Материалдар / “A football fairytale”
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“A football fairytale”

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
интересный и увлекательный материал для подготовки плана урока по английскому языку в 6 классе
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05 Ақпан 2019
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Сабақ / Занятие / LessonИностранный языкСабақты өткізу күні және топ:Дата проведения занятия и класс:__________________________ 6 «Б» класс

Тақырыбы/Тема/Theme: “A football fairytale

Сабақтың мақсаты/Цель занятия/Objectives:the pupils will be able to:Develop their skills and habits in hearing, speaking, reading and translating from Russian into English.1) practise in listening and reading.2)Translate the sentences3)Teach pupils to make simple sentences.4)securing a new topic.Нәтиже /Результат/Result : to develop the rate of speech , students learn new words and learn about football and sport, the European Cup.Негізгі ұғымдар/Основные понятия/Main ideas: The European Cup, football, sport, the Greek team.Сабақтың әдістемелік жағынан қамтамасыз етілуі/Методическое обеспечение/Aids: plan of the lesson, Work-books, blackboard, sets of cards forpupils ,Student’s-books, Russian - English Dictionary, English - Russian Dictionary.Сабақтың типі/Тип занятия/Lesson type: knowledge generalization.Сабақтың әдіс-тәсілдері/Методы и приемы/The Methods and acceptance: Explication, illustration, reproduction, investigation.

Сабақ жоспары / Планзанятия / The Procedure of the Lesson.I. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі. Организационный момент. Greetings.-Good morning, guys! Sit down, please.-I’m glad to see you.- Are you ready for the lesson? (Yes, I am. I am ready for the lesson.)- What day is it today? (It is Wednesday.)- What date is it today? -It’s very good, sit down please.- How many days are there in a week? What are they? ( There are seven days in a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sunday.)-What is the weather like today? ( It is warm and sunny. /It will be cold, windy and snowy.)Фон.зарядка.- Now, we will read the tongue Twist. Let’s start.-Who wants to read?

II. Оқушылардың білімдерін тексеруПроверка знаний учащихся.-let' s check homework -What was your home task? -Ok, very good!

III. Жаңа материалды оқытуИзучение нового материала.- The theme of today's lesson: “A football fairytale

The European Cup- Write new words:the European Cup - Кубок Европыamazing - удивительноThe outsider - посторонний человекGreece - ГрецияPortugal - ПортугалияSpain ИспанияFrance - Францияthe Czech Republic - Чешская республикаthe local team – местная командаtournament – турнирscore – гол competition - соревнованиеПрезентация. - Оpen your Students-books at page 56. Exercise 1. Read and translate. And say what about is said in the text.. In the European Cup in 2004 an amazing happened. The outsider: Greece won the Cup. They beat Portugal, Spain, France and the Czech Republic and they become European champions. Many People called it’s a football fairytale: Let's read the fairytale from the beginning. Once upon a time, there was a boy called Angelos Charisteas. He was born on 9 th February 1980 in the village of Striminiko, near Serres, in the north of Greece. Angeles loved two things: sport and the bouzоuki. When Angelos was 16 he played football for the local team. He was tall and a very good header. One day, a trainer from the Aris team in Salonika saw Angelos and made him an offer: Would you like to play for our team?Of course” , Angelos said. It was a big step in his career. First he played for the second team. He was top scores, so he soon played for the first team.Since December 2004 he has played for the Dutch team Ajax. But the dream began when he played for the Greek team in the European Cup. Before the competition the newspapers said: “Greece has never won a game in the European tournament before!” “Greece haven't got any star players. They are 100:1 outsiders.” But during the competition, Angelos scored his first goal against Spain (1-1) and he scored the winning goal the game against France (1-0). The newspapers called him the “Angel of Greece”. Then, in the final game, Angelos scored the winning goal with a fantastic header: “We've beaten Portugal! We've won the European Cup. We are champions of Europe!” After Greece's victory, Angelos said: We came to Portugal to win one game. We've beaten the best teams in Europe and we've just won the Cup. It's amazing.”Exercise 2. Answer these questions. 1 Where was Angelos born? 2 What were his hobbies?3 Which teams has he played for?4 When did the ‘dream’ begin? 5 What did the newspapers say about Greece?6 Were Greece the ‘outsiders’?7 How many goals Angelos score in the European Cup?

IV. Тақырыптың негізі ұғымдарын бекіту бойынша жұмысРабота по закреплению основных понятий темы.

Физкультминутка. Видео.

Exercise 3. Complete the groups with these words from the text. * village * north * beat * career * trainer 1. town, city.2. south, east, west. 3. job occupation, won. 4. scorer, player footballer.5. win, lose, victory.

Exercise 4. Вставить пропущенные слова из текста.1. But the dream began when he played for ______________ in the European Cup.2.When Angelos was 16 he played football for______________.3. We came to ___________ to win one game.4. He was born on _______________ 1980 in the village of Striminiko.5. “Greece has never won a game in ____________ tournament before!”6. We are ___________ of Europe!7. He was top scores, so he soon played for__________.V. Үй тапсырмасын беруЗадание на дом.to learn new words and retell the text

Әдіскер Методист ______________ ____________ Наумова Р. Н баға/ оценка қолы/подпись

Оқытушы Преподаватель ______________ ____________ Жанахметова И.К баға/ оценка қолы/подпись

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