Материалдар / 9_grade_English_Plus_entry_test


Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
01 Қырқүйек 2024
2 рет жүктелген
405 ₸ 450 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Entry test

1 variant

1. I'm not sure _ pen this is.
a. who
b. which
c. whose
d. where

2. Is that the shop _ Tom works?
a. who
b. which
c. where
d. whose

3. The police officer, _ loved animals, returned the lost dog to its owner.
a. who
b. which
c. where
d. whose

4. Football is a sport _ I find really boring.
a. who
b. which
c. where
d. whose

5. The children played __________ while their parents were chatting _________.
a. noisy, happy
b. noisily, happily
c. noisily, happy
d. noisy, happily

6. I'm ______________these days.
a. optimistic
b. optimistically
c. less optimistically
d. less optimistic

7. The boy loves football more _____________than anything else.
a. passionate
b. more passionate
c. passionately
d. passiotion

8. Many people protested against nuclear ___________.
a. gadgets
b. weapons
c. craze
d. icon

9. Approximately 14% of the population of the UK live in ____________.
a. economy
b. poverty
c. protest
d. crisis

10. It isn’t too short, is it?
a. I'm sure.
b. No, I don't think so.
c. I don't like it.
d. It's perfect for you.

11. Those piercings look really cool, don’t they?
a. Yes, they are.
b. No, they look awful!
c. They don't fit him.
d. I think they're stylish.

12. I like your __ jeans.
a. hooded
b. baggy
c. fitted
d. ripped

13. They __ coffee in Brazil.
a. harvest
b. manufacture
c. plant
d. cultivate

14. He's growing a __.
a. tattoo
b. beard
c. hairstyle
d. mustache

15. She never wears __.
a. lipstick
b. piercings
c. jewelry
d. makeup

16. 90% of the cotton is __ to other countries.
a. exported
b. shipped
c. produced
d. manufactured

17. Her __ really suit her.
a. piercings
b. earrings
c. necklaces
d. accessories

18. That shirt was __ in China.
a. produced
b. designed
c. sold
d. shipped

19. He is a famous __ designer.
a. clothes
b. fashion
c. textile
d. fabric

20. I _ go to school yesterday because I was ill.
a. can
b. could
c. will be able to
d. cannot

21. My brother is very clever. He _ read when he was four years old.
a. can
b. could
c. will be able to
d. cannot

22. No, we _ transplant human brains by 2020.
a. can
b. could
c. will be able to
d. cannot

23. My dad has got to give __ smoking.
a. up
b. in
c. on
d. off

24. I've taken yoga. __.
a. It helps
b. I like
c. It's fun
d. It's hard

25. Please turn the light __ when you leave.
a. off
b. on
c. down
d. up

26. David hasn't told his parents __.
a. still
b. again
c. ever
d. yet

27. He's really happy. He's _ heard that he’s passed the exam.
a. just
b. always
c. never
d. still

28. I've been here now an hour and Jim hasn't come.
a. yet
b. still
c. already
d. just

29. We hadn't eaten dinner by the time Dad got home. What word fits best?
a. didn’t eat
b. hadn’t eaten
c. didn’t eaten
d. eat

30 . I didn’t recognize Liz because she cut her hair. What word fits best?
a. had cut
b. cut
c. cuts
d. didn’t cut

31. During the energy crisis / protest, people had to save electricity.
a. protest
b. crisis
c. invention
d. economy

Entry test

2 variant

1. That's the boy _ skateboard was stolen.
a. who
b. which
c. where
d. whose

2. Do you know the guy _ is singing?
a. who
b. which
c. where
d. whose

3. I visited Bratislava, _ I was born.
a. who
b. which
c. where
d. whose

4. That's a machine _ makes ice cream.
a. who
b. which
c. where
d. whose

5. She sang ____________ than ever.
a. beautifully
b. beautiful
c. more beautiful
d. most beautifully

6. The people who work ___________ are usually the __________.
a. less hard, successfully
b. the hardest, successful
c. less hard, successful
d. the hardest, successfully

7. __ a new president
a. introduce
b. raise
c. permit
d. stand for

8. __ violent films
a. ban
b. invest
c. lower
d. permit

9. __ Parliament
a. introduce
b. raise
c. stand for
d. lower

10. Do you like his hairstyle?
a. No, it doesn’t suit him.
b. Maybe.
c. It looks like it, yes.
d. I think it's unique.

11. She's dyed her hair green!
a. It really suits you.
b. I think it looks cool.
c. It doesn’t fit her.
d. I prefer natural colors.

12. Those shoes really suit you.
a. I'll take them then.
b. Yes, it suits me.
c. That sounds great.
d. I don't like them.

13. Can I try this on, please?
a. Yes, here it is.
b. That's OK.
c. Yes, sure.
d. It's not available.

14. I hope that one day doctors _ cure all diseases.
a. can
b. could
c. will be able to
d. cannot

15. When I was young, I _ speak English, but now.
a. can
b. could
c. will be able to
d. cannot

16. I _ speak German because I've never had lessons.
a. can
b. could
c. will be able to
d. cannot

17. You should cut __ on chocolate. You eat too much.
a. salt
b. fat
c. sugar
d. meat

18. I can't go __ salt.
a. without
b. with
c. to
d. from

19. Have you met Ella __?
a. again
b. yet
c. still
d. ever

20. They've been friends __ they were little.
a. since
b. still
c. never

21. When I got home, I realized I'd forgotten my jacket. What word fits best?
a. forgot
b. forgotten
c. had forgotten
d. forgetting

22. By the time I got there, everyone had gone home. What word fits best?
a. got
b. gets
c. gone
d. gone home

23. We watched Spider-Man II last night. It’s an old film, but I hadn't seen it before. What word fits best?
a. saw
b. hadn't seen
c. did see
d. hadn’t saw

24. Marilyn Monroe was a fashion craze / icon.
a. icon
b. craze
c. weapon
d. protest

25. People suffer during times of war / economy.
a. economy
b. protest
c. war
d. gadgets

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