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" Present Continuous Tense "

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Урок английского языка по теме " Present Continuous Tense " в 6 классе по УМК ‘’ Messages 2’’ издательства Cambridge University Press
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03 Қаңтар 2018
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Урок английского языка по теме " Present Continuous Tense " в 6 классе по УМК ‘’ Messages 2’’ издательства Cambridge University Press

Учитель: Суюнгалиева А.Ж., СОШ имени Ы. Алтынсарина, Таскалинского района

Цель урока: формирование грамматических навыков по теме The Present Progressive Tense (утвердительная, вопросительная и отрицательная формы).

Задачи урока:

  1. Oрганизовать самостоятельную работу учащихся по формулированию правила употребления и образования Present Continuous Tense.

  2. Организовать тренировку в распознавании глаголов в Present ContinuousTense в услышанном и прочитанном тексте.

  3. Содействовать развитию произносительных навыков на основе чтения глаголов с окончанием -ing.

  4. Создать условия для тренировки в употреблении Present ContinuousTense (утвердительная и отрицательная форма) на основе различных упражнений.

  5. Стимулировать диалогическое высказывание в объеме двух реплик c целью употребления глаголов в Present Continuous.

Оснащение урока:

  • сюжетные картинки

  • диск с записью к УМК ‘’ Messages 2’’

  • компьютер, проектор, экран,

  • презентация, выполненная в программе Microsoft Power Point,

Тип урока: урок изучения новых знаний.

Ход урока

1. Organization moment

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

What season is it now?

What is the weather like today?

2. Phonetic drilling

1,2,3,4 I am standing on the floor

1,2,3,4 He is going to the door

1,2,3,4 You are washing the floor

1,2,3,4 We are painting the door.

3. Pronouncing the verbs with -ing ending using the pictures:

Standing, going, washing, painting, speaking, wearing, waiting, coming, talking, meeting.

4. Explaining the theme and the aims of the lesson

Theme of our lesson is Present Continuous. You know how to construct sentences Present Continuous. The main idea of our lesson is learning how to make up sentences and questions.

  1. Group work.

1 группа: должны выделить из грамматического справочника употребление Present Continuous и образование его утвердительной формы, привести примеры

2 группа: как образуется отрицательная форма в Present Continuous и привести примеры.

3 группа: как образуется вопросительная форма в Present Continuous и привести примеры

  1. Group work with the pictures:

1 group : to make up sentences using the next words running, eating, standing, singing, sleeping, riding a bike, drinking, speaking

2 group: put these sentences into the negative form:

They’re eating lunch. They’re taking a walk. He’s opening the door.

He’s watching TV.

3 group: ask general questions to these sentences: He’s skiing. They’re eating dinner. They’re playing a game. He’ s doing homework. He’s writing a letter.

  1. Writing. Put am, is, are into the sentences:

    1. I…. eating a cake now.

    2. Jane …. playing the computer.

    3. The children …. sleeping.

    4. Mike …. writing now.

    5. Kate dancing.

  1. The work with the book. Auding. Listening the dialogue from the tape- recorder. Ex 1 p. 52 track 38

  1. Reading the dialogue between Lisa and Finn.

      1. Finn! Where are you?

      2. I’m standing under the clock near platform four. What are you doing?

      3. I’m waiting for you, of course! I’m at the end of platform nine.

      4. OK. Stay there. Don’t move. I’m coming.

      5. Are you wearing a red T-shirt?

      6. Yes, I am.

      7. I can see you now.

      8. Hi, Lisa! Welcome to London.

  1. Listen and singing the Rap in ex 4 p. 53

Hey! Hey! I’m not smiling.

I’m waiting for my friends.

I’m sitting on the wall.

I’m listening to hip-hop.

I’m not smiling I’m bored.

Just watching all the people while they’re walking and they’re talking.

Hey! Hey! I’m not smiling.

She’s standing on the corner.

I don’t think that I know her.

She’s drinking cool cola.

Is she waiting for someone?

Hey! Hey! She’s looking at me.

Hey! Hey! She’s smiling at me.

Hey! I’m smiling now. ! I’m smiling now.

12 Listening and speaking. Match the conversations with the pictures Ex5 p. 53

Key: 1 –c 2- a 3- b

  1. The work with Work book. Ex 5 p.29

Real or a copy? The Gift by Pietro Doli

Answer: C

  1. Giving marks for the best pupils

  2. Home –task . Your home-task will be to do ex1-3 p.29 from Work book

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