Материалдар / '' I'm leader ''competition lesson
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'' I'm leader ''competition lesson

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімдеріне арналған әдістемелік көмек
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
06 Ақпан 2019
0 рет жүктелген
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жүктеп алып көруге болады

Сабақтың тақырыбы: « I m leader on my English subject»Сабақтың мақсаты: ағылшын тілінде ойы жүйрік, танымдық деңгейі жоғары,интеллектуалды оқушылардың дарынын ашу, белсенділігін арттыру, білімдерін көтеру.Түрі: сайыс (интеллектуалды ойын) Сабақтың барысы:Teacher: Good afternoon, dear teachers, pupils, and guests! You are welcome to our leader club and to our party «I m leader on my English subject» And now I want invite our participants.They are: -The participants introduce yourself.Thank you. I wish you good luck! Everyone will get a point for the correct answer in the competition and at the end of the party we will see who is the leader-Рахмет.Мен сендерге сәттілік тілеймін. Әрбір сұрақтарға дұрыс жауаптарын бере отырып, ұпай жинайсыздар ең соңында кімнің көшбасшы болғаны белгілі болады.-Әділ-қазы мүшелерімен таныстырайын.Бүгінгі ойын 4 бөлімнен тұрады?1 «.Answer the questions» -Сұрақтарға жауап беру-10 ұпай2. «Guess the riddles»-жұмбақтарды шешіп үш тілге аудару егер 3 тілге аударсаңдар 30 ұпай3. «What do you know about these countries?»-«Мына елдер жайлы не білесің?»4. «Who is the best?»-« Ең күшті кім?-Now let’s begin the game. 1.Answer the questions.1.The capital of the USA-Washington2.The smallest bird in the world-Colibri3.When is the St.Valentine’s day celebrated?-14 February4.Whatis the money of the USA?-Dollar5.Who sings the song Number one fun-Dima Bilan6. Who wrote the novel « Abai zholy?»-M.Auezov7.The capital of Russia-Moscow8.What is the highest mountain peak in the Kazakhstan?-Khan Tangri9.Name the 4 seasons-spring, summer, autumn, winter.10.The biggest ocean on our planet.-The Pacific Ocean11. What are there in the national flag of Kazakhstan?-eagle and sun12.Translate the proverb «Better late than never» -ештен кеш жақсы13. What holiday is celebrated on 22 of March?-Nauruz holiday14.How many oblasts does Kazakhstan have?-1415.The synonym of the word ‘’famous’’-Known and popular16.London is the capital of……-EnglandTeacher: That is all. Now let’s count the pointsNext stage. «Guess the riddles»1.A little old woman with twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot .-Year-жыл-год2 The taecher writes on me with chalkMy face is black, I cannot talk-blackboard-доска-тақта3.A blue sheet covers the whole world. What is it?-the sky, небо-аспан4.What is it: without hands and without feet, without a head or a body can open a door?-wind-ветер-жел5 It is white, it is cold. We can skate on it. What is it?-ice-лед-мұз6.It is blue by night, by day it is whiteIt is cold and not dry –snow-cнег-қар7.They don’t eat me alone But cannot eat without me.What am I? -Salt,соль-тұзTeacher: That is all.Let’s count the points. Unfortunately, we must say good bye to our participants who have less points than others. Thank you for your participation.Next stage is called What do you know about these countries?On this board you see some questions about 3 countries:The USA,Great Britain, and Kazakhstan.About Kazakhstan.1.What is the symbolof freedom in Kazakhstan?-an eagle-20 points2.In what month is Kazakh New Year celebrated?-In March-30 points3.The oldest name of the capital of Kazakhstan.-Akmola, Tselingrad-40 points

About the USA1.Who is the 43-rd President of the USA?-G.Bush-20 points2.What oceans is the USA washed by?- The Atlantic and Pacific oceans-30 points3Who is discovered of the America?-Cr.Columb-40 points

About Great Britain1.What is the national emblem of England-rose-20 points2 How many countries Great Britain consists of?-3-England, Scotland, Wales-30 points3. What is the highest mountain in GB-Ben Nevis-40 points Teacher: That is all.Let’s count the points. Unfortunately, we must say good bye to our participants who have less points than others. Thank you for your participationNext stage is ‘’Who is the best?’’ In the envelops 2 letters A and B I will read 15 questions for each other. The letter AThe name of the fruit- appleThe river in the USA –AmazonkaThe name of the month—AprilA part of the body-ArmThe name of the school subject-AlgebraThe capital of Kazakhstan-AstanaOne of the oceans-Atlantic oceanThe famous Kazakh writer-AbaiA funny story-AnecdoteA mathematical term-AxiomThe first letter of the alphabet-AIt is dangerous for our health-alcoholWhat cannot we live without?-Air

The letter BA little child-BabyThe name of the fruit-BananaA part of the body-BackThe antonym to the word «good»-BadAn object in the classroom-blackboardA kind of the dance-BalletThe capital of Germany-BerlinThe name of the school subject-BiologyA lake in Kazakhstan-BalkashThe room where we sleep-bedroomAn important day for all of us which happens once every year-birthdayA colour-blackThe member of the family-brotherA clever friend of the man-book.

Teacher: Now I think its time to give a word to our judges. The our competition is over. Awarding with the certificate of the Leader of the English subject.Teacher: Thank you for your participation. Good-bye.

1.A little old woman with twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot .

2 The taecher writes on me with chalkMy face is black, I cannot talk

3.A blue sheet covers the whole world. What is it?

4.What is it: without hands and without feet, without a head or a body can open a door?

5 It is white, it is cold. We can skate on it. What is it?

6.It is blue by night, by day it is whiteIt is cold and not dry

7.They don’t eat me alone But cannot eat without me.What am I?

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