able to:

Compare and differentiate different types of holiday.

Assessment criteria

Accuracy, Originality, Relevance

Learners have met this learning objective if they:

understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

Follow the rules and instructions.

Previous learning

Holiday Activities 1




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Teacher greet students and introduces learning objectives.

To revise new words students play game “Crocodile”. Students are divided into two groups each member of groups shows the words by movements and ask questions: What am I doing? Where do people do it? When do people do it? (Group work)


Learners do the instructions

New words


35 min

Writing Formative Assessment.(Individual work)

Students write about the most popular types of holidays in Kazakhstan, compare with the popular activities around the world.

Student can do this writing task according to the analyses of results of classmates’ answers.

Descriptors for writing:

50-80 words

Vocabulary (use at least 8 new words)

Structure (Useful expressions)

Grammar (Present Tense)

Spelling (no more than 3 mistakes)


Students with moderate writing skills are asked to write about their dream holiday.

Descriptors for writing:

50-60 words

Vocabulary (use at least 8 new words)

Grammar (Present Tense, Future Tense)

Spelling (no more than 3 mistakes)

Learners write about the most popular types of holidays in Kazakhstan

Individual evaluation



5 min

The Plenary

Teacher gives to students exit ticket where they should write what they have learned.

The main thing I learned

Vocabulary word I learned

Prove it

What questions do I still have

Home task: Learn new vocabulary/ retell the text

Saying goodbye


Exit tickets


Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 9: Holidays

School: №8

Date: 15.05.24

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:


Talking about ways of travelling around and planning and writing information for tourists

Learning objectives

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.UE14 use prepositions to talk about time and location; use prepositions like to describe things and about to denote topic

use prepositions of direction to, into, out of, from, towards

5.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively andcooperatively in groups

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Understand the main ideas of the dialogues in videos;

Recognize topic related vocabulary in dialogues;

Act situations provided in the template;



Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Greeting. Teacher greets students entering in the class with gestures.

  • Position yourself at or just inside your door

  • Make it known that you are happy that they are there

  • Provide positive direction/guidance for the class period

  • Tell students what your expectations are for the day

  • Give them a sense that this is a new day

When students know that they are truly welcome in your classroom, they will respond in ways that may surprise you.

Gesture pictires

Picture 41


35 min


To revise the transport vocabulary, ask them to guess pictures. For differentiation: for fast students – put the transport words into three groups: Land, Air and Sea.

Provide students with cards with adjectives to describe transport and ask them to find his/her pairs with adjectives with opposite meanings: cheap- expensive; comfortable – uncomfortable; convenient- inconvenient; dangerous – safe; fast- slow.


Students listen to the dialogues and choose an appropriate place where the conversation is being held. (Ex.2 listening in handout 4). Then students watch the videos and check their answers.


Students listen to the dialogues again and put the words under the pictures.(Ex.3 listening in handout 4). Check by displaying correct answers on IWB/ or ask fast students match the pictures with the words. Make sure that students pronounce these words correctly.

Then students listen once more and answer the questions individually.

5.Group work. Work with poster.

Past Continuos Tense and its using.

Encourage students to check their answers in groups by reading the sentences Students may use local data. Formative assessment criteria are provided in handout “Formative assessment L3” .

Learners guess the word and show transports in a kinaesthetic form..

Learners listen to the dialogues and choose an appropriate place

Students listen to the dialogues again and put the words under the pictures

Learners act their own posters.

Verbal evaluation

Individual evaluation

Mutual evaluation


5 min


Ask them to give the “Five finger” feedback.

Home task: to learn the new words

Good bye!

Learners write their own reflections


Тексерілді: ________.

Unit 9: Holidays

School: №8


Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Holiday Activities 1

Learning objectives

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.W6link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics

5.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Define new words

Define new words;

Most learners will be able to:

Describe and explain popular holiday activities;

Some learners will be able to:

Compare and differentiate different types of holiday.




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Teacher greet students and introduces learning objectives.

To revise new words students play game “Crocodile”. Students are divided into two groups each member of groups shows the words by movements and ask questions: What am I doing? Where do people do it? When do people do it? (Group work)


Learners do the instructions


35 min

Writing Formative Assessment.(Individual work)

Students write about the most popular types of holidays in Kazakhstan, compare with the popular activities around the world.

Student can do this writing task according to the analyses of results of classmates’ answers.

Descriptors for writing:

50-80 words

Vocabulary (use at least 8 new words)

Structure (Useful expressions)

Grammar (Present Tense)

Spelling (no more than 3 mistakes)


Students with moderate writing skills are asked to write about their dream holiday.

Descriptors for writing:

50-60 words

Vocabulary (use at least 8 new words)

Grammar (Present Tense, Future Tense)

Spelling (no more than 3 mistakes)

Learners write about the most popular types of holidays in Kazakhstan

Individual evaluation


5 min

The Plenary

Teacher gives to students exit ticket where they should write what they have learned.

The main thing I learned

Vocabulary word I learned

Prove it

What questions do I still have

Home task: Learn new vocabulary/ retell the text

Saying goodbye


Exit tickets


Тексерілді: ________.


Unit 9: Holidays



Teacher name:

Grade: 5

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Holiday Activities 2

Learning objectives

5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to :

talk about their holidays using pictures and write sentences using if clauses;

Most learners will be able to :

talk about their holidays describing place, objects and write some sentences;

Some learners will be able to :

link sentences into paragraph using zero conditionals and defining relative clauses with which who that where

Assessment criteria

-Write about holidays describing place, objects using zero conditional

Previous learning

Holiday Activities 1




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Greeting: learners respond to greeting of the teacher and take their places. Dividing into subgroups using cards with word {1 group - public transport ; 2 group - private transport; 3 group - urban transport}

Warming up:

I have never been …” activity.

Picture prompt” -activity

Use pictures of transport. How do you think what theme have we got for today? Teacher asks the learners to identify today’s theme and asks what the holiday means.


Learners answer the questions

Individual avaluation

Pictures of transport, places, activities


30 min

Teacher revises the words using “Word tree”, flashcards, pictures about holiday and transport (take photos, look around, buy souvenirs, do shopping, go sightseeing, loose the way, spend money, monuments, theatres, bridges, parks, statues, palaces, cathedrals, art galleries) In feedback learners name the transport, places, activities looking at the pictures.

I. Task 1.

Acquaint new words: a taxi, a car, a train, an airplane, a coach, a raft, a helicopter, a Jet, a ship, a ferry boat, a hot air balloon. Let`s go divided these words the on the categories and make up sentence.


Shape18 Shape17 Shape16 Shape15

Water Air

Urban Other

f.eg: How do you get to Astana?

-I get to Astana by train.

Differentiation for more able learners:

Why you choose this type of transport?

AFL: Oral feedback

Learners follow the instructions

Learners make sentences

Verbal evaluation

Mutual avaluation


5 min


Teacher gives her comments about students work and ask students write “All you know”-activity

Students write down everything they know about “Transport” at the start of the unit.

Home task is... make a dialogue about your holiday

So, our lesson is over. Good bye!




Unit 9: Holidays



Teacher name:

Grade: 5

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Holiday Activities 2

Learning objectives

5.R1 Understand the main points in a limited range of short

simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.W3 Write with support factual descriptions at text level

which describe people, places and objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Write a test

Read the text and answer the questions

Most learners will be able to:

Describe people, places and objects, write with support factural descriptions

Some learners will be able to:

Write sentences in a present and a future.

Assessment criteria

Identify the main idea in short simple texts

Use the information to write sentences which describe

people, places and objects

Previous learning

Holiday Activities 2




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Setting the aims of the lesson


Learners write down words they remember on the white board.

Teacher distributes worksheet with the list of key words and students tick those they remembered.

Learners write down words

Individual avaluation


10 min


Task №1

Zig is a big as London. One hundred and sixty million people live there. The only food in Zig is bananas. People boil them, fry them, mash them. All the buildings are made of wood, but no one is afraid of fires, because it is always raining!

A teacher checks the tasks through reading , pronunciation and discussing

Task № 2

Write some true sentences about your family using the words on your desk. e.g My sister is taller than me.My father is the oldest in the family.


read the text and named theirs` peculiarities

Learners write some true sentences about your family

Verbal evaluation

Mutual avaluation

Text from the book


20 min


Task 1. Use the information in the story to answer the questions


Task 2. Write a paragraph about your last holiday celebration answering the following questions.

  • What was your last holiday?

  • Where did you celebrate it?

  • How many people were at the party? Who were they (friends, relatives, classmates)?

  • Did anyone get presents? What kind of presents?

  • What did you like the most?

Learners answer the questions

Learners write a paragraph about your last holiday celebration answering the following questions

Individual avaluation


5 min


All learners put stickers according their result of the lesson

Hometask: revise grammar themes

Good bye!




Unit 9: Holidays



Teacher name:

Grade: 5

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:


Talking about ways of travelling around and planning and writing information for tourists

Learning objectives

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.UE14 use prepositions to talk about time and location; use prepositions like to describe things and about to denote topic

use prepositions of direction to, into, out of, from, towards

5.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively andcooperatively in groups

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Understand the main ideas of the dialogues in videos;

Recognize topic related vocabulary in dialogues;

Act situations provided in the template;

Most learners will be able to:

Understand details in listening extracts;

Use topic related vocabulary in their dialogues;

Create their own dialogues based on the given situations and act;

Some learners will be able to:

Understand detailed information from the dialogues in videos;

Apply topic related vocabulary in speech fluently;

Create their own dialogues on the topic without support and act;

Previous learning

Unit revision




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Suggest students listening to the sounds and ask them to identify what sound it is. Play the video without the displaying. Ask students to guess the topic of the lesson.

Introduce the topic and the objectives of the lesson to students.


Learners try to guess


30 min


Divide students into groups of 3-4. To revise the transport vocabulary, ask them to label pictures with words. For differentiation: for fast students – put the transport words into three groups: Land, Air and Sea.

Provide students with cards with adjectives to describe transport and ask them to find his/her pairs with adjectives with opposite meanings: cheap- expensive; comfortable – uncomfortable; convenient- inconvenient; dangerous – safe; fast- slow.


Students listen to the dialogues and choose an appropriate place where the conversation is being held. (Ex.2 listening in handout 4). Then students watch the videos and check their answers.


Students listen to the dialogues again and put the words under the pictures.(Ex.3 listening in handout 4). Check by displaying correct answers on IWB/ or ask fast students match the pictures with the words. Make sure that students pronounce these words correctly.

Then students listen once more and answer the questions individually.

Encourage students to check their answers in pairs by reading the dialogues on the next page. Students may use local data. Formative assessment criteria are provided in handout “Formative assessment L3” .

Learners make up their own sentences with these adjectives.

Learners listen to the dialogues and choose an appropriate place

Students listen to the dialogues again and put the words under the pictures

Learners act their own dialogues.

Verbal evaluation

Individual avaluation

Mutual avaluation


5 min


Ask them to give the VAK feedback.

VAK- Visual, auditory, kinaesthetic.

What have you learnt with your eyes this lesson?

What have you learnt with your ears?

What have you learnt with your body?

Home task: to learn the new words

Good bye!



Unit 9: Holidays



Teacher name:

Grade: 5

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:


Playing two games which involve making questions to revise work done on holidays.

Learning objectives

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.UE14 use prepositions to talk about time and location; use prepositions like to describe things and about to denote topic

use prepositions of direction to, into, out of, from, towards

5.UE16 use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, after to link parts of sentences on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively andcooperatively in groups

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

understand the gist of a song while listening;

know transport vocabulary ;

make up questions with transport vocabulary for a class survey.

Most learners will be able to:

understand the detailed information while listening ;

apply transport vocabulary in the class survey ;

create a class survey.

Some learners will be able to:

understand a song entirely while listening ;

apply transport vocabulary in the class survey without support;

create a class survey and summarise its results;

Previous learning





Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Divide students in groups of 3-4 randomly. Ask students to write words related to the topic of “Holiday. Destination. Transport.” in 1 minute. Then they stick their lists of words on the board .Each group checks other groups’ words and counts how many words each group has written correctly. The group having more and correct words is a winner.

Introduce the topic and the objectives of the lesson to students.



write words related to the topic of “Holiday

Verbal evaluation

A 4 sheets of paper, felt-tip pens

PPT slides 2,3


30 min


Ask students if they can imitate sounds producing by different types of transport. Explain that they will learn a transportation song. For differentiation: Ask fast students to listen to a song and fill in gaps. Slow students listen and complete the song with words below. Learners listen to the song twice. Then provide students with the lyrics of the song and ask students to check their partners’ jobs. Assess how students are able to get specific information from the song.( see handout 4 ‘Formative assessment L8’)


Ask students what would be if there were no types of transport in the world. Students are supposed to give various imaginative responses. Elicit the ways of getting to school in this case. Ask them how they get to school.

Revise the vocabulary by making a mind map in a group of 3-4. Students make a mind map on the words go by …; take/catch … . Remind the other transport words they can use: go by bike or cycle/ride (from the transportation song);

go by car or drive;

go on foot or walk;

give somebody a lift to… or drive somebody to…

Learners follow the instructions

Individual avaluation

Mutual avaluation


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR5qNw3gZq0 PPT slide 4

Transportation song video

Handouts 1(for fast students),2 (for slow students),3 ( lyrics) “Transportation song”Handout 4 ‘Formative assessment L8’

PPT slide 5

Solution elementary. Second edition.SB p.98 Handout 5 ‘transport words’

PPT slide 6


5 min


As a result of the lesson today I:

know… understand…

can use the information in the following other situations….”

Finish the lesson with the ‘Transportation song’

Home task: to complete the table

Good bye!


Unit 9: Holidays



Teacher name:

Grade: 5

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Summative control work for the 4th term

Learning objectives

5.L8 Understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics.

5.R3 Understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W4 Write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information.

5.S2 Ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives

complete the gaps with suitable word and phrases.

read the postcard and identify sentences for True or False statements using information from the text

write an e-mail answering the given questions and providing personal information.

make up a dialogue by asking and answering the questions using words and expressions, and supporting pictures.

Previous learning





Planned activities

Learners’ activities




2 min


Learners are introduced LO.


35 min


Task 1. Listen to the conversation and complete the gaps with suitable phrases (1-2 words). You will listen to the conversation twice. CD3. Tapescript 4.


Task 2. Read the text and write True (T) or False (F) next to the sentences.

Hi Ellie,

How are you? Are you having a nice holiday? I’m having a great time in Spain!

It’s great weather here! It’s very hot and sunny. My family and I go to the beach every day. The beach is a lot of fun because you can do lots of water sports here. I’m going to waterski this afternoon.

The food here is great. We’re going to eat in a seafood restaurant tonight. I love seadfood. I want to try octopus!

We’re going to visit a museum tomorrow morning. It is about the history of Spain. Then later we’re going to go shopping in the town. We want to buy some presents. I want to get you a present from Spain.

We are going to fly home next week. I want to show you all my photos! See you soon.

Best wishes,


Write True or False.

1. Lisa is in Australia.

2. Lisa is going to waterski this afternoon.

3. Lisa’s family is going to eat seafood tonight.

4. Lisa doesn’t like seafood.

5. Lisa is going to buy Ellie a present.

6. Lisa is going to fly home tomorrow.


Task 3. Rob is your pen-friend. Reply to Rob’s email. Tell him about sports in your school. Think about these questions:

What sports do you do at your school?

What after-school sports clubs do you go to?

What sports clubs can you recommend Rob to try in your school? Why?


Task 4. Look at the pictures about Mike’s holiday. Ask your partner 3 questions to get information about Mike’s holiday. You can use the expressions below.

Learners listen to the conversation and complete the gaps

Learners read the text and write True (T) or False (F) next to the sentences

Learners write True or False sentences

Learners write a report

Learners follow the instructions

Individual avaluation


3 min


There smiley faces are on the board. (happy and sad) T. suggests choosing any smiley face. Ss will choose one and put on their desks.

Well what did we do in our lesson?

Home task: revise vocabulary

Saying goodbye



Unit 9: Holidays



Teacher name:

Grade: 5

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Unit revision

Learning objectives

5.UE.10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W.3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people , places and objects

5.C.8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Write a test

Read the text and answer the questions

Most learners will be able to:

Describe people, places and objects, write with support factural descriptions

Some learners will be able to:

Write sentences in a present and a future.

Previous learning

Summative control work for the 4th term




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Organization moment.


-Checking participation


30 min

Task №1

Complete the chart using the Present and the Continuous tenses:


Your friend

What`s your profession now?

Whom will be in a future?

Task 2. Listen to the audio and correct the spelling. You will listen to twice.

I love holidays. They are the best thing in the (1)_______. The only problem is they are always too short. Even summer holidays at school aren’t (2)________ enough. I recently had an eight-week holiday and it flew by. It seems as though time goes quickly when we are on holiday, and slowly when we are at school or work. I always really look forward to holidays – even one-day holidays are (3)________. I live in a country that has many (4)_____________ holidays, so there’s always a break around the corner. I feel sorry for some workers who only get two or three weeks holiday a year. They can’t do anything or go anywhere. I love holidays even if I don’t go away. Staying at home is just as good as going on holiday somewhere. Sometimes going on holiday is (5)______.

Task 2. Write a paragraph about your holiday. Imagine that you are with your family. What are you doing at the moment?

Learners complete the chart using tenses

Listen to the audio and correct the spelling

Learners write a paragraph about holiday.

Individual avaluation

Verbal evaluation

Chart for each pupil

Text from the book

Adjectives on the card: bigger, shorter, older, the oldest, smaller, faster, taller



5 min


At the end of the lesson pupils write feedback for this lesson.


Saying goodbye


Unit 9: Holidays

School: №8

Date: 24.05.22

Teacher name: Serkebayeva M.

Grade: 5а,ә

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Unit revision

Learning objectives

5.UE.10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W.3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people , places and objects

5.C.8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Write a test

Read the text and answer the questions

Most learners will be able to:

Describe people, places and objects, write with support factural descriptions

Some learners will be able to:

Write sentences in a present and a future.

Previous learning

Summative control work for the 4th term




Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Organization moment.


-Checking participation


35 min

Task №1

Complete the chart using the Present and the Continuous tenses:


Your friend

What`s your profession now?

Whom will be in a future?

Task 2. Listen to the audio and correct the spelling. You will listen to twice.

I love holidays. They are the best thing in the (1)_______. The only problem is they are always too short. Even summer holidays at school aren’t (2)________ enough. I recently had an eight-week holiday and it flew by. It seems as though time goes quickly when we are on holiday, and slowly when we are at school or work. I always really look forward to holidays – even one-day holidays are (3)________. I live in a country that has many (4)_____________ holidays, so there’s always a break around the corner. I feel sorry for some workers who only get two or three weeks holiday a year. They can’t do anything or go anywhere. I love holidays even if I don’t go away. Staying at home is just as good as going on holiday somewhere. Sometimes going on holiday is (5)______.

Task 2. Write a paragraph about your holiday. Imagine that you are with your family. What are you doing at the moment?

Learners complete the chart using tenses

Listen to the audio and correct the spelling

Learners write a paragraph about holiday.

Individual avaluation

Verbal evaluation

Chart for each pupil

Text from the book

Adjectives on the card: bigger, shorter, older, the oldest, smaller, faster, taller



5 min


At the end of the lesson pupils write feedback for this lesson.


Saying goodbye


Материал жариялап тегін
сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!