Материалдар / 6 сыныпқа арналған бөлімдік және тоқсандық жиынтық бағалау

6 сыныпқа арналған бөлімдік және тоқсандық жиынтық бағалау

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Мұғалімдерге, сабақта қолдануға
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
15 Қазан 2020
0 рет жүктелген
693 ₸ 770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Page 1

Summative assessment for the unit «Helping and heroes»
Learning objective Understand the main points in a growing range of short,
simple texts on general and curricular topics Communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse
level, during pair, group and whole class exchanges
Assessment criteria • Identify the main ideas of short, simple texts
• Interact in a pair, group and a whole class work
presenting logically connected information with ideas of
other people
Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension
Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes

Task 1. Read the text “The hero of peaceful day”.
There are a lot of heroes in our world. Hero is the person who is always ready to help people at any
time. I want to tell you about my hero. His name is Galymzhan Aleukhanov. He is a serviceman (military
man), works in Almaty at Military Landing Force. He was going home after work. Suddenly he saw that
upper floor of a multi-storey residential building was on a fire. There were many people near it but nobody
knew what to do. Everybody was waiting for the fire brigade. The fire was getting stronger. Without
thinking a lot he entered the burning flat. There he found two unconscious children. Galymzhan took the
children and ran out of the building as quickly as he could. The children were safe. All people were happy
and thankful for his heroic deed. Due to his heroism he became the winner of project: “Kazakhstani: 100
zhana esim” (100 new names).
Recently, the rescuer of two children Galymzhan Aleukhanov has been awarded by medal “Erligi
ushin” by the President Nursultan Nazarbaev in Akorda.
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
1. What is the name of the place where Galymzhan works?
a) Almaty Military Landing Academy
b) Almaty Military Landing Service
c) Astana Military Landing Force
d) Almaty Military Landing Force
2. Where was he going to?
a) home
b) office
c) work
d) flat
3. Did the fire brigade come in time?
a) Yes, it does
b) Yes, it do
c) Yes, it did
d) Yes, it done
4. Why was he awarded by medal?
a) Because he was a military man
b) Because he saw the burning building

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c) Because he rescued children from fire
d) Because he entered the burning flat
5. Who was awarded by the medal “Erligi ushin”?
a) Nursultan
b) Galymzhan
c) The President
d) Two children
Task 2. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Choose one picture and make up a dialogue. These phrases
may help you.
Help old alone people about the house, organize sales for charity, feed homeless animals, serve
food in a homeless shelter, help animals, plant flowers and trees, do whitewashing every season,
raise money for charity, do everything to raise money

Assessment criteria Task Descriptor Mark
A learner
Identify the main ideas of
short, simple texts

1.chooses ‘d’; 1
2.chooses ‘a’; 1
3.chooses ‘c’; 1
4. chooses ‘c’; 1
5.chooses ‘b’;

Interact in a pair, group and a 1 works in pairs 1

Page 3

whole class work presenting
logically connected
information with ideas of
other people
describes the pictures 1
uses words from the box 1
asks and answers the questions to make up a
uses grammatically correct sentences 1
Total marks 10

Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative
Assessment for the unit “Helping and heroes” (Version 1)

Learner’s name______________________________________________

Assessment criteria Level of learning achievements
Low Middle High
Identify the main
ideas of short,
simple texts

difficulties in
identifying the
main ideas of
short, simple
Experiences some
difficulties in
identifying the main
ideas of short, simple
texts. Makes mistakes
in answers
Reads the text for
identifying the difference
between fact and opinion in
short texts. Answers most
of the questions correctly.
Interact in a pair,
group and a whole
class work
presenting logically
information with
ideas of other
Most of
vocabulary words
have spelling
mistakes and
wrong sentences

Some of vocabulary
words have spelling
mistakes and some
grammar mistakes

Only minor spelling and
grammar mistakes occur.

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Review of summative assessment for the term
Duration of the summative assessment– 40 minutes
Listening – 10 minutes
Reading – 10 minutes
Writing – 20 minutes
Speaking task is conducted separately.
Total marks- 22
The structure of the summative assessment
This Summative Assessment consists of 12 questions: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Different types
of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for the term.
Multiple choice tasks consist of several possible answers from which the correct one should be selected.
Gap filling tasks is a task in which words/numbers are removed from a text and replaced with spaces.
Learners have to fill each space with the missing word/number or a suitable word.
True/False tasks require learners to indicate whether the provided option right or wrong.
Open-ended tasks require learners follow instructions of the task, answer questions in words,
expressions and sentences.
Transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme.
The content of the summative assessment for the 1 term should be selected on topics “Our Class” and “Helping
and Heroes”.

Page 5

Characteristic of tasks for summative assessment for the term

Strand Learning objective

number of
ions №

*Type of

*Task description

Time Total

Our Class
and Heroes
Listening Understand most specific
information and detail of supported,
extended talk on a range of general
and curricular topics

5 1

Gap filling
Each learner works individually. The task enables learners to
find specific information in extended talk. Learners listen to
the recording twice on topic ‘Our class’, having chance to
look through the questions before the recording starts (1-2
min to read the questions before the recording starts). The
task consists of 5 questions. Learners choose the right option
for questions 1-3 and complete the gaps for questions 4-5
with no more than 1 word while listening.
10 min 5
Reading Understand the main points in
a growing range of short, simple texts
on general and curricular topics
curricular topics

5 1

True /
Each learner works individually. The task enables
learners to identify the main points of the text.
Learners read the text on topic ‘Helping and Heroes’ and
answer the questions. This task consists of 5 questions with
one possible answer. In questions1-3 learners answer open
ended questions. In questions 4-5 learners indicate sentences
for True and False statements according to the text.
10 min 5
Writing Plan, write, edit and proofread
work at text level with some support
on a growing range of general and
curricular topics Write with some support
about personal feelings and opinions
on a limited range of familiar general
and curricular topics
6 1 Open

Each learner works individually. Learners should choose
one topic. They should write on topics ‘Our class’ or
‘Helping and Heroes’. They should answer the questions in
full sentences expressing their feelings on topic. Writing
tasks can be differentiated by using pictures as a support for
learners. Teachers can use own pictures for writing tasks
which are familiar to learners as a support.


Speaking Provide basic information
about themselves and others at
discourse level on a range of general
topics Give an opinion at sentence
and discourse level on an increasing
range of general and curricular topics
6 1 Open

Learners pair up and have a two-way conversation on topics:
‘Our class,’ ‘Helping and Heroes’. They have 1 minute to
prepare and 2 minutes to talk on the topic. Learners are
provided with some questions for a discussion. They provide
own points of view on topics, ask questions to clarify the
answers and get the needed information, explaining and
justifying their positions and answers.
Teacher can feel free to use topical pictures (from own
teacher’s resources/ classroom set of pictures) to help
learners to develop imagination. Teacher can cut the number
of the questions from the card or ask additional questions to
support learners if necessary.
Each pair
talks for

Total: 40 min 22
Note: * - sections that can be changed

Page 6

Sample questions and mark scheme
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term
Task 1 . Listen to the conversation twice. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:
Transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme. (Link: Eyes Open 2 for Kazakhstan 2018,
Student’s book, Grade 6, Ben Goldstein and Ceri Jones with Emma Heyderman, Cambridge University
Press, p.20, track 1.15)
1. When was the TV program? [1]
a) last month
b) last weekend
c) last year
2. Why this program is called “Young heroes”? [1]
a) Because they give a prize to three heroes
b) Because they invite three heroes
c) Because they teach three heroes
3. What did the heroes do? [1]
a) They made laugh everyone
b) They help people and do charities
c) They play musical instruments
Fill in the gaps with ONE WORD only.
4. This charity wants to _______ more schools in poor countries. [1]
5. She decided to make a _______ for other students who felt the same. [1]
Total [5]

Task. Read Riley’s blog about life on a farm.
(Link: Eyes Open 2 for Kazakhstan 2018, Student’s book, Grade 6, Ben Goldstein and Ceri Jones with
Emma Heyderman, Cambridge University Press, p.11,text)
I can’t study without technology!
It’s 6 am. I’m tired but it’s time to get up. After cleaning the chicken house, I have breakfast.
School starts at 8 am but my school is in my house, in a room we call the “study room”. I can’t go to school
because it’s 300 km away so I go to the School of the Air.
How does it work? Well, I sit down at my desk, turn on my laptop and wait for my teacher and my
classmates to come online. Today it’s Science. Our teacher uses the interactive whiteboard she explain
some new ideas. She saves her work on the website. She then asks us some questions and we listen to
everyone’s answers. At the end of the lesson, we have to do a quiz on the website so she can see who
doesn’t understand. This lesson is only half an hour but it’s tiring.
I quite enjoy studying at home. It’s great to be near my family but I would like to meet my
classmates. When I finish school, I would like to go to Alice Springs and study at the college there, then go
to university. I want to be a pilot. But first, I’ve got to finish my Maths homework before the lesson today!
Answer the questions.
1. Why Riley can’t go to school? [1]
2. How does this school work? [1]
Choose True or False.

Page 7

3. Riley waits for his classmates and a teacher to come online. [1]
True False
4. During the lesson they have to do a quiz on a paper. [1]
True False
5. After graduating the university he is going to be a pilot. [1]
True False
Total [5]
Task. Choose ONE of the topics below.
Topic 1. Our class
Think about your dream school. Give some information about the classrooms, size, subjects, teachers and
• Do you like your school? Why? Why not?
• What kind of school would you like to go?
• How many floors does it have?
• What kind of subjects would you like to have?
• How many pupils will be there?
Topic 2. Helping and Heroes
Think about heroes of modern life. Give some information about any hero.
• Who can be a hero?
• What should a hero do?
• Are there any heroes nowadays?
• Do you have a favorite hero? Why?
• Do you want to be a hero?
Total [6]
Task. Work in pairs. Choose one of the cards and make a dialogue with a partner. Give own opinion on
topic, ask questions, explain your position and answer your partners’ questions. You have 1 minute to
prepare and 2 minutes to talk.
Card 1.Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Our class’. The following questions will help you to
organize your talk:
Do you wear a uniform? Why/Why not?
Do you think your school is strict? Why/Why not?
What are the best and worst parts of going to school?
What kind of rules or punishments are there in your school?
Card 2.Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Our class’. The following questions will help you to
organize your talk:
Which grade are you in?
How many subjects do you have?
What subjects do you enjoy? Why/Why not?
What subjects are good at?
Card 3.Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Our class’. The following questions will help you to
organize your talk:
Do you have optional classes after school?
What do you and your friends do after school?
Describe your friends who attend after school classes?

Page 8

Do you like these classes? Why/Why not?
Card 4. Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Our class’. The following questions will help you to
organize your talk:
Is your school equipped with modern technology?
Do you use any gadgets at your classes?
Is it good or bad to use technology for learning?
What kind of modern technology is necessary to your school?
Card 5. Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Helping and Heroes’. The following questions will help
you to organize your talk:
Do the superheroes exist in real life?
Do you have any favorite superheroes? Why/Why not?
Is it necessary to have superheroes?
Would you like to be a superhero? Why/Why not?
Card 6. Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Helping and Heroes’. The following questions will help
you to organize your talk:
Do you like helping people? Why/Why not?
What kind of people needs help?
How can you help other people?
Do you need help from others?
Card 7. Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Helping and Heroes’. The following questions will help
you to organize your talk:
Have you ever helped someone?
How did you do it?
Did you do it for yourself or with someone else?
What did you feel after your help?
Card 8. Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Helping and Heroes’. The following questions will help
you to organize your talk:
Has anyone helped you when you were in need?
Who was that person?
Why did this person help you?
Is it nice when someone helps you?
Total [6]
Total marks_ /22

Page 9

Mark scheme
Listening and Reading

№ Answer Mark Additional information

Chooses “A” for the question 1 1
Chooses “A” for the question 2 1
Chooses “B” for the question 3 1
Writes ‘build’ 1
Writes ‘website’ 1


Answers ‘Because he lives far away’, ‘Because
the school is 300 km away’
1 Any correct answer is
‘The school works online’, they turn on their
laptop and wait for a teacher to come online’,
‘Teacher explains the lesson, checks pupils’
works online’.
1 Any correct answer is
Chooses ‘True’ 1
Chooses ‘False’ 1
Chooses ‘True’ 1
Total 10

Transcript for listening task:
Girl: Did you watch TV last night?
Boy: No. What was on?
Girl: “Young Heroes”
Boy: What’s that?
Girl: They give prizes to young musicians, artists and sports people.
Boy: So, why’s it called Young Heroes?
Girl: Because they also give a prize to three young heroes.
Boy: How did they choose them?
Girl: Well, their friends and families send their names to the program. Then, a group of famous people
chose three.
Boy: Who are were the winners? What did they do?
Girl: Well, the first winner was Mike. He started helping a charity when he was 9. This charity wants to
build more schools in poor countries.
Boy: Cool!
Girl: He is a really funny person. Last year he made a TV program which made everyone laugh and so
they gave more money to his charity.
Boy: Who else won a prize?
Girl: Then there was Lisa. When she first started secondary school, she was quiet and she had a difficult
Boy: So what did she do?
Girl: She decided to make a website for other students who felt the same. She finds friends for them.
Boy: What a kind person! Who was the third hero?
Girl: That was Alan. When he was younger, he was very ill and he nearly died.
Boy: Is he OK now?
Girl: Yes, he spent several years in hospital. He’s better now but he still has problems walking. The
amazing thing is that he is always cheerful.

Page 10

Boy: And very brave!
Girl: In his free time he gets money for the hospital.
Boy: Wow! I’d like to give my Mum a prize. She’s my hero!

Page 11

Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (content, organization, vocabulary and spelling, and grammar and punctuation), and then calculate a mean to
give an overall total out of 6.
Mark /

Content: relevance, style and
register, and development of
Organization: cohesion,
paragraphing, and format

Vocabulary and Spelling

Grammar and Punctuation:
range and accuracy

6 • All content is relevant to the
• The register completely
corresponds to the requirements of
the task; consistent and intentional
misuse of register* may indicate a
writer’s personal style.
• All content points are fully
addressed and developed in a
balanced way.
*Such misuse of register should
not harm the format of writing.
• Uses a range of basic connectors
correctly and attempts to use
referencing, but not always clearly
or appropriately.
• Uses paragraphs to separate
ideas; all paragraphs revolve
around one idea or a set of like
ideas; the size of each paragraph
allows for a proper and balanced
development of ideas.
• The format is appropriate, but
may be modified for a better
reading experience.
• Uses a range of everyday
vocabulary appropriately;
attempts to use less common
lexical items with occasional
• Has good control of word
formation; may make occasional
errors in producing less common
word forms.
• Spells common vocabulary
items correctly; very few (one or
two) occasional spelling mistakes
may be present.
• May occasionally misspell less
common lexical items.
• Errors in word choice and/or
spelling do not distort meaning.
• Writes simple and compound
sentence forms correctly and
demonstrates some variety in
• May attempt some complex
sentences, but they tend to be less
accurate, including punctuation.
• Errors in grammar and/or
punctuation do not distort

5 All content is relevant to the task;
insignificant content omissions
may be present.
• The register on the whole
corresponds to the requirements of
the task; occasional and
inconsistent misuse of register
may be present.
• Most content points are
addressed, but their development
may be slightly imbalanced.
• Uses a range of basic connectors
• Uses paragraphs to separate
ideas; most paragraphs revolve
around one idea or a set of like
ideas; the size of each paragraph
may reflect imbalanced
development of ideas.
• The format is appropriate.

• Uses a range of everyday
vocabulary appropriately;
attempts to use less common
lexical items, but may make
frequent errors.
• Has good control of word
formation; may make errors in
producing less common word
• Spells common vocabulary
items correctly; few (no more than
• Writes simple and compound
sentence forms correctly, but does
not demonstrate variety in length.
• Occasional errors in grammar
and/or punctuation do not distort

Page 12

five) occasional spelling mistakes
may be present.
• May often misspell less common
lexical items.
• Errors in word choice and/or
spelling do not distort meaning.
4 • Most content is relevant to the
task; insignificant content
omissions may be present.
• The register on the whole
corresponds to the requirements of
the task.
• Most content points are
addressed, but some content
points may be more fully covered
than others.
• Uses some basic connectors, but
these may be inaccurate or
• Uses paragraphs to separate
ideas, but tends to misuse
paragraphing (a script is a set of
very short paragraphs or some
paragraphs may be much longer
than other ones for no apparent
• The format is generally
• Uses everyday vocabulary
generally appropriately, while
occasionally overusing certain
lexical items.
• Has good control of word
formation; can produce common
word forms correctly.
• May make infrequent errors in
spelling more difficult words.
• Errors in word choice and/or
spelling rarely distort meaning.

• Writes simple and some
compound sentence forms
• While errors in grammar and/or
punctuation are noticeable,
meaning is rarely distorted.

3 • Some content is relevant to the
task; significant content omissions
may be present.
• The register barely corresponds
to the requirements of the task.
• Only some content points, which
are minimally addressed.
• Uses a very limited range of
basic cohesive devices correctly.
• Writes in paragraphs, but may
not use them to separate ideas (a
script may have random breaks
between paragraphs).
• The format may be inappropriate
in places.
• Uses basic vocabulary
reasonably appropriately.
• Has some control of word
formation; can produce some
common word forms correctly.
• Makes frequent errors in spelling
more difficult words, but simple
words are spelled correctly.
• Errors in word choice and/or
spelling distort meaning at times.
• Writes simple sentence forms
mostly correctly.
• Errors in grammar and/or
punctuation may distort meaning
at times.

2 • Severe irrelevances and
misinterpretations of the task may
be present.
• Only few content points, which
are minimally addressed.
• May use a very limited range of
basic cohesive devices, and those
used may not indicate a logical
relationship between ideas.
• Attempts to write in paragraphs,
but their use may be confusing
(may start every sentence with a
• Uses an extremely limited range
of vocabulary.
• Has very limited control of word
formation; can produce a few
common word forms correctly.
• Makes many errors in spelling,
including a range of simple words.
• Writes some simple sentence
forms correctly.
• Frequent errors in grammar
and/or punctuation distort

Page 13

new line).
• The format may be
• Errors in word choice and/or
spelling distort meaning.

1 • Attempts the task, but it is
largely misinterpreted and the
response is barely relevant to the

• Links are missing or incorrect.
• Does not write in paragraphs at
all (a script is a block of text).
• The format is not appropriate.

• Can only use a few isolated
words and/or memorized phrases.
• Has essentially no control of
word formation; can barely
produce any word forms.
• Displays few examples of
conventional spelling.

• No evidence of sentence forms.

0 • Does not attempt the task in any way.
• The response is completely irrelevant to the task.
• There is too little language to assess.
• Content is completely incomprehensible due to extremely poor handwriting: very few words are distinguishable, so there is a lack of context to
verify meaning.

Criteria for Marking Writing may be adapted by teacher according to the type and format of writing. Teacher can assess learners’ work using some of
the criteria from each column. There is no need to take into account all the points of the criteria.

Page 14

Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (development and fluency, grammar and vocabulary), and then calculate a mean to give an overall total out of 6.
Mark /
Development and Fluency

Grammar and Vocabulary

6 • Shows sustained ability to maintain a conversation and to
make relevant contributions at some length.
• Produces extended stretches of language despite some
• Can respond to change in direction of the conversation.
• Pronunciation is intelligible.
• Intonation is appropriate.
• Produces error-free simple sentences.
• Attempts some complex grammatical forms, but may make errors,
which rarely cause comprehension problems.
• Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on a
growing range of general and curricular topics.

5 • Responds relevantly and at length which makes frequent
prompting unnecessary, resulting in a competent
• Produces mostly extended stretches of language despite
some hesitation, although instances of using short phrases
may be present.
• Can generally respond to change in direction of the
• Pronunciation is generally intelligible.
• Intonation is generally appropriate
• Produces error-free simple sentences.
• Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when talking about a range of
general and curricular topics.
• Occasional mistakes do not cause comprehension problems.

4 • Attempts to respond to questions and prompts.
• Produces responses which are extended beyond short
phrases, despite hesitation.
• Effort will need to be made to develop the conversation;
only partial success will be achieved.
• Pronunciation is mostly intelligible.
• May not follow English intonation patterns at times.
• Frequently produces error-free simple sentences.
• Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited range of general and
curricular topics.
• Errors may cause comprehension problems.

3 • Responses tend to be brief and are characterized by frequent
• Has to be encouraged to go beyond short responses and
struggles to develop a conversation.
• There is a lack of intelligibility of pronunciation, but it is
unlikely to impede communication.
• Produces basic sentence forms and some correct simple sentences.
• Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited
range of general topics.
• Errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstanding.

Page 15

• May not follow English intonation patterns frequently.
2 • Responses are so brief that little is communicated.
• Barely engages in a conversation.
• Pronunciation may cause some communication difficulty.
• Does not follow English intonation patterns.
• Attempts basic sentence forms, but with limited success.
• Heavily relies on apparently memorized utterances.
• Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a very
limited range of general topics.
• Makes numerous errors except in memorized expressions.
1 • No communication possible.
• Pronunciation and intonation patterns cause difficulty for
even the most sympathetic listener.
• Cannot produce basic sentence forms.
• Can only produce isolated words and phrases or memorized utterances.

0 • No attempt at the response.
• No rateable language.

Criteria for Marking Speaking may be adapted by teacher according to the format of speaking. Teacher can assess learners’ work using some of the
criteria from each column. There is no need to take into account all the points of the criteria.

Материал жариялап тегін
сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
Ресми байқаулар тізімі
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