Материалдар / 5 сыныпқа арналған "The Ghost of the mountains" тақырыбына қысқа мерзімді жоспар

5 сыныпқа арналған "The Ghost of the mountains" тақырыбына қысқа мерзімді жоспар

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Мұғалімге көмегі: қолдану, түсіну және талдау: өз тәжірибесінде мұғалім көшбасшылыққа тән қасиеттерді өз бойында қалыптастыруға дағдыланады, оқу ортасымен сынып мәдениетін қалыптастырудағы тиімді әдіс – тәсілдерді меңгереді және пайдалана алатынын көрсете алады, топта бірлесіп жұмыс істей отырып, өзгенің ойын құрметтей білуге үйренеді
11 Мамыр 2018
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The theme of the lesson:  Module 7. Fantasy world. The Ghost of the mountains.

School: school 167

Date: 21.02.18

Teacher name: Abdrakhmanova G.T.

Class: grade 5 “A”



Learning objectives

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics5.S7 use appropriate subject – specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topic 5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills

Higher order of thinking levels

Assessment Criteria

* Peer assessment * Apply subject-specific vocabulary and adjectives to talk about a limited range of general topics * Classify specific information in simple texts * Use variety of adjectives on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: Understand and speak about the idea of the text using new words Most learners will be able to: Ask and answer the questions, regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives with support. Some learners will be able to: Read about the animal with a little support

Language objectives

Word order; present tense Key words: Snow leopard, the bald eagle, Bear, giraffe, seagull, goat, snake, monkey, tiger, wolf ,cat, camel, cow, dog etc

Useful classroom language/dialogue What kind of animals do you like? What kind of animals live in desert, forests?

Cross curricular links

Biology, Geography

Values links

respect, cooperation, friendship, we should love animals

Using methods and stages


I. Organizing moment. II. Checking up the home-assignment: a) Questions to the book; b)with the help of DVD disk tasks; c) Critical thinking task. III. a) Grouping with the help of puzzles.

b) Formation of positive psychological climate “From the heart to the heart”

IV. New lesson. a) Brainstorming questions. b) Pronunciation practice c) Jigsaw Reading. Read the text “ The Ghost of the Mountains” V. Comprehending. Understanding of facts and ideas. Task for all learners. Open and close questions’ strategy VI. The refreshing moment. “Animals dance” VII. Making poster for getting more information about: The snow leopard, the bald eagle. VIII. Giving homework: WB 7a exercises on p.50

IX. Feedback: “Education bag”.


Planned things

Planned activities





15 min

I. Organizing moment. Greetings. Dialogue with the duty. Notice: Follow the Golden rules at the lesson.

II. Checking up the home-assignment: Fantasy World. The book of Jungle. A) Questions: 1. Who is the author of the book? (Rudyard Kipling) 2. Who are the main characters of the book? (Mawgli, Shere khan the tiger, Baloo the bear, Bagheera the panthera) 3. What is the Jungle book about? (about Mawgli a young boy raised by wolves in the jungle) 4. Where are the stories set in? (in a forest in India)

b) I’d like to check your home task with the help of DVD disk tasks on the interactive board. Mark it with “Yes” or “No” answers in your copybooks. Descriptor: learners verify the given sentences with “Yes” or “No” answers.

c) Critical thinking task. Do you think Mowgli should live in the jungle with animals or in a village?

Possible answer: (It might seem like living in the jungle is more fun. It’s an adventure of everyday! But we have to remember that it’s dangerous. And Mowgli needs to learn to be with people, not with animals. I‘m worried what will happen when he gets older. Descriptor: Learners say own versions.

III. a) Grouping with the help of puzzles. Everybody come to the blackboard. Learners have to collect puzzles in the result they get the whole pictures of snow leopard and bald eagle.

Group 1 Group 2

b) Formation of positive psychological climate using snow leopards and bald eagles characteristics. “From the heart to the heart” Group 1: Be powerful, (proud, active, quick, brave, strong) as snow leopard. Group 2: Be high, (sacred, graceful, huge, golden, careful) as bold eagle at the lesson.

IV. New lesson. a) Brainstorming questions. Checking pupils’ knowledge about the snow leopard that they know before: SB Ex.1; p.86 What additional information do you know about this animal? (Snow leopard is a wild animal. It doesn’ roar, it mews. SL is a symbol of Kazakhstan. It lives in high mountains).

b) To practice pronunciation of new words. Repeat individually and chorally. P86 The snow leopard, the bold Eagle, ghost • high up • mountains • hide • forest • come out • tracks • thick • fur • spots • tail • protect • prey • paws • wild • sheep • goat • attack • jump • kill • endangered species • hope • survive

c) Reading. Read the text “ The Ghost of the Mountains”

A ghost lives high up in the mountains of central Asia. It hides in the forests and usually only comes out at night. People rarely see it, but it leaves tracks in the snow. This isn’t a real ghost. This is the snow leopard, a big cat that they call the ‘ghost of the mountains’.

The snow leopard has thick fur with black spots on its head, body and long tail. Its fur protects it from the freezing cold. Its spots help it hide from its prey. It also has big paws to help it walk on the snow. Snow leopards eat wild sheep and goats. When they attack other animals, they can easily jump up to 50 feet. They are very strong and can kill animals that are three times bigger than them. Luckily for us, they rarely attack humans. Sadly, the snow leopard is an endangered species. There are now only 4,080 to 6,590 of them. In Kazakhstan, there are fewer than 200. Let’s hope that the snow leopard survives and doesn’t become a real ghost of the mountains

V. 1.Task for all learners. Pair work. Open questions’ strategy:

1. Where do snow leopards live? 2. What do snow leopards look like? 3. What keeps snow leopards warm? 4. What do snow leopards eat? 5. How far can snow leopards jump? 6. How often snow leopards attack humans? 7. How many snow leopards are there in Kazakhstan?

2. Task for most learners. Complete the sentences

1. They call the snow leopard a .............................. because few people see one. (ghost) 2. A snow leopard’s spots help it .............................. from other animals. (hide) 3. There are lots of .............................. animals in the mountains. (wild) 4. Endangered .............................. need protecting. (species) 5. I ..............................I see a snow leopard one day. (hope)

3. Task for some learners. True or False

A ghost lives high up in the mountains of central Europe. F Asia Snow leopards eat wild sheep and goats . T Its spots help it hide from its prey. T It also has big paws to help it walk on the snow. T

VI. The refreshing moment. “Animals dance”

VII. Making poster for getting more information about: 1) The snow leopard 2) the bald eagle.

VIII. Comprehension Check: A billiard Game on white board.

White board

English. Grade 5. Creativity 2

Student’s book


Each group: *writes as many information as they can. *defend their posters


Formative assessment: pupils get emotional smiles. How is your mood?



5or more



IX. Giving homework: WB 7a exercises on p.50

X. Reflection Feedback: “Education bag”.

How smart was the lesson?

Additional Information

cards, pictures, video……

Differentiation - how do plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners learning?

Cross-curricular links health and safety check ICT links Values links

Worksheet sort

To give different interesting tasks, to teach the pupils to think logically using their fantasy and creativity.



I can spell the words correctly

I can listen and understand a lot of information about animals

I can speak about animals

I choose the write words from the text.


Peer assessment

-Biology, Geography - respect, cooperation, friendship, we should love animals -Friendly atmosphere in class.


Where the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve lesson objectives/learning objectives?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Students achieved lesson and learning objectives. I think my objectives were realistic. Because I see the results.

Differentiated worksheet helped to involve all learners to the lesson.

The learners learned some new words belong to the topic “Animals”. Learners took active part in different tasks and activities, to collaborate working in small groups, shared ideas, tried to ask and answer the questions.

Described pictures, gave us a lot of information about animals using internet.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

1. Presentation new words with pictures and check with the method “mnemonics”. 2. Match the comparative /superlative adjectives with the pictures and make sentences.

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

1. Speak about their favourite animals. 2. Make more sentences.

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform in my next lesson?

  • Students’ speaking skills should be improved Students are more eager to learn

The Bald Eagle has white head and tail, eight-foot wingspread, piercing eyes, massive hooked beak and powerful talons. Bald Eagles are most often seen soaring on their broad, flat wings, or else perched conspicuously, often in the upper branches of tall trees


The Bald Eagle is a large raptor, dark brown overall, with a distinctive white head and tail as an adult. Bald Eagles also have a bright yellow beak and feet.

Dogs are always ready to help others Dogs never do not care about their own interests, Dogs are loyal and honest, amiable and kind, cautious and prudent.


The snow leopard is an official symbol of Kazakhstan, which was a suggestion of President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The snow leopard, beautiful, thick fur, has a white, yellowish or soft gray coat with ringed spots of black on brown. With their thick coats, heavy fur-lined tails and paws covered with fur, snow leopards are perfectly adapted to the cold and dry habitats in which they live.

DIET: Snow leopards primarily hunt wild sheep and goats. Snow leopards are also known to eat smaller animals like rodents, hares and game birds.

Did You Know?

Snow leopards have very large paws that act as snowshoes and keep them from sinking into the snow. Their paws are also completely fur-covered, protecting them from the cold.

BEHAVIOR: Snow leopards prefer to inhabit steep cliff areas, rocky outcrops and ravines. Such habitats provide them with the camouflage they need to ambush unsuspecting prey. They stalk their prey and usually spring from a distance of 20 - 50 feet. Their long and powerful hind limbs help snow leopards leap up to 30 feet, which is six times their body length.

Did You Know?

Snow leopards have light green or gray eyes, unusual for big cats, who usually have yellow or gold eyes.

Mostly active at dawn and dusk, snow leopards are rarely seen in the wild. Unlike other big cats, snow leopards are unable to roar. Solitary in nature, they pair only during the breeding season.


  • Snow leopards are solitary animals, it is rare to see two snow leopards together. Therefore, there is no term for a group of snow leopards.

    • Unlike other large cats, snow leopards cannot roar. They can mew, growl, yowl and prusten. 

    • They can jump as much as 50 feet (15 meters).

    • Snow leopards mate in late winter, between January and mid-March. Males and females stay together for a short period and males do not participate in rearing the cubs.

    • The gestation period is 98 - 104 days and the litter size can be between 1 - 5 cubs, though 2 - 3 is more usual.

The most astounding snow leopard facts

Snow leopards facts 1. Village people in the Himalayas who share the snow leopard’s habitat call it the “ghost of the mountains” because they rarely see it.
Snow leopard facts 2. Snow leopards live alone most of their lives.
Snow Leopard facts 3. Snow leopards can walk over 30 kilometers per day.
Snow Leopard facts 4. Snow leopards have the longest tail of any cat.

Snow Leopards are well adapted for their severe environment. Snow leopards are smaller than the big cats and generally weigh between 28 and 55 kilos. The body length is around 75 to 130 cm with the tail length being almost the same length. The tail is long and thick and helps the cat keep itself warm as it wraps the tail around the body during sleep. Also the long tail helps each snow leopard keep balance and speed as it races down rocky inclines of mountains in pursuit of prey like wild sheep and goats.

Chain words quiz. I’ll give you sentences with a space in-between, and you have to choose what word can fill in there to make phrases or sentences.

A ghost lives high up in the … of central Asia (mountains) It … in the forests (hides) Its … help it hide (spots)

This is the … leopard (snow)

The snow leopard has … fur (thick) with black spots on its …, body and long tail (head) protects it from the … cold (freezing) big … to help it walk on the snow (paws) Snow leopards eat … sheep and goats (wild) the snow leopard is … species (an endangered)

Which zoo animal am I? I like swing. I like to eat peanuts and bananas. I have a tail. I’m a … (monkey)

I have stripes. I’m black and white. Ilook like a horse. I’m a … (a zebra)

I’m very tall. I have a long neck. I am yellow and brown. I’m a … (giraffe)

I’m very big. I have tusks. I’m an … (elephant)

Peer and self-assessment






1. I can understand teacher’s settings, requirements.

2. I can read correctly, pronounce each word correctly.

3. I can listen and understand a lot of information about animals

4. I can speak and answer the questions about animals

5. I can choose the write words from the text.

6. I can express my own opinion.


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